예제 #1
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Checks to see whether this instance is connected to the requested project. If so,
		/// attempts to do a restore using the specified restore settings.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="restoreSettings">The restore settings.</param>
		/// <returns>True if the project belonged to this instance and the restore was
		/// successful, false otherwise.</returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public bool HandleRestoreProjectRequest(FwRestoreProjectSettings restoreSettings)
			ProjectMatch isMyProject = FieldWorks.GetProjectMatchStatus(
				new ProjectId(restoreSettings.Settings.FullProjectPath, null));
			if (isMyProject != ProjectMatch.ItsMyProject)
				return false;

			return true;
예제 #2
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks to see whether this instance is connected to the requested project. If so,
        /// attempts to do a restore using the specified restore settings.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="restoreSettings">The restore settings.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the project belonged to this instance and the restore was
        /// successful, false otherwise.</returns>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public bool HandleRestoreProjectRequest(FwRestoreProjectSettings restoreSettings)
            ProjectMatch isMyProject = FieldWorks.GetProjectMatchStatus(
                new ProjectId(restoreSettings.Settings.FullProjectPath));

            if (isMyProject != ProjectMatch.ItsMyProject)

예제 #3
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Attempts to find another FieldWorks process that can handle a restore for the
		/// specified restore project settings.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="settings">The restore project settings.</param>
		/// <returns>True if another process was found and that process handled the restore,
		/// false otherwise</returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private static bool TryFindRestoreHandler(FwRestoreProjectSettings settings)
			return RunOnRemoteClients(kFwRemoteRequest, requestor =>
				// ENHANCE (TimS): We might want to do similar logic to TryFindExistingProcess to
				// wait for projects that are starting up.
				return requestor.HandleRestoreProjectRequest(settings);
예제 #4
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Backs up the project that is about to be restored.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="restoreSettings">The restore settings.</param>
		/// <param name="existingCache">The existing cache for the project to backup, or null
		/// to create a new cache for the project defined in the restore settings.</param>
		/// <param name="dialogOwner">A form that can be used as an owner for progress dialog/
		/// message box.</param>
		/// <returns><c>true</c> to indicate that it is okay to proceed with the restore;
		/// <c>false</c> to indicate that the backup failed and the user wasn't comfortable
		/// with just blindly going ahead with a restore that could potentially leave him in
		/// tears.</returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private static bool BackupProjectForRestore(FwRestoreProjectSettings restoreSettings,
			FdoCache existingCache, Form dialogOwner)
			using (var progressDlg = new ProgressDialogWithTask(dialogOwner))
				FdoCache cache = existingCache ?? FdoCache.CreateCacheFromExistingData(
					new ProjectId(restoreSettings.Settings.FullProjectPath, null),
					s_sWsUser, s_ui, FwDirectoryFinder.FdoDirectories, CreateFdoSettings(), progressDlg);

					var backupSettings = new BackupProjectSettings(cache, restoreSettings.Settings, FwDirectoryFinder.DefaultBackupDirectory);
					backupSettings.DestinationFolder = FwDirectoryFinder.DefaultBackupDirectory;
					backupSettings.AppAbbrev = restoreSettings.FwAppCommandLineAbbrev;

					var backupService = new ProjectBackupService(cache, backupSettings);
					string backupFile;
					if (!backupService.BackupProject(progressDlg, out backupFile))
						string msg = string.Format(FwCoreDlgs.FwCoreDlgs.ksCouldNotBackupSomeFiles, backupService.FailedFiles.ToString(", ", Path.GetFileName));
						if (MessageBox.Show(msg, FwCoreDlgs.FwCoreDlgs.ksWarning, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) != DialogResult.Yes)
				catch (FwBackupException e)
					if (MessageBox.Show(dialogOwner,
						string.Format(FwCoreDlgs.FwCoreDlgs.ksBackupErrorCreatingZipfile, e.ProjectName, e.Message) +
						Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + Properties.Resources.ksBackupErrorDuringRestore,
						FwCoreDlgs.FwCoreDlgs.ksBackupErrorCaption, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) ==
						return false;
					if (existingCache == null) // We created a new cache so we need to dispose of it
			return true;
예제 #5
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Restores from the backup specified in restoreSettings, replacing the current version
		/// of this project (requires restarting apps and the cache).
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="restoreSettings">The restore settings.</param>
		/// <param name="dialogOwner">A form that can be used as an owner for progress dialog/
		/// message box.</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private static void RestoreCurrentProject(FwRestoreProjectSettings restoreSettings,
			Form dialogOwner)
			// When we get here we can safely do the backup of the project because we either
			// have no cache (and no other process has this project open), or we are the
			// process that has this project open. (FWR-3344)
			if (restoreSettings.Settings.BackupOfExistingProjectRequested &&
				!BackupProjectForRestore(restoreSettings, Cache, dialogOwner))

			ExecuteWithAppsShutDown(restoreSettings.FwAppCommandLineAbbrev, () =>
				bool retry;
					retry = false;
						var restoreService = new ProjectRestoreService(restoreSettings.Settings, s_ui, FwDirectoryFinder.ConverterConsoleExe, FwDirectoryFinder.DbExe);
						Logger.WriteEvent("Restoring from " + restoreSettings.Settings.Backup.File);
						if (RestoreProjectDlg.HandleRestoreFileErrors(null, ResourceHelper.GetResourceString("ksRestoreFailed"),
							restoreSettings.Settings.Backup.File, () => DoRestore(restoreService)))
							s_LinkDirChangedTo = restoreService.LinkDirChangedTo;
							return s_projectId ??
								new ProjectId(ClientServerServices.Current.Local.IdForLocalProject(restoreSettings.Settings.ProjectName), null);
					catch (CannotConvertException e)
						MessageBoxUtils.Show(e.Message, ResourceHelper.GetResourceString("ksRestoreFailed"));
					catch (MissingOldFwException e)
						using (var dlg = new MissingOldFieldWorksDlg(restoreSettings.Settings,
							e.HaveOldFieldWorks, e.HaveFwSqlServer))
							retry = (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Retry);
					catch (FailedFwRestoreException e)
						MessageBoxUtils.Show(Properties.Resources.ksRestoringOldFwBackupFailed, Properties.Resources.ksFailed);
				while (retry);

				return null;
예제 #6
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Handles a request to restore a project. This method is thread safe.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="dialogOwner">A form that can be used as an owner for progress dialog/
		/// message box.</param>
		/// <param name="restoreSettings">The restore arguments.</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		internal static void HandleRestoreRequest(Form dialogOwner, FwRestoreProjectSettings restoreSettings)
			s_threadHelper.Invoke(() =>
				// Determine if we need to start a new process for the restore
				if (s_projectId != null && s_projectId.IsSameLocalProject(new ProjectId(restoreSettings.Settings.FullProjectPath, null)))
					// We need to invoke so that the mediator that processed the restore menu item
					// can be safely disposed of (and everything that it holds on to can be released).
					// If we don't do this, the memory held in the IdentityMap will stay around because
					// of remaining references.
					s_threadHelper.InvokeAsync(RestoreCurrentProject, restoreSettings, dialogOwner);
				else if (!TryFindRestoreHandler(restoreSettings))
					if (s_projectId == null)
						// No other FieldWorks process was running that could handle the request.
						// However, we don't know what project we are opening yet, so just use the
						// restored project as our project. (this happens if restoring from the
						// command-line)
						RestoreCurrentProject(restoreSettings, dialogOwner);
						// No other FieldWorks process was running that could handle the request, so
						// start a brand new process for the project.
						// Since we know that no other process are running on this project, we can
						// safely do a backup using a new cache. (FWR-3344)
						if (restoreSettings.Settings.BackupOfExistingProjectRequested &&
							!BackupProjectForRestore(restoreSettings, null, dialogOwner))

						RestoreProjectSettings settings = restoreSettings.Settings;
						// REVIEW: it might look strange to dispose the return value of OpenProjectWithNewProcess.
						// However, that is a Process that gets started, and it is ok to dispose that
						// right away if we don't work with the process object. It might be better
						// though to change the signature of OpenProjectWithNewProcess to return
						// a boolean.
						using (OpenProjectWithNewProcess((string)null, settings.ProjectName, null,
							"-" + FwAppArgs.kRestoreFile, settings.Backup.File,
							"-" + FwAppArgs.kRestoreOptions, settings.CommandLineOptions))
예제 #7
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Handles a request to restore a project. This method is thread safe.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="restoreSettings">The restore arguments.</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		internal static void HandleRestoreRequest(FwRestoreProjectSettings restoreSettings)
			HandleRestoreRequest(s_activeMainWnd as Form, restoreSettings);