예제 #1
        static int Main(string[] rgArgs)
            for (int i = 0; i < rgArgs.Length; ++i)
                if (rgArgs[i] == "-debug")
                    s_fDebug = true;
                else if (rgArgs[i] == "-autoclose")
                    s_fAutoClose = true;
                else if (rgArgs[i] == "-chars")
                    s_fMigrateChars = true;
            FwRegistryHelper.Initialize();             // needed to access proper registry values

            if (s_fMigrateChars && s_fDebug)
                MessageBox.Show("Warning: MigrateSqlDbs called with no-longer valid argument, '-chars'. Run 'UnicodeCharEditor -i' instead.");

            // TE-9422. If we had an older version of FW7 installed, ldml files are < verion 2, so will cause
            // a crash if we don't migrate the files to version 2 before opening a project with the current version.
            // TODO (WS_FIX): should we migrate all the way to version 3?
            string globalWsFolder = LcmFileHelper.OldGlobalWritingSystemStoreDirectory;
            var    globalMigrator = new LdmlInFolderWritingSystemRepositoryMigrator(globalWsFolder, NoteMigration, 2);


            using (var threadHelper = new ThreadHelper())
                using (var progressDlg = new ProgressDialogWithTask(threadHelper))
                    ImportFrom6_0 importer = new ImportFrom6_0(progressDlg, FwDirectoryFinder.ConverterConsoleExe, FwDirectoryFinder.DbExe, s_fDebug);
                    if (!importer.IsFwSqlServerInstalled())
                    string version;
                    if (!importer.IsValidOldFwInstalled(out version))
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(version) && version.CompareTo("5.4") < 0)
                            string launchesFlex = "0";
                            if (RegistryHelper.KeyExists(FwRegistryHelper.FieldWorksRegistryKey, "Language Explorer"))
                                using (RegistryKey keyFlex = FwRegistryHelper.FieldWorksRegistryKey.CreateSubKey("Language Explorer"))
                                    launchesFlex = keyFlex.GetValue("launches", "0") as string;
                            if (launchesFlex == "0")
                                FwRegistryHelper.FieldWorksRegistryKey.SetValue("MigrationTo7Needed", "true");
                            using (var dlg = new FWVersionTooOld(version))
                    List <string> projects = GetProjectList();
                    if (projects.Count > 0)
                        using (var migrateProjects = new MigrateProjects(importer, version, projects, s_fAutoClose))
                    else if (s_fDebug)
                        MessageBox.Show("No FieldWorks (SQL) projects were detected.", "DEBUG!");
예제 #2
		static int Main(string[] rgArgs)
			for (int i = 0; i < rgArgs.Length; ++i)
				if (rgArgs[i] == "-debug")
					s_fDebug = true;
				else if (rgArgs[i] == "-autoclose")
					s_fAutoClose = true;
				else if (rgArgs[i] == "-chars")
					s_fMigrateChars = true;
			RegistryHelper.ProductName = "FieldWorks";	// needed to access proper registry values

			if (s_fMigrateChars && s_fDebug)
				MessageBox.Show("Warning: MigrateSqlDbs called with no-longer valid argument, '-chars'. Run 'UnicodeCharEditor -i' instead.");

			// TE-9422. If we had an older version of FW7 installed, ldml files are < verion 2, so will cause
			// a crash if we don't migrate the files to version 2 before opening a project with the current version.
			string globalWsFolder = DirectoryFinder.GlobalWritingSystemStoreDirectory;
			var globalMigrator = new LdmlInFolderWritingSystemRepositoryMigrator(globalWsFolder, NoteMigration);

			using (var threadHelper = new ThreadHelper())
			using (var progressDlg = new ProgressDialogWithTask(threadHelper))
				ImportFrom6_0 importer = new ImportFrom6_0(progressDlg, FwDirectoryFinder.ConverterConsoleExe, FwDirectoryFinder.DbExe, s_fDebug);
				if (!importer.IsFwSqlServerInstalled())
					return -1;
				string version;
				if (!importer.IsValidOldFwInstalled(out version))
					if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(version) && version.CompareTo("5.4") < 0)
						string launchesFlex = "0";
						string launchesTE = "0";
						if (RegistryHelper.KeyExists(FwRegistryHelper.FieldWorksRegistryKey, "Language Explorer"))
							using (RegistryKey keyFlex = FwRegistryHelper.FieldWorksRegistryKey.CreateSubKey("Language Explorer"))
								launchesFlex = keyFlex.GetValue("launches", "0") as string;
						if (RegistryHelper.KeyExists(FwRegistryHelper.FieldWorksRegistryKey, FwSubKey.TE))
							using (RegistryKey keyTE = FwRegistryHelper.FieldWorksRegistryKey.CreateSubKey(FwSubKey.TE))
								launchesTE = keyTE.GetValue("launches", "0") as string;
						if (launchesFlex == "0" && launchesTE == "0")
							FwRegistryHelper.FieldWorksRegistryKey.SetValue("MigrationTo7Needed", "true");
						using (var dlg = new FWVersionTooOld(version))
					return -1;
				List<string> projects = GetProjectList();
				if (projects.Count > 0)
					using (var migrateProjects = new MigrateProjects(importer, version, projects, s_fAutoClose))
				else if (s_fDebug)
					MessageBox.Show("No FieldWorks (SQL) projects were detected.", "DEBUG!");
			return s_ReturnValue;