This class stores some bounds of an XML element stored inside a byte array.
예제 #1
        private static HashSet <string> GetOwnees(byte[] xmlBytes)
            var ownees       = new HashSet <string>();
            var ichEnd       = xmlBytes.Length;
            var objsurBounds = new ElementBounds(xmlBytes, s_tagsObjsur);

            while (objsurBounds.IsValid)
                var type = objsurBounds.GetAttributeValue(s_tAttr);
                if (type == "o")
                    var guid = objsurBounds.GetAttributeValue(s_guidAttr);
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(guid))
                objsurBounds.Reset(objsurBounds.EndTagOffset, ichEnd);
예제 #2
		internal static int GetEndOffset(byte[] xmlBytes)
			var baseBounds = new ElementBounds(xmlBytes, s_tagsCmBaseAnnotation);
			if (!baseBounds.IsValid)
				return 0;
			var offsetBounds = new ElementBounds(xmlBytes, s_tagsEndOffset,
				baseBounds.BeginTagOffset, baseBounds.EndTagOffset);
			if (!offsetBounds.IsValid)
				return 0;
			var val = offsetBounds.GetAttributeValue(s_valAttr);
			return String.IsNullOrEmpty(val) ? 0 : int.Parse(val);
예제 #3
		private static XElement GetOptionalComment(byte[] xmlBytes, string elementName)
			var annoBounds = new ElementBounds(xmlBytes, s_tagsCmAnnotation);
			var commentBounds = new ElementBounds(xmlBytes, s_tagsComment,
				annoBounds.BeginTagOffset, annoBounds.EndTagOffset);
			if (!commentBounds.IsValid)
				return null;
			return new XElement(elementName,
				GetAStrElements(xmlBytes, commentBounds.BeginTagOffset, commentBounds.EndTagOffset));
예제 #4
		private static List<XElement> GetAStrElements(byte[] xmlBytes, int ichMin, int ichLim)
			var retval = new List<XElement>();
			var astrBounds = new ElementBounds(xmlBytes, s_tagsAStr, ichMin, ichLim);
			while (astrBounds.IsValid)
				var astr = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(xmlBytes, astrBounds.BeginTagOffset, astrBounds.Length);
				var xAStr = XElement.Parse(astr);
				astrBounds.Reset(astrBounds.EndTagOffset, ichLim);
			return retval;
예제 #5
		private static HashSet<string> GetOwnees(byte[] xmlBytes)
			var ownees = new HashSet<string>();
			var ichEnd = xmlBytes.Length;
			var objsurBounds = new ElementBounds(xmlBytes, s_tagsObjsur);
			while (objsurBounds.IsValid)
				var type = objsurBounds.GetAttributeValue(s_tAttr);
				if (type == "o")
					var guid = objsurBounds.GetAttributeValue(s_guidAttr);
					if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(guid))
				objsurBounds.Reset(objsurBounds.EndTagOffset, ichEnd);
			return ownees;
예제 #6
		private static IEnumerable<XElement> ConvertCCAsAndAddCCRObjSurElements(
			IDomainObjectDTORepository dtoRepos,
			IDictionary<string, SortedList<int, byte[]>> paraToOldSegments,
			ICollection<KeyValuePair<byte[], XElement>> halfBakedCcwgItems,
			IDictionary<string, byte[]> oldCCAs,
			IDictionary<Guid, Guid> ccaGuidMap,
			List<string> objsurElementGuids,
			string owningCCRGuid)
			// 'retval' will be put into the new CCR of the caller as owning objsur elements.
			var retval = new List<XElement>(objsurElementGuids.Count());

			// Decide which class to convert the old CCA to:
			//	1. CmBaseAnnotations -> ConstChartTag
			//	2. CmIndirectAnnotation
			//		A. 1 (or more) CCRs in AppliesTo-> ConstChartClauseMarker
			//		B. 1 (only) CCA in AppliesTo -> ConstChartMovedTextMarker
			//		C. null AppliesTo -> ConstChartWordGroup
			//		D. 1 (or more) twfics (pfics?) -> ConstChartWordGroup
			const string kChangeMe = "CHANGEME";
			foreach (var oldCCAGuid in objsurElementGuids)
				var guidOldCCA = new Guid(oldCCAGuid);
				// Earlier 'SortOutMultipleXficBackRefs()' may have left a dangling reference.
				// If so, skip it.
				//XElement oldAnnElement;
				byte[] oldAnnElement;
				if (!oldCCAs.TryGetValue(oldCCAGuid, out oldAnnElement))
				//var oldAnnElement = oldCCAs[oldCCAGuid];
				// Leave it in, so we can get at its XElement, whenever needed.
				var guidNew = ccaGuidMap[guidOldCCA];
				var newGuid = guidNew.ToString().ToLowerInvariant();
				var newClassName = kChangeMe;
				// Collect up the inner class-level elements.
				var cmAnnotationBounds = new ElementBounds(oldAnnElement, s_tagsCmAnnotation);
				if (!cmAnnotationBounds.IsValid)
				// Fix FWR-2139 crash migrating because of missing InstanceOf
				// Skip chart annotation with no column reference.
				var guidInstanceOf = GetInstanceOfGuid(oldAnnElement);
				if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(guidInstanceOf))
				var mergesAfterElement = new XElement("MergesAfter", new XAttribute("val", "False"));
				var mergesBeforeElement = new XElement("MergesBefore", new XAttribute("val", "False"));
				// May be null.
				var compDetailsBounds = new ElementBounds(oldAnnElement, s_tagsCompDetails,
					cmAnnotationBounds.BeginTagOffset, cmAnnotationBounds.EndTagOffset);
				if (compDetailsBounds.IsValid)
					var uniBounds = new ElementBounds(oldAnnElement, s_tagsUni,
						compDetailsBounds.BeginTagOffset, compDetailsBounds.EndTagOffset);
					if (uniBounds.IsValid)
						// See if some optional stuff in 'oldCompDetailsElement' will change MergesAfter or MergesBefore.
						var mergeAfter = GetAttributeValue(oldAnnElement, s_mergeAfterAttr,
							uniBounds.BeginTagOffset, uniBounds.EndTagOffset);
						if (mergeAfter == "true")
							mergesAfterElement.Attribute("val").Value = "True";
						var mergeBefore = GetAttributeValue(oldAnnElement, s_mergeBeforeAttr,
							uniBounds.BeginTagOffset, uniBounds.EndTagOffset);
						if (mergeBefore == "true")
							mergesBeforeElement.Attribute("val").Value = "True";
				// Reset the Name and add other elements really soon now,
				// depending on which subclass of ConstituentChartCellPart is used.
				var newSpecificClassElement = new XElement(newClassName);
				var newClassAttr = new XAttribute("class", newClassName);
				var newCCAElement = new XElement("rt",
					new XAttribute("guid", newGuid),
					new XAttribute("ownerguid", owningCCRGuid),
					new XElement("CmObject"),
					new XElement("ConstituentChartCellPart",
						new XElement("Column",
							new XElement("objsur",
								new XAttribute("t", "r"),
								new XAttribute("guid", guidInstanceOf))),

				var classValue = GetClassValue(oldAnnElement);
				switch (classValue)
						throw new InvalidOperationException("Unrecognized annotation class used as CCA.");
					case "CmBaseAnnotation":
						// #1.
						newClassName = "ConstChartTag";
						newSpecificClassElement.Name = newClassName;
						newClassAttr.Value = newClassName;
						// Tag is atomic ref.
						var guidBeginObject = GetBeginObjectGuid(oldAnnElement);
						if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(guidBeginObject))
								new XElement("Tag",
									new XElement("objsur",
										new XAttribute("t", "r"),
										new XAttribute("guid", guidBeginObject))));
					case "CmIndirectAnnotation":
						// #2.
						// Get the optional 'AppliesTo' element.
						var refsFromAppliesTo = GetAppliesToObjsurGuids(oldAnnElement);
						if (refsFromAppliesTo == null || refsFromAppliesTo.Count == 0)
							// 2.C
							newClassName = "ConstChartWordGroup";
							newSpecificClassElement.Name = newClassName;
							newClassAttr.Value = newClassName;
							// BeginSegment & EndSegment are to be null, so leave them out altogether.
							// BeginAnalysisIndex & EndAnalysisIndex are both -1.
							// Note: This is actually wrong; this should be a ConstChartTag with no Tag
							//    But it gets fixed in DM7000013.
							newSpecificClassElement.Add(new XElement("BeginAnalysisIndex", new XAttribute("val", "-1")));
							newSpecificClassElement.Add(new XElement("EndAnalysisIndex", new XAttribute("val", "-1")));
							// Get the class of the first (or only) objsur.
							var currentRefGuid = refsFromAppliesTo[0];
							var currentInnerTarget = oldCCAs[refsFromAppliesTo[0]];
							switch (GetAnnotationTypeGuid(currentInnerTarget))
									throw new InvalidOperationException("Unrecognized annotation type for CCA.");
								case DataMigrationServices.kConstituentChartRowAnnDefnGuid:
									// One, or more, CCRs.
									// 2.A
									newClassName = "ConstChartClauseMarker";
									newSpecificClassElement.Name = newClassName;
									newClassAttr.Value = newClassName;
									var dependentClausesElement = new XElement("DependentClauses");
									foreach (var guid in refsFromAppliesTo)
										// DependentClauses is ref. seq. prop.
												ccaGuidMap[new Guid(guid)].ToString().ToLowerInvariant()));
								case DataMigrationServices.kConstituentChartAnnotationAnnDefnGuid:
									// Single CCA.
									// 2.B
									newClassName = "ConstChartMovedTextMarker";
									newSpecificClassElement.Name = newClassName;
									newClassAttr.Value = newClassName;
									// WordGroup - Get new guid from cca guid map using old CCA guid.
									newSpecificClassElement.Add(new XElement("WordGroup",
										DataMigrationServices.CreateReferenceObjSurElement(ccaGuidMap[new Guid(currentRefGuid)].ToString().ToLowerInvariant())));
									// Preposed - Boolean.
									// The data migration for the Preposed boolean is simple.
									// If the old Marker's Comment property contains a string "<<" then it's true,
									// false otherwise.
									newSpecificClassElement.Add(new XElement("Preposed",
										new XAttribute("val",
												cmAnnotationBounds.BeginTagOffset, cmAnnotationBounds.EndTagOffset))));
								case DataMigrationServices.kPficAnnDefnGuid: // Fall through.
								case DataMigrationServices.kTwficAnnDefnGuid:
									// One, or more, twfics/pfics
									// These all go into halfBakedCcwgItems,
									// and will be finished when Segments and xfics are finished.

									// NB: While there may be multiple xfics,
									// only the first and last are stored in the two indices.
									var firstXficGuid = currentRefGuid;
									var lastXficGuid = refsFromAppliesTo[refsFromAppliesTo.Count - 1];
									var firstXficInnerAnnElement = XElement.Parse(dtoRepos.GetDTO(firstXficGuid).Xml).Element("CmBaseAnnotation");
									// Gotta make sure the xfics and segments are in the same paragraph.
									var paraGuid = GetGuid(firstXficInnerAnnElement.Element("BeginObject").Element("objsur"));
									var beginOffsetElement = firstXficInnerAnnElement.Element("BeginOffset");
									var firstXfixBeginOffset = beginOffsetElement == null ? 0 : int.Parse(beginOffsetElement.Attribute("val").Value);
									var newSegmentGuid = kChangeMe;

										foreach (var kvp in paraToOldSegments[paraGuid].TakeWhile(kvp => kvp.Key <= firstXfixBeginOffset))
											// Found the right segment, so get its new segment guid.
											newSegmentGuid = ccaGuidMap[new Guid(GetGuid(kvp.Value))].ToString().ToLowerInvariant();
									catch (KeyNotFoundException)
										// Upon finding an orphaned chart cell with an invalid paragraph, skip it.
									if (newSegmentGuid == kChangeMe)
										// We might have some segments (better check), but there are xfics that aren't
										// covered by a segment, so try to recover the broken data, as much as possible.
										newSegmentGuid = AddExtraInitialSegment(paraGuid, ccaGuidMap, paraToOldSegments);

									halfBakedCcwgItems.Add(new KeyValuePair<byte[], XElement>(oldAnnElement, newCCAElement));
									newClassName = "ConstChartWordGroup";
									newSpecificClassElement.Name = newClassName;
									newClassAttr.Value = newClassName;
									newSpecificClassElement.Add(new XElement("BeginSegment",
									newSpecificClassElement.Add(new XElement("EndSegment",
									// For now, just store the guid of the first xfic.
									// It's the wrong data type, but xml won't care,
									// and, they will get changed later on.
									newSpecificClassElement.Add(new XElement("BeginAnalysisIndex",
										new XAttribute("val", firstXficGuid)));
									// For now, just store the guid of the last xfic.
									// It's the wrong data type, but xml won't care,
									// and, they will get changed later on.
									newSpecificClassElement.Add(new XElement("EndAnalysisIndex",
										new XAttribute("val", lastXficGuid)));

				// Create new owning objSur Element.

				// Add newly converted CCA to repos.
				dtoRepos.Add(new DomainObjectDTO(newGuid, newClassName, newCCAElement.ToString()));

			return retval;
예제 #7
		private static bool EnsurePficHasInstanceOf(
			IDomainObjectDTORepository dtoRepos,
			DomainObjectDTO dtoPfic,
			IDictionary<string, DomainObjectDTO> newPunctForms)
			var pficElement = dtoPfic.XmlBytes;
		<Run ws="eZPI">Ne Wlalo lo San Juan. </Run>
		<Run ws="es">Otras cosas.</Run>
			// Find relevant paragraph from BeginObject property of 'pficElement'.
			var paraDto = dtoRepos.GetDTO(GetBeginObjectGuid(pficElement));
			var beginOffset = GetBeginOffset(pficElement);
			var endOffset = GetEndOffset(pficElement);

			if (beginOffset > endOffset)
				// Bad begin or end offset.
				MarkParaAsNeedingTokenization(dtoRepos, paraDto);
				return false;
			if (beginOffset < 0)
				// Bad begin offset.
				MarkParaAsNeedingTokenization(dtoRepos, paraDto);
				return false;
			// Concatenate data from all runs.
			List<string> writingSystems;
			var runs = GetParagraphContentRuns(paraDto.XmlBytes, out writingSystems);
			Debug.Assert(runs.Count == writingSystems.Count);
			var bldr = new StringBuilder();
			for (int i = 0; i < runs.Count; ++i)
			var fullParaContents = Icu.Normalize(bldr.ToString(), Icu.UNormalizationMode.UNORM_NFD);
			if (endOffset > fullParaContents.Length)
				// Total string is too short (end offset beyond end of string).
				MarkParaAsNeedingTokenization(dtoRepos, paraDto);
				return false;
			// Find the form of the punctuation mark.
			var newForm = fullParaContents.Substring(beginOffset, endOffset - beginOffset);
			if (newForm == String.Empty)
				// No punctuation form at all.
				MarkParaAsNeedingTokenization(dtoRepos, paraDto);
				return false;
			var icuLocale = String.Empty;
			// Find the ws's IcuLocale at the begin offset in whichever run it is in.
			var currentTotalLength = 0;
			for (var i = 0; i < runs.Count; ++i)
				var currentRunText = Icu.Normalize(runs[i], Icu.UNormalizationMode.UNORM_NFD);
				currentTotalLength += currentRunText.Length;
				if (beginOffset >= currentTotalLength)
					continue; // Not in this run.

				if (endOffset > currentTotalLength)
					// It starts in one run and ends in another, so bail out.
					MarkParaAsNeedingTokenization(dtoRepos, paraDto);
					return false;
				// It's all in this run, so quit looking at runs.
				icuLocale = writingSystems[i];

			if (icuLocale == String.Empty)
				// Hard to say how we can get here, but something is very wrong.
				MarkParaAsNeedingTokenization(dtoRepos, paraDto);
				return false;

			// If the new PF is all in one run, and we have its IcuLocale,
			// then make the new PF object, and return true.
			// Find/Create PunctuationForm object that has a Form in the matching IcuLocale & matching string.
			var key = icuLocale + "-" + newForm;
			DomainObjectDTO dtoMatchingPf;
			if (!newPunctForms.TryGetValue(key, out dtoMatchingPf))
				// Create new PunctuationForm dto.
				var newPunctFormGuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().ToLower();
				const string className = "PunctuationForm";
				var newPfElement = new XElement("rt",
					new XAttribute("class", className),
					new XAttribute("guid", newPunctFormGuid),
					new XElement("CmObject"),
					new XElement("PunctuationForm",
						new XElement("Form",
							new XElement("Str",
								new XElement("Run", new XAttribute("ws", icuLocale), newForm)))));
				dtoMatchingPf = new DomainObjectDTO(newPunctFormGuid, className, newPfElement.ToString());
				// Add new PunctuationForm to dtoRepos.
				// Add new PunctuationForm to newPunctForms.
				newPunctForms.Add(key, dtoMatchingPf);

			// Assign InstanceOf for pficElement to matching PunctuationForm object.
			// NB: No need to mess with registering it as modified,
			// since it gets deleted anyway later on.
			var innerBounds = new ElementBounds(pficElement, s_tagsCmAnnotation);
			var pficBytes = new List<byte>(pficElement);
			var instanceOf = String.Format("<InstanceOf>{1}{0}{1}</InstanceOf>{1}",
				DataMigrationServices.CreateReferenceObjSurElement(dtoMatchingPf.Guid), Environment.NewLine);
			pficBytes.InsertRange(innerBounds.EndTagOffset, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(instanceOf));
			dtoPfic.XmlBytes = pficBytes.ToArray();
			return true;
예제 #8
		private static List<KeyValuePair<byte[], XElement>> ProcessDiscourseData(IDomainObjectDTORepository dtoRepos,
			IDictionary<string, SortedList<int, byte[]>> paraToOldSegments,
			IEnumerable<byte[]> oldCCRs,
			IDictionary<string, byte[]> oldCCAs,
			IDictionary<Guid, Guid> ccaGuidMap) // Key is old CCA guid. Value is new CCA guid.
			// Make a mapping between old CCA anns and new ConstChartWordGroup objects (both XElements),
			// which are the ones where the old ann had twfics in AppliesTo.
			// These will be fed into the code that converts the twfics,
			// so as to have access to the right conversion context
			// (i.e., be able to get at the Segment and start/end indices for the twfics).
			var halfBakedCcwgItems = new List<KeyValuePair<byte[], XElement>>();

			// Map between old CCR ann guid and new CCR guid, so code in here can keep track of them.
			// Key is the original CCR guid. Value is the new CCR guid.
			//var ccrRowsGuidMap = new Dictionary<string, string>();
			// Key is the new CCR guid. Value is the guid of its new owning chart.
			var ccrOwnerGuidMap = new Dictionary<Guid, Guid>();

			// Migrate the DsConstChart(s).
			foreach (var chartDto in dtoRepos.AllInstancesSansSubclasses("DsConstChart"))
				var chartElement = XElement.Parse(chartDto.Xml);

				foreach (var objsurElement in chartElement.Element("DsConstChart").Elements("Rows").Elements("objsur"))
					// Change to owning.
					objsurElement.Attribute("t").Value = "o";

					// Change the guid.
					var guidAttr = objsurElement.Attribute("guid");
					var newCCRGuid = ccaGuidMap[new Guid(guidAttr.Value)];
					// Remember the owner guid (Chart) for the new CCR guid.
					// Key is the new guid for the new CCR.
					// Value is the owning chart.
					ccrOwnerGuidMap.Add(newCCRGuid, new Guid(chartDto.Guid));
					guidAttr.Value = newCCRGuid.ToString().ToLowerInvariant();

				// Tell dto repos of the modification of the chart.
				chartDto.Xml = chartElement.ToString();

			// Migrate the CCR and CCA annotations.
			foreach (var oldCCR in oldCCRs)
				// Collect up the inner class-level elements.
				var cmAnnotationBounds = new ElementBounds(oldCCR, s_tagsCmAnnotation);
				// May be null.
				var oldCompDetailsBounds = new ElementBounds(oldCCR, s_tagsCompDetails,
					cmAnnotationBounds.BeginTagOffset, cmAnnotationBounds.EndTagOffset);
				var oldTextBounds = new ElementBounds(oldCCR, s_tagsText,
					cmAnnotationBounds.BeginTagOffset, cmAnnotationBounds.EndTagOffset);
				// oldCommentBounds is unused. Hopefully by design?!
				//var oldCommentBounds = new ElementBounds(oldCCR, s_tagsComment,
				//    cmAnnotationBounds.BeginTagOffset, cmAnnotationBounds.EndTagOffset);
				// May be null, or at least have no 'objsur' elements.
				var refsFromAppliesTo = GetAppliesToObjsurGuids(oldCCR);

				// Try to make a Notes element. It may be null.
				XElement notesElement = null;
				if (oldTextBounds.IsValid)
					// Get the StText dto and element.
					var stTextGuid = GetObjsurGuid(oldCCR, oldTextBounds.BeginTagOffset, oldTextBounds.EndTagOffset);
					if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(stTextGuid))
						var stTextDto = dtoRepos.GetDTO(stTextGuid);
						var stTextBounds = new ElementBounds(stTextDto.XmlBytes, s_tagsStText);
						var paragraphsBounds = new ElementBounds(stTextDto.XmlBytes, s_tagsParagraphs,
							stTextBounds.BeginTagOffset, stTextBounds.EndTagOffset);
						// See if stTextElement has any paras (StTxtPara)
						if (paragraphsBounds.IsValid)
							// Get the first para.
							var firstParaGuid = GetObjsurGuid(stTextDto.XmlBytes,
								paragraphsBounds.BeginTagOffset, paragraphsBounds.EndTagOffset);
							if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(firstParaGuid))
								var firstParaDto = dtoRepos.GetDTO(firstParaGuid);
								var stTxtParaBounds = new ElementBounds(firstParaDto.XmlBytes,
								var contentsBounds = new ElementBounds(firstParaDto.XmlBytes,
									stTxtParaBounds.BeginTagOffset, stTxtParaBounds.EndTagOffset);
								var strBounds = new ElementBounds(firstParaDto.XmlBytes, s_tagsStr,
									contentsBounds.BeginTagOffset, contentsBounds.EndTagOffset);
								// See if it has any Contents.
								if (strBounds.IsValid)
									// Move the Contents into a new Notes element.
									notesElement = new XElement("Notes",
											strBounds.BeginTagOffset, strBounds.Length)));

				// Deal with 'ClauseType' property.
				var clauseTypeElement = new XElement("ClauseType",
					new XAttribute("val", "0"));
				// Deal with 'ClauseType' property.
				var endParagraphElement = new XElement("EndParagraph",
					new XAttribute("val", "False"));
				// Deal with 'ClauseType' property.
				var endSentenceElement = new XElement("EndSentence",
					new XAttribute("val", "False"));
				// Deal with 'ClauseType' property.
				var startDependentClauseGroupElement = new XElement("StartDependentClauseGroup",
					new XAttribute("val", "False"));
				// Deal with 'ClauseType' property.
				var endDependentClauseGroupElement = new XElement("EndDependentClauseGroup",
					new XAttribute("val", "False"));
				// See if some optional stuff in 'oldCompDetailsElement' will change it.
				var uniBounds = new ElementBounds(oldCCR, s_tagsUni,
					oldCompDetailsBounds.BeginTagOffset, oldCompDetailsBounds.EndTagOffset);
				if (uniBounds.IsValid)
					// Turn its pseudo-xml string content into a real XElement.
					// It's string won't have angle brackets, so turn the entities into '<' and '>'
					// <CompDetails><Uni>&lt;ccinfo endSent="true"/&gt;</Uni></CompDetails>
					var ichMin = uniBounds.BeginTagOffset + s_tagsUni.BeginTag.Length;
					var ichLim = uniBounds.EndTagOffset;
					var cch = ichLim - ichMin;
					var details = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(oldCCR, ichMin, cch);
					if (details.Contains("&"))
						details = XmlUtils.DecodeXmlAttribute(details);
					var compDetailsElement = XElement.Parse(details);
					var optionalAttr = compDetailsElement.Attribute("dependent");
					var foundOverride = false;
					if (optionalAttr != null && optionalAttr.Value.ToLower() == "true")
						clauseTypeElement.Attribute("val").Value = "1";
						foundOverride = true;
					optionalAttr = compDetailsElement.Attribute("song");
					if (!foundOverride && optionalAttr != null && optionalAttr.Value.ToLower() == "true")
						clauseTypeElement.Attribute("val").Value = "2";
						foundOverride = true;
					optionalAttr = compDetailsElement.Attribute("speech");
					if (!foundOverride && optionalAttr != null && optionalAttr.Value.ToLower() == "true")
						clauseTypeElement.Attribute("val").Value = "3";
					// No more ClauseType attrs.
					// Move on to the other four optional boolean attrs.
					optionalAttr = compDetailsElement.Attribute("endSent");
					if (optionalAttr != null && optionalAttr.Value.ToLower() == "true")
						endSentenceElement.Attribute("val").Value = "True";

					optionalAttr = compDetailsElement.Attribute("endPara");
					if (optionalAttr != null && optionalAttr.Value.ToLower() == "true")
						endParagraphElement.Attribute("val").Value = "True";

					optionalAttr = compDetailsElement.Attribute("firstDep");
					if (optionalAttr != null && optionalAttr.Value.ToLower() == "true")
						startDependentClauseGroupElement.Attribute("val").Value = "True";

					optionalAttr = compDetailsElement.Attribute("endDep");
					if (optionalAttr != null && optionalAttr.Value.ToLower() == "true")
						endDependentClauseGroupElement.Attribute("val").Value = "True";

				// Required 'Label' prop, which comes from the old 'Comment'
				// May be null, or at least have no 'objsur' elements.
				var enAltBounds = GetEnglishCommentBounds(oldCCR,
					cmAnnotationBounds.BeginTagOffset, cmAnnotationBounds.EndTagOffset);
				var enAlt = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(oldCCR, enAltBounds.BeginTagOffset, enAltBounds.Length);
				var enAltElement = XElement.Parse(enAlt);
				// Convert it to "Str" element with no "ws" attr.
				enAltElement.Name = "Str";

				// Create new ConstChartRow class (XElement & DTO).
				var oldGuid = GetGuid(oldCCR);
				var newGuid = ccaGuidMap[new Guid(oldGuid)];
				var owningGuid = ccrOwnerGuidMap[newGuid];
				const string className = "ConstChartRow";
				var newCCRElement = new XElement("rt",
					new XAttribute("class", className),
					new XAttribute("guid", newGuid),
					new XAttribute("ownerguid", owningGuid),
					new XElement("CmObject"),
					new XElement(className,
						notesElement, // May be null.
						new XElement("Label", enAltElement),
							halfBakedCcwgItems, refsFromAppliesTo, oldCCAs, ccaGuidMap, newGuid.ToString().ToLowerInvariant())));

				// Add DTO to repos.
				dtoRepos.Add(new DomainObjectDTO(newGuid.ToString().ToLowerInvariant(), className, newCCRElement.ToString()));

			return halfBakedCcwgItems;
예제 #9
		private static void RemoveMismatchedAppliesToRefs(byte[] xmlBytes, ICollection<string> appliesToGuids)
			var cmIndirectBounds = new ElementBounds(xmlBytes, s_tagsCmIndirect);
			if (!cmIndirectBounds.IsValid)
			var appliesToBounds = new ElementBounds(xmlBytes, s_tagsAppliesTo,
				cmIndirectBounds.BeginTagOffset, cmIndirectBounds.EndTagOffset);
			if (!appliesToBounds.IsValid)
			var objsurBounds = new ElementBounds(xmlBytes, s_tagsObjsur,
				appliesToBounds.BeginTagOffset, appliesToBounds.EndTagOffset);
			while (objsurBounds.IsValid)
				var ichMin = objsurBounds.BeginTagOffset;
				var guid = objsurBounds.GetAttributeValue(s_guidAttr);
				if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(guid))
					guid = guid.ToLowerInvariant();
				objsurBounds.Reset(objsurBounds.EndTagOffset, appliesToBounds.EndTagOffset);
				if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(guid) && !appliesToGuids.Contains(guid))
					var ichLim = objsurBounds.BeginTagOffset;
					if (ichLim < 0)
						ichLim = appliesToBounds.EndTagOffset;
					// Remove the <objsur> element by overwriting it with spaces.
					for (var i = ichMin; i < ichLim; ++i)
						xmlBytes[i] = 0x20;
예제 #10
		private static string GetAnnotationTypeGuid(byte[] xmlBytes)
			var cmAnnotationBounds = new ElementBounds(xmlBytes, s_tagsCmAnnotation);
			if (!cmAnnotationBounds.IsValid)
				return null;
			var annotationTypeBounds = new ElementBounds(xmlBytes, s_tagsAnnotationType,
				cmAnnotationBounds.BeginTagOffset, cmAnnotationBounds.EndTagOffset);
			if (!annotationTypeBounds.IsValid)
				return null;
			return GetObjsurGuid(xmlBytes, annotationTypeBounds.BeginTagOffset, annotationTypeBounds.EndTagOffset);
예제 #11
		private static List<string> GetParagraphContentRuns(byte[] xmlStTxtPara, out List<string> writingSystems)
			var retval = new List<string>();
			writingSystems = new List<string>();
			var stTxtParaBounds = new ElementBounds(xmlStTxtPara, s_tagsStTxtPara);
			var contentsBounds = new ElementBounds(xmlStTxtPara, s_tagsContents,
				stTxtParaBounds.BeginTagOffset, stTxtParaBounds.EndTagOffset);
			var strBounds = new ElementBounds(xmlStTxtPara, s_tagsStr,
				contentsBounds.BeginTagOffset, contentsBounds.EndTagOffset);
			if (!strBounds.IsValid)
				return retval;
			var runBounds = new ElementBounds(xmlStTxtPara, s_tagsRun,
				strBounds.BeginTagOffset, strBounds.EndTagOffset);
			while (runBounds.IsValid)
				var ws = runBounds.GetAttributeValue(s_wsAttr);
				var ichText = runBounds.EndOfStartTag + 1;	// move past the >
				var runText = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(xmlStTxtPara, ichText, runBounds.EndTagOffset - ichText);
				runBounds.Reset(runBounds.EndTagOffset, contentsBounds.EndTagOffset);
			return retval;
예제 #12
		private static void ProcessParagraphs(
			IDomainObjectDTORepository dtoRepos,
			IDictionary<string, byte[]> oldCCAs,
			IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<byte[], XElement>> halfBakedCcwgItems,
			IDictionary<string, SortedList<int, byte[]>> paraToOldSegments,
			IDictionary<string, SortedList<int, byte[]>> paraToOldXfics,
			IDictionary<Guid, Guid> ccaGuidMap,
			ICollection<byte[]> oldTextTags,
			Dictionary<string, List<byte[]>> freeTrans,
			Dictionary<string, List<byte[]>> litTrans,
			Dictionary<string, List<byte[]>> notes)
			var dtos = dtoRepos.AllInstancesWithSubclasses("StTxtPara");
			//var count = dtos.Count();
			//var num = 0;
			//var cpara = 0;
			foreach (var currentParaDto in dtos)
				// If it has no contents, then skip it.
				var stTxtParaBounds = new ElementBounds(currentParaDto.XmlBytes, s_tagsStTxtPara);
				if (!stTxtParaBounds.IsValid)
				var contentsBounds = new ElementBounds(currentParaDto.XmlBytes, s_tagsContents,
					stTxtParaBounds.BeginTagOffset, stTxtParaBounds.EndTagOffset);
				if (!contentsBounds.IsValid)

				// Mark the paragraph as needing retokenization.
				MarkParaAsNeedingTokenization(dtoRepos, currentParaDto);

				var currentParaGuid = currentParaDto.Guid.ToLower();
				SortedList<int, byte[]> xficsForCurrentPara;
				paraToOldXfics.TryGetValue(currentParaGuid, out xficsForCurrentPara);

				SortedList<int, byte[]> segsForCurrentPara;
				if (!paraToOldSegments.TryGetValue(currentParaGuid, out segsForCurrentPara)
					&& xficsForCurrentPara != null
					&& xficsForCurrentPara.Count > 0)
					// We have no segments at all, but there are xfics, so try to recover the broken data,
					// as much as possible.
					// Need to create a new old segment XElement (not dto), to try and and keep old data.
					var guidBrandNewSeg = Guid.NewGuid();
					var brandNewSegGuid = guidBrandNewSeg.ToString().ToLower();
					ccaGuidMap.Add(guidBrandNewSeg, guidBrandNewSeg);
					segsForCurrentPara = new SortedList<int, byte[]>();
					paraToOldSegments.Add(currentParaGuid, segsForCurrentPara);
					var bldr = new StringBuilder();
					bldr.AppendFormat("<rt guid=\"{0}\"", brandNewSegGuid);
					bldr.Append("<BeginOffset val=\"0\"/>");
					bldr.AppendFormat("<EndOffset val=\"{0}\"/>", int.MaxValue);
					segsForCurrentPara.Add(0, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(bldr.ToString()));

				// If the para has no segs or xfics, skip the following work.
				if (segsForCurrentPara == null)

				if (xficsForCurrentPara != null && xficsForCurrentPara.Count > 0 && segsForCurrentPara.Count > 0)
					// We have both segments and xfics. Check for odd case (like FWR-3081)
					// where the first segment starts AFTER the first xfic, and add a new
					// segment that covers the text up to the first current segment.
					if (xficsForCurrentPara.First().Key < segsForCurrentPara.First().Key)
						AddExtraInitialSegment(currentParaGuid, ccaGuidMap, paraToOldSegments);
				var halfBakedCcwgItemsForCurrentPara = new List<KeyValuePair<byte[], XElement>>();
				List<string> writingSystems;
				var runs = GetParagraphContentRuns(currentParaDto.XmlBytes, out writingSystems);
				// We may well have segments with no xfics, for example, Scripture that has segmented BT.
				if (xficsForCurrentPara != null)

					// Since pfics/wfics were 'optional' and usually not maintained in the db,
					// we need to make sure there is a dummy one in xficsForCurrentPara
					// in order to get the correct Begin/EndAnalysisIndex for chart and tagging objects
					// It turns out we don't need to worry about ws and exact begin/end character offsets.
					// All we need to end up with correct indices is the correct NUMBER of xfics.
					var context = new ParagraphContext(currentParaGuid, xficsForCurrentPara);
					EnsureAllXfics(runs, context);

					// Find any 'halfbaked' items for the current paragraph.
					// Get the para for the first objsur's guid (some twfic ann),
					// in the CmIndirectAnnotation's AppliesTo prop.
					foreach (var kvp in halfBakedCcwgItems)
						var refs = GetAppliesToObjsurGuids(kvp.Key);
						if (refs == null || refs.Count == 0)
						var guid = refs[0];
						var dto = dtoRepos.GetDTO(guid);
						var guidBegin = GetBeginObjectGuid(dto.XmlBytes);
						if (guidBegin == currentParaGuid)
				var bldrSegmentsElement = new StringBuilder();
				var numberOfOldSegmentsInCurrentPara = segsForCurrentPara.Values.Count;
				var currentOldSegmentIdx = 1;
				foreach (var currentOldSegInCurrentPara in segsForCurrentPara.Values)
					var isLastOldSegment = (currentOldSegmentIdx++ == numberOfOldSegmentsInCurrentPara);
					var oldSegGuid = GetGuid(currentOldSegInCurrentPara);
					var guidOldSeg = new Guid(oldSegGuid);
					var newSegGuid = ccaGuidMap[guidOldSeg].ToString().ToLowerInvariant();
					// Add it to Segments prop of currentParaElement,
					var objsur = DataMigrationServices.CreateOwningObjSurElement(newSegGuid);

					// Create new XElement for new segment.
					var newSegmentElement =
						new XElement("rt",
							new XAttribute("class", "Segment"),
							new XAttribute("guid", newSegGuid),
							new XAttribute("ownerguid", currentParaDto.Guid.ToLower()),
							new XElement("CmObject"),
							new XElement("Segment",
								AddFreeTranslation(oldSegGuid, freeTrans),
								AddLiteralTranslation(oldSegGuid, litTrans),
								AddNotes(dtoRepos, newSegGuid, oldSegGuid, notes),
					newSegmentElement = DeleteTemporaryAnalyses(newSegmentElement);
					// Create a new Segment instance DTO from the 'newSegmentElement',
					// and add it to repos.
					var newSegDto = new DomainObjectDTO(newSegGuid, "Segment", newSegmentElement.ToString());


				if (bldrSegmentsElement.Length == 0)
				bldrSegmentsElement.Insert(0, "<Segments>");

				// Add paraSegmentsElement to current para.
				var segBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(bldrSegmentsElement.ToString());
				var xmlNew = new List<byte>(currentParaDto.XmlBytes.Length + segBytes.Length);
				stTxtParaBounds = new ElementBounds(currentParaDto.XmlBytes, s_tagsStTxtPara);
				xmlNew.InsertRange(stTxtParaBounds.EndTagOffset, segBytes);
				// Tell DTO repos about the modification.
				DataMigrationServices.UpdateDTO(dtoRepos, currentParaDto, xmlNew.ToArray());
예제 #13
		private static string GetInstanceOfGuid(byte[] element)
			var cmAnnotationBounds = new ElementBounds(element, s_tagsCmAnnotation);
			if (!cmAnnotationBounds.IsValid)
				return null;
			var instanceOfBounds = new ElementBounds(element, s_tagsInstanceOf,
				cmAnnotationBounds.BeginTagOffset, cmAnnotationBounds.EndTagOffset);
			if (!instanceOfBounds.IsValid)
				return null;
			return GetObjsurGuid(element, instanceOfBounds.BeginTagOffset, instanceOfBounds.EndTagOffset);
예제 #14
		private static string GetBeginObjectGuid(byte[] xmlBytes)
			var baseBounds = new ElementBounds(xmlBytes, s_tagsCmBaseAnnotation);
			if (!baseBounds.IsValid)
				return null;
			var beginObjectBounds = new ElementBounds(xmlBytes, s_tagsBeginObject,
				baseBounds.BeginTagOffset, baseBounds.EndTagOffset);
			if (!beginObjectBounds.IsValid)
				return null;
			var objsurBounds = new ElementBounds(xmlBytes, s_tagsObjsur,
				beginObjectBounds.BeginTagOffset, beginObjectBounds.EndTagOffset);
			if (!objsurBounds.IsValid)
				return null;
			return GetGuid(xmlBytes, objsurBounds.BeginTagOffset, objsurBounds.EndTagOffset);
예제 #15
		private static void MarkParaAsNeedingTokenization(IDomainObjectDTORepository dtoRepos,
			DomainObjectDTO paraDto)
			var stTxtParaBounds = new ElementBounds(paraDto.XmlBytes, s_tagsStTxtPara);
			if (!stTxtParaBounds.IsValid)
				return;		// should never happen!
			var parseIsCurrentBounds = new ElementBounds(paraDto.XmlBytes, s_tagsParseIsCurrent,
				stTxtParaBounds.BeginTagOffset, stTxtParaBounds.EndTagOffset);
			List<byte> newXml;
			int ichInsert;
			if (parseIsCurrentBounds.IsValid)
				var val = parseIsCurrentBounds.GetAttributeValue(s_valAttr);
				if (val.ToLowerInvariant() != "true")
				newXml = new List<byte>(paraDto.XmlBytes.Length + 5);
				newXml.RemoveRange(parseIsCurrentBounds.BeginTagOffset, parseIsCurrentBounds.Length);
				ichInsert = parseIsCurrentBounds.BeginTagOffset;
				newXml = new List<byte>(paraDto.XmlBytes.Length + 40);
				ichInsert = stTxtParaBounds.EndTagOffset;
			newXml.InsertRange(ichInsert, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("<ParseIsCurrent val=\"False\"/>"));
			// Tell DTO repos about the modification to the para.
			DataMigrationServices.UpdateDTO(dtoRepos, paraDto, newXml.ToArray());
예제 #16
		private static void DeleteCcwgWithGuidIndex(IDomainObjectDTORepository dtoRepos)
			const int kLongIntLength = 10;
			var goners = new List<DomainObjectDTO>();
			var ccwgs = dtoRepos.AllInstancesSansSubclasses("ConstChartWordGroup");
			foreach (var dto in ccwgs)
				int dummy;
				var ebBegIndex = new ElementBounds(dto.XmlBytes, s_tagsBegAnalysisIndex);
				var ebEndIndex = new ElementBounds(dto.XmlBytes, s_tagsEndAnalysisIndex);
				if (!(ebBegIndex.IsValid && ebEndIndex.IsValid))
					continue; // Hopefully this isn't a problem!
				var sBegAnalysisIndexValue = ebBegIndex.GetAttributeValue(s_valAttr);
				var sEndAnalysisIndexValue = ebEndIndex.GetAttributeValue(s_valAttr);
				if (!Int32.TryParse(sBegAnalysisIndexValue, out dummy) ||
					!Int32.TryParse(sEndAnalysisIndexValue, out dummy))
					// Found something that needs fixing!
					// There's likely a guid instead of an integer, due to an unresolved
					// reference where the wfic it used to refer to has been deleted
					// for some (valid) reason.
			// need to remove goners from dtoRepos and make sure that empty rows get deleted too.

			if (goners.Count > 0)
				var neededGoners = new Set<string>();
				DeleteUnneededGoners(dtoRepos, goners, neededGoners);
예제 #17
		private static List<string> GetAppliesToObjsurGuids(byte[] xmlBytes)
			var retval = new List<string>();
			var indirectBounds = new ElementBounds(xmlBytes, s_tagsCmIndirect);
			if (!indirectBounds.IsValid)
				return retval;
			var appliesToBounds = new ElementBounds(xmlBytes, s_tagsAppliesTo,
				indirectBounds.BeginTagOffset, indirectBounds.EndTagOffset);
			var ichNext = appliesToBounds.BeginTagOffset + s_tagsAppliesTo.BeginTag.Length;
			var objsurBounds = new ElementBounds(xmlBytes, s_tagsObjsur,
				appliesToBounds.BeginTagOffset, appliesToBounds.EndTagOffset);
			while (objsurBounds.IsValid)
				var guid = GetGuid(xmlBytes, objsurBounds.BeginTagOffset, objsurBounds.EndTagOffset);
				if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(guid))
				objsurBounds.Reset(objsurBounds.EndTagOffset, appliesToBounds.EndTagOffset);
			return retval;
예제 #18
		private static string GetObjsurGuid(byte[] xmlBytes, int ichMin, int ichLim)
			var objsurBounds = new ElementBounds(xmlBytes, s_tagsObjsur, ichMin, ichLim);
			if (!objsurBounds.IsValid)
				return null;
			return GetGuid(xmlBytes, objsurBounds.BeginTagOffset, objsurBounds.EndTagOffset);
예제 #19
		private static XElement CreateATranslation(string oldSegGuid, Dictionary<string, List<byte[]>> inputPairs,
			string elementName)
			List<byte[]> allOldTrans;
			if (!inputPairs.TryGetValue(oldSegGuid, out allOldTrans))
				return null; // Nothing to move.
			if (allOldTrans == null || allOldTrans.Count == 0)
				return null;
			var firstOldTrans = allOldTrans[0];

			// Move optional Comment from indirect ann to new element.
			var cmAnnotationBounds = new ElementBounds(firstOldTrans, s_tagsCmAnnotation);
			if (!cmAnnotationBounds.IsValid)
				return null;
			var commentBounds = new ElementBounds(firstOldTrans, s_tagsComment,
				cmAnnotationBounds.BeginTagOffset, cmAnnotationBounds.EndTagOffset);
			if (!commentBounds.IsValid)
				return null;
			var actualCommentNodes = GetAStrElements(firstOldTrans, commentBounds.BeginTagOffset, commentBounds.EndTagOffset);
			return new XElement(elementName, actualCommentNodes);
예제 #20
		private static string GetPreposedBooleanFromComment(byte[] xmlBytes, int ichMin, int ichLim)
			var astrBounds = GetEnglishCommentBounds(xmlBytes, ichMin, ichLim);
			// If you can't find an English comment, take the first one you can find.
			if (astrBounds == null || !astrBounds.IsValid)
				var commentBounds = new ElementBounds(xmlBytes, s_tagsComment, ichMin, ichLim);
				if (commentBounds.IsValid)
					astrBounds = new ElementBounds(xmlBytes, s_tagsAStr,
						commentBounds.BeginTagOffset, commentBounds.EndTagOffset);
			if (astrBounds != null && astrBounds.IsValid)
				var ichEndTag = xmlBytes.IndexOfSubArray(s_endXmlTag, astrBounds.BeginTagOffset);
				var ichLtlt = xmlBytes.IndexOfSubArray(s_ltlt, ichEndTag);
				if (ichLtlt > 0 && ichLtlt < astrBounds.EndTagOffset)
					return "True";
			return "False";
예제 #21
		private static void PreprocessDiscourseAnnotation(ICollection<DomainObjectDTO> goners,
			ICollection<byte[]> annElements, DomainObjectDTO annDto, byte[] annElement)
			var annoBounds = new ElementBounds(annElement, s_tagsCmAnnotation);
			var commentBounds = new ElementBounds(annElement, s_tagsComment,
				annoBounds.BeginTagOffset, annoBounds.EndTagOffset);
			var astrBounds = new ElementBounds(annElement, s_tagsAStr,
				commentBounds.BeginTagOffset, commentBounds.EndTagOffset);
			if (astrBounds.IsValid)
예제 #22
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor for an element to be found inside another element that was previously
 /// located in the byte array.
 /// </summary>
 public ElementBounds(byte[] xmlBytes, ElementTags tags, ElementBounds bounds)
     m_xmlBytes = xmlBytes;
     m_tags     = tags;
     Reset(bounds.BeginTagOffset, bounds.EndTagOffset);
예제 #23
		private static void PreprocessTranslationOrNoteAnnotation(ICollection<DomainObjectDTO> goners,
			Dictionary<string, List<byte[]>> annElements, DomainObjectDTO annDto, byte[] annElement)
			var annoBounds = new ElementBounds(annElement, s_tagsCmAnnotation);
			var commentBounds = new ElementBounds(annElement, s_tagsComment,
				annoBounds.BeginTagOffset, annoBounds.EndTagOffset);
			var astrBounds = new ElementBounds(annElement, s_tagsAStr,
				commentBounds.BeginTagOffset, commentBounds.EndTagOffset);
			if (!astrBounds.IsValid)

			var appliesToElement = GetAppliesToObjsurGuids(annElement);
			if (appliesToElement != null && appliesToElement.Count > 0)
				var guid = appliesToElement[0];
				List<byte[]> elements = null;
				if (!annElements.TryGetValue(guid, out elements))
					elements = new List<byte[]>();
					annElements[guid] = elements;
예제 #24
		/// <summary>
		/// Constructor for an element to be found inside another element that was previously
		/// located in the byte array.
		/// </summary>
		public ElementBounds(byte[] xmlBytes, ElementTags tags, ElementBounds bounds)
			m_xmlBytes = xmlBytes;
			m_tags = tags;
			Reset(bounds.BeginTagOffset, bounds.EndTagOffset);
예제 #25
		private static ElementBounds GetEnglishCommentBounds(byte[] xmlBytes, int ichMin, int ichLim)
			var commentBounds = new ElementBounds(xmlBytes, s_tagsComment, ichMin, ichLim);
			if (!commentBounds.IsValid)
				return null;
			var astrBounds = new ElementBounds(xmlBytes, s_tagsAStr,
				commentBounds.BeginTagOffset, commentBounds.EndTagOffset);
			while (astrBounds.IsValid)
				var ws = astrBounds.GetAttributeValue(s_wsAttr);
				if (ws == "en")
					return astrBounds;
				astrBounds.Reset(astrBounds.EndTagOffset, commentBounds.EndTagOffset);
			return null;