예제 #1
		/// <summary>
		/// Initialize static registry settings.
		/// NOTE: This should be called only by unit tests.
		/// </summary>
		public static void Init()
			if (s_measurementUnitSetting != null)

			// Data Notebook has the MeasurementUnits setting in the Data Notebook registry
			//  folder rather than in the folder for general FieldWorks settings.
			//  The MeasurementUnits setting should be set for all FieldWorks applications,
			//  not just in the individual applications.
			s_measurementUnitSetting = new RegistryIntSetting((int)MsrSysType.Cm, "MeasurementSystem");

			// This affects all FieldWorks apps.
			s_disableSplashScreen = new RegistryBoolSetting(false, "DisableSplashScreen");
예제 #2
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="FwRegistrySettings"/> class.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="app">The application.</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public FwRegistrySettings(FwApp app)
			if (app == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("app");
			m_firstTimeAppHasBeenRun = new RegistryBoolSetting(app.SettingsKey, "FirstTime", true);
			m_showSideBar = new RegistryBoolSetting(app.SettingsKey, "ShowSideBar", true);
			m_showStatusBar = new RegistryBoolSetting(app.SettingsKey, "ShowStatusBar", true);
			m_openLastEditedProject = new RegistryBoolSetting(app.SettingsKey, "OpenLastEditedProject", false);
			m_loadingProcessId = new RegistryIntSetting(app.SettingsKey, "LoadingProcessId", 0);
			m_numberOfLaunches = new RegistryIntSetting(app.SettingsKey, "launches", 0);
			m_numberOfSeriousCrashes = new RegistryIntSetting(app.SettingsKey, "NumberOfSeriousCrashes", 0);
			m_numberOfAnnoyingCrashes = new RegistryIntSetting(app.SettingsKey, "NumberOfAnnoyingCrashes", 0);
			m_totalAppRuntime = new RegistryIntSetting(app.SettingsKey, "TotalAppRuntime", 0);
			m_appStartupTime = new RegistryStringSetting(app.SettingsKey, "LatestAppStartupTime", string.Empty);
			m_latestProject = new RegistryStringSetting(app.SettingsKey, "LatestProject", string.Empty);
			m_latestServer = new RegistryStringSetting(app.SettingsKey, "LatestServer", string.Empty);
예제 #3
		/// <summary>
		/// Release static registry settings.
		/// NOTE: This should be called only by unit tests.
		/// </summary>
		public static void Release()
			if (s_measurementUnitSetting != null)
			s_measurementUnitSetting = null;
			if (s_disableSplashScreen != null)
			s_disableSplashScreen = null;
예제 #4
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DraftViewWrapper"/> class.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="name">The name of the split grid</param>
		/// <param name="parent">The parent of the split wrapper (can be null). Will be replaced
		/// with real parent later.</param>
		/// <param name="cache">The cache.</param>
		/// <param name="styleSheet">The style sheet.</param>
		/// <param name="settingsRegKey">The settings reg key.</param>
		/// <param name="draftView">The draft view.</param>
		/// <param name="stylebar">The stylebar.</param>
		/// <param name="footnoteDraftView">The footnote draft view.</param>
		/// <param name="footnoteStylebar">The footnote stylebar</param>
		/// <param name="rows">The number of rows.</param>
		/// <param name="columns">The number of columns.</param>
		/// <remarks>If the view wrapper does not have a stylebar, then override the
		/// kStyleColumn property to a negative value so that it will be ignored.</remarks>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		protected ViewWrapper(string name, Control parent, FdoCache cache, IVwStylesheet styleSheet,
			RegistryKey settingsRegKey, object draftView, object stylebar,
			object footnoteDraftView, object footnoteStylebar, int rows, int columns)
			: base(cache, styleSheet, rows, columns)
			Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
			Name = name;
			m_stylePaneWidth = new RegistryIntSetting(settingsRegKey, name + "StyleWidth", 0);
			if (parent != null)
				Site = parent.Site;

			IRootSiteGroup group = CreateGroup((int)TeViewGroup.Scripture);
			if (kStyleColumn >= 0)
				AddControl(group, kDraftRow, kStyleColumn, stylebar);
			AddControl(group, kDraftRow, kDraftViewColumn, draftView, true, true);
			group = CreateGroup((int)TeViewGroup.Footnote);
			if (kStyleColumn >= 0)
				AddControl(group, kFootnoteRow, kStyleColumn, footnoteStylebar);
			AddControl(group, kFootnoteRow, kDraftViewColumn, footnoteDraftView, false, true);

			GetRow(kFootnoteRow).FillWeight = 18;
			m_grid.Rows[kDraftRow].Visible = true;
			m_grid.Columns[kDraftViewColumn].Visible = true;
			m_grid.ColumnWidthChanged += new DataGridViewColumnEventHandler(OnColumnWidthChanged);
			m_grid.RowHeightChanged += new DataGridViewRowEventHandler(OnRowHeightChanged);

			if (kStyleColumn >= 0)
				DataGridViewControlColumn styleColumn = GetColumn(kStyleColumn);
				styleColumn.ThresholdWidth = 20;
				styleColumn.StandardWidth = 100;
				styleColumn.MaxPercentage = 0.5f;
				styleColumn.IsCollapsible = true;
				styleColumn.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.None;
				if (m_stylePaneWidth.Value > 0)
					styleColumn.Width = Math.Max(m_stylePaneWidth.Value, styleColumn.ThresholdWidth);
					styleColumn.Visible = true;