public Rowboat(Game game) : base(game, game.GraphicsMode == Game.GRAPHICSMODE_NORMAL ? Graphics.GetAnimatedSprite(game, "assets/sprites/rowboat.xml") : Graphics.GetAnimatedSprite(game, "assets/sprites/blueprint/rowboat.xml")) { Collision = new RectangleShape(new Vector2f(82f, 38f)); Collision.Position = new Vector2f(-41f, -19f); Model.Stop(); HealthMax = 8000; Health = HealthMax; SpeedMax = 50.0f + Math.Min(0.5f * Game.AIManager.Difficulty, 25.0f); Acc = 200.0f; // Add Infantry Passengers AddInfantryman(new Vector2f(0, -10)); AddInfantryman(new Vector2f(0, 10)); AddInfantryman(new Vector2f(25, -10)); AddInfantryman(new Vector2f(25, 10)); AddInfantryman(new Vector2f(-25, -10)); AddInfantryman(new Vector2f(-25, 10)); SetAI(new RowboatAI(Game)); }
public override void Draw(RenderTarget rt) { RectangleShape overylay = new RectangleShape(new Vector2f(GameOptions.Width, GameOptions.Height)) { FillColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 128) }; rt.Draw(overylay); RectangleShape window = new RectangleShape(new Vector2f(GameOptions.Width * (1.0f - PaddingHorizontal * 2.0f), GameOptions.Height * (1.0f - PaddingVertical * 2.0f))) { Position = new Vector2f(GameOptions.Width * PaddingHorizontal, GameOptions.Height * PaddingVertical), FillColor = Color.White, OutlineColor = Color.Black, OutlineThickness = 2.0f }; rt.Draw(window); Text labelSettings = new Text("Join by IP", Assets.LoadFont(Program.DefaultFont)) { Position = new Vector2f(GameOptions.Width / 2.0f, GameOptions.Height * PaddingVertical + 48.0f), Color = Color.Black, CharacterSize = 32 }; labelSettings.Center(); labelSettings.Round(); rt.Draw(labelSettings); base.Draw(rt); }
public override void loadContent() { float logoScale; _logoTexture = ResourceManager.getResource<Texture>("logo_1"); _logoShape = new RectangleShape(); _logoShape.Texture = _logoTexture; _logoShape.Size = new Vector2f(_logoTexture.Size.X, _logoTexture.Size.Y); logoScale = Game.window.GetView().Size.X / (float)_logoTexture.Size.X; _logoShape.Scale = new Vector2f(logoScale, logoScale); _font = ResourceManager.getResource<Font>("immortal_font"); _options = new List<Text>(); _options.Add(new Text("New Game", _font, 48)); _options.Add(new Text("Continue", _font, 48)); _options.Add(new Text("Options", _font, 48)); _options.Add(new Text("Exit", _font, 48)); for (int i = 0; i < _options.Count; i++) { Text text = _options[i]; text.Position = new Vector2f(128, i * 48 + _logoShape.Size.Y * _logoShape.Scale.Y + 64); } }
public PauseState(StateStack stack, Context context) : base(stack, context) { RenderWindow window = mContext.window; mBackgroundSprite = new Sprite(); mPausedText = new Text(); mInstructionText = new Text(); mPausedText.Font = mContext.fonts.get(FontID.Main); mPausedText.DisplayedString = "Game Paused"; mPausedText.CharacterSize = 70; mPausedText.centerOrigin(); mPausedText.Position = new Vector2f(0, 0); mInstructionText.Font = mContext.fonts.get(FontID.Main); mInstructionText.DisplayedString = "(Press Backspace to return to main menu)"; mInstructionText.centerOrigin(); mInstructionText.Position = new Vector2f(0, 0); backgroundShape = new RectangleShape(); backgroundShape.FillColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 150); backgroundShape.Position = window.GetView().Center; backgroundShape.centerOrigin(); backgroundShape.Size = window.GetView().Size; }
public ButtonControl(Font font, uint size, Texture button, Texture hover, Texture press) { left = new RectangleShape(); middle = new RectangleShape(); right = new RectangleShape(); left.Texture = button; middle.Texture = button; right.Texture = button; left.TextureRect = new IntRect(0, 0, (int)button.Size.X / 2 - 1, (int)button.Size.Y); middle.TextureRect = new IntRect((int)button.Size.X / 2 - 1, 0, 2, (int)button.Size.Y); right.TextureRect = new IntRect((int)button.Size.X / 2 + 1, 0, (int)button.Size.X / 2, (int)button.Size.Y); text = new TextControl(font, size) { TextAlignment = Alignment.MiddleCenter, Bold = true }; text.BackgroundColor = Color.Transparent; IsHovered = false; IsPressed = false; ClickYOffset = 4.0f; buttonTexture = button; hoverTexture = hover; pressedTexture = press; }
public override void Draw(RenderTarget rt) { RectangleShape bgOverlay = new RectangleShape(new Vector2f(GameOptions.Width, GameOptions.Height)) { FillColor = Color.Black }; rt.Draw(bgOverlay); Text title = new Text("Game Over", Assets.LoadFont(Program.DefaultFont)) { Position = new Vector2f(GameOptions.Width / 2.0f, 48.0f), CharacterSize = 48, Color = Color.White }; title.Center(); title.Round(); rt.Draw(title); Text winnerTitle = new Text(GetWinnerText(), Assets.LoadFont(Program.DefaultFont)) { Position = new Vector2f(GameOptions.Width / 2.0f, GameOptions.Height / 2.0f), CharacterSize = 48, Color = Color.White }; winnerTitle.Center(); winnerTitle.Round(); rt.Draw(winnerTitle); base.Draw(rt); }
public Tile(Color color, Vector2f position, bool walkable, Vector2f size) { shape = new RectangleShape(size); shape.FillColor = color; shape.Position = position; Walkable = walkable; }
public Ship(Game game) : base(game) { if (Game.GraphicsMode == Game.GRAPHICSMODE_NORMAL) { Model = Graphics.GetAnimatedSprite(game, "assets/sprites/ship.xml"); } else { Model = Graphics.GetSprite("assets/sprites/blueprint/ship.png"); Model.Scale = new Vector2f(0.5f, 0.5f); Model.Origin = new Vector2f(265, 244); } AddChild(Model); Collision = new RectangleShape(new Vector2f(265, 105)); Collision.Position = new Vector2f(-132.5f, -52.5f); SpeedMax = 50.0f + Math.Min(0.5f * Game.AIManager.Difficulty, 25.0f); Acc = 200.0f; AmountOfInfantry = Utils.RandomInt(12, 18); SetAI(new ShipAI(Game)); }
public void NewGame() { while (Window.IsOpen) { Window.DispatchEvents(); Window.Clear(); var x = Window.Size.X; var y = Window.Size.Y; var line = new SFML.Graphics.RectangleShape(new SFML.System.Vector2f(16, y)); line.Position = new SFML.System.Vector2f(x / 3, 0); Window.Draw(line); line = new SFML.Graphics.RectangleShape(new SFML.System.Vector2f(x, 16)); line.Position = new SFML.System.Vector2f(0, y / 3); Window.Draw(line); line = new SFML.Graphics.RectangleShape(new SFML.System.Vector2f(16, y)); line.Position = new SFML.System.Vector2f(x * 2 / 3, 0); Window.Draw(line); line = new SFML.Graphics.RectangleShape(new SFML.System.Vector2f(x, 16)); line.Position = new SFML.System.Vector2f(0, y * 2 / 3); Window.Draw(line); Window.Display(); } }
/// <summary>Checks collision between Circle and Rotated Rectangle.</summary> /// <param name="rectAngle">In Degrees.</param> public static bool CircleRectangleCollision(Vector2f circleCenter, float circleRadius, RectangleShape rect, float rectAngle = 0, Vector2f rectOffset = default(Vector2f)) { Vector2f rectPos = new Vector2f(rect.Position.X + rectOffset.X, rect.Position.Y + rectOffset.Y); Vector2f rectCenter = new Vector2f(rectPos.X + (rect.Size.X / 2), rectPos.Y + (rect.Size.Y / 2)); // Rotate circle's center point back Vector2f unrotatedCircle = new Vector2f(); unrotatedCircle.X = (float)Math.Cos(rectAngle) * (circleCenter.X - rectCenter.X) - (float)Math.Sin(rectAngle) * (circleCenter.Y - rectCenter.Y) + rectCenter.X; unrotatedCircle.Y = (float)Math.Sin(rectAngle) * (circleCenter.X - rectCenter.X) + (float)Math.Cos(rectAngle) * (circleCenter.Y - rectCenter.Y) + rectCenter.Y; // Closest point in the rectangle to the center of circle rotated backwards(unrotated) Vector2f closest = new Vector2f(); // Find the unrotated closest x point from center of unrotated circle if (unrotatedCircle.X < rectPos.X) closest.X = rectPos.X; else if (unrotatedCircle.X > rectPos.X + rect.Size.X) closest.X = rectPos.X + rect.Size.X; else closest.X = unrotatedCircle.X; // Find the unrotated closest y point from center of unrotated circle if (unrotatedCircle.Y < rectPos.Y) closest.Y = rectPos.Y; else if (unrotatedCircle.Y > rectPos.Y + rect.Size.Y) closest.Y = rectPos.Y + rect.Size.Y; else closest.Y = unrotatedCircle.Y; // Determine collision return Distance(unrotatedCircle, closest) < circleRadius; }
public Menu() : base() { hoverCursor = Content.GetTexture("cursorHover.png"); defaultCursor = Content.GetTexture("cursorPointer.png"); currentCursor = defaultCursor; char1 = new Animation(Content.GetTexture("idle.png"), 4, 0, 0, true); char2 = new Animation(Content.GetTexture("char2_idle.png"), 4, 0, 0, true); shader = new RenderStates(new Shader(null, "Content/bgPrlx.frag")); rectConnect = new RectangleShape() { Size = new Vector2f(150, 30), Position = new Vector2f(-25, 70) }; rectIP = new RectangleShape() { Size = new Vector2f(150, 20), Position = new Vector2f(-25, 40) }; rectUsername = new RectangleShape() { Size = new Vector2f(150, 20), Position = new Vector2f(-25, 10) }; MainGame.window.TextEntered += TextEnteredEvent; }
public void DrawRectangle(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, Color color, Color color2, int thickness) { if (!IsObjectOnScreen(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1)) { return; } var zoom = GetZoom(); int real_x1 = (int)(x1 * zoom); int real_x2 = (int)(x2 * zoom); int real_y1 = (int)(y1 * zoom); int real_y2 = (int)(y2 * zoom); SFML.System.Vector2f position = new SFML.System.Vector2f(real_x1, real_y1); SFML.System.Vector2f size = new SFML.System.Vector2f(real_x2 - real_x1, real_y2 - real_y1); SFML.Graphics.RectangleShape rect = new SFML.Graphics.RectangleShape(); rect.OutlineThickness = thickness; rect.OutlineColor = new SFML.Graphics.Color(color2.R, color2.G, color2.B, color2.A); rect.FillColor = new SFML.Graphics.Color(color.R, color.G, color.B, color.A); rect.Position = position; rect.Size = size; RenderWindow.Draw(rect); }
public override void Draw(RenderTarget target, Vector2f position) { _icon.Position = position; target.Draw(_icon); if (_amount == 0) { var darken = new RectangleShape(new Vector2f(Hud.IconSize - Hud.IconBorderTwice, Hud.IconSize - Hud.IconBorderTwice)); darken.Origin = new Vector2f(Hud.IconSizeHalf - Hud.IconBorder, Hud.IconSizeHalf - Hud.IconBorder); darken.FillColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 200); darken.Position = position; target.Draw(darken); } if (_time > 0) { var per = _time / BuildTime; var box = new RectangleShape(new Vector2f(per * (Hud.IconSize - Hud.IconBorderTwice), 8)); box.FillColor = new Color(0, 180, 0, 128); box.Position = position - new Vector2f(Hud.IconSizeHalf - Hud.IconBorder, Hud.IconSizeHalf - Hud.IconBorder); target.Draw(box); } _amountText.DisplayedString = _amount.ToString("G"); _amountText.Position = position + new Vector2f(Hud.IconSizeHalf - Hud.Padding, Hud.IconSizeHalf - Hud.Padding); var bounds = _amountText.GetLocalBounds(); _amountText.Origin = new Vector2f(bounds.Width + bounds.Left, bounds.Height + bounds.Top); target.Draw(_amountText); }
public WorldView(IWorld world) { _background = new Sfg.RectangleShape(new Sfs.Vector2f(300f, 480f)) { FillColor = Sfg.Color.Black, OutlineThickness = 20f, OutlineColor = new Sfg.Color(212, 175, 55) }; _views = new List <Sfg.RectangleShape>(); Position = new Sfs.Vector2f(-100, -100); for (var y = 0; y < World.WorldBounds.Y; y++) { for (var x = 0; x < World.WorldBounds.X; x++) { if (!world.Matrix[y, x]) { continue; } var position = new Sfs.Vector2f(x * 30, y * 30); var view = new Sfg.RectangleShape(new Sfs.Vector2f(28f, 28f)) { FillColor = Sfg.Color.White, Position = position, OutlineThickness = 2f, OutlineColor = Sfg.Color.Black }; _views.Add(view); } } }
public Hud(GameBase state) { _state = state; _selected = new Sprite(Assets.LoadTexture("wep_selected.png")).Center(); _statusBack = new RectangleShape(new Vector2f(BarWidth + Padding * 2, BarHeight * 2 + Padding * 3)); _statusBack.Position = new Vector2f(Padding, Padding); _statusBack.FillColor = new Color(0, 0, 0); _statusBack.OutlineThickness = 2; _statusBack.OutlineColor = new Color(38, 38, 38); _health = new RectangleShape(new Vector2f(BarWidth, BarHeight)); _health.Position = _statusBack.Position + new Vector2f(Padding, Padding); _health.FillColor = new Color(0, 120, 0); _healthText = new Text("", Program.Font, (int)(BarHeight - Padding)); _healthText.Position = _health.Position + new Vector2f(BarWidth / 2, BarHeight / 2); _healthText.Color = new Color(225, 225, 225); _energy = new RectangleShape(new Vector2f(BarWidth, BarHeight)); _energy.Position = _health.Position + new Vector2f(0, BarHeight + Padding); _energy.FillColor = new Color(30, 30, 180); _energyText = new Text("", Program.Font, (int)(BarHeight - Padding)); _energyText.Position = _energy.Position + new Vector2f(BarWidth / 2, BarHeight / 2); _energyText.Color = new Color(225, 225, 225); }
public Frame(RectangleShape borderRect, Color fillColor) { BorderRect = borderRect; BorderRect.FillColor = fillColor; BoundingRect = borderRect.GetGlobalBounds(); }
public BigLabeledButtonComponent(Screen screen, Texture buttonTexture, Vector2f position, string text, Color buttonColor, Action onClick) : base(screen) { _buttonTexture = buttonTexture; _position = position; _buttonColor = buttonColor; _selectedColor = new Color( (byte)Math.Min(255, (int)_buttonColor.R + 50), (byte)Math.Min(255, (int)_buttonColor.G + 50), (byte)Math.Min(255, (int)_buttonColor.B + 50), 255); _onClick = onClick; _font = ResourceManager.getResource<Font>("immortal_font"); // Initialize button shape _buttonShape = new RectangleShape(); _buttonShape.Texture = _buttonTexture; _buttonShape.Position = position; _buttonShape.Size = new Vector2f(_buttonShape.Texture.Size.X, _buttonShape.Texture.Size.Y); _buttonShape.FillColor = _buttonColor; // Initialize text _firstLetter = new Text(text.Substring(0, 1), _font, 72); _firstLetter.Position = position + new Vector2f(30, 0); _firstLetter.Color = Color.White; _firstLetterShadow = new Text(_firstLetter.DisplayedString, _font, 72); _firstLetterShadow.Position = _firstLetter.Position + new Vector2f(3, 3); _firstLetterShadow.Color = Color.Black; _word = new Text(text.Substring(1, text.Length - 1), _font, 48); _word.Position = _firstLetter.Position + new Vector2f(_firstLetter.GetLocalBounds().Width + 4, 13); _word.Color = Color.White; _wordShadow = new Text(_word.DisplayedString, _font, 48); _wordShadow.Position = _word.Position + new Vector2f(3, 3); _wordShadow.Color = Color.Black; }
public void InitBg() { bgRect = new RectangleShape(new SFML.System.Vector2f(480, 270)); bgRect.Origin = new SFML.System.Vector2f(bgRect.Size.X / 2, bgRect.Size.Y / 2); bgRect.Position = new SFML.System.Vector2f(1920 / 2, 1080 / 2); bgRect.FillColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 128); }
public TileRenderer(Tile data) { = data; rectangleShape = new RectangleShape(); rectangleShape.Size =; rectangleShape.FillColor = data.FillColor; }
public ClassSelectorComponent(Screen screen, Texture upArrowTexture, Texture downArrowTexture, Texture classSelectorTexture, List<Texture> classTextures, Vector2f position) : base(screen) { _position = position; _classTextures = classTextures; _upArrow = new RectangleShape(); _upArrow.Position = position + new Vector2f(0f, -42f); _upArrow.Origin = new Vector2f(8f, 8f); _upArrow.Texture = upArrowTexture; _upArrow.Size = new Vector2f(16f, 16f); _classSelector = new RectangleShape(); _classSelector.Position = position; _classSelector.Origin = new Vector2f(32f, 32f); _classSelector.Texture = classSelectorTexture; _classSelector.Size = new Vector2f(64f, 64f); _classIcon = new RectangleShape(); _classIcon.Position = position; _classIcon.Origin = new Vector2f(32f, 32f); _classIcon.Texture = _classTextures[(int)_selectedClass]; _classIcon.Size = new Vector2f(64f, 64f); _downArrow = new RectangleShape(); _downArrow.Position = position + new Vector2f(0f, 42f); _downArrow.Origin = new Vector2f(8f, 8f); _downArrow.Texture = downArrowTexture; _downArrow.Size = new Vector2f(16f, 16f); }
public override void Draw(RenderTarget rt) { RectangleShape checkbox = new RectangleShape(Size) { Position = Position, FillColor = Color.Black, }; rt.Draw(checkbox); if (mouseIn) { RectangleShape checkboxHover = new RectangleShape(new Vector2f(48.0f - 8.0f, 48.0f - 8.0f)) { Position = Position + new Vector2f(4.0f, 4.0f), FillColor = Color.Black, OutlineColor = Color.White, OutlineThickness = 2f }; rt.Draw(checkboxHover); } Text labelText = new Text(Label, Assets.LoadFont(Program.DefaultFont)) { Position = Position + new Vector2f(48.0f + 16.0f, 24.0f + 2.0f), CharacterSize = 32, Color = Color.Black }; labelText.Center(false); labelText.Round(); rt.Draw(labelText); if (Value) { RectangleShape x1 = new RectangleShape(new Vector2f(48.0f, 3.0f)) { Position = Position + new Vector2f(24.0f, 24.0f), Origin = new Vector2f(24.0f, 2.0f), FillColor = Color.White, Rotation = -45.0f }; rt.Draw(x1); RectangleShape x2 = new RectangleShape(new Vector2f(48.0f, 3.0f)) { Position = Position + new Vector2f(24.0f, 24.0f), Origin = new Vector2f(24.0f, 2.0f), FillColor = Color.White, Rotation = 45.0f }; rt.Draw(x2); } base.Draw(rt); }
public Rectangle(float width, float height) : base(width * height) { rect = new RectangleShape(new Vector2f(width, height)); rect.FillColor = Color.Red; Origin = rect.Size / 2f; }
public UnitRenderer(Unit data) { = data; rectangleShape = new RectangleShape(data.Size); rectangleShape.Scale = data.Scale; rectangleShape.FillColor = data.FillColor; rectangleShape.Position = data.Position; }
public Script(Vector2f position, ScriptDef scriptDef) { RectShape = new RectangleShape { Position = position }; ScriptDef = scriptDef; LoadState(ScriptDef.sStartState); }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// <summary> /// Copy constructor /// </summary> /// /// <param name="copy">Instance to copy</param> /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public Label(Label copy) : base(copy) { m_LoadedConfigFile = copy.m_LoadedConfigFile; m_Background = new RectangleShape(copy.m_Background); m_Text = new Text(copy.m_Text); m_AutoSize = copy.m_AutoSize; }
public Cursor() : base(5) { Crosshair = new RectangleShape(new Vector2f(10, 10)); Crosshair.Texture = Game.Assets.Textures["Crosshair"]; Crosshair.Origin = Crosshair.Size * 0.5f; Crosshair.FillColor = CursorColor; }
public SelectedCharacterComponent(Screen screen, Texture texture) : base(screen) { _texture = texture; _shape = new RectangleShape(new Vector2f(_texture.Size.X, _texture.Size.Y)); _shape.Texture = _texture; _shape.Origin = new Vector2f(_texture.Size.X, _texture.Size.Y) / 2f; }
public override void loadContent() { float logoScale; CharacterClass[] characterClasses = (CharacterClass[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(CharacterClass)); _logoTexture = ResourceManager.getResource<Texture>("logo_1"); _logoShape = new RectangleShape(); _logoShape.Texture = _logoTexture; _logoShape.Size = new Vector2f(_logoTexture.Size.X, _logoTexture.Size.Y); logoScale = Game.window.GetView().Size.X / (float)_logoTexture.Size.X; _logoShape.Scale = new Vector2f(logoScale, logoScale); _classTextures = new Dictionary<CharacterClass, Texture>(); for (int i = 0; i < characterClasses.Length; i++) { CharacterClass characterClass = characterClasses[i]; _classTextures.Add(characterClass, new Texture("resources/ui/class_icons/" + characterClass.ToString().ToLower() + ".png")); } _allPlayerData = PlayerDataManager.getAllPlayerData(); _shapes = new List<RectangleShape>(); _labels = new List<Text>(); _font = ResourceManager.getResource<Font>("gooddog_font"); _characterIconRows = new List<List<RectangleShape>>(); foreach (XElement playerData in _allPlayerData) { RectangleShape shape = new RectangleShape(); string text = "player_" + playerData.Attribute("uid").Value; Text label = new Text(text, _font, 24); List<RectangleShape> characterIcons = new List<RectangleShape>(); shape.Position = new Vector2f(128, (float)_logoShape.Texture.Size.Y * _logoShape.Scale.Y + 64 + _shapes.Count * 64); shape.Size = new Vector2f(340, 48); shape.FillColor = Color.Blue; label.Position = shape.Position + new Vector2f(24f, 8f); label.Color = Color.White; _shapes.Add(shape); _labels.Add(label); foreach (XElement characterData in playerData.Elements("Character")) { CharacterClass characterClass = (CharacterClass)Enum.Parse(typeof(CharacterClass), characterData.Attribute("class").Value); RectangleShape rectangleShape = new RectangleShape(); rectangleShape.Texture = _classTextures[characterClass]; rectangleShape.Size = new Vector2f(rectangleShape.Texture.Size.X, rectangleShape.Texture.Size.Y); rectangleShape.Scale = new Vector2f(0.5f, 0.5f); rectangleShape.Position = label.Position + new Vector2f(128 + 48 * characterIcons.Count, 0); characterIcons.Add(rectangleShape); } _characterIconRows.Add(characterIcons); } }
public UnitPictureBoxRenderer(UnitPictureBox data) { = data; frame = new RectangleShape(data.Scale); frame.Position = data.Position; frame.FillColor = data.FillColor; curentPicture = new Sprite(new Texture(128, 128)); }
public ContextMenu() { options = new List<FastText>(); clickActions = new List<Action>(); Position = new Vector2f(0, 0); isVisible = false; shape = new RectangleShape(); shape.FillColor = Colors.Gray; }
public override void Remove() { base.Remove(); if (shpBackground != null) { shpBackground.Dispose(); shpBackground = null; } }
public Entity(Texture tex) { texture = tex; rect = new RectangleShape(); tex.Smooth = false; rect.TextureRect = new IntRect(0, 0, 16, 16); rect.Size = new Vector2f(32, 32); rect.Origin = new Vector2f(16, 16); }
public override void Draw(RenderTarget rt) { var shape = new RectangleShape(Size); shape.FillColor = new Color(255, 255, 255, 128); shape.Position = Position; rt.Draw(shape); rt.Draw(text); }
public GameplayStateView(GameplayState gameplayState) { _gameplayState = gameplayState; _background = new Sfg.RectangleShape(new Sfs.Vector2f(Game.Resolution.X, Game.Resolution.Y)) { FillColor = new Sfg.Color(25, 25, 112), Position = new Sfs.Vector2f(-680 / 2f, -320 / 2f) }; _score = new Sfg.Text(0.ToString(), new Sfg.Font(FontFilePath), CharacterSize) { Position = new Sfs.Vector2f(400, 0) }; }
public void DrawTexture(SFML.Graphics.Texture image, int x, int y, int rect_x, int rect_y, int rect_width, int rect_height, int width, int height, bool selected, int Transparency, bool fliph = false, bool flipv = false, int rotation = 0, Color?color = null) { if (!IsObjectOnScreen(x, y, width, height) || image == null) { return; } var zoom = GetZoom(); int real_x = (int)(x * zoom); int real_y = (int)(y * zoom); SFML.System.Vector2f size = new SFML.System.Vector2f(rect_width, rect_height); SFML.System.Vector2f center = new SFML.System.Vector2f(size.X / 2, size.Y / 2); SFML.System.Vector2f position = new SFML.System.Vector2f(real_x + center.X, real_y + center.Y); var textureRect = new IntRect(rect_x, rect_y, width, height); if (fliph || flipv) { if (fliph) { var temp = textureRect.Left; textureRect.Left = temp + textureRect.Width; textureRect.Width = -textureRect.Width; } if (flipv) { var temp = textureRect.Top; textureRect.Top = temp + textureRect.Height; textureRect.Height = -textureRect.Height; } } SFML.Graphics.RectangleShape rect = new SFML.Graphics.RectangleShape(); rect.Position = position; rect.Origin = center; rect.Rotation = rotation; rect.Size = size; rect.Texture = image; rect.FillColor = GetTransparency(color, Transparency); rect.TextureRect = textureRect; RenderWindow.Draw(rect); }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// <summary> /// Construct the shape from another shape /// </summary> /// <param name="copy">Shape to copy</param> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public RectangleShape(RectangleShape copy) : base(copy) { Size = copy.Size; }
protected override void UpdateDrawable() { base.UpdateDrawable(); if (isCircle) { var circle = new SFML.Graphics.CircleShape(radius); circle.OutlineThickness = OutlineThickness; circle.OutlineColor = OutlineColor.SFMLColor; circle.FillColor = Color.SFMLColor; circle.SetPointCount((uint)CirclePointCount); SFMLDrawable = circle; Width = (int)circle.GetLocalBounds().Width; Height = (int)circle.GetLocalBounds().Height; } else { if (isShape) { var rect = new SFML.Graphics.RectangleShape(new Vector2f(rectWidth, rectHeight)); rect.OutlineColor = OutlineColor.SFMLColor; rect.OutlineThickness = OutlineThickness; rect.FillColor = Color.SFMLColor; SFMLDrawable = rect; Width = (int)rect.GetLocalBounds().Width; Height = (int)rect.GetLocalBounds().Height; } else { SFMLVertices.Clear(); float x1, y1, x2, y2, u1, v1, u2, v2, cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2; cx1 = ClippingRegion.Left; cy1 = ClippingRegion.Top; cx2 = ClippingRegion.Right; cy2 = ClippingRegion.Bottom; x1 = Util.Max(0, cx1); u1 = TextureLeft + x1; if (FlippedX) { u1 = TextureRegion.Width - u1 + TextureLeft + TextureRegion.Left; } y1 = Util.Max(0, cy1); v1 = TextureTop + y1; if (FlippedY) { v1 = TextureRegion.Height - v1 + TextureTop + TextureRegion.Top; } x2 = Util.Min(TextureRegion.Right, cx2); u2 = TextureLeft + x2; if (FlippedX) { u2 = TextureRegion.Width - u2 + TextureLeft + TextureRegion.Left; } y2 = Util.Min(TextureRegion.Bottom, cy2); v2 = TextureTop + y2; if (FlippedY) { v2 = TextureRegion.Height - v2 + TextureTop + TextureRegion.Top; } SFMLVertices.Append(x1, y1, Color, u1, v1); SFMLVertices.Append(x1, y2, Color, u1, v2); SFMLVertices.Append(x2, y2, Color, u2, v2); SFMLVertices.Append(x2, y1, Color, u2, v1); } } }