public static string is_Spell_Allowed_From_Current_Pos(Battle _battle, Actor playerTargeted, Actor pi, int spellID) { // on vérifie selon le sort, si c'est un cac ou à distance if (spellID == 4) { // sort qui se lance au cac // on vérifie si l'adversaire en question est au cac, si non on vérifie si on peux l'atteindre if (((pi.map_position.X == playerTargeted.map_position.X + 1 || pi.map_position.X == playerTargeted.map_position.X - 1) && pi.map_position.Y == playerTargeted.map_position.Y) || ((pi.map_position.Y == playerTargeted.map_position.Y + 1 || pi.map_position.Y == playerTargeted.map_position.Y - 1) && (pi.map_position.X == playerTargeted.map_position.X))) { // on vérifie si le sort en question peux etre lancé avec les envoutement if (pi.BuffsList.Exists(f => f.SortID == spellID && f.system)) { Actor.Buff piEnv = pi.BuffsList.Find(f => f.SortID == spellID && f.system); Actor.SpellsInformations piis = pi.sorts.Find(f => f.SpellId == spellID); mysql.spells spell = (DataBase.DataTables.spells as List <mysql.spells>).Find(f => f.spellID == spellID && f.level == piis.Level - 1); if (piEnv.relanceInterval < spell.relanceInterval) { // check contre relanceInterval si il a déja été lance dans un tours précédent, d'où le relanceInterval ne dois pas égale celui attribué la 1er fois, pour laisser le joueur lancer le sort plusieurs fois le tour actuel return("spellIntervalNotReached"); } else if (spell.relanceParTour > 0 /*&& playerTargeted != null*/ && piEnv.playerRoxed.Count >= spell.relanceParTour) { // check contre le max de ralance par tour "relanceParTour", si = 0 donc ilimité return("spellRelanceParTourReached"); } else if (spell.relanceParJoueur > 0 && playerTargeted != null && piEnv.playerRoxed.FindAll(f => f == playerTargeted.Pseudo).Count >= spell.relanceParJoueur) { // check contre relanceParJoueur s'il a déja été lancé sur le même adversaire, si = 0 donc illimité return("spellRelanceParJoueurReached"); } } return("allowed"); } else { return("denied"); } } return("denied"); }
public static void GetData(string[] cmd, NetIncomingMessage im) { Actor actor = (Actor)im.SenderConnection.Tag; if (cmd.Length == 5 && cmd[1] == "spellTuiles") { #region if (actor.Pseudo == "" || == "" || actor.inBattle == 0) { Security.User_banne("spellTuiles", im.SenderConnection); return; } int pointX, pointY; if (!int.TryParse(cmd[3], out pointX)) { return; } if (!int.TryParse(cmd[4], out pointY)) { return; } int spellId; if (!int.TryParse(cmd[2], out spellId)) { return; } Point spellPoint = new Point(pointX, pointY); // cmd•spellTuiles•sortID•MousePosX•MousePosY // check si le joueur est en combat, si le combat est en mode Started if (actor.inBattle == 0 && Battle.Battles.Find(f => f.IdBattle == actor.idBattle).State != battleState.state.started) { return; } // check si le client est autorisé a avoir ce sort mysql.players player = ((List <mysql.players>)DataBase.DataTables.players).Find(f => f.pseudo == actor.Pseudo); if (player == null) { return; } if (!actor.sorts.Exists(f => f.SpellId == spellId)) { // le client tente de lancer un sort qu'il na pas // bannissement peux etre Console.WriteLine("client qui cheat en lançons un sort qui n'est pas le sien"); return; } // common check if (!Fight.spellsChecker.spells(spellId, spellPoint, im)) { return; } Battle battle = Battle.Battles.Find(f => f.IdBattle == actor.idBattle); Actor spellCaster = battle.AllPlayersByOrder.Find(f => f.Pseudo == actor.Pseudo); Fight.Effect_Dispatcher.Apply(spellCaster, battle, spellPoint, spellId); #endregion } else if (cmd[1] == "InteractWithPNJ") { #region // interaction avec pnj cmd.InteractWithPNJ.nom pnj.parametre if (actor.Pseudo == "") { Security.User_banne("InteractWithPNJ", im.SenderConnection); return; } string pnj = cmd[2]; if (pnj == "iruka") { // 1er PNJ Créée if (cmd.Length > 2 && cmd[3] == "acceptFirstFight") { // "cmd•InteractWithPNJ•iruka•acceptFirstFight" // on vérifie si le joueur a préalablement fait la quête acceptFirstFight int quete = CheckQuete.isSubmitedQuest("FirstFight", actor); if (quete == 1) { //commun.SendMessage("cmd•checkQuete•FirstFight•" + quete, im, true); Console.WriteLine("client a déja la quete, et il essai de la refaire alors que ce n'est pas possible sans avoir modifier le code ou les paquets !!!"); return; } // on vérifie si la quete est déja presente et si elle est en mode submited List <mysql.quete> quetes = ((List <mysql.quete>)DataBase.DataTables.quete).FindAll(f => f.pseudo == actor.Pseudo); if (quetes.Count == 0) { // création de la quete chez le client mysql.quete quete2 = new mysql.quete() { pseudo = actor.Pseudo, nom_quete = "FirstFight", currentStep = 1 }; ((List <mysql.quete>)DataBase.DataTables.quete).Add(quete2); } // envoyer au client que la quete FirstFight a été débuté CommonCode.SendMessage("cmd•beganQuete•FirstFight", im, true); // ce code dois ressembler au code de la cmd AcceptChallenge sur la class Network.cs a part quelque modification comme les position qui ne sont pas enregistrés sur un fichier // on vérifie si le joueur n'est pas en combat se qui est impossible vus que dans cette map il est seul normalement if (actor.inBattle == 1) { Console.WriteLine("Player " + actor.Pseudo + " is in battle, can't interact with pnj iruka"); return; } // preparation du combat Console.WriteLine("combat commancé avec PNJ Iruka"); // création d'une session de combat // ATTENTION, ce code a été copié depuis la methode Network.cs GetData() cmd AcceptChallenge, Alors si un changement est fait sur cette methode, il faut l'appliquer sur celle la aussi Battle battle = new Battle(); // 2eme joueur Actor actor1SideB = (Actor)actor.Clone(); actor1SideB.directionLook = 0; actor1SideB.teamSide = Team.Side.B; actor1SideB.idBattle = battle.IdBattle; battle.SideB.Add(actor1SideB); // 1er player Actor actor1SideA = new Actor { currentHealth = 1000, maxHealth = 1000, classeName = ActorClass.ClassName.iruka, classeId = 8, initiative = 1000, summons = 5, species = Species.Name.Pnj, Pseudo = ActorClass.ClassName.iruka.ToString(), maskColorString = "null/null/null", directionLook = 2, teamSide = Team.Side.A, idBattle = battle.IdBattle, originalPc = 10, originalPm = 10, doton = 500 }; // pour jouer au premier // ajout des sorts Actor.SpellsInformations infosSorts = new Actor.SpellsInformations { SpellId = 4, SpellColor = 0, Level = 1 }; actor1SideA.sorts.Add(infosSorts); battle.SideA.Add(actor1SideA); battle.Owner = actor1SideB.Pseudo; battle.Map =; battle.BattleType = BattleType.Type.VsPnj; battle.BattleFlags[0] = "iruka"; battle.BattleFlags[1] = "FirstFight"; battle.Timestamp = CommonCode.ReturnTimeStamp(); battle.IsFreeCellToSpell = CommonCode.ReturnFreeCellToSpellFunc(battle.Map); battle.IsFreeCellToWalk = CommonCode.ReturnFreeCellToWalkFunc(battle.Map); Battle.Battles.Add(battle); // sauveguard de l'id dans la tables des joueurs foreach (mysql.players player in ((List <mysql.players>)DataBase.DataTables.players).FindAll(f => f.pseudo == actor.Pseudo || f.pseudo == actor.PlayerChallengeYou)) { player.inBattle = 1; player.inBattleType = battle.BattleType.ToString(); player.inBattleID = battle.IdBattle; } actor.inBattle = 1; actor.idBattle = battle.IdBattle; actor.teamSide = Team.Side.B; // collecte des données des 2 joueurs string playersData = ""; playersData += actor1SideA.Pseudo + "#" + actor1SideA.classeName + "#" + actor1SideA.level + "#" + actor1SideA.hiddenVillage + "#" + actor1SideA.maskColorString + "#" + actor1SideA.maxHealth + "#" + actor1SideA.currentHealth + "#" + actor1SideA.officialRang + "#" + actor1SideA.initiative + "#" + actor1SideA.doton + "#" + actor1SideA.katon + "#" + actor1SideA.futon + "#" + actor1SideA.raiton + "#" + actor1SideA.suiton + "#" + actor1SideA.usingDoton + "#" + actor1SideA.usingKaton + "#" + actor1SideA.usingFuton + "#" + actor1SideA.usingRaiton + "#" + actor1SideA.usingSuiton + "#" + actor1SideA.equipedDoton + "#" + actor1SideA.equipedKaton + "#" + actor1SideA.equipedFuton + "#" + actor1SideA.equipedRaiton + "#" + actor1SideA.equipedSuiton + "#" + actor1SideA.originalPc + "#" + actor1SideA.originalPm + "#" + + "#" + + "#" + actor1SideA.summons + "#" + actor1SideA.resiDotonPercent + "#" + actor1SideA.resiKatonPercent + "#" + actor1SideA.resiFutonPercent + "#" + actor1SideA.resiRaitonPercent + "#" + actor1SideA.resiSuitonPercent + "#" + actor1SideA.dodgePC + "#" + actor1SideA.dodgePM + "#" + actor1SideA.dodgePE + "#" + actor1SideA.dodgeCD + "#" + actor1SideA.removePC + "#" + actor1SideA.removePM + "#" + actor1SideA.removePE + "#" + actor1SideA.removeCD + "#" + actor1SideA.escape + "#" + actor1SideA.blocage + "#" + actor1SideA.species.ToString() + "#" + actor1SideA.directionLook + "|"; playersData += actor1SideB.Pseudo + "#" + actor1SideB.classeName + "#" + actor1SideB.level + "#" + actor1SideB.hiddenVillage + "#" + actor1SideB.maskColorString + "#" + actor1SideB.maxHealth + "#" + actor1SideB.currentHealth + "#" + actor1SideB.officialRang + "#" + actor1SideB.initiative + "#" + actor1SideB.doton + "#" + actor1SideB.katon + "#" + actor1SideB.futon + "#" + actor1SideB.raiton + "#" + actor1SideB.suiton + "#" + actor1SideB.usingDoton + "#" + actor1SideB.usingKaton + "#" + actor1SideB.usingFuton + "#" + actor1SideB.usingRaiton + "#" + actor1SideB.usingSuiton + "#" + actor1SideB.equipedDoton + "#" + actor1SideB.equipedKaton + "#" + actor1SideB.equipedFuton + "#" + actor1SideB.equipedRaiton + "#" + actor1SideB.equipedSuiton + "#" + actor1SideB.originalPc + "#" + actor1SideB.originalPm + "#" + + "#" + + "#" + actor1SideB.summons + "#" + actor1SideB.resiDotonPercent + "#" + actor1SideB.resiKatonPercent + "#" + actor1SideB.resiFutonPercent + "#" + actor1SideB.resiRaitonPercent + "#" + actor1SideB.resiSuitonPercent + "#" + actor1SideB.dodgePC + "#" + actor1SideB.dodgePM + "#" + actor1SideB.dodgePE + "#" + actor1SideB.dodgeCD + "#" + actor1SideB.removePC + "#" + actor1SideB.removePM + "#" + actor1SideB.removePE + "#" + actor1SideB.removeCD + "#" + actor1SideB.escape + "#" + actor1SideB.blocage + "#" + actor1SideB.species.ToString() + "#" + actor1SideB.directionLook; // modification des position des joueurs selon les position valide du map aléatoirement string[] sideAValidePos = battleStartPositions.Map(battle.Map, battle).Split('|')[0].Split('#'); string[] team2ValidePos = battleStartPositions.Map(battle.Map, battle).Split('|')[1].Split('#'); battle.SideAValidePos = battleStartPositions.Map(battle.Map, battle).Split('|')[0]; battle.SideBValidePos = battleStartPositions.Map(battle.Map, battle).Split('|')[1]; Random random = new Random(); int rand = random.Next(sideAValidePos.Length); actor1SideB.map_position = new Point(Convert.ToInt32(team2ValidePos[rand].Split('/')[0]), Convert.ToInt32(team2ValidePos[rand].Split('/')[1])); rand = random.Next(sideAValidePos.Length); actor1SideA.map_position = new Point(Convert.ToInt32(sideAValidePos[rand].Split('/')[0]), Convert.ToInt32(sideAValidePos[rand].Split('/')[1])); //////////////////////////////////// string team1 = battle.SideA.Aggregate("", (current, piib) => current + (piib.Pseudo + "|" + piib.map_position.X + "/" + piib.map_position.Y + "#")); team1 = team1.Substring(0, team1.Length - 1); string team2 = battle.SideB.Aggregate("", (current, piib) => current + (piib.Pseudo + "|" + piib.map_position.X + "/" + piib.map_position.Y + "#")); team2 = team2.Substring(0, team2.Length - 1); //////////////////////////////////// //pseudo#classe#level#village#MaskColors#TotalPdv#CurrentPdv#rang#initiative#doton#katon#futon#raiton#siuton#usingDoton#usingKaton#usingFuton#usingRaiton#usingSuiton#dotonEquiped#katonEquiped#futonEquiped#raitonEquiped#suitonEquiped#pc#pm#pe#cd#invoc#resiDoton#resiKaton#resiFuton#resiRaiton#resiSuiton#esquivePC#esquivePM#esquivePE#esquiveCD#retraitPC#retraitPM#retraitPE#retraitCD#evasion#blocage // envoie au client la confirmation du challenge CommonCode.SendMessage("cmd•challengeBegan•" + playersData + "•" + battle.SideAValidePos + "|" + battle.SideBValidePos + "•" + MainClass.InitialisationBattleWaitTime + "•" + battle.BattleType + "•" + team1 + "•" + team2 + "•" + battle.State + "•" + "14/5#16/5#18/5" + "•" + "14/10#16/10#18/10", im, true); //Console.WriteLine("<--cmd•challengeBegan•" + playersData + "•" + battle.SideAValidePos + "|" + battle.SideBValidePos + "•" + MainClass.InitialisationBattleWaitTime + "•" + battle.BattleType + "•" + team1 + "•" + team2 + "•" + battle.State + "•" + "14/5#16/5#18/5" + "•" + "14/10#16/10#18/10" + " to " + actor.Pseudo); // lock position bool launchBattle = false; battle.LockedPosInIniTime.Add(actor1SideA.Pseudo); foreach (Actor t in battle.SideB) { NetConnection nc = MainClass.netServer.Connections.Find(f => ((Actor)f.Tag).Pseudo == t.Pseudo); if (nc != null) { CommonCode.SendMessage("cmd•BattlePosLocked•" + actor1SideA.Pseudo + "•" + launchBattle, nc, true); //Console.WriteLine("<--cmd•BattlePosLocked•" + actor1SideA.Pseudo + "•" + launchBattle + " to " + ((Actor)nc.Tag).Pseudo); } } } else if (cmd.Length > 4 && cmd[3] == "tp") { // cmd[4] = le tp apres la quette FirtFight switch (cmd[4]) { case "1": // tp au village du joueur // pour le moment je vais tp vers une seul map vus qu'au début il n'aura pas bc de monde if ( == "start" && actor.Quests.Exists(f => f.QuestName == "FirstFight" && f.Submited)) { // l'utilisateur a déja fait la quete FirstFight, on le tp a son statue = "_0_0_0"; // changement du map du jour sur la table players ((List <mysql.players>)DataBase.DataTables.players).Find(f => f.pseudo == actor.Pseudo).map = "_0_0_0"; // changement du map du jour sur la table connected ((List <mysql.connected>)DataBase.DataTables.connected).Find(f => f.pseudo == actor.Pseudo).map = "_0_0_0"; CommonCode.SendMessage("cmd•change map•_0_0_0", im, true); //Console.WriteLine("<--cmd•change map•_0_0_0 to " + actor.Pseudo); } else { // quete pas encore faite Console.WriteLine("Error, quete FirstFight na pas été faite, et le joueur " + actor.Pseudo + " essai de se TP, se qui n'est pas possible"); Console.WriteLine("Le client et le serveurs doivent etre synchronisé, si on arrive la c que le joueur a modifier le client"); } break; /*if(pi.village == "konoha") * { * // tp vers map konoha * } * else if(pi.village == "iwa") * { * * } * else if (pi.village == "kiri") * { * * } * else if (pi.village == "kumo") * { * * } * else if (pi.village == "suna") * { * * }*/ } } } #endregion } else if (cmd.Length > 1 && cmd[1] == "checkQuete") { #region if (actor.Pseudo == "") { Security.User_banne("checkQuete", im.SenderConnection); return; } Actor pi = (Actor)im.SenderConnection.Tag; CommonCode.SendMessage("cmd•checkQuete•" + cmd[2] + "•" + CheckQuete.isSubmitedQuest(cmd[2], pi), im, true); #endregion } else if (cmd.Length > 1 && cmd[1] == "requireBattleData") { #region if (actor.Pseudo == "") { Security.User_banne("requireBattleData", im.SenderConnection); return; } CommonCode.RequireBattleData(im); #endregion } else if (cmd.Length > 1 && cmd[1] == "getMyPlayerPos") { #region if (actor.Pseudo == "" || == "" || actor.inBattle == 1) { Security.User_banne("getMyPlayerPos", im.SenderConnection); return; } if (actor.Pseudo == "") { Security.User_banne("getMyPlayerPos", im.SenderConnection); return; } CommonCode.SendMessage("cmd•getMyPlayerPos•" + actor.map_position.X + "/" + actor.map_position.Y, im, true); #endregion } else if (cmd.Length > 1 && cmd[1] == "upgradeSpell") { #region if (actor.Pseudo == "" || == "" || actor.inBattle == 1) { Security.User_banne("upgradeSpell", im.SenderConnection); return; } // joueur qui veux augementer le lvl d'un sort int spellId; if (int.TryParse(cmd[2], out spellId) && actor.inBattle == 0) { if (actor.sorts.Exists(f => f.SpellId == spellId)) { Actor.SpellsInformations infoSort = actor.sorts.Find(f => f.SpellId == spellId); // on check si le sort na pas atteint sa limite qui est de 5 if (infoSort.Level < 5 && actor.spellPointLeft >= infoSort.Level) { actor.spellPointLeft -= infoSort.Level; infoSort.Level++; // augmentation du level su sort string[] spells = ((List <mysql.players>)DataBase.DataTables.players).Find( f => f.pseudo == actor.Pseudo).sorts.Split('/'); for (int cnt = 0; cnt < spells.Length; cnt++) { bool found = false; string[] spellsData = spells[cnt].Split(':'); if (spellsData[0] == spellId.ToString()) { found = true; } if (found) { string newSpellData = ""; for (int cnt2 = 0; cnt2 < spellsData.Length; cnt2++) { if (cnt2 == 2) { newSpellData += (Convert.ToInt16(spellsData[cnt2]) + 1) + ":"; } else { newSpellData += spellsData[cnt2] + ":"; } } newSpellData = newSpellData.Substring(0, newSpellData.Length - 1); spells[cnt] = newSpellData; } } // reconstruction des states des sorts apres augementation du lvl string newData = spells.Aggregate("", (current, t) => current + t + "/"); newData = newData.Substring(0, newData.Length - 1); // mise à jours des données mysql.players player = ((List <mysql.players>)DataBase.DataTables.players).Find( f => f.pseudo == actor.Pseudo); player.sorts = newData; player.spellPointLeft = actor.spellPointLeft; CommonCode.SendMessage( "cmd•upgradedSpell•" + spellId + "•" + infoSort.Level + "•" + actor.spellPointLeft, im, true); } } } #endregion } }