public void InjectDiscordID(IPlayer player) { try { if (InjectDiscordIDMethod != null) { string discord_Id = Task.Run(async() => await GetID(player.SteamId)).Result; if (discord_Id != null) { var roledata = GetRoles(ulong.Parse(discord_Id), player.SteamId); string discordName = DDBridge.GetName(ulong.Parse(discord_Id)); Log.Info($"DiscordID for {player.Name} found! Retrieving role data and injecting into essentials..."); InjectDiscordIDMethod.Invoke(null, new object[] { player.SteamId, discord_Id, discordName, roledata }); } else if (!messageQueue.Contains(player.SteamId)) { messageQueue.Add(player.SteamId); } } else { Log.Warn("Commincation to target method failed!"); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.Warn(e, "failure"); } }