static void ShowResult(FHEParams fHEParams) { Console.WriteLine($"Param1: {fHEParams.param1}\tParam2: " + $"{fHEParams.param2}\tresult: {fHEParams.result}"); }
static async Task RunAsync() { // Update port # in the following line. client.BaseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost/"); //client.BaseAddress = new Uri(""); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Clear(); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add( new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/octet-stream")); UriBuilder builder = new UriBuilder(); builder.Port = 50755; builder.Path = "sealoperation"; using EncryptionParameters parms = new EncryptionParameters(SchemeType.BFV); ulong polyModulusDegree = 4096; parms.PolyModulusDegree = polyModulusDegree; parms.CoeffModulus = CoeffModulus.BFVDefault(polyModulusDegree); parms.PlainModulus = new Modulus(4096); using SEALContext context = new SEALContext(parms); using Evaluator evaluator = new Evaluator(context); using KeyGenerator keygen = new KeyGenerator(context); using PublicKey publicKey = keygen.PublicKey; using SecretKey secretKey = keygen.SecretKey; using Encryptor encryptor = new Encryptor(context, publicKey); using Decryptor decryptor = new Decryptor(context, secretKey); //BigInteger bint = BigInteger.Parse("97391909619002370737223511047161666878854921822310726371156754097341907215981"); BigInteger bint = BigInteger.Parse("998745113"); //int xVal = 625; //int degree = 10; //int coeff = 25; // These are good starting points for small numbers < 100mil /* * int tConst = 121; * int xVal = 10; * int degree = 2; * int coeff = 3; */ int tConst = 1210; int xVal = 25; int degree = 4; int coeff = 3; // Candidate first result from initial polynomial List <int> terms; BigInteger res = createBigIntFromPoly(degree, coeff, xVal, tConst, out terms); // compare res to target BigInteger, if way smaller, then create a new // result after increasing any of the polynomial values while (BigInteger.Compare(res, bint) < 0) // res is less than bint { BigInteger halfVal = BigInteger.Divide(bint, new BigInteger(2)); BigInteger onePercent = BigInteger.Divide(bint, new BigInteger(100)); BigInteger tenPercent = BigInteger.Multiply(onePercent, new BigInteger(10)); //BigInteger quarterVal = BigInteger.Divide(bint, new BigInteger(4)); if (BigInteger.Compare(halfVal, res) > 0) { //coeff += 1; int len = halfVal.ToString().Length; int len2 = res.ToString().Length; if (len == len2) { coeff *= 2; } else { degree += 2; } res = createBigIntFromPoly(degree, coeff, xVal, tConst, out terms); } else { BigInteger difference = BigInteger.Subtract(bint, res); if (BigInteger.Compare(tenPercent, difference) > 0) { tConst += 1111; } else { coeff += 1; } res = createBigIntFromPoly(degree, coeff, xVal, tConst, out terms); } //Console.WriteLine(res.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("..."); } // Res is now equal or greater to bint tConst = tConst - (int)BigInteger.Subtract(res, bint); // Now check the polynomial BigInteger testPoly = createBigIntFromPoly(degree, coeff, xVal, tConst, out terms); Console.WriteLine("For Big Integer {0}", bint.ToString()); foreach (int term in terms) { Console.WriteLine("Polynomial term is {0}x^{1}", coeff, term); } Console.WriteLine("Final term is constant {0} with x={1}", tConst, xVal); byte[] bytespan = bint.ToByteArray(); byte[] newspan = new byte[bytespan.Length]; newspan[0] = bytespan[0]; BigInteger binttemp = new BigInteger(bytespan); // Pick an 'x' value for the polynomial that is big enough to represent the upper 10 digits of the value BigInteger bint2 = BigInteger.Parse("7983012132846067729184195556448685457666384473549591845215215701504271855338012801306119587019479688581971723759499902125851173348207536911525267617909811"); BigInteger bintres = bint * bint2; using Plaintext bPlainB = new Plaintext(bint.ToString()); int x = 9; Console.WriteLine("Plain x value to set"); Console.WriteLine(x.ToString()); using Plaintext xPlainX = new Plaintext(Convert.ToString(x, 16)); Console.WriteLine("Hex value being set"); Console.WriteLine(xPlainX.ToString()); using Ciphertext xEncrypted = new Ciphertext(); Console.WriteLine("Encrypt xPlain to xEncrypted."); encryptor.Encrypt(xPlainX, xEncrypted); int y = 5; Console.WriteLine("Plain y value to set"); Console.WriteLine(y.ToString()); using Plaintext xPlainY = new Plaintext(Convert.ToString(y, 16)); Console.WriteLine("Hex y value being set"); Console.WriteLine(xPlainY.ToString()); using Ciphertext yEncrypted = new Ciphertext(); encryptor.Encrypt(xPlainY, yEncrypted); FHEParams fHEParams = new FHEParams(); fHEParams.param1 = xEncrypted; fHEParams.param2 = yEncrypted; fHEParams.result = new Ciphertext(); // DEBUG ONLY Ciphertext mAnswer = new Ciphertext(); evaluator.Multiply(fHEParams.param1, fHEParams.param2, mAnswer); evaluator.Add(fHEParams.param1, fHEParams.param2, fHEParams.result); string expAnswer = SerializeSEAL(fHEParams.result); using Plaintext xDecrypted2 = new Plaintext(); decryptor.Decrypt(mAnswer, xDecrypted2); Console.WriteLine(xDecrypted2.ToString()); decryptor.Decrypt(fHEParams.result, xDecrypted2); string answer = xDecrypted2.ToString(); int num = 0; Int32.TryParse(answer, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out num); Console.WriteLine("Local answer"); Console.WriteLine(answer); Console.WriteLine(num.ToString()); // END DEBUG //fHEParams.param1. fHEParams.operation = "add"; SEALTransport transport = new SEALTransport(); transport.ContextParams = SerializeSEAL(parms); transport.FHEParam1 = SerializeSEAL(fHEParams.param1); // Console.WriteLine(transport.FHEParam1); transport.FHEParam2 = SerializeSEAL(fHEParams.param2); transport.FHEResult = SerializeSEAL(fHEParams.result); transport.Operation = fHEParams.operation; try { // Get the parameters, SEALTransport response = await PostFHEResultAsync(builder.Uri.AbsoluteUri, transport); Ciphertext result = new Ciphertext(); byte[] fp1 = System.Convert.FromBase64String(response.FHEResult); string recAnswer = response.FHEResult; if (expAnswer == recAnswer) { Console.WriteLine("Expected answer matches received answer"); } MemoryStream mst = new MemoryStream(fp1); result.Load(context, mst); Plaintext xDecrypted3 = new Plaintext(); decryptor.Decrypt(result, xDecrypted3); answer = xDecrypted3.ToString(); Console.WriteLine(answer); Console.WriteLine("Remote Decimal answer"); Int32.TryParse(answer, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out num); Console.WriteLine(num.ToString()); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } Console.ReadLine(); }