private static void onClickedSkillset(SleekButton button) { Characters.skillify((EPlayerSkillset)(button.positionOffset_Y / 40)); }
private static void onTypedNameField(SleekField field, string text) { Characters.rename(text); }
private static void onTypedNickField(SleekField field, string text) { Characters.renick(text); }
public static void paintSkin(Color color) { = color; Characters.apply(false, false); }
public static void paintColor(Color color) { = color; Characters.apply(false, false); }
public static void growHair(byte hair) { = hair; Characters.apply(false, false); }
public static void growBeard(byte beard) { = beard; Characters.apply(false, false); }
public static void load() { Characters.initialApply = false; Provider.provider.economyService.refreshInventory(); if (Characters.list != null) { byte b = 0; while ((int)b < Characters.list.Length) { if (Characters.list[(int)b] != null) { if (Characters.onCharacterUpdated != null) { Characters.onCharacterUpdated(b, Characters.list[(int)b]); } } b += 1; } return; } Characters.list = new Character[(int)(Customization.FREE_CHARACTERS + Customization.PRO_CHARACTERS)]; Characters._packageSkins = new List <ulong>(); if (ReadWrite.fileExists("/Characters.dat", true)) { Block block = ReadWrite.readBlock("/Characters.dat", true, 0); if (block != null) { byte b2 = block.readByte(); if (b2 >= 12) { if (b2 >= 14) { ushort num = block.readUInt16(); for (ushort num2 = 0; num2 < num; num2 += 1) { ulong num3 = block.readUInt64(); if (num3 != 0UL) { Characters.packageSkins.Add(num3); } } } Characters._selected = block.readByte(); if (!Provider.isPro && Characters.selected >= Customization.FREE_CHARACTERS) { Characters._selected = 0; } byte b3 = 0; while ((int)b3 < Characters.list.Length) { ushort newShirt = block.readUInt16(); ushort newPants = block.readUInt16(); ushort newHat = block.readUInt16(); ushort newBackpack = block.readUInt16(); ushort newVest = block.readUInt16(); ushort newMask = block.readUInt16(); ushort newGlasses = block.readUInt16(); ulong newPackageShirt = block.readUInt64(); ulong newPackagePants = block.readUInt64(); ulong newPackageHat = block.readUInt64(); ulong newPackageBackpack = block.readUInt64(); ulong newPackageVest = block.readUInt64(); ulong newPackageMask = block.readUInt64(); ulong newPackageGlasses = block.readUInt64(); ushort newPrimaryItem = block.readUInt16(); byte[] newPrimaryState = block.readByteArray(); ushort newSecondaryItem = block.readUInt16(); byte[] newSecondaryState = block.readByteArray(); byte b4 = block.readByte(); byte b5 = block.readByte(); byte b6 = block.readByte(); Color color = block.readColor(); Color color2 = block.readColor(); bool newHand = block.readBoolean(); string newName = block.readString(); if (b2 < 19) { newName = Provider.clientName; } string newNick = block.readString(); CSteamID csteamID = block.readSteamID(); byte b7 = block.readByte(); if (!Provider.provider.communityService.checkGroup(csteamID)) { csteamID = CSteamID.Nil; } if (b7 >= Customization.SKILLSETS) { b7 = 0; } if (b2 < 16) { b7 = (byte)Random.Range(1, (int)Customization.SKILLSETS); } if (b2 > 16 && b2 < 20) { block.readBoolean(); } if (!Provider.isPro) { if (b4 >= Customization.FACES_FREE) { b4 = (byte)Random.Range(0, (int)Customization.FACES_FREE); } if (b5 >= Customization.HAIRS_FREE) { b5 = (byte)Random.Range(0, (int)Customization.HAIRS_FREE); } if (b6 >= Customization.BEARDS_FREE) { b6 = 0; } if (!Customization.checkSkin(color)) { color = Customization.SKINS[Random.Range(0, Customization.SKINS.Length)]; } if (!Customization.checkColor(color2)) { color2 = Customization.COLORS[Random.Range(0, Customization.COLORS.Length)]; } } Characters.list[(int)b3] = new Character(newShirt, newPants, newHat, newBackpack, newVest, newMask, newGlasses, newPackageShirt, newPackagePants, newPackageHat, newPackageBackpack, newPackageVest, newPackageMask, newPackageGlasses, newPrimaryItem, newPrimaryState, newSecondaryItem, newSecondaryState, b4, b5, b6, color, color2, newHand, newName, newNick, csteamID, (EPlayerSkillset)b7); if (Characters.onCharacterUpdated != null) { Characters.onCharacterUpdated(b3, Characters.list[(int)b3]); } b3 += 1; } } else { byte b8 = 0; while ((int)b8 < Characters.list.Length) { Characters.list[(int)b8] = new Character(); if (Characters.onCharacterUpdated != null) { Characters.onCharacterUpdated(b8, Characters.list[(int)b8]); } b8 += 1; } } } } else { Characters._selected = 0; } byte b9 = 0; while ((int)b9 < Characters.list.Length) { if (Characters.list[(int)b9] == null) { Characters.list[(int)b9] = new Character(); if (Characters.onCharacterUpdated != null) { Characters.onCharacterUpdated(b9, Characters.list[(int)b9]); } } b9 += 1; } Characters.apply(); Characters.hasLoaded = true; }
public static void growFace(byte face) { = face; Characters.apply(false, false); }
private static void onInventoryRefreshed() { if (Characters.clothes != null && Characters.list != null && Characters.packageSkins != null) { for (int i = Characters.packageSkins.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ulong num = Characters.packageSkins[i]; if (num != 0UL && Provider.provider.economyService.getInventoryItem(num) == 0) { Characters.packageSkins.RemoveAt(i); } } for (int j = 0; j < Characters.list.Length; j++) { Character character = Characters.list[j]; if (character != null) { if (character.packageShirt != 0UL && Provider.provider.economyService.getInventoryItem(character.packageShirt) == 0) { character.packageShirt = 0UL; } if (character.packagePants != 0UL && Provider.provider.economyService.getInventoryItem(character.packagePants) == 0) { character.packagePants = 0UL; } if (character.packageHat != 0UL && Provider.provider.economyService.getInventoryItem(character.packageHat) == 0) { character.packageHat = 0UL; } if (character.packageBackpack != 0UL && Provider.provider.economyService.getInventoryItem(character.packageBackpack) == 0) { character.packageBackpack = 0UL; } if (character.packageVest != 0UL && Provider.provider.economyService.getInventoryItem(character.packageVest) == 0) { character.packageVest = 0UL; } if (character.packageMask != 0UL && Provider.provider.economyService.getInventoryItem(character.packageMask) == 0) { character.packageMask = 0UL; } if (character.packageGlasses != 0UL && Provider.provider.economyService.getInventoryItem(character.packageGlasses) == 0) { character.packageGlasses = 0UL; } } } if (!Characters.initialApply) { Characters.initialApply = true; Characters.apply(); } } if (Characters.hasDropped) { return; } Characters.hasDropped = true; if (Characters.hasPlayed) { Provider.provider.economyService.dropInventory(); } }
public static void apply(bool showItems, bool showCosmetics) { if ( == null) { Debug.LogError("Failed to find an active character."); return; } if (Characters.clothes == null) { Debug.LogError("Failed to find character clothes."); return; } Characters.character.localScale = new Vector3((float)((! ? 1 : -1), 1f, 1f); if (showItems) { Characters.clothes.shirt =; Characters.clothes.pants =; Characters.clothes.hat =; Characters.clothes.backpack =; Characters.clothes.vest =; Characters.clothes.mask =; Characters.clothes.glasses =; } else { Characters.clothes.shirt = 0; Characters.clothes.pants = 0; Characters.clothes.hat = 0; Characters.clothes.backpack = 0; Characters.clothes.vest = 0; Characters.clothes.mask = 0; Characters.clothes.glasses = 0; } if (showCosmetics) { if ( != 0UL) { Characters.clothes.visualShirt = Provider.provider.economyService.getInventoryItem(; } else { Characters.clothes.visualShirt = 0; } if ( != 0UL) { Characters.clothes.visualPants = Provider.provider.economyService.getInventoryItem(; } else { Characters.clothes.visualPants = 0; } if ( != 0UL) { Characters.clothes.visualHat = Provider.provider.economyService.getInventoryItem(; } else { Characters.clothes.visualHat = 0; } if ( != 0UL) { Characters.clothes.visualBackpack = Provider.provider.economyService.getInventoryItem(; } else { Characters.clothes.visualBackpack = 0; } if ( != 0UL) { Characters.clothes.visualVest = Provider.provider.economyService.getInventoryItem(; } else { Characters.clothes.visualVest = 0; } if ( != 0UL) { Characters.clothes.visualMask = Provider.provider.economyService.getInventoryItem(; } else { Characters.clothes.visualMask = 0; } if ( != 0UL) { Characters.clothes.visualGlasses = Provider.provider.economyService.getInventoryItem(; } else { Characters.clothes.visualGlasses = 0; } } else { Characters.clothes.visualShirt = 0; Characters.clothes.visualPants = 0; Characters.clothes.visualHat = 0; Characters.clothes.visualBackpack = 0; Characters.clothes.visualVest = 0; Characters.clothes.visualMask = 0; Characters.clothes.visualGlasses = 0; } Characters.clothes.face =; =; Characters.clothes.beard =; =; Characters.clothes.color =; Characters.clothes.hand =; Characters.clothes.apply(); byte b = 0; while ((int)b < Characters.slots.Length) { Characters.apply(b, showItems); b += 1; } }
public static void apply() { Characters.apply(true, true); }
private static void apply(byte slot) { Characters.apply(slot, true); }
public static void package(ulong package) { int inventoryItem = Provider.provider.economyService.getInventoryItem(package); if (inventoryItem == 0) { return; } ushort inventoryItemID = Provider.provider.economyService.getInventoryItemID(inventoryItem); if (inventoryItemID == 0) { return; } ItemAsset itemAsset = (ItemAsset)Assets.find(EAssetType.ITEM, inventoryItemID); if (itemAsset != null) { if (itemAsset.proPath == null || itemAsset.proPath.Length == 0) { if (Provider.provider.economyService.getInventorySkinID(inventoryItem) == 0) { return; } if (!Characters.packageSkins.Remove(package)) { for (int i = 0; i < Characters.packageSkins.Count; i++) { ulong num = Characters.packageSkins[i]; if (num != 0UL) { int inventoryItem2 = Provider.provider.economyService.getInventoryItem(num); if (inventoryItem2 != 0) { ushort inventoryItemID2 = Provider.provider.economyService.getInventoryItemID(inventoryItem2); if (inventoryItemID2 != 0) { if (inventoryItemID == inventoryItemID2) { Characters.packageSkins.RemoveAt(i); } } } } } Characters.packageSkins.Add(package); } } else if (itemAsset.type == EItemType.SHIRT) { if ( == package) { = 0UL; } else { = package; } } else if (itemAsset.type == EItemType.PANTS) { if ( == package) { = 0UL; } else { = package; } } else if (itemAsset.type == EItemType.HAT) { if ( == package) { = 0UL; } else { = package; } } else if (itemAsset.type == EItemType.BACKPACK) { if ( == package) { = 0UL; } else { = package; } } else if (itemAsset.type == EItemType.VEST) { if ( == package) { = 0UL; } else { = package; } } else if (itemAsset.type == EItemType.MASK) { if ( == package) { = 0UL; } else { = package; } } else if (itemAsset.type == EItemType.GLASSES) { if ( == package) { = 0UL; } else { = package; } } Characters.apply(false, true); if (Characters.onCharacterUpdated != null) { Characters.onCharacterUpdated(Characters.selected,; } } }