public void MovePrevSlow() { Setup.TimerStart($"==>{Setup.CallerName()} Started"); BaseType n = SdcUtil.GetLastDescendant(Setup.FD); int i = Setup.FD.Nodes.Count() - 1; string content; while (n != null) { if (n is DisplayedType) { content = ": title: " + (n as DisplayedType).title; } else if (n is PropertyType) { content = ": " + (n as PropertyType).propName + ": " + (n as PropertyType).val; } else { content = ""; } Debug.Print(n.ObjectID.ToString().PadLeft(4) + ": " + i.ToString().PadLeft(4) + ": " + ( ?? "").PadRight(20) + ": " + (n.ElementName ?? "").PadRight(25) + content); n = SdcUtil.GetPrevElement(n); i--; } Setup.TimerPrintSeconds(" seconds: ", $"\r\n<=={Setup.CallerName()} Complete"); }
public void MoveNextReflect() { Setup.TimerStart($"==>{Setup.CallerName()} Started"); int i = 0; BaseType n = Setup.FD; string content; while (n != null) { if (n is DisplayedType) { content = ": title: " + (n as DisplayedType).title; } else if (n is PropertyType) { content = ": " + (n as PropertyType).propName + ": " + (n as PropertyType).val; } else { content = ""; } Debug.Print(n.ObjectID.ToString().PadLeft(4) + ": " + i.ToString().PadLeft(4) + ": " + ( ?? "").PadRight(20) + ": " + (n.ElementName ?? "").PadRight(25) + content); n = SdcUtil.ReflectNextElement2(n); i++; } Setup.TimerPrintSeconds(" seconds: ", $"\r\n<=={Setup.CallerName()} Complete"); }
public void DeserializeDemogFormDesignFromPath() { Setup.TimerStart("==>[] Started"); BaseType.ResetSdcImport(); //string path = @".\Test files\Demog CCO Lung Surgery.xml"; string path = Path.Combine(".", "Test files", "Demog CCO Lung Surgery.xml"); //if (!File.Exists(path)) path = @"/Test files/Demog CCO Lung Surgery.xml"; //string sdcFile = File.ReadAllText(path, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); DemogFormDesignType FD = DemogFormDesignType.DeserializeFromXmlPath(path); var myXML = FD.GetXml(); Debug.Print(myXML); //Debug.Print(FD.GetJson()); var doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(myXML); var json = JsonConvert.SerializeXmlNode(doc); Debug.Print(json); doc = JsonConvert.DeserializeXmlNode(json); Debug.Print(doc.OuterXml); Setup.TimerPrintSeconds(" seconds: ", "\r\n<==[] Complete"); }
public static void Reset() { Setup.TimerStart("==>Setup starting----------"); BaseType.ResetSdcImport(); _Xml = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(_XmlPath); FD = FormDesignType.DeserializeFromXml(_Xml); Setup.TimerPrintSeconds(" seconds: ", "\r\n<==Setup finished----------\r\n"); }
public void GetLastDescendantNode() { Setup.TimerStart($"==>{Setup.CallerName()} Started"); var n = SdcUtil.GetLastDescendant(Setup.FD.Body); Assert.IsTrue(n.ElementName == "LocalFunctionName" && n.type == "submit"); Setup.TimerPrintSeconds(" seconds: ", $"\r\n<=={Setup.CallerName()} Complete"); }
public void NodesToSortedListbyTreeComparer() { Setup.TimerStart($"==>{Setup.CallerName()} Started"); var sa = Setup.FD.Nodes.Values.ToList(); sa.Sort(new TreeComparer()); Setup.TimerPrintSeconds(" seconds: ", $"\r\n<=={Setup.CallerName()} Complete"); }
public void MovePrevFast() { Setup.TimerStart($"==>{Setup.CallerName()} Started"); Stopwatch.StartNew(); var a = (float)Stopwatch.GetTimestamp(); var total = a; BaseType[] sortedNodes = new BaseType[Setup.FD.Nodes.Count()]; int i = 0; BaseType n = Setup.FD; string content; n = Setup.FD; while (n != null) { sortedNodes[i] = n; n = SdcUtil.ReflectNextElement(n); //if (n is null) Debugger.Break(); i++; } Debug.Print("Seconds to Create Node Array: " + ((Stopwatch.GetTimestamp() - a) / Stopwatch.Frequency).ToString()); Debug.Print("Seconds per Node: " + (((Stopwatch.GetTimestamp() - a) / Stopwatch.Frequency) / Setup.FD.Nodes.Count()).ToString()); a = (float)Stopwatch.GetTimestamp(); for (i = Setup.FD.Nodes.Count() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { n = sortedNodes[i]; if (n is DisplayedType) { content = ": title: " + (n as DisplayedType).title; } else if (n is PropertyType) { content = ": " + (n as PropertyType).propName + ": " + (n as PropertyType).val; } else { content = ""; } Debug.Print(n.ObjectID.ToString().PadLeft(4) + ": " + i.ToString().PadLeft(4) + ": " + ( ?? "").PadRight(20) + ": " + (n.ElementName ?? "").PadRight(25) + content); } Debug.Print("Output Time" + ((Stopwatch.GetTimestamp() - a) / Stopwatch.Frequency).ToString()); Debug.Print("Seconds per Node" + (((Stopwatch.GetTimestamp() - a) / Stopwatch.Frequency) / Setup.FD.Nodes.Count()).ToString()); Debug.Print("Total Time: " + ((Stopwatch.GetTimestamp() - total) / Stopwatch.Frequency).ToString()); Setup.TimerPrintSeconds(" seconds: ", $"\r\n<=={Setup.CallerName()} Complete"); }
public void ReflectPropertyInfoList() { Setup.TimerStart($"==>{Setup.CallerName()} Started"); var lst = SdcUtil.ReflectPropertyInfoList(Setup.FD); foreach (var n in lst) { Debug.Print($"{n.XmlOrder}:\t Name: {n.PropertyInfo.Name}, \t Type: {n.PropertyInfo.PropertyType.Name}"); } Setup.TimerPrintSeconds(" seconds: ", $"\r\n<=={Setup.CallerName()} Complete"); }
public void ReflectChildList() { Setup.TimerStart($"==>{Setup.CallerName()} Started"); var lst = SdcUtil.ReflectChildList(Setup.FD); foreach (var n in lst) { Debug.Print($"{n.order}: \t Name: {}"); } Setup.TimerPrintSeconds(" seconds: ", $"\r\n<=={Setup.CallerName()} Complete"); }
public void ReflectSubtree() { Setup.TimerStart($"==>{Setup.CallerName()} Started"); var lst = Setup.FD.TopNode.GetItemByName("S_57219") .GetSubtreeList(); foreach (var n in lst) { Debug.Print($"{n.order}: \t Name: {}"); } Setup.TimerPrintSeconds(" seconds: ", $"\r\n<=={Setup.CallerName()} Complete"); }
public void Misc() { //SectionItemType S; //need AddActionNode //Prevent adding nodes without going through dictionaries //Ensure that all add/remove functions use dictionaries // //S.AddOnExit().Actions.AddActSendReport(); Setup.TimerStart($"==>{Setup.CallerName()} Started"); Setup.TimerPrintSeconds(" seconds: ", $"\r\n<=={Setup.CallerName()} Complete"); }
public void GetXmlAttributesFilled() { Setup.TimerStart($"==>{Setup.CallerName()} Started"); var lst = Setup.FD.TopNode.GetItemByName("S_57219") .GetXmlAttributesFilled(); foreach (var n in lst) { Debug.Print($"{n.Name}"); } Setup.TimerPrintSeconds(" seconds: ", $"\r\n<=={Setup.CallerName()} Complete"); }
public void GetPropertyInfoMetadata_Complete() { Setup.TimerStart($"==>{Setup.CallerName()} Started"); Stopwatch.StartNew(); var a = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp(); foreach (var n in Setup.FD.Nodes) { SdcUtil.GetPropertyInfo(n.Value); //Debug.Print(ISdcUtil.GetPropertyInfo(n.Value).ToString()); } Debug.Print(((((float)Stopwatch.GetTimestamp() - a) / Stopwatch.Frequency) / Setup.FD.Nodes.Count()).ToString()); Setup.TimerPrintSeconds(" seconds: ", $"\r\n<=={Setup.CallerName()} Complete"); }
public void ParentNodesFromXml() { Setup.TimerStart($"==>{Setup.CallerName()} Started"); BaseType.ResetSdcImport(); string path = Path.Combine(".", "Test files", "Adrenal.Bx.Res.129_3.004.001.REL_sdcFDF_test.xml"); var FDbad = FormDesignType.DeserializeFromXmlPath(path); //used to compare nodes in another tree var adr = FDbad.Nodes.Values.ToArray <BaseType>(); foreach (var n in adr) { Debug.Print( + ", par: " + n.ParentNode?.name); } Setup.TimerPrintSeconds(" seconds: ", $"\r\n<=={Setup.CallerName()} Complete"); }
public void ReflectNodeDictionariesOrdered() { Setup.TimerStart($"==>{Setup.CallerName()} Started"); SdcUtil.ReflectNodeDictionariesOrdered(Setup.FD); Setup.TimerPrintSeconds(" seconds: ", $"\r\n<=={Setup.CallerName()} Complete"); Setup.TimerStart($"==>{Setup.CallerName()} Started"); SdcUtil.ReflectNodeDictionariesOrdered(Setup.FD); Setup.TimerPrintSeconds(" seconds: ", $"\r\n<=={Setup.CallerName()} Complete"); Setup.TimerStart($"==>{Setup.CallerName()} Started"); var s = SdcUtil.ReflectNodeDictionariesOrdered(Setup.FD, true); Setup.TimerPrintSeconds(" seconds: ", $"\r\n<=={Setup.CallerName()} Complete"); Debug.Print(s); }
public void MoveListItemToOtherList() { Setup.TimerStart($"==>{Setup.CallerName()} Started"); var li = Setup.FD.Nodes.Where(n => n.Value is ListItemType liTest && liTest.ID == "38493.100004300").FirstOrDefault().Value as ListItemType; Assert.IsTrue(li is ListItemType); var list = (ListType)li.ParentNode; var list2 = Setup.FD.Nodes.Where(n => n.Value is ListType liTest && == "lst_58267_3").FirstOrDefault().Value as ListType; Assert.IsTrue(list2 is ListType); //Move to different List (list2) li.Move(list2, 2); Assert.IsTrue(SdcUtil.GetPropertyInfo(li).ItemIndex == 2); Assert.AreEqual(list2, li.ParentNode); Setup.TimerPrintSeconds(" seconds: ", $"\r\n<=={Setup.CallerName()} Complete"); }
public void GetPropertyInfoMetadata() { //given an SDC item, find the property that references it in the item.ParentNode class Setup.TimerStart($"==>{Setup.CallerName()} Started"); var t = (ITopNode)Setup.FD; var qList = t.Nodes.Where(n => n.Value is QuestionItemType).Select(n => n.Value).ToList(); var sList = t.Nodes.Where(n => n.Value is SectionItemType).Select(n => n.Value).ToList(); var aList = t.Nodes.Where(n => n.Value is ListItemType).Select(n => n.Value).ToList(); var cList = t.Nodes.Where(n => n.Value is ChildItemsType).Select(n => n.Value).ToList(); var pList = t.Nodes.Where(n => n.Value is PropertyType).Select(n => n.Value).ToList(); Debug.Print(SdcUtil.GetPropertyInfo(qList[1]).ToString()); Debug.Print(SdcUtil.GetPropertyInfo(sList[1]).ToString()); Debug.Print(SdcUtil.GetPropertyInfo(aList[1]).ToString()); Debug.Print(SdcUtil.GetPropertyInfo(cList[1]).ToString()); Debug.Print(SdcUtil.GetPropertyInfo(pList[1]).ToString()); Debug.Print(SdcUtil.GetPropertyInfo(qList[10]).ToString()); Debug.Print(SdcUtil.GetPropertyInfo(sList[10]).ToString()); Debug.Print(SdcUtil.GetPropertyInfo(aList[10]).ToString()); Debug.Print(SdcUtil.GetPropertyInfo(cList[10]).ToString()); Debug.Print(SdcUtil.GetPropertyInfo(pList[10]).ToString()); Setup.TimerPrintSeconds(" seconds: ", $"\r\n<=={Setup.CallerName()} Complete"); }
public void MoveListItemInList() { Setup.TimerStart($"==>{Setup.CallerName()} Started"); //FD.TopNode.ReorderNodes(); var li = Setup.FD.Nodes.Where(n => n.Value is ListItemType liTest && liTest.ID == "38493.100004300").FirstOrDefault().Value as ListItemType; Assert.IsTrue(li is ListItemType); List <BaseType> lst1; List <BaseType> lst2; List <BaseType> lst3; lst1 = SdcUtil.ReflectChildList(Setup.FD.GetListItemByID("51689.100004300")); lst2 = SdcUtil.ReflectChildList(Setup.FD.GetListItemByID("38493.100004300")); lst3 = SdcUtil.ReflectChildList(Setup.FD.GetItemByName("lst_44135_3")); lst3 = SdcUtil.ReflectSubtree(Setup.FD.GetSectionByID("43969.100004300")); //foreach (var n in lst3) Debug.Print(; var tc = new TreeComparer(); lst3.Sort(tc); foreach (var n in lst3) { Debug.Print( + ": " + n.ElementName + ", " + n.ObjectID); } var lst4 = Setup.FD.Nodes.Values.ToList(); var res = lst4[0].GetType().GetProperties() .Where(p => p.GetCustomAttributes <XmlElementAttribute>().Count() > 0 && p.GetValue(lst4[0]) != null) .Select(p => p.GetValue(lst4[0])).ToList(); var propList = new List <BaseType>(); while (false) { foreach (object o in res) { var bt = o as BaseType; if (bt != null) { Debug.Print(; propList.Add(bt); } else if (o is IList il) { foreach (var n in il.OfType <BaseType>()) { Debug.Print(; propList.Add(n); } } } } propList.Sort(new TreeComparer()); int i = 0; foreach (var n in propList) { Debug.Print((i++).ToString() + ": " +; } SdcUtil.ReflectSubtree(lst4[0], true, true); foreach (var n in lst4) { Debug.Print( + ": " + n.ElementName + ", " + n.ObjectID.ToString() + ", order:" + n.order.ToString()); } lst4.Sort(tc); var list = (ListType)li.ParentNode; li.Move(list, 6); Assert.IsTrue(SdcUtil.GetPropertyInfo(li).ItemIndex == 6); li.Move(list, 99); Assert.IsTrue(SdcUtil.GetPropertyInfo(li).ItemIndex == list.Items.Count() - 1); li.Move(list, 0); Assert.IsTrue(SdcUtil.GetPropertyInfo(li).ItemIndex == 0); li.Move(list); Assert.IsTrue(SdcUtil.GetPropertyInfo(li).ItemIndex == list.Items.Count() - 1); Setup.TimerPrintSeconds(" seconds: ", $"\r\n<=={Setup.CallerName()} Complete"); }
public void MoveListDItoOtherList() { Setup.TimerStart("==>[] Started"); Setup.TimerPrintSeconds(" seconds: ", "\r\n<==[] Complete"); }
public void MoveNextNodes() { Setup.TimerStart($"==>{Setup.CallerName()} Started"); int i = 0; BaseType n = Setup.FD; string content; var cn = n.TopNode.ChildNodes; //loop through ChildNodes BaseType firstChild; BaseType nextSib; MoveNext(n); List <BaseType> childList; List <BaseType> sibList; void MoveNext(BaseType n) { firstChild = null; nextSib = null; btPrint(n); n.order = i; //almost instananeous Assert.IsTrue(n.ObjectID == i); //very fast i++; if (cn.TryGetValue(n.ObjectGUID, out childList)) { firstChild = childList[0]; if (firstChild != null) { MoveNext(firstChild); } } var par = n.ParentNode; if (par != null) { if (cn.TryGetValue(par.ObjectGUID, out sibList)) { var index = sibList.IndexOf(n); if (index < sibList.Count - 1) { nextSib = sibList[index + 1]; if (nextSib != null) { MoveNext(nextSib); } } } } } void btPrint(BaseType n) { if (n is DisplayedType) { content = ": title: " + (n as DisplayedType).title; } else if (n is PropertyType) { content = ": " + (n as PropertyType).propName + ": " + (n as PropertyType).val; } else { content = ""; } Debug.Print(n.ObjectID.ToString().PadLeft(4) + ": " + i.ToString().PadLeft(4) + ": " + ( ?? "").PadRight(20) + ": " + (n.ElementName ?? "").PadRight(25) + content); } Setup.TimerPrintSeconds(" seconds: ", $"\r\n<=={Setup.CallerName()} Complete"); }
public void IsItemChangeAllowed() { Setup.TimerStart($"==>{Setup.CallerName()} Started"); Setup.TimerPrintSeconds(" seconds: ", $"\r\n<=={Setup.CallerName()} Complete"); }
public void GetEventParent() { Setup.TimerStart($"==>{Setup.CallerName()} Started"); Setup.TimerPrintSeconds(" seconds: ", $"\r\n<=={Setup.CallerName()} Complete"); }
public void NodesToSortedList() { Setup.TimerStart($"==>{Setup.CallerName()} Started"); int i = 0; BaseType n = Setup.FD; string content; var cn = n.TopNode.ChildNodes; //loop through ChildNodes BaseType firstChild; BaseType nextSib; List <BaseType> childList; List <BaseType> sibList; var sortedList = new List <BaseType>(); BaseType[] sortedArray = new BaseType[Setup.FD.Nodes.Count]; MoveNext(n); void MoveNext(BaseType n) { firstChild = null; nextSib = null; //btPrint(n); n.order = i; //almost instananeous sortedList.Add(n); sortedArray[i] = n; Assert.IsTrue(n.ObjectID == i);//very fast i++; if (cn.TryGetValue(n.ObjectGUID, out childList)) { firstChild = childList[0]; if (firstChild != null) { MoveNext(firstChild); } } var par = n.ParentNode; if (par != null) { if (cn.TryGetValue(par.ObjectGUID, out sibList)) { var index = sibList.IndexOf(n); if (index < sibList.Count - 1) { nextSib = sibList[index + 1]; if (nextSib != null) { MoveNext(nextSib); } } } } } Setup.TimerPrintSeconds(" seconds: ", $"\r\n<=={Setup.CallerName()} Complete"); }
public void TreeComparer() { Setup.TimerStart($"==>{Setup.CallerName()} Started"); BaseType.ResetSdcImport(); string path = Path.Combine(".", "Test files", "Adrenal.Bx.Res.129_3.004.001.REL_sdcFDF_test.xml"); var FDbad = FormDesignType.DeserializeFromXmlPath(path); //used to compare nodes in another tree var adr = FDbad.Nodes.Values.ToArray(); //this creates shallow copies with do not retain ParentNode refs, etc. var tc = new TreeComparer(); var n = Setup.FD.Nodes.Values.ToArray(); //this creates shallow copies with do not retain ParentNode refs, etc. Stopwatch.StartNew(); var a = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp(); Debug.Print(tc.Compare(n[0], n[1]).ToString()); Debug.Print(tc.Compare(n[0], n[2]).ToString()); Debug.Print(tc.Compare(n[0], n[3]).ToString()); Debug.Print(tc.Compare(n[0], n[10]).ToString()); Debug.Print(tc.Compare(n[0], n[3]).ToString()); Debug.Print(tc.Compare(n[0], n[8]).ToString()); Debug.Print(tc.Compare(n[1], n[8]).ToString()); Debug.Print("\r\n"); Debug.Print(tc.Compare(n[1], n[1]).ToString()); Debug.Print(tc.Compare(n[2], n[2]).ToString()); Debug.Print(tc.Compare(n[3], n[3]).ToString()); Debug.Print(tc.Compare(n[10], n[10]).ToString()); Debug.Print(tc.Compare(n[20], n[20]).ToString()); Debug.Print(tc.Compare(n[30], n[30]).ToString()); Debug.Print(tc.Compare(n[50], n[50]).ToString()); Debug.Print("\r\n expected results: -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1 "); Debug.Print(tc.Compare(n[1], n[2]).ToString()); // -1 Debug.Print(tc.Compare(n[2], n[1]).ToString()); // 1 Debug.Print(tc.Compare(n[33], n[34]).ToString()); // -1 Debug.Print(tc.Compare(n[20], n[10]).ToString()); // 1 Debug.Print(tc.Compare(n[199], n[201]).ToString()); // -1 Debug.Print(tc.Compare(n[201], n[200]).ToString()); // 1 Debug.Print(tc.Compare(n[29], n[32]).ToString()); // -1 Debug.Print("\r\n expected results: -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1 "); Debug.Print(tc.Compare(n[299], n[301]).ToString()); // -1 Debug.Print(tc.Compare(n[401], n[300]).ToString()); // 1 Debug.Print(tc.Compare(n[39], n[42]).ToString()); // -1 Debug.Print(tc.Compare(n[21], n[11]).ToString()); // 1 Debug.Print(tc.Compare(n[11], n[12]).ToString()); // -1 Debug.Print(tc.Compare(n[341], n[133]).ToString()); // 1 Debug.Print(tc.Compare(n[101], n[120]).ToString()); // -1 Debug.Print("\r\n"); Debug.Print(tc.Compare(n[2], n[1]).ToString()); Debug.Print(tc.Compare(n[4], n[0]).ToString()); Debug.Print(tc.Compare(n[6], n[4]).ToString()); Debug.Print(tc.Compare(n[20], n[2]).ToString()); Debug.Print(tc.Compare(n[40], n[0]).ToString()); Debug.Print(tc.Compare(n[60], n[0]).ToString()); Debug.Print(tc.Compare(n[100], n[0]).ToString()); Debug.Print("\r\n"); try { Debug.Print(tc.Compare(n[100], adr[0]).ToString()); } catch { Debug.Print("error caught"); } try { Debug.Print(tc.Compare(adr[0], n[100]).ToString()); } catch { Debug.Print("error caught"); } try { Debug.Print(tc.Compare(n[10], adr[12]).ToString()); } catch { Debug.Print("error caught"); } try { Debug.Print(tc.Compare(adr[100], adr[100]).ToString()); } catch { Debug.Print("error caught"); } Debug.Print(((float)(Stopwatch.GetTimestamp() - a) / ((float)Stopwatch.Frequency)).ToString()); //Seconds per comparison: @ 0.0006 sec/comparison a = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { tc.Compare(n[299], n[301]); tc.Compare(n[2101], n[120]); } Debug.Print(((float)(Stopwatch.GetTimestamp() - a) / ((float)Stopwatch.Frequency) / 200).ToString()); Setup.TimerPrintSeconds(" seconds: ", $"\r\n<=={Setup.CallerName()} Complete"); }
public void MoveSectionToNewChildItems() { Setup.TimerStart("==>[] Started"); Setup.TimerPrintSeconds(" seconds: ", "\r\n<==[] Complete"); }
public void AdDisplayedItemOnDisplayedItem() { Setup.TimerStart($"==>{Setup.CallerName()} Started"); Setup.TimerPrintSeconds(" seconds: ", $"\r\n<=={Setup.CallerName()} Complete"); }
public void AddListItemToQuestionList() { Setup.TimerStart($"==>{Setup.CallerName()} Started"); Setup.TimerPrintSeconds(" seconds: ", $"\r\n<=={Setup.CallerName()} Complete"); }
public void AssignNamesFromXmlDoc() { Setup.TimerStart($"==>{Setup.CallerName()} Started"); Setup.FD.AssignElementNamesFromXmlDoc(Setup.GetXml()); Setup.TimerPrintSeconds(" seconds: ", $"\r\n<=={Setup.CallerName()} Complete"); }
public void AddRemoveFooter() { Setup.TimerStart($"==>{Setup.CallerName()} Started"); Setup.TimerPrintSeconds(" seconds: ", $"\r\n<=={Setup.CallerName()} Complete"); }
public void MoveListDIQuestionChild() { Setup.TimerStart("==>[] Started"); Setup.TimerPrintSeconds(" seconds: ", "\r\n<==[] Complete"); }