/// <summary> /// Ejecución de eventos de la forma activa /// </summary> /// <param name="FormUID">Nombre o ID de la forma</param> /// <param name="pVal">Propiedades de la forma</param> /// <param name="bubbleEvent">Evento</param> public override void eventos(string FormUID, ref ItemEvent pVal, out bool bubbleEvent) { bubbleEvent = true; try { if (pVal.FormUID == formID && pVal.BeforeAction == false) { if (pVal.EventType == SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_FORM_CLOSE) { _Application.ItemEvent -= new SAPbouiCOM._IApplicationEvents_ItemEventEventHandler(SBO_Application_ItemEvent); _Application.MenuEvent -= new SAPbouiCOM._IApplicationEvents_MenuEventEventHandler(SBO_Application_MenuEvent); Dispose(); application = null; company = null; _oRptCorteSolicitudes = false; Addon.typeList.RemoveAll(p => p._forma == formID); return; } if (pVal.EventType == SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_ITEM_PRESSED) { if (pVal.ItemUID == BTN_CANCELAR) { _oForma.Close(); } if (pVal.ItemUID == BTN_IMPRIMIR) { _oTxtFechaInicial = _oForma.Items.Item(TXT_FECHA_INICIAL).Specific; _oTxtFechaFinal = _oForma.Items.Item(TXT_FECHA_FINAL).Specific; _oCmbOficinaVentas = _oForma.Items.Item(CMB_OFICINA_VENTAS).Specific; //_oTxtUsuario = _oForma.Items.Item(TXT_USUARIO).Specific; if (ValidarCampos()) { if (Extensor.ValidarImpresionCorteSolicitudes(_Company, _oCmbOficinaVentas.Selected.Value.ToString())) { if (_Application.MessageBox("¿Desea generar el corte de solicitudes?", 2, "Si", "No") == 1) { if (ImprimirReporteCorteSolicitudes()) { _Application.StatusBar.SetText("Generar reporte terminado correctamente...", BoMessageTime.bmt_Short, BoStatusBarMessageType.smt_Success); } } } else { _Application.MessageBox("El reporte ya fue impreso"); } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error en evento *clsReporteOficinasContratos* : " + ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// Cierra la ventana activa. /// </summary> public void CerrarVenatana() { SAPbouiCOM.Form fForm = null; try { fForm = _Application.Forms.Item(formID); fForm.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { } }
public void CopiarPara(SAPbouiCOM.Form formDe) { try { Dialogs.Info("Aguarde..."); formDe.Freeze(true); var botaoSelecao = (ComboBox)formDe.Items.Item("10000329").Specific; botaoSelecao.Select(0, BoSearchKey.psk_Index); } catch (Exception e) { Dialogs.PopupError("Erro interno. Erro ao copiar documento base para documento destino. Erro: " + e.Message); } finally { formDe.Freeze(false); formDe.Close(); } }
public virtual void ET_btnApply_AFItemPressed(ItemEvent pVal) { oForm = B1Connections.theAppl.Forms.Item(pVal.FormUID); oButton = ((SAPbouiCOM.Button)(oForm.Items.Item("btnApply").Specific)); // ADD YOUR ACTION CODE HERE ... if (oForm.DataSources.UserDataSources.Item("sTYPE").ValueEx == "TRUE") { SetApplyDataToParentForm(oForm); CallBackEvent(); } oForm.Close(); }
public virtual void ET_grd_AFDoubleClick(ItemEvent pVal) { oForm = B1Connections.theAppl.Forms.Item(pVal.FormUID); oGrid = ((SAPbouiCOM.Grid)(oForm.Items.Item("grd").Specific)); // ADD YOUR ACTION CODE HERE ... SetApplyDataToParentForm_2(oForm); oForm.Close(); }
public virtual void ET_btnAPPLY_AFItemPressed(ItemEvent pVal) { oForm = B1Connections.theAppl.Forms.Item(pVal.FormUID); oButton = ((SAPbouiCOM.Button)(oForm.Items.Item("btnAPPLY").Specific)); // ADD YOUR ACTION CODE HERE ... SetApplyDataToParentForm_2(oForm); oForm.Close(); }
public virtual void ET_1_AFItemPressed(ItemEvent pVal) { oForm = B1Connections.theAppl.Forms.Item(pVal.FormUID); oButton = ((SAPbouiCOM.Button)(oForm.Items.Item("1").Specific)); // ADD YOUR ACTION CODE HERE ... oForm.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// 광고수주오더에서 광고매출확정으로 관련 항목 데이터 복제시 사용합니다. /// </summary> /// <param name="KIS_SD0030_HRD_FormUid">광고수주오더 폼UID</param> public void SubFormCopy(string KIS_SD0030_HRD_FormUid) { this.LoadForm(); //광고매출확정 폼 oForm = B1Connections.theAppl.Forms.Item(formuid); //광고수주오더 폼 SAPbouiCOM.Form oForm_KIS_SD0030_HRD = B1Connections.theAppl.Forms.Item(KIS_SD0030_HRD_FormUid); this.Act1_FormInit(); try { SAPbouiCOM.DBDataSource oKIS_SD0030T_HRD = oForm_KIS_SD0030_HRD.DataSources.DBDataSources.Item("@KIS_SD0030T_HRD"); SAPbouiCOM.DBDataSource oKIS_SD00301_HRD = oForm_KIS_SD0030_HRD.DataSources.DBDataSources.Item("@KIS_SD00301_HRD"); SAPbouiCOM.DBDataSource oKIS_SD0050T_HRD = oForm.DataSources.DBDataSources.Item("@KIS_SD0050T_HRD"); SAPbouiCOM.DBDataSource oKIS_SD00501_HRD = oForm.DataSources.DBDataSources.Item("@KIS_SD00501_HRD"); SetDBDataSourceCopy_Header(oKIS_SD0030T_HRD, oKIS_SD0050T_HRD); SetDBDataSourceCopy_Line(oKIS_SD00301_HRD, oKIS_SD00501_HRD); oForm.Visible = true; } catch (Exception ex) { B1Connections.theAppl.StatusBar.SetText(ex.Message, BoMessageTime.bmt_Short, BoStatusBarMessageType.smt_Error); oForm.Close(); } }
}//fin InitForm public new void FormEvent(String FormUID, ref SAPbouiCOM.ItemEvent pVal, ref Boolean BubbleEvent) { Int32 nErr; String sErr; SAPbouiCOM.Form oFormAux; String DocEntry; String Tabla; XmlDocument _xmlDocument; XmlNode N; Boolean FolioUnico; SAPbouiCOM.EditText oEditText; String[] FE52 = { "15", "67", "21" }; base.FormEvent(FormUID, ref pVal, ref BubbleEvent); try { if ((pVal.EventType == BoEventTypes.et_ITEM_PRESSED) && (pVal.BeforeAction)) { if (Localidad == "CL") { if (pVal.ItemUID == "4") { s = GlobalSettings.PrevFormUID; oFormAux = FSBOApp.Forms.Item(s); //if (oFormAux.BusinessObject.Type in ['15','67']) if (FE52.Contains(oFormAux.BusinessObject.Type)) { if (GlobalSettings.RunningUnderSQLServer) { s = @"select isnull(U_FolioGuia,'N') FolioUnico from [@VID_FEPARAM] where code = '1'"; } else { s = @"select IFNULL(""U_FolioGuia"",'N') ""FolioUnico"" from ""@VID_FEPARAM"" where ""Code"" = '1' "; } oRecordSet.DoQuery(s); if ((System.String)(oRecordSet.Fields.Item("FolioUnico").Value) == "Y") { FolioUnico = true; } else { FolioUnico = false; } if (FolioUnico) { if (oFormAux.BusinessObject.Type == "15") { Tabla = "ODLN"; } else if (oFormAux.BusinessObject.Type == "21") { Tabla = "ORPD"; } else { Tabla = "OWTR"; } _xmlDocument = new XmlDocument(); _xmlDocument.LoadXml(oFormAux.BusinessObject.Key); N = _xmlDocument.SelectSingleNode("DocumentParams"); DocEntry = N.InnerText; if (GlobalSettings.RunningUnderSQLServer) { s = @"SELECT Count(*) Cont FROM NNM1 T0 JOIN {0} T1 ON T1.Series = T0.Series WHERE (SUBSTRING(UPPER(T0.BeginStr), 1, 1) = 'E') AND T1.DocEntry = {1} --AND T0.ObjectCode = '{2}'"; } else { s = @"SELECT Count(*) ""Cont"" FROM ""NNM1"" T0 JOIN ""{0}"" T1 ON T1.""Series"" = T0.""Series"" WHERE (SUBSTRING(UPPER(T0.""BeginStr""), 1, 1) = 'E') AND T1.""DocEntry"" = {1} --AND T0.""ObjectCode"" = '{2}'"; } s = String.Format(s, Tabla, DocEntry, oFormAux.BusinessObject.Type); oRecordSet.DoQuery(s); if ((System.Int32)(oRecordSet.Fields.Item("Cont").Value) > 0) { BubbleEvent = false; oForm.Close(); } } } } } } if ((pVal.EventType == BoEventTypes.et_FORM_LOAD) && (!pVal.BeforeAction)) { s = GlobalSettings.PrevFormUID; oFormAux = FSBOApp.Forms.Item(s); //if (oFormAux.BusinessObject.Type in ['15','67']) if (Localidad == "CL") { if (FE52.Contains(oFormAux.BusinessObject.Type)) { if (GlobalSettings.RunningUnderSQLServer) { s = @"select isnull(U_FolioGuia,'N') FolioUnico from [@VID_FEPARAM] where code = '1'"; } else { s = @"select IFNULL(""U_FolioGuia"",'N') ""FolioUnico"" from ""@VID_FEPARAM"" where ""Code"" = '1'"; } oRecordSet.DoQuery(s); if ((System.String)(oRecordSet.Fields.Item("FolioUnico").Value) == "Y") { FolioUnico = true; } else { FolioUnico = false; } if (FolioUnico) { if (oFormAux.BusinessObject.Type == "15") { Tabla = "ODLN"; } else if (oFormAux.BusinessObject.Type == "21") { Tabla = "ORPD"; } else { Tabla = "OWTR"; } _xmlDocument = new XmlDocument(); _xmlDocument.LoadXml(oFormAux.BusinessObject.Key); N = _xmlDocument.SelectSingleNode("DocumentParams"); DocEntry = N.InnerText; if (GlobalSettings.RunningUnderSQLServer) { s = @"SELECT Count(*) Cont FROM NNM1 T0 JOIN {0} T1 ON T1.Series = T0.Series WHERE (SUBSTRING(UPPER(T0.BeginStr), 1, 1) = 'E') AND T1.DocEntry = {1} --AND T0.ObjectCode = '{2}'"; } else { s = @"SELECT Count(*) ""Cont"" FROM ""NNM1"" T0 JOIN ""{0}"" T1 ON T1.""Series"" = T0.""Series"" WHERE (SUBSTRING(UPPER(T0.""BeginStr""), 1, 1) = 'E') AND T1.""DocEntry"" = {1} --AND T0.""ObjectCode"" = '{2}'"; } s = String.Format(s, Tabla, DocEntry, oFormAux.BusinessObject.Type); oRecordSet.DoQuery(s); if ((System.Int32)(oRecordSet.Fields.Item("Cont").Value) > 0) { if (GlobalSettings.RunningUnderSQLServer) { s = @"SELECT 'GE' BeginStr, NextNumber FROM NNM1 WHERE (ObjectCode = 'VD_FEEntreg')"; } else { s = @"SELECT 'GE' ""BeginStr"", ""NextNumber"" FROM ""NNM1"" WHERE (""ObjectCode"" = 'VD_FEEntreg')"; } oRecordSet.DoQuery(s); s = Convert.ToString((System.Int32)(oRecordSet.Fields.Item("NextNumber").Value)); oEditText = (EditText)(oForm.Items.Item("7").Specific); oEditText.Value = s; } } } } } } catch (Exception e) { FCmpny.GetLastError(out nErr, out sErr); FSBOApp.StatusBar.SetText("FormEvent: " + e.Message + " ** Trace: " + e.StackTrace, BoMessageTime.bmt_Short, BoStatusBarMessageType.smt_Error); OutLog("FormEvent: " + e.Message + " ** Trace: " + e.StackTrace); } }//fin FormEvent
/// <summary> /// Ejecución de eventos de la forma activa /// </summary> /// <param name="FormUID">Nombre o ID de la forma</param> /// <param name="pVal">Propiedades de la forma</param> /// <param name="bubbleEvent">Evento</param> public override void eventos(string FormUID, ref ItemEvent pVal, out bool bubbleEvent) { bubbleEvent = true; try { if (pVal.FormUID == formID && pVal.BeforeAction == false) { if (pVal.EventType == SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_FORM_CLOSE) { _Application.ItemEvent -= new SAPbouiCOM._IApplicationEvents_ItemEventEventHandler(SBO_Application_ItemEvent); _Application.MenuEvent -= new SAPbouiCOM._IApplicationEvents_MenuEventEventHandler(SBO_Application_MenuEvent); Dispose(); application = null; company = null; _oArqueos = false; Addon.typeList.RemoveAll(p => p._forma == formID); return; } if (pVal.EventType == BoEventTypes.et_KEY_DOWN && pVal.ItemUID == TXT_CODIGO_ASOCIADO && pVal.CharPressed == CHAR_PRESS_TAB) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_oTxtCodigoAsociado.Value.ToString())) { ObtenerInformacionAsociado(); if (ValidarSiYaEscaneo()) { LlenarGridArqueo("AND U_FechaArqueo IS NULL"); } else if (ValidarSiYaCerroArqueo()) { LlenarGridArqueo(" AND CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), U_FechaArqueo, 103) = CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE(), 103)"); _oBtnImprimirArqueo.Item.Visible = true; _oTxtCodigoAsociado.Active = true; _oTxtCodigoSolicitud.Item.Enabled = false; _oForma.Items.Item(BTN_ARQUEO).Enabled = false; } } } if (pVal.EventType == BoEventTypes.et_KEY_DOWN && pVal.ItemUID == TXT_CODIGO_SOLICITUD && pVal.CharPressed != CHAR_PRESS_TAB) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_oTxtCodigoAsociado.Value.ToString())) { ValidarEscaneoSerie(); } else { _oTxtCodigoSolicitud.Value = ""; _Application.StatusBar.SetText("Capture el código del asociado", BoMessageTime.bmt_Medium, BoStatusBarMessageType.smt_Error); } } if (pVal.EventType == BoEventTypes.et_KEY_DOWN && pVal.CharPressed == CHAR_PRESS_ENTER && pVal.ItemUID == TXT_CODIGO_SOLICITUD) { if (_oTxtCodigoSolicitud.Value.ToString().Length > 6) { AgregarSolicitud(); _oTxtCodigoSolicitud.Value = ""; } } } if (pVal.FormUID == formID && pVal.BeforeAction == true) { if (pVal.EventType == SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_ITEM_PRESSED) { if (pVal.ItemUID == BTN_IMPRIMIR_ARQUEO) { CargarReporteArqueo(); } if (pVal.ItemUID == BTN_CERRAR) { _oForma.Close(); } if (pVal.ItemUID == BTN_ARQUEO) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_oTxtCodigoAsociado.Value.ToString())) { if (!_oGridArqueos.DataTable.IsEmpty) { if (_Application.MessageBox("¿Desea cerrar el arqueo?", 2, "Si", "No") == 1) { CerrarAqueo(); } } else { if (_Application.MessageBox("¿Desea cerrar el arqueo sin solicitudes?", 2, "Si", "No") == 1) { CerrarAqueoSinSolicitudes(); } } } else { _Application.MessageBox("Capture el código del asociado"); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error en evento *clsArqueos* : " + ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// Ejecución de eventos de la forma activa /// </summary> /// <param name="FormUID">Nombre o ID de la forma</param> /// <param name="pVal">Propiedades de la forma</param> /// <param name="bubbleEvent">Evento</param> public override void eventos(string FormUID, ref ItemEvent pVal, out bool bubbleEvent) { bubbleEvent = true; try { if (pVal.FormUID == formID && pVal.BeforeAction == false) { if (pVal.EventType == SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_FORM_CLOSE) { _Application.ItemEvent -= new SAPbouiCOM._IApplicationEvents_ItemEventEventHandler(SBO_Application_ItemEvent); _Application.MenuEvent -= new SAPbouiCOM._IApplicationEvents_MenuEventEventHandler(SBO_Application_MenuEvent); Dispose(); application = null; company = null; _oPrecontratos = false; Addon.typeList.RemoveAll(p => p._forma == formID); return; } } if (pVal.FormUID == formID && pVal.BeforeAction == true) { if (pVal.EventType == SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_ITEM_PRESSED) { if (pVal.ItemUID == BTNBUSCAR) { BuscarDatos(); ContadorSeleccionados = 0; } if (pVal.ItemUID == BTNCOLLAP) { if (_oGridPrecontratos != null) { if (!_oGridPrecontratos.DataTable.IsEmpty) { _oGridPrecontratos.Rows.CollapseAll(); } } } if (pVal.ItemUID == BTNEXPAN) { if (_oGridPrecontratos != null) { if (!_oGridPrecontratos.DataTable.IsEmpty) { _oGridPrecontratos.Rows.ExpandAll(); } } } if (pVal.ItemUID == BTNCREAR) { if (_oGridPrecontratos != null) { if (!_oGridPrecontratos.DataTable.IsEmpty) { if (ContadorSeleccionados != 0) { CrearPreContratos(); _oForma.Close(); bubbleEvent = false; } else { _Application.MessageBox("No se ha seleccionado ningún Pre-contrato"); } } } } if (pVal.ItemUID == BTN_SELECCION_AUTOMATICA) { if (_oGridPrecontratos != null) { if (!_oGridPrecontratos.DataTable.IsEmpty) { SelecionAutomatica(); } } } } if (pVal.ItemUID == GRDPRECONTRATO && pVal.ColUID == "RowsHeader" && pVal.EventType == BoEventTypes.et_DOUBLE_CLICK) { bubbleEvent = false; return; } if (pVal.EventType == BoEventTypes.et_ITEM_PRESSED && pVal.ItemUID == GRDPRECONTRATO && pVal.ColUID == "Crear") { int index = 0; index = _oGridPrecontratos.GetDataTableRowIndex(pVal.Row); _oGridPrecontratos = _oForma.Items.Item(GRDPRECONTRATO).Specific; EstatusCrear = _oGridPrecontratos.DataTable.GetValue("Crear", index).ToString(); if (EstatusCrear == "Y") { ContadorSeleccionados += 1; } else { ContadorSeleccionados -= 1; } if (ContadorSeleccionados > 10) { _oGridPrecontratos.DataTable.SetValue("Crear", index, "N"); _Application.MessageBox("Solo se pueden seleccionar hasta 10 Pre-contratos"); ContadorSeleccionados -= 1; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error en evento *clsPreContratos* : " + ex.Message); } }
public static void clsSalesOrder_ItemEvent(ref SAPbouiCOM.Application oApplication, ref SAPbobsCOM.Company oCompany, SAPbouiCOM.Form oSetupForm, ref SAPbouiCOM.ItemEvent pVal, ref bool BubbleEvent) { oForm = oSetupForm; oHDBDataSource = oForm.DataSources.DBDataSources.Item("ORDR"); oChildDataSource = oForm.DataSources.DBDataSources.Item("RDR1"); oMatrix = (SAPbouiCOM.Matrix)oForm.Items.Item("38").Specific; if (pVal.BeforeAction) { switch (pVal.EventType) { case SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_CLICK: if (pVal.ItemUID == "38" && (pVal.ColUID == "U_Variance" || pVal.ColUID == "U_DiscExc")) { BubbleEvent = false; } if (oForm.Mode == SAPbouiCOM.BoFormMode.fm_OK_MODE || oForm.Mode == SAPbouiCOM.BoFormMode.fm_UPDATE_MODE) { if (pVal.ItemUID == "U_DocType") { BubbleEvent = false; } } break; case SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_PICKER_CLICKED: if (pVal.ItemUID == "38" && pVal.ColUID == "U_Variance") { BubbleEvent = false; } break; case SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_ITEM_PRESSED: if (pVal.ItemUID == "btnSH") { if (((SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oForm.Items.Item("4").Specific).Value.Trim() == "") { oApplication.StatusBar.SetText("Select the Customer....", SAPbouiCOM.BoMessageTime.bmt_Short, SAPbouiCOM.BoStatusBarMessageType.smt_Error); BubbleEvent = false; } if (oHDBDataSource.GetValue("DocStatus", oHDBDataSource.Offset).ToString().Trim() != "O") { BubbleEvent = false; } // strDocEntry = oHDBDataSource.GetValue("DocEntry", 0).Trim(); //strDocType = oHDBDataSource.GetValue("U_DocType", 0).Trim(); } break; default: break; } } else if (pVal.BeforeAction == false) { switch (pVal.EventType) { case SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_FORM_LOAD: //Utilities.UtilitiesCls.CreateButtonItem(oForm, "btnSH", oForm.Items.Item("2").Left + oForm.Items.Item("2").Width + 6, oForm.Items.Item("2").Top, oForm.Items.Item("2").Width, oForm.Items.Item("2").Height, "Sales History", true, 0, ""); Utilities.UtilitiesCls.CreateButtonItem(oForm, "btnSH", oForm.Items.Item("46").Left, oForm.Items.Item("46").Top + 20, oForm.Items.Item("46").Width, oForm.Items.Item("2").Height, "Sales History", true, 0, "46"); ColsFromHistory = new List <string> { "1", "11", "14", "1470002145" }; break; case SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_ITEM_PRESSED: if (pVal.ItemUID == "1") { if (oForm.Mode != BoFormMode.fm_FIND_MODE) { if (pVal.ActionSuccess) { if (oWaitForm != null) { try { oWaitForm.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { } oWaitForm = null; } } } } if (pVal.ItemUID == "btnSH") { try { oWaitForm.Close(); oWaitForm = null; } catch { } try { if (oWaitForm != null) { string strCardCode1 = ((SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oForm.Items.Item("4").Specific).Value.Trim(); string strCardCode2 = ((SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oWaitForm.Items.Item("6").Specific).Value.Trim(); if (strCardCode1 != strCardCode2) { try { oWaitForm.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { } oWaitForm = null; } } } catch (Exception) { oWaitForm = null; } if (oWaitForm == null) { string strQry; oWaitForm = clsSBO.LoadForm("EJ_OCSH.srf", "EJ_OCSH", oApplication); try { oWaitForm.Settings.MatrixUID = "4"; oWaitForm.Settings.Enabled = true; } catch { } oWaitForm.State = BoFormStateEnum.fs_Maximized; ((SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oWaitForm.Items.Item("6").Specific).Value = ((SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oForm.Items.Item("4").Specific).Value.Trim(); ((SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oWaitForm.Items.Item("8").Specific).Value = ((SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oForm.Items.Item("54").Specific).Value.Trim(); oWaitForm.Freeze(true); oWaitForm.DataSources.DataTables.Add("@dtTemp"); SAPbouiCOM.Grid oGrid; oGrid = (SAPbouiCOM.Grid)oWaitForm.Items.Item("4").Specific; oRecordSet = (SAPbobsCOM.Recordset)oCompany.GetBusinessObject(BoObjectTypes.BoRecordset); strQry = "EXEC dbo.EJ_CustomerSalesHistory '" + ((SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oForm.Items.Item("4").Specific).Value.Trim() + "','" + ((SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oForm.Items.Item("8").Specific).Value.Trim() + "'"; System.Data.DataTable dtHistory = clsSBO.getDataTable(strQry, "History", oCompany); oWaitForm.DataSources.DataTables.Item(0).ExecuteQuery(strQry); oGrid.DataTable = oWaitForm.DataSources.DataTables.Item(0); string strCardCode = ((SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oForm.Items.Item("4").Specific).Value.Trim(); int i = 0; //foreach (System.Data.DataRow dr in dtHistory.Rows) //{ // try // { // if (dr["ItemCode"].ToString() != "") // { // SAPbobsCOM.ItemPriceReturnParams itemPrice = clsSBO.getUnitPriceSys(oCompany,dr["ItemCode"].ToString().Trim(), strCardCode , 1, DateTime.Now.Date, dr["UoM"].ToString().Trim()); // oGrid.DataTable.SetValue("Current Selling Price", i, itemPrice.Price); // i++; // } // } // catch { } //} oGrid.Columns.Item(0).Editable = true; SAPbouiCOM.EditTextColumn oEditTxt = ((SAPbouiCOM.EditTextColumn)oGrid.Columns.Item(0)); oEditTxt.ChooseFromListUID = "CFL_2"; oEditTxt.ChooseFromListAlias = "ItemCode"; oGrid.Columns.Item(1).Editable = false; string showName = clsSBO.getColVisibility("EJ_OCSH", "ItemName", oCompany.UserName, oCompany); if (showName == "N") { oGrid.Columns.Item(1).Visible = false; } oGrid.Columns.Item(2).Editable = true; oGrid.Columns.Item(3).Editable = true; oEditTxt = ((SAPbouiCOM.EditTextColumn)oGrid.Columns.Item(3)); oEditTxt.ChooseFromListUID = "CFL_3"; oEditTxt.ChooseFromListAlias = "UomCode"; oGrid.Columns.Item(4).Editable = true; for (int j = 5; j < oGrid.Columns.Count; j++) { oGrid.Columns.Item(j).Editable = false; } oGrid.Columns.Item(1).Editable = false; oGrid.Columns.Item(0).Editable = true; oGrid.AutoResizeColumns(); oGrid.SelectionMode = SAPbouiCOM.BoMatrixSelect.ms_Auto; oGrid.DataTable.Rows.Add(1); clsCustomerSalesHistory.oForm = oWaitForm; clsCustomerSalesHistory.oSOForm = oForm; clsCustomerSalesHistory.ORDR = oForm.DataSources.DBDataSources.Item("ORDR"); clsCustomerSalesHistory.cardCode = ((SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oForm.Items.Item("4").Specific).Value.Trim(); clsCustomerSalesHistory.oCompany = oCompany; clsCustomerSalesHistory.oApplication = oApplication; clsCustomerSalesHistory.isAdding = oForm.Mode == BoFormMode.fm_ADD_MODE ? true : false; clsCustomerSalesHistory.CallingForm = "SO"; clsCustomerSalesHistory.myDocNum = Convert.ToInt32(((SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oForm.Items.Item("8").Specific).Value.Trim()); oWaitForm.Freeze(false); } else { SAPbouiCOM.Grid oGrid; oGrid = (SAPbouiCOM.Grid)oWaitForm.Items.Item("4").Specific; try { for (int i = 1; i < oMatrix.RowCount; i++) { bool boolAvailable = false; for (int j = 0; j < oGrid.Rows.Count; j++) { if (((SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oMatrix.Columns.Item("1").Cells.Item(i).Specific).Value.Trim() == oGrid.DataTable.GetValue("ItemCode", j).ToString().Trim()) { boolAvailable = true; oGrid.DataTable.SetValue("Order Qty", j, Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToDouble(((SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oMatrix.Columns.Item("11").Cells.Item(i).Specific).Value.Trim()))); break; } } if (boolAvailable == false) { int intGridRow = 0; if (oGrid.DataTable.GetValue("ItemCode", oGrid.Rows.Count - 2).ToString().Trim() == "") { intGridRow = oGrid.Rows.Count - 2; } else { intGridRow = oGrid.Rows.Count - 1; } oGrid.DataTable.SetValue("ItemCode", intGridRow, ((SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oMatrix.Columns.Item("1").Cells.Item(i).Specific).Value.Trim()); oGrid.DataTable.SetValue("ItemName", intGridRow, ((SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oMatrix.Columns.Item("3").Cells.Item(i).Specific).Value.Trim()); oGrid.DataTable.SetValue("Order Qty", intGridRow, Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToDouble(((SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oMatrix.Columns.Item("11").Cells.Item(i).Specific).Value.Trim()))); oGrid.DataTable.SetValue("UoM", intGridRow, ((SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oMatrix.Columns.Item("1470002145").Cells.Item(i).Specific).Value.Trim()); string input = ((SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oMatrix.Columns.Item("14").Cells.Item(i).Specific).Value.Trim(); SAPbobsCOM.ItemPriceReturnParams itemPrice = clsSBO.getUnitPriceSys(oCompany, oGrid.DataTable.GetValue("ItemCode", pVal.Row).ToString().Trim(), ((SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oForm.Items.Item("4").Specific).Value.Trim(), 1, DateTime.Now.Date, ((SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oMatrix.Columns.Item("1470002145").Cells.Item(i).Specific).Value.Trim()); oGrid.DataTable.SetValue("Current Selling Price", pVal.Row, itemPrice.Price); //oGrid.DataTable.SetValue("Current Selling Price", intGridRow, new string(input.Where(c => (Char.IsDigit(c) || c == '.' || c == ',')).ToArray())); oGrid.DataTable.Rows.Add(); } } } catch (Exception) { } oWaitForm.Visible = true; } } break; case SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_LOST_FOCUS: if (oForm.Mode == SAPbouiCOM.BoFormMode.fm_ADD_MODE || oForm.Mode == SAPbouiCOM.BoFormMode.fm_UPDATE_MODE) { if (pVal.ItemUID == "12") { //oForm.DefButton = "btnSH"; // oForm.ActiveItem = "btnSH"; ((SAPbouiCOM.Button)oForm.Items.Item("btnSH").Specific).Item.Click(BoCellClickType.ct_Regular); } } break; case SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_FORM_CLOSE: if (oWaitForm != null) { try { oWaitForm.Close(); } catch (Exception) { } try { } catch (Exception) { oWaitForm = null; } } break; default: break; } } }
public virtual void ET_btn1_AFItemPressed(ItemEvent pVal) { oForm = B1Connections.theAppl.Forms.Item(pVal.FormUID); oButton = ((SAPbouiCOM.Button)(oForm.Items.Item("btn1").Specific)); // ADD YOUR ACTION CODE HERE ... try { oGrid = oForm.Items.Item("grd1").Specific; string DocEntry = string.Empty; if (oGrid.Rows.SelectedRows.Count > 0) { int iRowindex = oGrid.Rows.SelectedRows.Item(0, BoOrderType.ot_RowOrder); DocEntry = ((int)oGrid.DataTable.GetValue("DOCENTRY", iRowindex)).ToString(); LoadSubForm(oForm, "KIS_TR0031_HRD", DocEntry); } } catch (Exception ex) { B1Connections.theAppl.StatusBar.SetText(ex.Message, BoMessageTime.bmt_Short, BoStatusBarMessageType.smt_Error); } finally { oForm.Close(); } }
}//fin InitForm public new void FormEvent(String FormUID, ref SAPbouiCOM.ItemEvent pVal, ref Boolean BubbleEvent) { Int32 nErr = 0; //String sErr = ""; SAPbouiCOM.Form oFormAux; String DocEntry = ""; String Tabla = ""; String ObjType = ""; XmlNode N; Boolean FolioUnico; Int32 i; Boolean bMultiSoc; String nMultiSoc; String[] FE52 = { "15", "67", "21" }; base.FormEvent(FormUID, ref pVal, ref BubbleEvent); try { if ((pVal.EventType == BoEventTypes.et_ITEM_PRESSED) && (pVal.BeforeAction)) { if (pVal.ItemUID == "4") { s = GlobalSettings.PrevFormUID; oFormAux = FSBOApp.Forms.Item(s); //if (oFormAux.BusinessObject.Type in ["15","67","21"]) if (FE52.Contains(oFormAux.BusinessObject.Type)) { if (GlobalSettings.RunningUnderSQLServer) { s = "select isnull(U_FolioGuia,'N') FolioUnico, ISNULL(U_Distrib,'N') 'Distribuido', ISNULL(U_MultiSoc,'N') MultiSoc from [@VID_FEPARAM] where code = '1'"; } else { s = @"select IFNULL(""U_FolioGuia"",'N') ""FolioUnico"", IFNULL(""U_Distrib"",'N') ""Distribuido"", IFNULL(""U_MultiSoc"",'N') ""MultiSoc"" from ""@VID_FEPARAM"" where ""Code"" = '1'"; } oRecordSet.DoQuery(s); if ((System.String)(oRecordSet.Fields.Item("Distribuido").Value) == "N") { if ((System.String)(oRecordSet.Fields.Item("MultiSoc").Value) == "Y") { bMultiSoc = true; } else { bMultiSoc = false; } if ((System.String)(oRecordSet.Fields.Item("FolioUnico").Value) == "Y") { FolioUnico = true; } else { FolioUnico = false; } if (FolioUnico) { if (oFormAux.BusinessObject.Type == "15") { Tabla = "ODLN"; } else if (oFormAux.BusinessObject.Type == "21") { Tabla = "ORPD"; } else { Tabla = "OWTR"; } //DocEntry := N.InnerText; if (GlobalSettings.RunningUnderSQLServer) { s = @"SELECT Count(*) Cont, SUBSTRING(ISNULL(T0.BeginStr,''), 2, LEN(T0.BeginStr)) Inst FROM NNM1 T0 JOIN {0} T1 ON T1.Series = T0.Series WHERE (SUBSTRING(UPPER(T0.BeginStr), 1, 1) = 'E') AND T1.DocEntry = {1} --AND T0.ObjectCode = '{2}' GROUP BY SUBSTRING(ISNULL(T0.BeginStr,''), 2, LEN(T0.BeginStr))"; } else { s = @"SELECT Count(*) ""Cont"", SUBSTRING(IFNULL(T0.""BeginStr"",''), 2, LENGTH(T0.""BeginStr"")) ""Inst"" FROM ""NNM1"" T0 JOIN ""{0}"" T1 ON T1.""Series"" = T0.""Series"" WHERE (SUBSTRING(UPPER(T0.""BeginStr""), 1, 1) = 'E') AND T1.""DocEntry"" = {1} --AND T0.""ObjectCode"" = '{2}' GROUP BY SUBSTRING(IFNULL(T0.""BeginStr"",''), 2, LENGTH(T0.""BeginStr""))"; } s = String.Format(s, Tabla, DocEntry, oFormAux.BusinessObject.Type); oRecordSet.DoQuery(s); if ((System.Int32)(oRecordSet.Fields.Item("Cont").Value) > 0) { nMultiSoc = (System.String)(oRecordSet.Fields.Item("Inst").Value); if ((bMultiSoc == true) && (nMultiSoc == "")) { FSBOApp.StatusBar.SetText("Se encuentra parametrizado para Multiples Sociedades pero no se encuentra parametrizada la serie del documento", BoMessageTime.bmt_Short, BoStatusBarMessageType.smt_Warning); } else { BubbleEvent = false; IngresarFolio(DocEntry, oFormAux.BusinessObject.Type); s = "--"; var oDeliveryNote = new TDeliveryNote(); oDeliveryNote.SBO_f = FSBOf; if (oFormAux.BusinessObject.Type == "15") { oDeliveryNote.EnviarFE_WebService(DocEntry, s, false, false, false, bMultiSoc, nMultiSoc, GlobalSettings.GLOB_EncryptSQL, GlobalSettings.RunningUnderSQLServer, "52", oFormAux.BusinessObject.Type, false); } else if (oFormAux.BusinessObject.Type == "21") { oDeliveryNote.EnviarFE_WebService(DocEntry, s, false, false, true, bMultiSoc, nMultiSoc, GlobalSettings.GLOB_EncryptSQL, GlobalSettings.RunningUnderSQLServer, "52D", oFormAux.BusinessObject.Type, false); } else if (oFormAux.BusinessObject.Type == "67") { oDeliveryNote.EnviarFE_WebService(DocEntry, s, true, false, false, bMultiSoc, nMultiSoc, GlobalSettings.GLOB_EncryptSQL, GlobalSettings.RunningUnderSQLServer, "52T", oFormAux.BusinessObject.Type, false); } oForm.Close(); } } } } } } } if ((pVal.EventType == BoEventTypes.et_FORM_LOAD) && (!pVal.BeforeAction)) { //s := GlobalSettings.PrevFormUID; //oFormAux := FSBOApp.Forms.Item(s); i = 0; while (i <= oForm.DataSources.DBDataSources.Count - 1) { Tabla = (System.String)(oForm.DataSources.DBDataSources.Item(i).TableName); if ((Tabla == "ODLN") || (Tabla == "OWTR") || (Tabla == "ORPD")) { if (GlobalSettings.RunningUnderSQLServer) { s = @"select isnull(U_FolioGuia,'N') FolioUnico from [@VID_FEPARAM] where code = '1'"; } else { s = @"select IFNULL(""U_FolioGuia"",'N') ""FolioUnico"" from ""@VID_FEPARAM"" where ""Code"" = '1'"; } oRecordSet.DoQuery(s); if ((System.String)(oRecordSet.Fields.Item("FolioUnico").Value) == "Y") { FolioUnico = true; } else { FolioUnico = false; } if (FolioUnico) { if (Tabla == "ODLN") { ObjType = "15"; } else if (Tabla == "ORPD") { ObjType = "21"; } else { ObjType = "67"; } DocEntry = oForm.DataSources.DBDataSources.Item(i).GetValue("DocEntry", 0); if (GlobalSettings.RunningUnderSQLServer) { s = @"SELECT Count(*) Cont FROM NNM1 T0 JOIN {0} T1 ON T1.Series = T0.Series WHERE (SUBSTRING(UPPER(T0.BeginStr), 1, 1) = 'E') AND T1.DocEntry = {1} --AND T0.ObjectCode = '{2}'"; } else { s = @"SELECT Count(*) ""Cont"" FROM ""NNM1"" T0 JOIN ""{0}"" T1 ON T1.""Series"" = T0.""Series"" WHERE (SUBSTRING(UPPER(T0.""BeginStr""), 1, 1) = 'E') AND T1.""DocEntry"" = {1} --AND T0.""ObjectCode"" = '{2}'"; } s = String.Format(s, Tabla, DocEntry, ObjType); oRecordSet.DoQuery(s); if ((System.Int32)(oRecordSet.Fields.Item("Cont").Value) > 0) { if (GlobalSettings.RunningUnderSQLServer) { s = @"SELECT 'GE' BeginStr, NextNumber FROM NNM1 WHERE (ObjectCode = 'VD_FEEntreg')"; } else { s = @"SELECT 'GE' ""BeginStr"", ""NextNumber"" FROM ""NNM1"" WHERE (""ObjectCode"" = 'VD_FEEntreg') "; } oRecordSet.DoQuery(s); s = Convert.ToString((System.Int32)(oRecordSet.Fields.Item("NextNumber").Value)); oEditText = (EditText)(oForm.Items.Item("39").Specific); oEditText.Value = s; } } i = oForm.DataSources.DBDataSources.Count; } i++; } } } catch (Exception e) { } }//fin FormEvent
public virtual void ET_1_AFItemPressed(ItemEvent pVal) { oForm = B1Connections.theAppl.Forms.Item(pVal.FormUID); oButton = ((SAPbouiCOM.Button)(oForm.Items.Item("1").Specific)); // ADD YOUR ACTION CODE HERE ... if (oForm.Mode == BoFormMode.fm_OK_MODE || oForm.Mode == BoFormMode.fm_ADD_MODE) { SetApplyDataToParent2(oForm); } oForm.Close(); }
public virtual void ET_grd_AFDoubleClick(ItemEvent pVal) { oForm = B1Connections.theAppl.Forms.Item(pVal.FormUID); oGrid = ((SAPbouiCOM.Grid)(oForm.Items.Item("grd").Specific)); // ADD YOUR ACTION CODE HERE ... string pformuid = oForm.DataSources.UserDataSources.Item("pformuid").ValueEx; SAPbouiCOM.Form pform = (SAPbouiCOM.Form)B1Connections.theAppl.Forms.Item(pformuid); if (PRow != -1) { pBtn = pVal.ItemUID; //pform.DataSources.UserDataSources.Item("edtFRDELCD").Value = oGrid.DataTable.GetValue("Code", PRow); pform.DataSources.UserDataSources.Item(pColNM).Value = oGrid.DataTable.GetValue("Code", PRow); oForm.Close(); } }
/// <summary> /// Ejecución de eventos de la forma activa /// </summary> /// <param name="FormUID">Nombre o ID de la forma</param> /// <param name="pVal">Propiedades de la forma</param> /// <param name="bubbleEvent">Evento</param> public override void eventos(string FormUID, ref ItemEvent pVal, out bool bubbleEvent) { bubbleEvent = true; try { if (pVal.FormUID == formID && pVal.BeforeAction == false) { if (pVal.EventType == SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_KEY_DOWN && (pVal.ItemUID == GRD_COMISIONES_COBRADORES)) { _oBotonUpdate.Caption = "Actualizar"; } } if (pVal.FormUID == formID && pVal.BeforeAction == true) { if (pVal.EventType == SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_FORM_CLOSE && pVal.Action_Success == false) { if (_oBotonUpdate.Caption == "Actualizar") { int opcion = _Application.MessageBox("¿Desea grabar las modificaciones?", 1, "Si", "No", "Cancelar"); if (opcion == 1) { ActualizarInformacion(); _Application.ItemEvent -= new SAPbouiCOM._IApplicationEvents_ItemEventEventHandler(SBO_Application_ItemEvent); _Application.MenuEvent -= new SAPbouiCOM._IApplicationEvents_MenuEventEventHandler(SBO_Application_MenuEvent); Dispose(); application = null; company = null; _oComisionesCobradores = false; Addon.typeList.RemoveAll(p => p._forma == formID); return; } else if (opcion == 2) { _Application.ItemEvent -= new SAPbouiCOM._IApplicationEvents_ItemEventEventHandler(SBO_Application_ItemEvent); _Application.MenuEvent -= new SAPbouiCOM._IApplicationEvents_MenuEventEventHandler(SBO_Application_MenuEvent); Dispose(); application = null; company = null; _oComisionesCobradores = false; Addon.typeList.RemoveAll(p => p._forma == formID); return; } else if (opcion == 3) { bubbleEvent = false; return; } } else { _Application.ItemEvent -= new SAPbouiCOM._IApplicationEvents_ItemEventEventHandler(SBO_Application_ItemEvent); _Application.MenuEvent -= new SAPbouiCOM._IApplicationEvents_MenuEventEventHandler(SBO_Application_MenuEvent); Dispose(); application = null; company = null; _oComisionesCobradores = false; Addon.typeList.RemoveAll(p => p._forma == formID); return; } } if (pVal.EventType == SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_ITEM_PRESSED) { if (pVal.ItemUID == BTN_BUSCAR) { _oTxtCodeCobrador = _oForma.Items.Item(TXTCODCOB).Specific; _oTxtNomCobrador = _oForma.Items.Item(TXTNOMCOB).Specific; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_oTxtCodeCobrador.Value.ToString()) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_oTxtNomCobrador.Value.ToString())) { BuscarDatos(_oTxtCodeCobrador.Value, _oTxtNomCobrador.Value); } else { _Application.MessageBox("Capture el código o el nombre del cobrador"); } } if (pVal.ItemUID == BTN_CANCELAR) { if (_oBotonUpdate.Caption == "Actualizar") { int opcion = _Application.MessageBox("¿Desea grabar las modificaciones?", 1, "Si", "No", "Cancelar"); if (opcion == 1) { ActualizarInformacion(); _oBotonUpdate.Caption = "Ok"; _oForma.Close(); } else if (opcion == 2) { _oBotonUpdate.Caption = "Ok"; _oForma.Close(); } else if (opcion == 3) { _oForma.Select(); } } else { _oForma.Close(); } } if (pVal.ItemUID == BTN_UPDATE) { if (_oBotonUpdate.Caption == "Ok") { _oForma.Close(); } else { ActualizarInformacion(); _oBotonUpdate.Caption = "Ok"; } } if (pVal.ItemUID == GRD_COMISIONES_COBRADORES && pVal.ColUID == COL_SUELDO_BASE) { _oBotonUpdate.Caption = "Actualizar"; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error en evento *clsComisionCobradores* : " + ex.Message); } }
public static void clsAPCreditMemo_ItemEvent(ref SAPbouiCOM.Application oApplication, ref SAPbobsCOM.Company oCompany, SAPbouiCOM.Form oSetupForm, ref SAPbouiCOM.ItemEvent pVal, ref bool BubbleEvent) { oForm = oSetupForm; oHDBDataSource = oForm.DataSources.DBDataSources.Item("ORPC"); oChildDataSource = oForm.DataSources.DBDataSources.Item("RPC1"); oMatrix = (SAPbouiCOM.Matrix)oForm.Items.Item("38").Specific; if (pVal.BeforeAction) { switch (pVal.EventType) { case SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_CLICK: if (pVal.ItemUID == "38" && (pVal.ColUID == "U_Variance" || pVal.ColUID == "U_DiscExc")) { BubbleEvent = false; } if (oForm.Mode == SAPbouiCOM.BoFormMode.fm_OK_MODE || oForm.Mode == SAPbouiCOM.BoFormMode.fm_UPDATE_MODE) { if (pVal.ItemUID == "U_DocType") { BubbleEvent = false; } } break; case SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_PICKER_CLICKED: if (pVal.ItemUID == "38" && pVal.ColUID == "U_Variance") { BubbleEvent = false; } break; case SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_ITEM_PRESSED: if (pVal.ItemUID == "btnSH") { if (((SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oForm.Items.Item("4").Specific).Value.Trim() == "") { oApplication.StatusBar.SetText("Select the Supplier....", SAPbouiCOM.BoMessageTime.bmt_Short, SAPbouiCOM.BoStatusBarMessageType.smt_Error); BubbleEvent = false; } if (oHDBDataSource.GetValue("DocStatus", oHDBDataSource.Offset).ToString().Trim() != "O") { BubbleEvent = false; } // strDocEntry = oHDBDataSource.GetValue("DocEntry", 0).Trim(); //strDocType = oHDBDataSource.GetValue("U_DocType", 0).Trim(); } break; default: break; } } else if (pVal.BeforeAction == false) { switch (pVal.EventType) { case SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_FORM_LOAD: //Utilities.UtilitiesCls.CreateButtonItem(oForm, "btnSH", oForm.Items.Item("2").Left + oForm.Items.Item("2").Width + 6, oForm.Items.Item("2").Top, oForm.Items.Item("2").Width + 8, oForm.Items.Item("2").Height, "Purchase History", true, 0, ""); Utilities.UtilitiesCls.CreateButtonItem(oForm, "btnSH", oForm.Items.Item("46").Left, oForm.Items.Item("46").Top + 20, oForm.Items.Item("46").Width, oForm.Items.Item("2").Height, "Purchase History", true, 0, "46"); break; case SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_ITEM_PRESSED: if (pVal.ItemUID == "1") { if (pVal.ActionSuccess) { if (oWaitForm != null) { oWaitForm.Close(); oWaitForm = null; } } } if (pVal.ItemUID == "btnSH") { try { if (oWaitForm != null) { string strCardCode1 = ((SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oForm.Items.Item("4").Specific).Value.Trim(); string strCardCode2 = ((SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oWaitForm.Items.Item("6").Specific).Value.Trim(); if (strCardCode1 != strCardCode2) { oWaitForm.Close(); oWaitForm = null; } } } catch (Exception) { oWaitForm = null; } if (oWaitForm == null) { string strQry; oWaitForm = clsSBO.LoadForm("EJ_OSSH.srf", "EJ_OSSH", oApplication); ((SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oWaitForm.Items.Item("6").Specific).Value = ((SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oForm.Items.Item("4").Specific).Value.Trim(); ((SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oWaitForm.Items.Item("8").Specific).Value = ((SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oForm.Items.Item("54").Specific).Value.Trim(); oWaitForm.Freeze(true); oWaitForm.DataSources.DataTables.Add("@dtTemp"); SAPbouiCOM.Grid oGrid; oGrid = (SAPbouiCOM.Grid)oWaitForm.Items.Item("4").Specific; oRecordSet = (SAPbobsCOM.Recordset)oCompany.GetBusinessObject(BoObjectTypes.BoRecordset); // strQry = "Exec \"EJ_SupplierCMPurchaseHistory\" '" + ((SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oForm.Items.Item("4").Specific).Value.Trim() + "'"; strQry = "Exec \"EJ_SupplierPurchaseHistory\" '" + ((SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oForm.Items.Item("4").Specific).Value.Trim() + "'"; oWaitForm.DataSources.DataTables.Item(0).ExecuteQuery(strQry); oGrid.DataTable = oWaitForm.DataSources.DataTables.Item(0); oGrid.Columns.Item(0).Editable = true; SAPbouiCOM.EditTextColumn oEditTxt = ((SAPbouiCOM.EditTextColumn)oGrid.Columns.Item(0)); oEditTxt.ChooseFromListUID = "CFL_2"; oEditTxt.ChooseFromListAlias = "ItemCode"; oGrid.Columns.Item(1).Editable = false; oGrid.Columns.Item(2).Editable = true; oGrid.Columns.Item(3).Editable = true; oEditTxt = ((SAPbouiCOM.EditTextColumn)oGrid.Columns.Item(3)); oEditTxt.ChooseFromListUID = "CFL_3"; oEditTxt.ChooseFromListAlias = "UomCode"; oGrid.Columns.Item(4).Editable = true; oGrid.Columns.Item(0).Editable = true; for (int j = 5; j < oGrid.Columns.Count; j++) { oGrid.Columns.Item(j).Editable = false; } oGrid.AutoResizeColumns(); oGrid.DataTable.Rows.Add(1); clsSupplierPurchaseHistory.oForm = oWaitForm; clsSupplierPurchaseHistory.oSOForm = oForm; oWaitForm.Freeze(false); } else { oWaitForm.Visible = true; } } break; case SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_LOST_FOCUS: if (oForm.Mode == SAPbouiCOM.BoFormMode.fm_ADD_MODE || oForm.Mode == SAPbouiCOM.BoFormMode.fm_UPDATE_MODE) { if (pVal.ItemUID == "12") { //oForm.DefButton = "btnSH"; // oForm.ActiveItem = "btnSH"; ((SAPbouiCOM.Button)oForm.Items.Item("btnSH").Specific).Item.Click(BoCellClickType.ct_Regular); } } break; case SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_FORM_CLOSE: if (oWaitForm != null) { oWaitForm.Close(); oWaitForm = null; } break; default: break; } } }
public virtual void ET_btnSAVE_AFItemPressed(ItemEvent pVal) { oForm = B1Connections.theAppl.Forms.Item(pVal.FormUID); oButton = ((SAPbouiCOM.Button)(oForm.Items.Item("btnSAVE").Specific)); oGrid = (SAPbouiCOM.Grid)oForm.Items.Item("grd").Specific; // ADD YOUR ACTION CODE HERE ... if (oGrid.DataTable.Rows.Count != 0) { SetApplyDataToMatrix(oForm); oForm.Close(); } else { B1Connections.theAppl.StatusBar.SetText("추가할 데이터가 없습니다", SAPbouiCOM.BoMessageTime.bmt_Short, SAPbouiCOM.BoStatusBarMessageType.smt_Error); } }