public void ImportModel(string filePath, bool legacyImport = false) { NJS_OBJECT newmodel; // Old OBJ import (with vcolor face) for NodeTable and legacy import if (legacyImport) { newmodel = new NJS_OBJECT { Attach = SAModel.Direct3D.Extensions.obj2nj(filePath, LevelData.TextureBitmaps != null ? LevelData.TextureBitmaps[LevelData.leveltexs].Select(a => a.Name).ToArray() : null), }; COL.Model.Attach = newmodel.Attach; COL.Model.ProcessVertexData(); Visible = true; Solid = true; mesh = COL.Model.Attach.CreateD3DMesh(); return; } Assimp.AssimpContext context = new Assimp.AssimpContext(); context.SetConfig(new Assimp.Configs.FBXPreservePivotsConfig(false)); Assimp.Scene scene = context.ImportFile(filePath, Assimp.PostProcessSteps.Triangulate | Assimp.PostProcessSteps.JoinIdenticalVertices | Assimp.PostProcessSteps.FlipUVs); newmodel = SAEditorCommon.Import.AssimpStuff.AssimpImport(scene, scene.RootNode, ModelFormat.BasicDX, LevelData.TextureBitmaps[LevelData.leveltexs].Select(a => a.Name).ToArray(), true); COL.Model.Attach = newmodel.Attach; COL.Model.ProcessVertexData(); Visible = true; Solid = true; mesh = COL.Model.Attach.CreateD3DMesh(); }
public override void Init(ObjectData data, string name) { mesh = Mesh.Box(1f, 1f, 1f); material = new NJS_MATERIAL { DiffuseColor = Color.FromArgb(180, 180, 180, 180), UseAlpha = true }; }
public override void Init(ObjectData data, string name) { mesh = Mesh.Box(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f); material = new NJS_MATERIAL { DiffuseColor = Color.FromArgb(127, 178, 178, 178), UseAlpha = false }; }
/// <summary> /// Creates a LevelItem from an existing COL data. /// </summary> /// <param name="col"></param> /// <param name="dev">Current Direct3d Device.</param> public LevelItem(COL col, int index, EditorItemSelection selectionManager) : base(selectionManager) { this.index = index; COL = col; col.Model.ProcessVertexData(); Mesh = col.Model.Attach.CreateD3DMesh(); GetHandleMatrix(); }
public void EditModel() { ModelDataEditor me = new ModelDataEditor(COL.Model); if (me.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { COL.Model = me.editedHierarchy.Clone(); COL.Model.ProcessVertexData(); mesh = COL.Model.Attach.CreateD3DMesh(); COL.Model.Attach.CalculateBounds(); LevelData.InvalidateRenderState(); } }
public static Mesh[] GetMeshes(NJS_OBJECT model) { model.ProcessVertexData(); NJS_OBJECT[] models = model.GetObjects(); Mesh[] Meshes = new Mesh[models.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < models.Length; i++) { if (models[i].Attach != null) { Meshes[i] = models[i].Attach.CreateD3DMesh(); } } return(Meshes); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new instance of an existing item with the specified position and rotation. /// </summary> /// <param name="attach">Attach to use for this levelItem</param> /// <param name="position">Position in worldspace to place this LevelItem.</param> /// <param name="rotation">Rotation.</param> public LevelItem(Attach attach, Vertex position, Rotation rotation, int index, EditorItemSelection selectionManager) : base(selectionManager) { this.index = index; COL = new COL { Model = new NJS_OBJECT { Attach = attach, Position = position, Rotation = rotation } }; Visible = true; Solid = true; COL.CalculateBounds(); Mesh = COL.Model.Attach.CreateD3DMesh(); Paste(); }
public static void Init(Device device) { QuestionBoxModel = new ModelFile(Resources.questionmark).Model; QuestionBoxMesh = GetMeshes(QuestionBoxModel).First(); QuestionMark = Resources.questionmark_t.ToTexture(device); }
public override List <RenderInfo> Render(Device dev, EditorCamera camera, MatrixStack transform) { if (!camera.SphereInFrustum(Bounds)) { return(EmptyRenderInfo); } List <RenderInfo> result = new List <RenderInfo>(); transform.Push(); transform.NJTranslate(Position); transform.NJRotateY(Rotation.Y); switch (CollisionType) { case (SADXCamColType.CamCol_Sphere): VolumeMesh = Mesh.Sphere(2f, 6, 8); Material = new NJS_MATERIAL { DiffuseColor = Color.FromArgb(200, Color.Blue), SpecularColor = Color.Black, UseAlpha = true, DoubleSided = false, Exponent = 10, IgnoreSpecular = false, UseTexture = false }; transform.NJScale((Scale.X), (Scale.X), (Scale.X)); break; case (SADXCamColType.CamCol_Plane): VolumeMesh = Mesh.Box(2f, 2f, 0f); Material = new NJS_MATERIAL { DiffuseColor = Color.FromArgb(200, Color.Green), SpecularColor = Color.Black, UseAlpha = true, DoubleSided = false, Exponent = 10, IgnoreSpecular = false, UseTexture = false }; transform.NJScale((Scale.X), (Scale.Y), (1f)); break; case (SADXCamColType.CamCol_Block): VolumeMesh = Mesh.Box(2f, 2f, 2f); Material = new NJS_MATERIAL { DiffuseColor = Color.FromArgb(200, Color.Purple), SpecularColor = Color.Black, UseAlpha = true, DoubleSided = false, Exponent = 10, IgnoreSpecular = false, UseTexture = false }; transform.NJScale((Scale.X), (Scale.Y), (Scale.Z)); break; default: VolumeMesh = Mesh.Sphere(2f, 6, 8); Material = new NJS_MATERIAL { DiffuseColor = Color.FromArgb(200, Color.Blue), SpecularColor = Color.Black, UseAlpha = true, DoubleSided = false, Exponent = 10, IgnoreSpecular = false, UseTexture = false }; transform.NJScale((Scale.X), (Scale.X), (Scale.X)); break; } RenderInfo outputInfo = new RenderInfo(VolumeMesh, 0, transform.Top, Material, null, FillMode.Solid, Bounds); if (Selected) { NJS_MATERIAL mat = new NJS_MATERIAL { DiffuseColor = Color.White, IgnoreLighting = true, UseAlpha = false }; result.Add(new RenderInfo(VolumeMesh, 0, transform.Top, mat, null, FillMode.Wireframe, Bounds)); } result.Add(outputInfo); transform.Pop(); return(result); }
public void RebuildMesh(Device device) { List <FVF_PositionColored> vertList = new List <FVF_PositionColored>(); List <short> faceIndexList = new List <short>(); Vector3 up = new Vector3(0, 1, 0); #region Segment vert/face creation short highestFaceIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < splineData.Path.Count - 1; i++) // don't process the last knot { Vector3 thisKnot = new Vector3(splineData.Path[i].Position.X, splineData.Path[i].Position.Y, splineData.Path[i].Position.Z); Vector3 nextKnot = new Vector3(splineData.Path[i + 1].Position.X, splineData.Path[i + 1].Position.Y, splineData.Path[i + 1].Position.Z); Vector3 directionToNextKnot = Vector3.Normalize(nextKnot - thisKnot); Vector3 perpendicularDirection = Vector3.Cross(directionToNextKnot, up); // verts for knot 1 FVF_PositionColored vert1_1; // top vert 1 (0) FVF_PositionColored vert1_2; // top vert 2 (1) FVF_PositionColored vert1_3; // bottom vert 1 (2) FVF_PositionColored vert1_4; // bottom vert 2 (3) // verts for knot 2 FVF_PositionColored vert2_1; // top vert 1 (4) FVF_PositionColored vert2_2; // top vert 2 (5) FVF_PositionColored vert2_3; // bottom vert 1 (6) FVF_PositionColored vert2_4; // bottom vert 2 (7) // move top verts vert1_1 = new FVF_PositionColored((thisKnot + (perpendicularDirection * splineMeshRadius)), Color.White); vert1_2 = new FVF_PositionColored((thisKnot + (perpendicularDirection * (splineMeshRadius * -1))), Color.White); vert2_1 = new FVF_PositionColored((nextKnot + (perpendicularDirection * splineMeshRadius)), Color.White); vert2_2 = new FVF_PositionColored((nextKnot + (perpendicularDirection * (splineMeshRadius * -1))), Color.White); // move bottom verts vert1_3 = new FVF_PositionColored(vert1_1.Position - (up * splineMeshRadius), Color.White); vert1_4 = new FVF_PositionColored(vert1_2.Position - (up * splineMeshRadius), Color.White); vert2_3 = new FVF_PositionColored(vert2_1.Position - (up * splineMeshRadius), Color.White); vert2_4 = new FVF_PositionColored(vert2_2.Position - (up * splineMeshRadius), Color.White); List <short> thisKnotFaceIndexes = new List <short> { // far side 4, 0, 6, 6, 2, 0, // bottom 6, 2, 3, 3, 7, 6, // our side 7, 3, 1, 7, 5, 1, // top 1, 5, 4, 4, 0, 1 }; for (int faceIndx = 0; faceIndx < thisKnotFaceIndexes.Count(); faceIndx++) { thisKnotFaceIndexes[faceIndx] += (short)vertList.Count(); // this is the wrong approach because it's the verts we're indexing, not the faces! if (thisKnotFaceIndexes[faceIndx] > highestFaceIndex) { highestFaceIndex = thisKnotFaceIndexes[faceIndx]; } } // add verts to vert list and faces to face list vertList.Add(vert1_1); vertList.Add(vert1_2); vertList.Add(vert1_3); vertList.Add(vert1_4); vertList.Add(vert2_1); vertList.Add(vert2_2); vertList.Add(vert2_3); vertList.Add(vert2_4); faceIndexList.AddRange(thisKnotFaceIndexes); } #endregion vertices = vertList.ToArray(); faceIndeces = faceIndexList.ToArray(); // build bounding sphere bounds = SharpDX.BoundingSphere.FromPoints(vertices.Select(a => a.Position).ToArray()).ToSAModel(); // build actual mesh from face index array and vbuf mesh = new Mesh <FVF_PositionColored>(vertices, new short[][] { faceIndeces }); // create a vertexHandle if (vertexHandleMesh == null) { vertexHandleMesh = Mesh.Box(1, 1, 1); } textSprite = new Sprite(device); // todo: do we really have to create this so often? Look into storing a cache list statically? }
public static void InitGizmo(Device d3dDevice) { Attach attach = new ModelFile(Resources.x_null).Model.Attach; attach.ProcessVertexData(); XNullMesh = attach.CreateD3DMesh(); attach = new ModelFile(Resources.y_null).Model.Attach; attach.ProcessVertexData(); YNullMesh = attach.CreateD3DMesh(); attach = new ModelFile(Resources.z_null).Model.Attach; attach.ProcessVertexData(); ZNullMesh = attach.CreateD3DMesh(); attach = new ModelFile(Resources.x_move).Model.Attach; attach.ProcessVertexData(); XMoveMesh = attach.CreateD3DMesh(); XMaterial = ((BasicAttach)attach).Material[0]; attach = new ModelFile(Resources.y_move).Model.Attach; attach.ProcessVertexData(); YMoveMesh = attach.CreateD3DMesh(); YMaterial = ((BasicAttach)attach).Material[0]; attach = new ModelFile(Resources.z_move).Model.Attach; attach.ProcessVertexData(); ZMoveMesh = attach.CreateD3DMesh(); ZMaterial = ((BasicAttach)attach).Material[0]; attach = new ModelFile(Resources.xy_move).Model.Attach; attach.ProcessVertexData(); XYMoveMesh = attach.CreateD3DMesh(); DoubleAxisMaterial = ((BasicAttach)attach).Material[0]; attach = new ModelFile(Resources.zx_move).Model.Attach; attach.ProcessVertexData(); ZXMoveMesh = attach.CreateD3DMesh(); attach = new ModelFile(Resources.zy_move).Model.Attach; attach.ProcessVertexData(); ZYMoveMesh = attach.CreateD3DMesh(); attach = new ModelFile(Resources.x_rotation).Model.Attach; attach.ProcessVertexData(); XRotateMesh = attach.CreateD3DMesh(); attach = new ModelFile(Resources.y_rotation).Model.Attach; attach.ProcessVertexData(); YRotateMesh = attach.CreateD3DMesh(); attach = new ModelFile(Resources.z_rotation).Model.Attach; attach.ProcessVertexData(); ZRotateMesh = attach.CreateD3DMesh(); attach = new ModelFile(Resources.x_scale).Model.Attach; attach.ProcessVertexData(); XScaleMesh = attach.CreateD3DMesh(); attach = new ModelFile(Resources.y_scale).Model.Attach; attach.ProcessVertexData(); YScaleMesh = attach.CreateD3DMesh(); attach = new ModelFile(Resources.z_scale).Model.Attach; attach.ProcessVertexData(); ZScaleMesh = attach.CreateD3DMesh(); BoxMesh = Mesh.Box(1, 1, 1); HighlightMaterial = new NJS_MATERIAL() { DiffuseColor = Color.LightGoldenrodYellow, Exponent = 0f, UseTexture = false, IgnoreLighting = true, IgnoreSpecular = true }; ATexture = Resources.PointATexture.ToTexture(d3dDevice); BTexture = Resources.PointBTexture.ToTexture(d3dDevice); StandardMaterial = new NJS_MATERIAL() { DiffuseColor = Color.Gray, IgnoreLighting = true, IgnoreSpecular = true, UseAlpha = false, UseTexture = true, Exponent = 100f }; }
// Form property update event method void pw_FormUpdated(object sender, EventArgs e) { COL.Model.ProcessVertexData(); mesh = COL.Model.Attach.CreateD3DMesh(); LevelData.InvalidateRenderState(); }
public void RegenerateMesh() => mesh = COL.Model.Attach.CreateD3DMesh();