private void DeleteButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SA46Team10BsportsEntities ctx = new SA46Team10BsportsEntities(); int CID = Convert.ToInt32(CustomerIDTextBox.Text); CustomerTable c = ctx.CustomerTables.Where(x => x.CustomerID == CID).First(); c.Flag = "inactive"; ctx.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show(c.FirstName + "'s id has been deleted"); ClearContent(); }
private void LookUpButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (!(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CustomerIDTextBox.Text))) { SA46Team10BsportsEntities ctx = new SA46Team10BsportsEntities(); int CID = Convert.ToInt32(CustomerIDTextBox.Text); CustomerTable c = ctx.CustomerTables.Where(x => x.CustomerID == CID).First(); LockCustomerIDTextBox(); FirstNameTextBox.Text = c.FirstName; LastNameTextBox.Text = c.LastName; PhoneTextBox.Text = c.PhoneNumber; EmailTextBox.Text = c.Email; AddressTextBox.Text = c.Address; PostalCodeTextBox.Text = c.PostalCode; CountyTextBox.Text = c.Country; } else { CIDLookoutForm luf = new CIDLookoutForm(); luf.ShowDialog(); this.CustomerIDTextBox.Text = luf.CIDFromGrid; if (CustomerIDTextBox.Text != " ") { LockCustomerIDTextBox(); } this.FirstNameTextBox.Text = luf.FirstNameFromGrid; this.LastNameTextBox.Text = luf.LastNameFromGrid; this.PhoneTextBox.Text = luf.PhoneFromGrid; this.EmailTextBox.Text = luf.EmailFromGrid; this.AddressTextBox.Text = luf.AddressFromGrid; this.PostalCodeTextBox.Text = luf.PostalcodeFromGrid; this.CountyTextBox.Text = luf.CountryFromGrid; } } catch (System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException a) { MessageBox.Show("Please ensure all fields have relevant data before updating."); } catch (System.FormatException a) { MessageBox.Show("Please enter the correct ID"); } catch (System.InvalidOperationException a) { MessageBox.Show("This ID does not exist"); } }
private void UpdateButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool PhoneNumberOk = false; bool PostalCodeOk = false; int i; bool PhoneNumberisInteger = int.TryParse(PhoneTextBox.Text, out i); if (PhoneNumberisInteger) { if (PhoneTextBox.Text.Length == 8) { PhoneNumberOk = true; } else { MessageBox.Show("Phone Number must be exactly 8 digits"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Phone Number must be in digits (8 digits)"); } int ii; bool PostalCodeIsInteger = int.TryParse(PostalCodeTextBox.Text, out ii); if (PostalCodeIsInteger) { if (PostalCodeTextBox.Text.Length == 6) { PostalCodeOk = true; } else { PostalCodeOk = false; MessageBox.Show("Postal Code must be exactly 6 digits"); } } else { PostalCodeOk = false; MessageBox.Show("Postal Code must be in digits (6 digits)"); } if (PhoneNumberOk && PostalCodeOk) { try { SA46Team10BsportsEntities ctx = new SA46Team10BsportsEntities(); int CID = Convert.ToInt32(CustomerIDTextBox.Text); CustomerTable c = ctx.CustomerTables.Where(x => x.CustomerID == CID).First(); c.FirstName = FirstNameTextBox.Text; c.LastName = LastNameTextBox.Text; c.PhoneNumber = PhoneTextBox.Text; c.Email = EmailTextBox.Text; c.Address = AddressTextBox.Text; c.PostalCode = PostalCodeTextBox.Text; c.Country = CountyTextBox.Text; ctx.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show("Update Successful"); ClearContent(); } catch (System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException a) { MessageBox.Show("Please ensure all fields are filled before updating"); } catch (System.FormatException b) { MessageBox.Show("Please ensure all fields are filled before updating"); } } }
private void crAcctSaveBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool PhoneNumberOk = false; bool PostalCodeOk = false; int i; bool isPhoneNumberInteger = int.TryParse(phoneTBox.Text, out i); if (isPhoneNumberInteger) { if (phoneTBox.Text.Length == 8) { PhoneNumberOk = true; } else { MessageBox.Show("Phone Number must be exactly 8 digits"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Phone Number must be in digits (8 digits) "); } int ii; bool isPostalCodeInteger = int.TryParse(postalTBox.Text, out ii); if (isPostalCodeInteger) { if (postalTBox.Text.Length == 6) { PostalCodeOk = true; } else { MessageBox.Show("Postal Code must be exactly 6 digits"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Postal Code must be in digits (6 digits) "); } if (PhoneNumberOk && PostalCodeOk) { if ((firstNameTBox.Text == "" || LastNameTBox.Text == "" || addressTBox.Text == "" || postalTBox.Text == "" || ctyTBox.Text == "") || (maleRadBtn.Checked == false && femaleRadBtn.Checked == false)) { MessageBox.Show("Please fill in all fields!"); } else { SA46Team10BsportsEntities ctx = new SA46Team10BsportsEntities(); CustomerTable c = new CustomerTable(); try { c.FirstName = firstNameTBox.Text; c.LastName = LastNameTBox.Text; c.DOB = Convert.ToDateTime(dobDatePicker.Text); c.PhoneNumber = phoneTBox.Text; c.Email = EmailTBox.Text; c.Address = addressTBox.Text; c.PostalCode = postalTBox.Text; c.Country = ctyTBox.Text; if (maleRadBtn.Checked == true) { c.Gender = "Male"; } else { c.Gender = "Female"; } ctx.CustomerTables.Add(c); ctx.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show("User Account " + c.CustomerID + " successfully created!"); ClearContent(); } catch (System.FormatException a) { MessageBox.Show("Please fill in all fields!"); } } } }