private void importPackagesCommon(string[] packageList, string title, DuplicateHandling dups, bool compress, bool useNames = false, bool rename = false, List <uint> dupsList = null, AutoSaveState autoSaveState = AutoSaveState.Ask, IList <IResourceIndexEntry> selection = null ) { bool CPuseNames = controlPanel1.UseNames; DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow; bool autoSave = false; if (autoSaveState == AutoSaveState.Ask) { switch (CopyableMessageBox.Show("Auto-save current package after each package imported?", title, CopyableMessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, CopyableMessageBoxIcon.Question)) { case 0: autoSave = true; break; case 2: return; } } else { autoSave = autoSaveState == AutoSaveState.Always; } try { browserWidget1.Visible = false; controlPanel1.UseNames = false; bool skipAll = false; foreach (string filename in packageList) { if (Filename != null && Filename.Length > 0 && Path.GetFullPath(Filename).Equals(Path.GetFullPath(filename))) { CopyableMessageBox.Show("Skipping current package.", importPackagesDialog.Title); continue; } lbProgress.Text = "Importing " + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename) + "..."; Application.DoEvents(); IPackage imppkg = null; try { imppkg = Package.OpenPackage(0, filename); } catch (InvalidDataException ex) { if (skipAll) { continue; } int btn = CopyableMessageBox.Show(String.Format("Could not open package {0}.\n{1}", Path.GetFileName(filename), ex.Message), title, CopyableMessageBoxIcon.Error, new List <string>(new string[] { "Skip this", "Skip all", "Abort" }), 0, 0); if (btn == 0) { continue; } if (btn == 1) { skipAll = true; continue; } break; } try { List <Tuple <myDataFormat, DuplicateHandling> > limp = new List <Tuple <myDataFormat, DuplicateHandling> >(); List <IResourceIndexEntry> lrie = selection == null ? imppkg.GetResourceList : imppkg.FindAll(rie => selection.Any(tgt => ((AResourceKey)tgt).Equals(rie))); progressBar1.Value = 0; progressBar1.Maximum = lrie.Count; foreach (IResourceIndexEntry rie in lrie) { try { if (rie.ResourceType == 0x0166038C)//NMAP { if (useNames) { browserWidget1.MergeNamemap(s3pi.WrapperDealer.WrapperDealer.GetResource(0, imppkg, rie) as IDictionary <ulong, string>, true, rename); } } else { IResource res = s3pi.WrapperDealer.WrapperDealer.GetResource(0, imppkg, rie, true); myDataFormat impres = new myDataFormat() { tgin = rie as AResourceIndexEntry, data = res.AsBytes, }; // dups Replace | Reject | Allow // dupsList null | list of allowable dup types DuplicateHandling dupThis = dups == DuplicateHandling.allow ? dupsList == null || dupsList.Contains(rie.ResourceType) ? DuplicateHandling.allow : DuplicateHandling.replace : dups; limp.Add(Tuple.Create(impres, dupThis)); progressBar1.Value++; if (now.AddMilliseconds(100) < DateTime.UtcNow) { Application.DoEvents(); now = DateTime.UtcNow; } } } catch (Exception ex) { string rk = ""; if (rie != null) { rk = "(RK: " + rie + ")\n"; } else { rk = "(RK is null)\n"; } CopyableMessageBox.IssueException(ex, "Could not import all resources - aborting.\n" + rk, title); throw new IgnoredException(ex); } } progressBar1.Value = 0; IEnumerable <IResourceIndexEntry> rieList = limp .Select(x => NewResource((AResourceKey)x.Item1.tgin, new MemoryStream(, x.Item2, compress)) .Where(x => x != null); browserWidget1.AddRange(rieList); } catch (IgnoredException) { break; }//just the thrown exception, stop looping catch (Exception ex) { CopyableMessageBox.IssueException(ex, "Could not import all resources - aborting.\n", title); break; } finally { Package.ClosePackage(0, imppkg); } if (autoSave) { if (!fileSave()) { break; } } } } finally { lbProgress.Text = ""; progressBar1.Value = 0; progressBar1.Maximum = 0; controlPanel1.UseNames = CPuseNames; browserWidget1.Visible = true; ForceFocus.Focus(Application.OpenForms[0]); Application.DoEvents(); } }
void UpdateList() { if (((MainForm)ParentForm).IsClosing) { return; } var cmp = listView1.ListViewItemSorter; IResourceIndexEntry sie = SelectedResource; bool vis = listView1.Visible; bool uwc = Application.UseWaitCursor; DateTime tick = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMilliseconds(tock); try { Application.UseWaitCursor = true; listView1.BeginUpdate(); listView1.Visible = false; listView1.ListViewItemSorter = null; pbLabel.Text = ""; SelectedResource = null; pbLabel.Text = "Clear resource list..."; Application.DoEvents(); using (Splash splash = new Splash("Clear resource list...")) { splash.Show(); Application.DoEvents(); listView1.Items.Clear();// this can be slow and steals the main thread! } #region Old clear listView1... /*if (!pbLabel.Visible || listView1.Items.Count > 10000) * { * } * else * { * // this is slower but gives some feedback * pb.Maximum = listView1.Items.Count; * pb.Value = listView1.Items.Count; * try * { * int i = listView1.Items.Count; * while (i > 0) * { * i--; * try * { * listView1.Items.RemoveAt(i); * } * finally * { * if (tick < DateTime.UtcNow) * { * tick = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMilliseconds(tock); * if (pb != null) { pb.Value = i; Application.DoEvents(); } * } * } * } * } * finally { if (pb != null) pb.Value = 0; } * }/**/ #endregion lookup = new Dictionary <IResourceIndexEntry, ListViewItem>(); if (resourceList == null) { return; } AddRange(resourceList); } finally { pbLabel.Text = "Restoring sorter..."; Application.DoEvents(); listView1.ListViewItemSorter = cmp; pbLabel.Text = ""; Application.DoEvents(); if (sie != null && lookup.ContainsKey(sie)) { SelectedResource = sie; } listView1.Visible = !this.Visible || !this.Created || vis; listView1.EndUpdate(); Application.UseWaitCursor = uwc; Application.DoEvents(); OnListUpdated(this, new EventArgs()); if (this.Visible) { ForceFocus.Focus(Application.OpenForms[0]); } } }