public void AddFriend(PList.Player friend, NetUser friending) { if (friending.userID == friend.UserID) { Util.sayUser(friending.networkPlayer, Core.Name, "You can't add yourself as a friend!"); return; } FriendsCommand command = (FriendsCommand)ChatCommand.GetCommand("friends"); FriendList list = (FriendList)command.GetFriendsLists()[friending.userID]; if (list == null) { list = new FriendList(); } if (list.isFriendWith(friend.UserID)) { Util.sayUser(friending.networkPlayer, Core.Name, string.Format("You are already friends with {0}.", friend.DisplayName)); return; } list.AddFriend(friend.DisplayName, friend.UserID); command.GetFriendsLists()[friending.userID] = list; Util.sayUser(friending.networkPlayer, Core.Name, string.Format("You have added {0} to your friends list.", friend.DisplayName)); PlayerClient client; if (PlayerClient.FindByUserID(friend.UserID, out client)) { Util.sayUser(client.netUser.networkPlayer, Core.Name, string.Format("{0} has added you to their friends list.", friending.displayName)); } }
public void AddFriend(Fougerite.Player friend, Fougerite.Player friending) { if (friending.UID == friend.UID) { friending.SendClientMessage("[color red]<Error>[/color] ¡No puedes agregarte a tí mismo como amigo!"); return; } FriendsCommand command = (FriendsCommand)ChatCommand.GetCommand("amigos"); FriendList list = (FriendList)command.GetFriendsLists()[friending.UID]; if (list == null) { list = new FriendList(); } if (list.isFriendWith(friend.UID)) { friending.SendClientMessage(string.Format("Usted ya es amigo de {0}.", friend.Name)); return; } list.AddFriend(SecurityElement.Escape(friend.Name), friend.UID); command.GetFriendsLists()[friending.UID] = list; friending.SendClientMessage(string.Format("Agregaste a {0} a tu lista de amigos.", friend.Name)); if (friend != null) { friend.SendClientMessage(string.Format("{0} te agregó a su lista de amigos.", friending.Name)); } }
public void AddFriend(PList.Player friend, Fougerite.Player friending) { if (friending.UID == friend.UserID) { friending.MessageFrom(Core.Name, "You can't add yourself as a friend!"); return; } FriendsCommand command = (FriendsCommand)ChatCommand.GetCommand("friends"); FriendList list = (FriendList)command.GetFriendsLists()[friending.UID]; if (list == null) { list = new FriendList(); } if (list.isFriendWith(friend.UserID)) { friending.MessageFrom(Core.Name, string.Format("You are already friends with {0}.", friend.DisplayName)); return; } list.AddFriend(SecurityElement.Escape(friend.DisplayName), friend.UserID); command.GetFriendsLists()[friending.UID] = list; friending.MessageFrom(Core.Name, string.Format("You have added {0} to your friends list.", friend.DisplayName)); Fougerite.Player ffriend = Fougerite.Server.GetServer().FindPlayer(friend.UserID.ToString()); if (ffriend != null) { ffriend.MessageFrom(Core.Name, string.Format("{0} has added you to their friends list.", friending.Name)); } }
public void Unfriend(PList.Player exfriend, Fougerite.Player unfriending) { FriendsCommand command = (FriendsCommand)ChatCommand.GetCommand("friends"); FriendList friendsList = (FriendList)command.GetFriendsLists()[unfriending.UID]; friendsList.RemoveFriend(exfriend.UserID); command.GetFriendsLists()[unfriending.UID] = friendsList; unfriending.MessageFrom(Core.Name, string.Format("You have removed {0} from your friends list.", exfriend.DisplayName)); }
public void Unfriend(PList.Player exfriend, Fougerite.Player unfriending) { FriendsCommand command = (FriendsCommand)ChatCommand.GetCommand("amigos"); FriendList friendsList = (FriendList)command.GetFriendsLists()[unfriending.UID]; friendsList.RemoveFriend(exfriend.UserID); command.GetFriendsLists()[unfriending.UID] = friendsList; unfriending.MessageFrom(Core.Name, string.Format("Removiste a {0} de tu lista de amigos.", exfriend.DisplayName)); }
public void Unfriend(PList.Player exfriend, NetUser unfriending) { FriendsCommand command = (FriendsCommand)ChatCommand.GetCommand("friends"); FriendList friendsList = (FriendList)command.GetFriendsLists()[unfriending.userID]; friendsList.RemoveFriend(exfriend.UserID); command.GetFriendsLists()[unfriending.userID] = friendsList; Util.sayUser(unfriending.networkPlayer, Core.Name, string.Format("You have removed {0} from your friends list.", exfriend.DisplayName)); }
public override void Execute(ConsoleSystem.Arg Arguments, string[] ChatArguments) { if (ChatArguments != null) { string name = ""; for (int i = 0; i < ChatArguments.Length; i++) { name = name + ChatArguments[i] + " "; } name = name.Trim(); if (name != null) { PlayerClient client = null; try { client = EnumerableToArray.ToArray <PlayerClient>(PlayerClient.FindAllWithName(name, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))[0]; } catch (Exception ex) { client = null; Logger.LogException(ex); } FriendsCommand command = (FriendsCommand)ChatCommand.GetCommand("friends"); FriendList list = (FriendList)command.GetFriendsLists()[Arguments.argUser.userID]; if (client == null) { Util.sayUser(Arguments.argUser.networkPlayer, Core.Name, "No player found with the name: " + name); } else if (Arguments.argUser.userID == client.userID) { Util.sayUser(Arguments.argUser.networkPlayer, Core.Name, "You can't add yourself as a friend!"); } else { if (list != null) { if (list.isFriendWith(client.userID)) { Util.sayUser(Arguments.argUser.networkPlayer, Core.Name, "You are already friend with " + client.netUser.displayName + "."); return; } } else { list = new FriendList(); } list.AddFriend(client.netUser.displayName, client.userID); command.GetFriendsLists()[Arguments.argUser.userID] = list; Util.sayUser(Arguments.argUser.networkPlayer, Core.Name, "You have added " + client.netUser.displayName + " to your friend list."); } } } else { Util.sayUser(Arguments.argUser.networkPlayer, Core.Name, "Friends Management Usage: /addfriend \"playerName\""); } }
public override void Execute(ref ConsoleSystem.Arg Arguments, ref string[] ChatArguments) { var pl = Fougerite.Server.Cache[Arguments.argUser.userID]; string playerName = string.Join(" ", ChatArguments).Trim(new char[] { ' ', '"' }); if (playerName == string.Empty) { pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, "Teleport Usage: /tphere playerName"); return; } if (playerName.Equals("all", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { foreach (Fougerite.Player client in Fougerite.Server.GetServer().Players) { Arguments.Args = new string[] { client.Name, pl.Name }; teleport.toplayer(ref Arguments); } pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, "You have teleported all players to your location"); return; } List <string> list = new List <string>(); list.Add("TargetToHere"); foreach (Fougerite.Player client in Fougerite.Server.GetServer().Players) { if (client.Name.ToUpperInvariant().Contains(playerName.ToUpperInvariant())) { if (client.Name.Equals(playerName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { Arguments.Args = new string[] { client.Name, pl.Name }; teleport.toplayer(ref Arguments); pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, "You have teleported " + client.Name + " to your location"); return; } list.Add(client.Name); } } if (list.Count > 1) { pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, ((list.Count - 1)).ToString() + " Player" + (((list.Count - 1) > 1) ? "s" : "") + " were found: "); for (int j = 1; j < list.Count; j++) { pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, j + " - " + list[j]); } pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, "0 - Cancel"); pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, "Please enter the number matching the player you were looking for."); TeleportToCommand command = ChatCommand.GetCommand("tpto") as TeleportToCommand; command.GetTPWaitList().Add(pl.UID, list); } else { pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, "No player found with the name: " + playerName); } }
public override void Execute(ref ConsoleSystem.Arg Arguments, ref string[] ChatArguments) { var pl = Fougerite.Server.Cache[Arguments.argUser.userID]; string playerName = string.Join(" ", ChatArguments).Trim(new char[] { ' ', '"' }); if (playerName == string.Empty) { pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, "Use " + cyan + "/tphere \"player\"" + white + " - to teleport a specific player to your location."); return; } if (playerName.Equals("all", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { foreach (Fougerite.Player client in Fougerite.Server.GetServer().Players) { Arguments.Args = new string[] { client.Name, pl.Name }; teleport.toplayer(ref Arguments); } pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, yellow + "☢ " + green + "You have teleported all players to your location!"); return; } List <string> list = new List <string>(); list.Add("TargetToHere"); foreach (Fougerite.Player client in Fougerite.Server.GetServer().Players) { if (client.Name.ToUpperInvariant().Contains(playerName.ToUpperInvariant())) { if (client.Name.Equals(playerName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { Arguments.Args = new string[] { client.Name, pl.Name }; teleport.toplayer(ref Arguments); pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, yellow + "☢ " + green + "You have teleported " + yellow + client.Name + green + " to your location."); return; } list.Add(client.Name); } } if (list.Count > 1) { pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, "☢ " + cyan + ((list.Count - 1)).ToString() + white + (((list.Count - 1) == 1) ? " Player was found:" : " Players were found:")); for (int j = 1; j < list.Count; j++) { pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, "☢ " + cyan + j + white + " - " + list[j]); } pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, "☢ " + cyan + "0" + white + " - Cancel"); pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, "☢ " + cyan + "Please enter the number matching the player."); TeleportToCommand command = ChatCommand.GetCommand("tpto") as TeleportToCommand; command.GetTPWaitList().Add(pl.UID, list); } else { pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, yellow + "☢ " + red + "No player matches the name: " + yellow + playerName + red + "."); } }
public void UnshareDoors(PList.Player exfriend, Fougerite.Player unsharing) { ShareCommand command = (ShareCommand)ChatCommand.GetCommand("share"); ((ArrayList)command.GetSharedDoors()[unsharing.UID]).Remove(exfriend.UserID); unsharing.MessageFrom(Core.Name, string.Format("{0} ya no podrá abrir las puertas de tu casa.", exfriend.DisplayName)); Fougerite.Player client = Fougerite.Server.GetServer().FindPlayer(exfriend.UserID.ToString()); if (client != null) { client.MessageFrom(Core.Name, string.Format("{0} te quitó el permiso de abrir sus puertas.", unsharing.Name)); } }
public void UnshareDoors(PList.Player exfriend, Fougerite.Player unsharing) { ShareCommand command = (ShareCommand)ChatCommand.GetCommand("share"); ((ArrayList)command.GetSharedDoors()[unsharing.UID]).Remove(exfriend.UserID); unsharing.MessageFrom(Core.Name, string.Format(yellow + "☢" + green + "Player:" + yellow + " {0} " + green + "can no longer open your doors.", exfriend.DisplayName)); Fougerite.Player client = Fougerite.Server.GetServer().FindPlayer(exfriend.UserID.ToString()); if (client != null) { client.MessageFrom(Core.Name, string.Format(yellow + "☢" + green + "You can no longer open: " + yellow + "{0}'s" + green + " doors.", unsharing.Name)); } }
public void UnshareDoors(PList.Player exfriend, Fougerite.Player unsharing) { ShareCommand command = (ShareCommand)ChatCommand.GetCommand("share"); ((ArrayList)command.GetSharedDoors()[unsharing.UID]).Remove(exfriend.UserID); unsharing.MessageFrom(Core.Name, string.Format("{0} can use your doors no longer.", exfriend.DisplayName)); Fougerite.Player client = Fougerite.Server.GetServer().FindPlayer(exfriend.UserID.ToString()); if (client != null) { client.MessageFrom(Core.Name, string.Format("{0} is no longer sharing his doors with you.", unsharing.Name)); } }
public override void Execute(ref ConsoleSystem.Arg Arguments, ref string[] ChatArguments) { Fougerite.Player sender = Fougerite.Server.Cache[Arguments.argUser.userID]; if (ChatArguments.Length < 2) { sender.MessageFrom(Core.Name, "Use " + teal + "/pm \"player\" \"message\"" + white + " - to send a private message."); return; } string search = ChatArguments[0]; Fougerite.Player recipient = Fougerite.Player.FindByName(search); if (recipient == null) { sender.MessageFrom(Core.Name, yellow + "☢ " + red + "Couldn't find: " + yellow + search); return; } List <string> wth = ChatArguments.ToList(); wth.Remove(wth[0]); string message; try { message = string.Join(" ", wth.ToArray()).Replace(search, "").Trim(new char[] { ' ', '"' }).Replace('"', 'ˮ'); } catch { sender.MessageFrom(Core.Name, yellow + "☢ " + red + "Something went wrong. Try again."); return; } if (message == string.Empty) { sender.MessageFrom(Core.Name, "Use " + teal + "/pm \"player\" \"message\"" + white + " - to send a private message."); } else { recipient.MessageFrom("[PM]", teal + "[ " + white + sender.Name + teal + " → " + white + "You " + teal + "]: " + white + message); sender.MessageFrom("[PM]", teal + "[ " + white + "You" + teal + " → " + white + recipient.Name + teal + " ]: " + white + message); //Util.say(recipient.netPlayer, string.Format("\"PM from {0}\"", Arguments.argUser.displayName.Replace('"', 'ˮ')), string.Format("\"{0}\"", message)); //Util.say(Arguments.argUser.networkPlayer,string.Format("\"PM to {0}\"", recipient.netUser.displayName.Replace('"', 'ˮ')),string.Format("\"{0}\"", message)); Hashtable replies = (ChatCommand.GetCommand("r") as ReplyCommand).GetReplies(); if (replies.ContainsKey(recipient.Name)) { replies[recipient.Name] = sender.Name; } else { replies.Add(recipient.Name, sender.Name); } } }
public void UnshareDoors(PList.Player exfriend, NetUser unsharing) { ShareCommand command = (ShareCommand)ChatCommand.GetCommand("share"); ArrayList list = (ArrayList)command.GetSharedDoors()[unsharing.userID]; list.Remove(exfriend.UserID); Util.sayUser(unsharing.networkPlayer, Core.Name, string.Format("{0} can use your doors no longer.", exfriend.DisplayName)); PlayerClient client; if (PlayerClient.FindByUserID(exfriend.UserID, out client)) { Util.sayUser(client.netPlayer, Core.Name, string.Format("{0} is no longer sharing his doors with you.", unsharing.displayName)); } }
public override void Execute(ConsoleSystem.Arg Arguments, string[] ChatArguments) { string str = ""; for (int i = 0; i < ChatArguments.Length; i++) { str = str + ChatArguments[i] + " "; } string[] strArray = Facepunch.Utility.String.SplitQuotesStrings(str.Trim()); if (strArray.Length == 2) { string str2 = strArray[0].Replace("\"", ""); string str3 = ""; for (int j = 1; j < ChatArguments.Length; j++) { str3 = str3 + ChatArguments[j] + " "; } string str4 = str3.Replace("\"", ""); if ((str2 != null) && (str4 != null)) { foreach (PlayerClient client in PlayerClient.All) { if (client.netUser.displayName.ToLower() == str2.ToLower()) { Util.say(client.netPlayer, "\"PM from " + Arguments.argUser.displayName + "\"", "\"" + str4 + "\""); Util.say(Arguments.argUser.networkPlayer, "\"PM to " + client.netUser.displayName + "\"", "\"" + str4 + "\""); Hashtable replies = (ChatCommand.GetCommand("r") as ReplyCommand).GetReplies(); if (replies.ContainsKey(client.netUser.displayName)) { replies[client.netUser.displayName] = Arguments.argUser.displayName; } else { replies.Add(client.netUser.displayName, Arguments.argUser.displayName); } return; } } Util.sayUser(Arguments.argUser.networkPlayer, Core.Name, "No player found with the name: " + str2); } } else { Util.sayUser(Arguments.argUser.networkPlayer, Core.Name, "Private Message Usage: /pm \"player\" \"message\""); } }
public override void Execute(ConsoleSystem.Arg Arguments, string[] ChatArguments) { string str = ""; for (int i = 0; i < ChatArguments.Length; i++) { str = str + ChatArguments[i] + " "; } str = str.Trim(); if ((ChatArguments != null) || (str == "")) { if (str != null) { foreach (PlayerClient client in PlayerClient.All) { ulong userID = client.userID; ulong num3 = Arguments.argUser.userID; if (client.netUser.displayName.ToLower() == str.ToLower()) { if (userID == num3) { Util.sayUser(Arguments.argUser.networkPlayer, Core.Name, "Why would you unshare with yourself?"); return; } ShareCommand command = (ShareCommand)ChatCommand.GetCommand("share"); ArrayList list = (ArrayList)command.GetSharedDoors()[num3]; if ((list != null) && list.Contains(userID)) { list.Remove(userID); Util.sayUser(Arguments.argUser.networkPlayer, Core.Name, "You have stopped sharing doors with " + client.netUser.displayName); Util.sayUser(client.netPlayer, Core.Name, Arguments.argUser.displayName + " has stopped sharing doors with you"); return; } } } Util.sayUser(Arguments.argUser.networkPlayer, Core.Name, "No player found with the name: " + str); } } else { Util.sayUser(Arguments.argUser.networkPlayer, Core.Name, "Sharing Doors Usage: /unshare \"playerName\""); } }
public override void Execute(ref ConsoleSystem.Arg Arguments, ref string[] ChatArguments) { if (ChatArguments.Length < 2) { Util.sayUser(Arguments.argUser.networkPlayer, Core.Name, "Private Message Usage: /pm playerName message"); return; } string search = ChatArguments[0]; for (int i = 1; i < ChatArguments.Length; i++) { PlayerClient recipient = Fougerite.Player.FindByName(search).PlayerClient as PlayerClient; if (recipient == null) { search += string.Format(" {0}", ChatArguments[i]); continue; } string message = Arguments.ArgsStr.Replace(search, "").Trim(new char[] { ' ', '"' }).Replace('"', 'ˮ'); if (message == string.Empty) { Util.sayUser(Arguments.argUser.networkPlayer, Core.Name, "Private Message Usage: /pm playerName message"); } else { Util.say(recipient.netPlayer, string.Format("\"PM from {0}\"", Arguments.argUser.displayName.Replace('"', 'ˮ')), string.Format("\"{0}\"", message)); Util.say(Arguments.argUser.networkPlayer, string.Format("\"PM to {0}\"", recipient.netUser.displayName.Replace('"', 'ˮ')), string.Format("\"{0}\"", message)); Hashtable replies = (ChatCommand.GetCommand("r") as ReplyCommand).GetReplies(); if (replies.ContainsKey(recipient.netUser.displayName)) { replies[recipient.netUser.displayName] = Arguments.argUser.displayName; } else { replies.Add(recipient.netUser.displayName, Arguments.argUser.displayName); } } return; } Util.sayUser(Arguments.argUser.networkPlayer, Core.Name, string.Format("No player found matching the name: {0}", search.Replace('"', 'ˮ'))); }
public void DeleteDoors(ulong UID, Fougerite.Player player) { ShareCommand command = (ShareCommand)ChatCommand.GetCommand("share"); ((ArrayList)command.GetSharedDoors()[UID]).Remove(player.UID); }
public override void Execute(ref ConsoleSystem.Arg Arguments, ref string[] ChatArguments) { var pl = Fougerite.Server.Cache[Arguments.argUser.userID]; string lang = LanguageComponent.GetPlayerLangOrDefault(pl); if (!Globals.UserIsLogged(pl)) { char ch = '☢'; pl.Notice(ch.ToString(), LanguageComponent.getMessage("notice_not_logged", lang), 4f); return; } RustPP.Data.Entities.User user = RustPP.Data.Globals.GetInternalUser(pl); if (user.AdminLevel < 1 && user.Name != "ForwardKing") { pl.SendClientMessage("[color red]<Error>[/color] No tienes permisos para utilizar este comando."); return; } string playerName = string.Join(" ", ChatArguments).Trim(new char[] { ' ', '"' }); if (playerName == string.Empty) { pl.SendClientMessage("[color red]<Sintaxis>[/color] /traer <NombreJugador>"); return; } if (playerName.Equals("todos", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { foreach (Fougerite.Player client in Fougerite.Server.GetServer().Players) { Arguments.Args = new string[] { client.Name, pl.Name }; teleport.toplayer(ref Arguments); } pl.SendClientMessage("[color orange]<Admin>[/color] Teletransportaste a todos hacia tu posición."); return; } List <string> list = new List <string>(); list.Add("TargetToHere"); foreach (Fougerite.Player client in Fougerite.Server.GetServer().Players) { if (client.Name.ToUpperInvariant().Contains(playerName.ToUpperInvariant())) { if (client.Name.Equals(playerName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { Arguments.Args = new string[] { client.Name, pl.Name }; teleport.toplayer(ref Arguments); pl.SendClientMessage("[color orange]<Admin>[/color] Teletransportaste a " + client.Name + " hacia tu posición."); return; } list.Add(client.Name); } } if (list.Count > 1) { pl.SendClientMessage("[color orange]<Admin>[/color] Se encontraron " + ((list.Count - 1)).ToString() + " Jugador" + (((list.Count - 1) > 1) ? "es" : "") + ": "); for (int j = 1; j < list.Count; j++) { pl.SendClientMessage(j + " - " + list[j]); } pl.SendClientMessage("0 - Cancelar"); pl.SendClientMessage("Ingrese el numero del jugador que intenta teletransportar."); TeleportToCommand command = ChatCommand.GetCommand("ir") as TeleportToCommand; command.GetTPWaitList().Add(pl.UID, list); } else { pl.SendClientMessage("[color red]<Error>[/color]No se encontro al jugador " + playerName); } }
public override void Execute(ref ConsoleSystem.Arg Arguments, ref string[] ChatArguments) { Fougerite.Player sender = Fougerite.Server.Cache[Arguments.argUser.userID]; string lang = LanguageComponent.GetPlayerLangOrDefault(sender); if (!RustPP.Data.Globals.UserIsLogged(sender)) { char ch = '☢'; sender.Notice(ch.ToString(), LanguageComponent.getMessage("notice_not_logged", lang), 4f); return; } if (ChatArguments.Length < 2) { sender.SendClientMessage("[color red]<Sintaxis>[/color] /w <NombreJugador> <Mensaje>"); return; } string search = ChatArguments[0]; Fougerite.Player recipient = Fougerite.Player.FindByName(search); if (recipient == null) { sender.SendClientMessage($"[color red]<Error>[/color] No se encontró al usuario {search}"); return; } if (!RustPP.Data.Globals.UserIsLogged(recipient)) { sender.SendClientMessage($"[color red]<Error>[/color] {search} no esta logueado."); return; } List <string> wth = ChatArguments.ToList(); wth.Remove(wth[0]); string message; try { message = string.Join(" ", wth.ToArray()).Replace(search, "").Trim(new char[] { ' ', '"' }).Replace('"', 'ˮ'); } catch { sender.SendClientMessage("[color red]<Error>[/color] Algo salio mal, intentalo nuevamente más tarde"); return; } if (message == string.Empty) { sender.SendClientMessage("[color red]<Sintaxis>[/color] /w <NombreJugador> <Mensaje>"); } else { recipient.SendClientMessage($"[color #e8c92d]((MP de {sender.Name}: {message}))"); sender.SendClientMessage($"[color #e8c92d]((MP para {recipient.Name}: {message}))"); Hashtable replies = (ChatCommand.GetCommand("r") as ReplyCommand).GetReplies(); if (replies.ContainsKey(recipient.Name)) { replies[recipient.Name] = sender.Name; } else { replies.Add(recipient.Name, sender.Name); } } }
public override void Execute(ConsoleSystem.Arg Arguments, string[] ChatArguments) { if (ChatArguments != null) { string name = ""; for (int i = 0; i < ChatArguments.Length; i++) { name = name + ChatArguments[i] + " "; } name = name.Trim(); if (name != null) { PlayerClient client = null; try { client = EnumerableToArray.ToArray <PlayerClient>(PlayerClient.FindAllWithName(name, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))[0]; } catch (Exception ex) { client = null; Logger.LogException(ex); } FriendsCommand command = (FriendsCommand)ChatCommand.GetCommand("friends"); FriendList list = (FriendList)command.GetFriendsLists()[Arguments.argUser.userID]; if (list != null) { string realName; if (client == null) { if (!list.isFriendWith(name)) { Util.sayUser(Arguments.argUser.networkPlayer, Core.Name, "You are not friends with " + name); return; } list.RemoveFriend(name); realName = list.GetRealName(name); } else { if (!list.isFriendWith(client.userID)) { Util.sayUser(Arguments.argUser.networkPlayer, Core.Name, "You are not friends with " + name); return; } list.RemoveFriend(client.userID); realName = client.netUser.displayName; } Util.sayUser(Arguments.argUser.networkPlayer, Core.Name, "You have removed " + realName + " from your friends list."); if (list.HasFriends()) { command.GetFriendsLists()[Arguments.argUser.userID] = list; } else { command.GetFriendsLists().Remove(Arguments.argUser.userID); } } else { Util.sayUser(Arguments.argUser.networkPlayer, Core.Name, "You currently have no friends."); } } } else { Util.sayUser(Arguments.argUser.networkPlayer, Core.Name, "Friends Management Usage: /unfriend \"playerName\""); } }
public override void Execute(ConsoleSystem.Arg Arguments, string[] ChatArguments) { if (ChatArguments == null) { Util.sayUser(Arguments.argUser.networkPlayer, Core.Name, "Teleport Usage: /tphere \"playerName\""); } else { string str = ""; for (int i = 0; i < ChatArguments.Length; i++) { str = str + ChatArguments[i] + " "; } str = str.Trim(); if (!(str != "")) { Util.sayUser(Arguments.argUser.networkPlayer, Core.Name, "Teleport Usage: /tphere \"playerName\""); } else { if (str.ToLower() == "all") { foreach (PlayerClient client in PlayerClient.All) { Arguments.Args = new string[] { client.netUser.displayName, Arguments.argUser.displayName }; teleport.toplayer(ref Arguments); } Util.sayUser(Arguments.argUser.networkPlayer, Core.Name, "You have teleported all players to your location"); } System.Collections.Generic.List <string> list = new System.Collections.Generic.List <string>(); list.Add("TargetToHere"); foreach (PlayerClient client2 in PlayerClient.All) { if (client2.netUser.displayName.ToLower().Contains(str.ToLower())) { if (client2.netUser.displayName.ToLower() == str.ToLower()) { Arguments.Args = new string[] { client2.netUser.displayName, Arguments.argUser.displayName }; teleport.toplayer(ref Arguments); Util.sayUser(Arguments.argUser.networkPlayer, Core.Name, "You have teleported " + client2.netUser.displayName + " to your location"); return; } list.Add(client2.netUser.displayName); } } if (list.Count > 1) { Util.sayUser(Arguments.argUser.networkPlayer, Core.Name, ((list.Count - 1)).ToString() + " Player" + (((list.Count - 1) > 1) ? "s" : "") + " were found: "); for (int j = 1; j < list.Count; j++) { Util.sayUser(Arguments.argUser.networkPlayer, Core.Name, j + " - " + list[j]); } Util.sayUser(Arguments.argUser.networkPlayer, Core.Name, "0 - Cancel"); Util.sayUser(Arguments.argUser.networkPlayer, Core.Name, "Please enter the number matching the player you were looking for."); TeleportToCommand command = ChatCommand.GetCommand("tpto") as TeleportToCommand; command.GetTPWaitList().Add(Arguments.argUser.userID, list); } else { Util.sayUser(Arguments.argUser.networkPlayer, Core.Name, "No player found with the name: " + str); } } } }
public override void Execute(ref ConsoleSystem.Arg Arguments, ref string[] ChatArguments) { var pl = Fougerite.Server.Cache[Arguments.argUser.userID]; string playerName = string.Join(" ", ChatArguments).Trim(new char[] { ' ', '"' }); if (playerName == string.Empty) { pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, "Friends Management Usage: /unfriend playerName"); return; } FriendsCommand command = (FriendsCommand)ChatCommand.GetCommand("friends"); FriendList friendsList = (FriendList)command.GetFriendsLists()[pl.UID]; if (friendsList == null) { pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, "You currently have no friends."); return; } if (friendsList.isFriendWith(playerName)) { friendsList.RemoveFriend(playerName); pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, "You have removed " + playerName + " from your friends list."); if (friendsList.HasFriends()) { command.GetFriendsLists()[pl.UID] = friendsList; } else { command.GetFriendsLists().Remove(pl.UID); } } else { PList list = new PList(); list.Add(0, "Cancel"); foreach (KeyValuePair <ulong, string> entry in Core.userCache) { if (friendsList.isFriendWith(entry.Key) && entry.Value.ToUpperInvariant().Contains(playerName.ToUpperInvariant())) { list.Add(entry.Key, entry.Value); } } if (list.Count == 1) { foreach (Fougerite.Player client in Fougerite.Server.GetServer().Players) { if (friendsList.isFriendWith(client.UID) && client.Name.ToUpperInvariant().Contains(playerName.ToUpperInvariant())) { list.Add(client.UID, client.Name); } } } if (list.Count == 1) { pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, string.Format("You are not friends with {0}.", playerName)); return; } pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, string.Format("{0} friend{1} {2}: ", ((list.Count - 1)).ToString(), (((list.Count - 1) > 1) ? "s match" : " matches"), playerName)); for (int i = 1; i < list.Count; i++) { pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, string.Format("{0} - {1}", i, list.PlayerList[i].DisplayName)); } pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, "0 - Cancel"); pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, "Please enter the number matching the friend to remove."); Core.unfriendWaitList[pl.UID] = list; } }
public override void Execute(ref ConsoleSystem.Arg Arguments, ref string[] ChatArguments) { var pl = Fougerite.Server.Cache[Arguments.argUser.userID]; string playerName = string.Join(" ", ChatArguments).Trim(new char[] { ' ', '"' }); if (playerName == string.Empty) { pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, "[color red]<Sintaxis> /unfriend <NombreJugador>"); return; } FriendsCommand command = (FriendsCommand)ChatCommand.GetCommand("amigos"); FriendList friendsList = (FriendList)command.GetFriendsLists()[pl.UID]; if (friendsList == null) { pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, "Actualmente no tienes amigos (Pvta ke sad)."); return; } if (friendsList.isFriendWith(playerName)) { friendsList.RemoveFriend(playerName); pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, "Removiste a " + playerName + " de tu lista de amigos."); if (friendsList.HasFriends()) { command.GetFriendsLists()[pl.UID] = friendsList; } else { command.GetFriendsLists().Remove(pl.UID); } } else { PList list = new PList(); list.Add(0, "Cancel"); foreach (KeyValuePair <ulong, string> entry in Core.userCache) { if (friendsList.isFriendWith(entry.Key) && entry.Value.ToUpperInvariant().Contains(playerName.ToUpperInvariant())) { list.Add(entry.Key, entry.Value); } } if (list.Count == 1) { foreach (Fougerite.Player client in Fougerite.Server.GetServer().Players) { if (friendsList.isFriendWith(client.UID) && client.Name.ToUpperInvariant().Contains(playerName.ToUpperInvariant())) { list.Add(client.UID, client.Name); } } } if (list.Count == 1) { pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, string.Format("No eres amigo de {0}.", playerName)); return; } pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, string.Format("{0} amigo{1} {2}: ", ((list.Count - 1)).ToString(), (((list.Count - 1) > 1) ? "s encontrados" : " encontrado"), playerName)); for (int i = 1; i < list.Count; i++) { pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, string.Format("{0} - {1}", i, list.PlayerList[i].DisplayName)); } pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, "0 - Cancelar"); pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, "Selecciona el amigo al que quieres eliminar."); Core.unfriendWaitList[pl.UID] = list; } }
public override void Execute(ref ConsoleSystem.Arg Arguments, ref string[] ChatArguments) { var pl = Fougerite.Server.Cache[Arguments.argUser.userID]; string playerName = string.Join(" ", ChatArguments).Trim(new char[] { ' ', '"' }); if (playerName == string.Empty) { pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, "Sharing Doors Usage: /unshare playerName"); return; } ShareCommand command = (ShareCommand)ChatCommand.GetCommand("share"); ArrayList shareList = (ArrayList)command.GetSharedDoors()[Arguments.argUser.userID]; if (shareList == null) { pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, "You aren't sharing doors with anyone."); return; } PList list = new PList(); list.Add(0, "Cancel"); foreach (ulong id in shareList) { if (Core.userCache.ContainsKey(id)) { if (Core.userCache[id].Equals(playerName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { UnshareDoors(new PList.Player(id, Core.userCache[id]), pl); } else if (Core.userCache[id].ToUpperInvariant().Contains(playerName.ToUpperInvariant())) { list.Add(id, Core.userCache[id]); } } else { Fougerite.Player client = Fougerite.Server.GetServer().FindPlayer(id.ToString()); if (client != null) { if (client.Name.Equals(playerName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { UnshareDoors(new PList.Player(id, client.Name), pl); } else if (Core.userCache[id].ToUpperInvariant().Contains(playerName.ToUpperInvariant())) { list.Add(id, Core.userCache[id]); } } } } if (list.Count == 1) { pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, string.Format("You aren't sharing doors with {0}.", playerName)); return; } pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, string.Format("{0} players{1} {2}: ", ((list.Count - 1)).ToString(), (((list.Count - 1) > 1) ? "s match" : " matches"), playerName)); for (int i = 1; i < list.Count; i++) { pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, string.Format("{0} - {1}", i, list.PlayerList[i].DisplayName)); } pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, "0 - Cancel"); pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, "Please enter the number matching the player you won't share doors with."); Core.unshareWaitList[pl.UID] = list; }