public static bool GetClientVerify(HumanController controller, ref Vector3 origin, int encoded, ushort flags, uLink.NetworkMessageInfo info) { if (RustProtect) { UserData bySteamID = Users.GetBySteamID(controller.netUser.userID); if (bySteamID == null) { foreach (string str in Config.GetMessages("Truth.Protect.NoUserdata", controller.netUser)) { Broadcast.Message(controller.netUser, str, null, 0f); } controller.netUser.Kick(NetError.Facepunch_Kick_Violation, true); return(false); } if ((origin == && (((info.sender.externalIP == "") || controller.netUser.admin) || Exclude.Contains(controller.netUser.userID))) { bySteamID.ProtectTick = 0; return(false); } if (bySteamID.ProtectTime == 0f) { if (server.log > 2) { Debug.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { "Protection Key Sended [", bySteamID.Username, ":", bySteamID.SteamID, ":", bySteamID.LastConnectIP, "]: ProtectKey=", string.Format("0x{0:X8}", ProtectionKey) })); } bySteamID.ProtectTick = 0; bySteamID.ProtectTime = Time.time; flags = 0x8000; float num = 0f; controller.networkView.RPC("ReadClientMove", info.sender, new object[] {, ProtectionKey, (ushort)0x8000, num }); return(false); } if ((origin == && (flags == 0x7fff)) { if (server.log > 2) { Debug.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { "Received Protect Data [", bySteamID.Username, ":", bySteamID.SteamID, ":", bySteamID.LastConnectIP, "]: Data=", string.Format("0x{0:X8}", encoded) })); } bySteamID.ProtectKickData = bySteamID.ProtectKickData.Add <int>(encoded); return(false); } if ((origin == && (flags == 0x8000)) { bySteamID.ProtectTick = 0; bySteamID.ProtectTime = Time.time; if (bySteamID.ProtectKickData.Length > 0) { bySteamID.ProtectKickName = Helper.Int32ToString(bySteamID.ProtectKickData); bySteamID.ProtectKickData = new int[0]; } if (server.log > 2) { Debug.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { "Received Protect Data [", bySteamID.Username, ":", bySteamID.SteamID, ":", bySteamID.LastConnectIP, "]: Checksum=", string.Format("0x{0:X8}", encoded) })); } if (((encoded != ProtectionHash) && !controller.netUser.admin) && ((Time.time > ProtectionUpdateTime) && !Config.Loading)) { string str2 = "Unknown Kick Reason."; if (bySteamID.ProtectKickName != "") { foreach (string str3 in Config.GetMessages("Truth.Protect.CheatsFound", controller.netUser)) { Broadcast.Message(controller.netUser, str3, null, 0f); } str2 = "Detected a forbidden \"" + bySteamID.ProtectKickName + "\"."; } else { foreach (string str4 in Config.GetMessages("Truth.Protect.BrokenClient", controller.netUser)) { Broadcast.Message(controller.netUser, str4, null, 0f); } str2 = "Incorrect a CRC(" + string.Format("0x{0:X8}", encoded) + ") received from client."; } Helper.LogError(string.Concat(new object[] { "Protect Kick [", controller.netUser.displayName, ":", controller.netUser.userID, "]: ", str2 }), true); controller.netUser.Kick(NetError.Facepunch_Kick_Violation, true); } if (bySteamID.ProtectKickName != "") { bySteamID.ProtectKickName = ""; } return(false); } if (((bySteamID.ProtectTick > RustProtectMaxTicks) && (Time.time > ProtectionUpdateTime)) && !Config.Loading) { foreach (string str5 in Config.GetMessages("Truth.Protect.NotProtected", controller.netUser)) { Broadcast.Message(controller.netUser, str5, null, 0f); } Helper.LogError(string.Concat(new object[] { "Protect Kick [", controller.netUser.displayName, ":", controller.netUser.userID, "]: No packets from client protection for very long time." }), true); if (server.log > 2) { Helper.LogError(string.Concat(new object[] { "Kick Details: ProtectTick=", bySteamID.ProtectTick, ", SendRate=", NetCull.sendRate, ", Time=", Time.time, ", Protection.UpdateTime=", ProtectionUpdateTime }), true); } controller.netUser.Kick(NetError.Facepunch_Kick_Violation, true); return(false); } if (server.log > 2) { Debug.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { "Received Default Data [", bySteamID.Username, ":", bySteamID.SteamID, ":", bySteamID.LastConnectIP, "]: origin=", (Vector3)origin, ", encoded=", string.Format("0x{0:X8}", encoded), ", flags=", string.Format("0x{0:X8}", flags) })); } bySteamID.ProtectTick++; } return(true); }
public static TruthDetector.ActionTaken Punish(NetUser netUser, UserData userData, HackMethod hackMethod, [Optional, DefaultParameterValue(false)] bool PunishBan) { string str = ""; if ((server.log > 1) && Users.HasFlag(netUser.userID, UserFlags.admin)) { if (hackMethod == HackMethod.AimedHack) { Broadcast.Message(netUser, string.Concat(new object[] { "Violation ", netUser.truthDetector.violation, "(+", 100, ") of ", truth.threshold }), "TRUTH", 0f); } else { Broadcast.Message(netUser, string.Concat(new object[] { "Violation ", netUser.truthDetector.violation, "(+", Rate, ") of ", truth.threshold }), "TRUTH", 0f); } } switch (hackMethod) { case HackMethod.AimedHack: str = "'Aimbot Hack'"; netUser.truthDetector.violation += truth.threshold; break; case HackMethod.SpeedHack: str = "'Speed Hack'"; netUser.truthDetector.violation += Rate; break; case HackMethod.MoveHack: str = "'Move Hack'"; netUser.truthDetector.violation += Rate; break; case HackMethod.JumpHack: str = "'Jump Hack'"; netUser.truthDetector.violation += Rate; break; case HackMethod.WallHack: str = "'Wall Hack'"; netUser.truthDetector.violation += Rate; break; case HackMethod.FallHack: str = "'Fall Hack'"; netUser.truthDetector.violation += truth.threshold; break; case HackMethod.NetExploit: str = "'Network Exploit'"; netUser.truthDetector.violation += truth.threshold; break; case HackMethod.OtherHack: str = "'Object Hack'"; netUser.truthDetector.violation += Rate; break; default: return(TruthDetector.ActionTaken.None); } if (netUser.truthDetector.violation >= truth.threshold) { if ((MaxViolations != -1) && (userData != null)) { userData.ViolationDate = DateTime.Now; userData.Violations++; } netUser.truthDetector.violation = 0; if ((MaxViolations != -1) && ((PunishAction.Contains <string>("BAN") || PunishBan) || ((MaxViolations <= 0) || (userData.Violations >= MaxViolations)))) { Users.SetViolations(userData.SteamID, 0); DateTime period = new DateTime(); if (BannedPeriod > 0) { period = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes((double)BannedPeriod); } PunishReason = Config.GetMessageTruth("Truth.Logger.Banned", netUser, str, userData.Violations, new DateTime()); if (PunishDetails != "") { Helper.LogError(string.Concat(new object[] { "Violated [", netUser.displayName, ":", netUser.userID, "]: ", PunishDetails }), ViolationDetails); } Helper.Log(PunishReason, true); if (ReportRank > 0) { Broadcast.MessageGM(PunishReason); } if (Core.DatabaseType.Equals("MYSQL")) { MySQL.Update(string.Format(string_0, userData.SteamID, MySQL.QuoteString(PunishReason), MySQL.QuoteString(PunishDetails))); MySQL.Update(string.Format(string_1, userData.SteamID, userData.ViolationDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"))); } if (PunishAction.Contains <string>("NOTICE")) { Broadcast.Message(ViolationColor, netUser, Config.GetMessageTruth("Truth.Violation.Banned", netUser, str, userData.Violations, period), null, 0f); Broadcast.MessageAll(ViolationColor, Config.GetMessageTruth("Truth.Punish.Banned", netUser, str, userData.Violations, new DateTime()), netUser); Broadcast.MessageAll(ViolationColor, PunishDetails, null); } else { Broadcast.Message(ViolationColor, netUser, Config.GetMessageTruth("Truth.Violation.Banned", netUser, str, userData.Violations, period), null, 0f); Broadcast.Message(ViolationColor, netUser, PunishDetails, null, 0f); } if (BannedBlockIP && !BannedExcludeIP.Contains <string>(userData.LastConnectIP)) { Blocklist.Add(userData.LastConnectIP); } Users.Ban(netUser.userID, "Banned for using " + str + " by SERVER.", period, PunishDetails); netUser.Kick(NetError.Facepunch_Kick_Violation, true); return(TruthDetector.ActionTaken.Kicked); } PunishReason = Config.GetMessageTruth("Truth.Logger.Notice", netUser, str, userData.Violations, new DateTime()); if (PunishDetails != "") { Helper.LogError(string.Concat(new object[] { "Violated [", netUser.displayName, ":", netUser.userID, "]: ", PunishDetails }), ViolationDetails); } Helper.Log(PunishReason, true); if (ReportRank > 0) { Broadcast.MessageGM(PunishReason); } if (Core.DatabaseType.Equals("MYSQL")) { MySQL.Update(string.Format(string_0, userData.SteamID, MySQL.QuoteString(PunishReason), MySQL.QuoteString(PunishDetails))); MySQL.Update(string.Format(string_1, userData.SteamID, userData.ViolationDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"))); } string text = Config.GetMessageTruth("Truth.Violation.Notice", netUser, str, userData.Violations, new DateTime()); string str3 = Config.GetMessageTruth("Truth.Punish.Notice", netUser, str, userData.Violations, new DateTime()); if (PunishAction.Contains <string>("KILL")) { text = Config.GetMessageTruth("Truth.Violation.Killed", netUser, str, userData.Violations, new DateTime()); str3 = Config.GetMessageTruth("Truth.Punish.Killed", netUser, str, userData.Violations, new DateTime()); } if (PunishAction.Contains <string>("KICK")) { text = Config.GetMessageTruth("Truth.Violation.Kicked", netUser, str, userData.Violations, new DateTime()); str3 = Config.GetMessageTruth("Truth.Punish.Kicked", netUser, str, userData.Violations, new DateTime()); } if (PunishAction.Contains <string>("NOTICE")) { Broadcast.Message(ViolationColor, netUser, text, null, 0f); Broadcast.MessageAll(ViolationColor, str3, netUser); Broadcast.MessageAll(ViolationColor, PunishDetails, null); } if (PunishAction.Contains <string>("KILL")) { TakeDamage.KillSelf(netUser.playerClient.controllable.character, null); } if (PunishAction.Contains <string>("KICK")) { netUser.Kick(NetError.Facepunch_Kick_Violation, true); } } return(actionTaken_0); }
private static bool smethod_2(TruthDetector truthDetector_0, Vector3 vector3_0, ref Vector3 vector3_1, double double_0) { if (double_0 > 0.0) { double num = ((double)(vector3_1.y - vector3_0.y)) / double_0; UserData bySteamID = Users.GetBySteamID(truthDetector_0.netUser.userID); Character idMain = truthDetector_0.netUser.playerClient.controllable.idMain; if (!FallHeight.ContainsKey(truthDetector_0.netUser)) { FallHeight.Add(truthDetector_0.netUser, 0.0); } if (!AirMovement.ContainsKey(truthDetector_0.netUser)) { AirMovement.Add(truthDetector_0.netUser, 0.0); } if (idMain.stateFlags.airborne) { AirMovement[truthDetector_0.netUser] = 0.0; } if ((CheckJumphack && (num > 0.0)) && ((idMain != null) && idMain.stateFlags.airborne)) { truthDetector_0.jumpHeight += num; if ((truthDetector_0.jumpHeight <= MaxJumpingHeight) && (num <= (MaxJumpingHeight * 2f))) { if (((server.log > 2) && Users.HasFlag(truthDetector_0.netUser.userID, UserFlags.admin)) && (truthDetector_0.jumpHeight > 1.0)) { Broadcast.Message(truthDetector_0.netUser, "JumpHeight: " + truthDetector_0.jumpHeight.ToString("0.0") + " of maximum " + MaxJumpingHeight.ToString("0.0"), "DEBUG", 0f); } } else { if ((server.log > 1) && Users.HasFlag(truthDetector_0.netUser.userID, UserFlags.admin)) { Broadcast.Message(truthDetector_0.netUser, "[COLOR#D02F2F]JumpHeight: " + truthDetector_0.jumpHeight.ToString("0.0") + " of maximum " + MaxJumpingHeight.ToString("0.0"), "DEBUG", 0f); } PunishDetails = Config.GetMessageTruth("Truth.Punish.Reason.JumpHack", truthDetector_0.netUser, "", 0, new DateTime()); PunishDetails = PunishDetails.Replace("%JUMP.HEIGHT%", truthDetector_0.jumpHeight.ToString("0.00")); PunishDetails = PunishDetails.Replace("%JUMP.MAXHEIGHT%", MaxJumpingHeight.ToString("0.00")); HackDetected = HackMethod.JumpHack; vector3_1 = MoveBack(truthDetector_0, vector3_0, vector3_1); } return(HackDetected == HackMethod.JumpHack); } if ((CheckFallhack && (num < 0.0)) && ((idMain != null) && idMain.stateFlags.airborne)) { Dictionary <NetUser, double> dictionary; NetUser user; (dictionary = FallHeight)[user = truthDetector_0.netUser] = dictionary[user] + (num = -num); if (((FallHeight[truthDetector_0.netUser] >= MinFallingHeight) && (bySteamID != null)) && (bySteamID.FallCheck != FallCheckState.damaged)) { bySteamID.FallCheck = FallCheckState.check; if (((server.log > 2) && Users.HasFlag(truthDetector_0.netUser.userID, UserFlags.admin)) && (FallHeight[truthDetector_0.netUser] > 1.0)) { Broadcast.Message(truthDetector_0.netUser, "[COLOR#D02F2F]FallHeight: " + FallHeight[truthDetector_0.netUser].ToString("0.00") + " of minimum " + MinFallingHeight.ToString("0.0"), "DEBUG", 0f); } } else if (((server.log > 2) && Users.HasFlag(truthDetector_0.netUser.userID, UserFlags.admin)) && (FallHeight[truthDetector_0.netUser] > 1.0)) { Broadcast.Message(truthDetector_0.netUser, "FallHeight: " + FallHeight[truthDetector_0.netUser].ToString("0.00") + " of minimum " + MinFallingHeight.ToString("0.0"), "DEBUG", 0f); } } else if (!idMain.stateFlags.airborne) { if (CheckFallhack && (FallHeight[truthDetector_0.netUser] >= MinFallingHeight)) { if ((bySteamID != null) && (bySteamID.FallCheck == FallCheckState.check)) { PunishDetails = Config.GetMessageTruth("Truth.Punish.Reason.FallHack", truthDetector_0.netUser, "", 0, new DateTime()); PunishDetails = PunishDetails.Replace("%FALL.HEIGHT%", FallHeight[truthDetector_0.netUser].ToString("0.00")); PunishDetails = PunishDetails.Replace("%FALL.MINHEIGHT%", MinFallingHeight.ToString("0.00")); HackDetected = HackMethod.FallHack; } } else if (Facepunch.MeshBatch.MeshBatchPhysics.OverlapSphere(vector3_1, 0.5f, 0x20180403).Length == 0) { Dictionary <NetUser, double> dictionary2; NetUser user2; (dictionary2 = AirMovement)[user2 = truthDetector_0.netUser] = dictionary2[user2] + 1.0; if (AirMovement[truthDetector_0.netUser] > NetCull.sendRate) { PunishDetails = Config.GetMessageTruth("Truth.Punish.Reason.MoveHack", truthDetector_0.netUser, "", 0, new DateTime()); AirMovement[truthDetector_0.netUser] = 0.0; HackDetected = HackMethod.MoveHack; } } bySteamID.FallCheck = FallCheckState.none; FallHeight[truthDetector_0.netUser] = truthDetector_0.jumpHeight = 0.0; if (HackDetected != HackMethod.FallHack) { return(HackDetected == HackMethod.MoveHack); } return(true); } } return(false); }
public static TruthDetector.ActionTaken NoteMoved(TruthDetector detector, ref Vector3 pos, Angle2 ang, double time) { UserData userData = null; HackDetected = HackMethod.None; actionTaken_0 = TruthDetector.ActionTaken.None; try { uint notedTime = detector.notedTime; detector.notedTime = (uint)Environment.TickCount; if (notedTime > 0) { notedTime = ((uint)Environment.TickCount) - notedTime; } userData = Users.GetBySteamID(detector.netUser.userID); if (detector.prevSnap.time > 0.0) { double num2 = time - detector.prevSnap.time; if (detector.ignoreSeconds > 0.0) { if (time > detector.prevSnap.time) { detector.ignoreSeconds -= num2; } } else if (!detector.netUser.admin && !Exclude.Contains(detector.netUser.userID)) { if (CheckWallhack && smethod_0(detector, detector.prevSnap.pos, ref pos)) { actionTaken_0 = TruthDetector.ActionTaken.Moved; } else if (CheckSpeedhack && smethod_1(detector, detector.prevSnap.pos, pos, num2)) { actionTaken_0 = TruthDetector.ActionTaken.Moved; } else if (smethod_2(detector, detector.prevSnap.pos, ref pos, num2)) { actionTaken_0 = TruthDetector.ActionTaken.Moved; } } } if (actionTaken_0 == TruthDetector.ActionTaken.None) { detector.prevSnap.pos = pos; detector.prevSnap.time = time; detector.Record(); if (detector.violation > 0) { detector.violation--; } if (((userData != null) && (userData.Violations > 0)) && (userData.ViolationDate.Ticks > 0L)) { DateTime time2 = userData.ViolationDate.AddMinutes((double)ViolationTimelife); if (time2 < DateTime.Now) { userData.ViolationDate = time2; userData.Violations--; } } } else if ((truth.punish && (notedTime > 0)) && (notedTime > detector.netUser.networkPlayer.averagePing)) { actionTaken_0 = Punish(detector.netUser, userData, HackDetected, false); PunishReason = ""; PunishDetails = ""; } } catch (Exception exception) { Helper.LogError(exception.ToString(), true); } return(actionTaken_0); }