예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks the object spawn.
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void CheckObjectSpawn()
            //spawner will only work when the game is running
            if (isGameOn)
                if (GameManager.Instance.StateStatus != GameManager.GameStateStatus.GameRunning)
                    lastSpawnedTransform = null;

            //if nothing is spawned yet then first spawn
            if ((lastSpawnedTransform == null) || (!lastSpawnedTransform.gameObject.activeInHierarchy))
                DistanceObjectSpawn(transform.position + MiscTools.RandomVector3(MinGap, MaxGap));

            //if last spawned object's position is far enough away from origin then spawn next object
            if (transform.InverseTransformPoint(lastSpawnedTransform.position).x < -NextSpawnDistance)
                Vector3 spawnPosition = transform.position;
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// spawns then determines next spawn position
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="spawnPosition">Spawn position.</param>
        protected virtual void DistanceObjectSpawn(Vector3 spawnPos)
            //spawn object at position parsed
            GameObject spawnedGameObject = spawn(spawnPos, false);

            //if no spawnobject is present in hirarchy then do a fresh spawn
            if (spawnedGameObject == null)
                lastSpawnedTransform = null;
                NextSpawnDistance    = UnityEngine.Random.Range(MinGap.x, MaxGap.x);

            //checks for pool script attached to object
            if (spawnedGameObject.GetComponent <PoolableGameObject> () == null)
                throw new Exception(gameObject.name + " No PoolableGameObject Present");

            //if theres a moving script attached rotate towards needed movement
            if (ObjectRotatedToSpawnDirection)
                spawnedGameObject.transform.rotation *= transform.rotation;
            //if this is a moveingobject then move in the specified direction
            if (spawnedGameObject.GetComponent <MovingGameObject> () != null)
                spawnedGameObject.GetComponent <MovingGameObject> ().Direction = transform.rotation * Vector3.left;

            if (lastSpawnedTransform != null)
                //center object posision to spawners poisiton
                spawnedGameObject.transform.position = transform.position;

                //get relative X distance between spawner and object
                float XDistanceBetweenSpawnerAndGameObject = transform.InverseTransformPoint(lastSpawnedTransform.position).x;

                //new object is aligned with the previous one
                //taking into acount the witdh of both objects
                spawnedGameObject.transform.position += transform.rotation
                                                        * Vector3.right
                                                        * (XDistanceBetweenSpawnerAndGameObject
                                                           + lastSpawnedTransform.GetComponent <PoolableGameObject> ().Size.x / 2
                                                           + spawnedGameObject.GetComponent <PoolableGameObject> ().Size.x / 2);

                //based on the values defined in the inspector clamp gap to object
                spawnedGameObject.transform.position += (transform.rotation * ClampedPosition(MiscTools.RandomVector3(MinGap, MaxGap) / 2));

                //if spawned object is a mooving object, tell it to move
                if (spawnedGameObject.GetComponent <MovingGameObject> () != null)
                    spawnedGameObject.GetComponent <MovingGameObject> ().Move();

            //tell object its spawning is finished
            spawnedGameObject.GetComponent <PoolableGameObject>().TriggerOnSpawnFinished();

            //decide when we should try spawning next object
            NextSpawnDistance = spawnedGameObject.GetComponent <PoolableGameObject>().Size.x / 2;
            //store spawned object, which will be used for next spawn
            lastSpawnedTransform = spawnedGameObject.transform;