public static void createAmmo(Player p, int sets, int type, bool bolt, bool newFletch) { Ammo item = null; if (newFletch || Fletching.getFletchItem(p) == null) { item = getAmmo(type, bolt, sets); Fletching.setFletchItem(p, item); } item = (Ammo) Fletching.getFletchItem(p); if (item == null || p == null) { return; } if (!canFletch(p, item)) { p.getPackets().closeInterfaces(); return; } int amt = getArrowAmount(p, item); if (amt <= 0) { return; } if (p.getInventory().deleteItem(item.getItemOne(), amt) && p.getInventory().deleteItem(item.getItemTwo(), amt)) { p.getInventory().addItem(item.getFinishedItem(), amt); p.getSkills().addXp(Skills.SKILL.FLETCHING, item.getXp() * amt); p.getPackets().sendMessage(getMessage(item, amt)); item.decreaseAmount(); p.getPackets().closeInterfaces(); } if (item.getAmount() >= 1) { Event createMoreAmmoEvent = new Event(1500); createMoreAmmoEvent.setAction(() => { createAmmo(p, -1, -1, false, false); createMoreAmmoEvent.stop(); }); Server.registerEvent(createMoreAmmoEvent); } }
private void newGlobalItem(GroundItem item) { if (item == null) { return; } item = itemExists(item); if (item != null) { item.setGlobal(true); foreach(Player p in Server.getPlayerList()) { if (p == null || (item.getDefinition().isPlayerBound() && !item.getOwner().Equals(p))) { continue; } if (p.getLocation().withinDistance(item.getLocation(), 60)) { if(item.getOwner() != null) { p.getPackets().createGroundItem2(item); } else { p.getPackets().createGroundItem(item); } } } if (!item.getDefinition().isPlayerBound()) { item.setOwner(null); } GroundItem i = item; if (!item.isRespawn()) { Event removeGlobalItemEvent = new Event(60000); removeGlobalItemEvent.setAction(() => { clearGlobalItem(i); removeGlobalItemEvent.stop(); }); Server.registerEvent(removeGlobalItemEvent); } } }
protected void spawnMonsters() { if (monstersSpawned || !gameInProgress) { return; } monstersSpawned = true; Event spawnMonstersEvent = new Event(3000); spawnMonstersEvent.setAction(() => { if (!monstersSpawned || playersPlaying.Count() <= 1) { spawnMonstersEvent.stop(); foreach(Npc n in Server.getNpcList()) { if (Location.inFightPits(n.getLocation())) { n.setVisible(false); Server.getNpcList().Remove(n); } } return; } }); Server.registerEvent(spawnMonstersEvent); foreach(Player p in playersPlaying) { teleportToWaitingRoom(p, false); sendNPCMessage(p, "You took to long in defeating your enemies."); } playersPlaying.Clear(); }
public ShopManager() { if (!File.Exists(misc.getServerPath() + @"\data\shops.xml")) { misc.WriteError(@"Missing data\shops.xml"); return; } try { //Deserialize text file to a new object. StreamReader objStreamReader = new StreamReader(misc.getServerPath() + @"\data\shops.xml"); XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(List<Shop>)); List<Shop> listShops = (List<Shop>)serializer.Deserialize(objStreamReader); shops = new Dictionary<int, Shop>(); foreach (Shop shop in listShops) { shops.Add(, shop); } } catch (Exception e) { misc.WriteError((e.InnerException == null ? e.ToString() : e.InnerException.ToString())); } //shops = (Map<Integer, Shop>) XStreamUtil.getXStream().fromXML(new FileInputStream("data/shops.xml")); Event updateShopAmountsEvent = new Event(60000); updateShopAmountsEvent.setAction(() => { updateShopAmounts(); }); Server.registerEvent(updateShopAmountsEvent); Console.WriteLine("Loaded " + shops.Count + " shops."); }
private void startArena() { Event startArenaEvent = new Event(0); startArenaEvent.setAction(() => { currentPillar = misc.random(AGILITY_ARENA_PILLARS.Length - 1); updateArrow(); startArenaEvent.setTick(30000 + misc.random(30000)); }); Server.registerEvent(startArenaEvent); }
public void enterChannel(Player p, string owner) { if (p.getClan() != null) { return; } p.getPackets().sendMessage("Attempting to join channel...:clan:"); if (owner.Equals(p.getLoginDetails().getUsername())) { Clan newClan = new Clan(p, owner, owner); addChannel(newClan); } Event enterChannelEvent = new Event(700); enterChannelEvent.setAction(() => { enterChannelEvent.stop(); foreach(Clan c in clans) { if (c != null) { if (c.getClanOwner().Equals(owner)) { if(c.getUserList().Count >= 100) { p.getPackets().sendMessage("The channel is full."); return; } if (!owner.Equals(p.getLoginDetails().getUsername())) { if (c.getEnterRights() != Clan.ClanRank.NO_RANK) { if (c.getEnterRights() == Clan.ClanRank.FRIEND) { if (!c.isFriendOfOwner(p) && !c.userHasRank(p.getLoginDetails().getUsername())) { p.getPackets().sendMessage("You do not have a high enough rank to enter this clan chat."); return; } } else { bool canEnter = true; foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Clan.ClanRank> u in c.getUsersWithRank()) { if(u.Key.Equals(p.getLoginDetails().getUsername())) { if (u.Value < c.getEnterRights()) { canEnter = false; break; } } } if (!canEnter) { p.getPackets().sendMessage("You do not have a high enough rank to enter this clan chat."); return; } } } } c.addUser(p); updateClan(c); p.getPackets().sendMessage("Now talking in channel : " + misc.formatPlayerNameForDisplay(c.getClanName() + ":clan:")); p.getPackets().sendMessage("To talk, start each line of chat with the / symbol. :clan:"); return; } } } p.getPackets().sendMessage("The channel you tried to join does not exist. :clan:"); }); Server.registerEvent(enterChannelEvent); }
public static void craftDragonHide(Player p, int amount, int itemIndex, int leatherType, bool newCraft) { if (newCraft) { itemIndex = leatherType != 0 ? itemIndex += leatherType : itemIndex; p.setTemporaryAttribute("craftItem", new CraftItem(leatherType, itemIndex, amount, (double) LEATHER_ITEMS[itemIndex][2], (int) LEATHER_ITEMS[itemIndex][0], (string) LEATHER_ITEMS[itemIndex][4], (int) LEATHER_ITEMS[itemIndex][1])); } CraftItem item = (CraftItem) p.getTemporaryAttribute("craftItem"); if (item == null || p == null || item.getAmount() <= 0) { Crafting.resetCrafting(p); return; } p.getPackets().closeInterfaces(); int index = item.getCraftItem(); if (p.getSkills().getGreaterLevel(Skills.SKILL.CRAFTING) < item.getLevel()) { p.getPackets().sendMessage("You need a Crafting level of " + item.getLevel() + " to craft that item."); Crafting.resetCrafting(p); return; } if (!p.getInventory().hasItemAmount(TANNED_HIDE[item.getCraftType()], (int) LEATHER_ITEMS[index][3])) { p.getPackets().sendMessage("You need " + (int) LEATHER_ITEMS[index][3] + " dragonhide to craft that."); Crafting.resetCrafting(p); return; } if (!p.getInventory().hasItem(NEEDLE)) { p.getPackets().sendMessage("You need a needle if you wish to craft leather."); Crafting.resetCrafting(p); return; } if (!p.getInventory().hasItemAmount(THREAD, (int)LEATHER_ITEMS[index][3])) { p.getPackets().sendMessage("You need " + (int)LEATHER_ITEMS[index][3] + " thread to craft that."); Crafting.resetCrafting(p); return; } string s = index < 4 ? "a" : "a pair of"; for (int j = 0; j < (int) LEATHER_ITEMS[index][3]; j++) { if (!p.getInventory().deleteItem(TANNED_HIDE[item.getCraftType()])) { return; } } p.getInventory().deleteItem(THREAD, (int) LEATHER_ITEMS[index][3]); p.getInventory().addItem(item.getFinishedItem()); p.getSkills().addXp(Skills.SKILL.CRAFTING, item.getXp()); p.setLastAnimation(new Animation(1249)); p.getPackets().sendMessage("You craft " + s + " " + item.getMessage() + "."); item.decreaseAmount(); if (item.getAmount() >= 1) { Event craftMoreDragonHide = new Event(1500); craftMoreDragonHide.setAction(() => { craftDragonHide(p, -1, -1, -1, false); craftMoreDragonHide.stop(); }); Server.registerEvent(craftMoreDragonHide); } }
public static void exitCave(Player p, int objectX, int objectY) { AreaEvent exitCaveAreaEvent = new AreaEvent(p, objectX, objectY - 1, objectX + 2, objectY - 1); exitCaveAreaEvent.setAction(() => { p.setTemporaryAttribute("unmovable", true); Event teleFromCaveEvent = new Event(600); teleFromCaveEvent.setAction(() => { teleFromCaveEvent.stop(); p.getFightCave().teleFromCave(true); }); Server.registerEvent(teleFromCaveEvent); }); Server.registerCoordinateEvent(exitCaveAreaEvent); }
public void newEntityDrop(GroundItem item) { lock(items) { items.Add(item); } if (item.getOwner() != null && !item.getOwner().isDestroyed()) { item.getOwner().getPackets().createGroundItem(item); } Event showItemDropGloballyEvent = new Event(60000); //60 seconds to show dropped item to all players. showItemDropGloballyEvent.setAction(() => { newGlobalItem(item); showItemDropGloballyEvent.stop(); }); Server.registerEvent(showItemDropGloballyEvent); }
private void startCloseDoorEvent() { Event closeDoorEvent = new Event(CHANGE_CYCLE_TIME); closeDoorEvent.setAction(() => { foreach(Door door in doors) { if (door != null) { if (door.isDoorOpen() && !door.isInstantClose() && misc.random(1) == 0) { changeDoor(door); } } } }); Server.registerEvent(closeDoorEvent); }
public static void craftClay(Player p, int amount, int craftType, int craftItem, bool newCraft) { if (newCraft) { if ((craftType != 1 && craftType != 2) || craftItem < 0 || craftItem > 4) { return; } int index = craftItem; int endItem = craftType == 1 ? 0 : 1; int xp = craftType == 1 ? 3 : 4; p.setTemporaryAttribute("craftItem", new CraftItem(craftType, craftItem, amount, (double) CLAY_ITEMS[index][xp], (int) CLAY_ITEMS[index][endItem], (string) CLAY_ITEMS[index][5], (int) CLAY_ITEMS[index][2])); } CraftItem item = (CraftItem) p.getTemporaryAttribute("craftItem"); if (item == null || p == null || item.getAmount() <= 0) { Crafting.resetCrafting(p); return; } int neededItem = item.getCraftType() == 1 ? CLAY : (int) CLAY_ITEMS[item.getCraftItem()][0]; string s = item.getCraftType() == 1 ? "You mould the clay into a " + item.getMessage() : "You bake the " + item.getMessage() + " in the oven"; string s1 = item.getCraftType() == 1 ? "You need some soft clay to mould a " + item.getMessage() : "You need a pre-made " + item.getMessage() + " to put in the oven"; int animation = item.getCraftType() == 1 ? 883 : 899; if (p.getSkills().getGreaterLevel(Skills.SKILL.CRAFTING) < item.getLevel()) { p.getPackets().sendMessage("You need a Crafting level of " + item.getLevel() + " to make a " + item.getMessage() + "."); Crafting.resetCrafting(p); return; } if (!p.getInventory().hasItem(neededItem)) { p.getPackets().sendMessage(s1 + "."); Crafting.resetCrafting(p); return; } p.getPackets().closeInterfaces(); if (p.getInventory().deleteItem(neededItem)) { if (p.getInventory().addItem(item.getFinishedItem())) { p.getSkills().addXp(Skills.SKILL.CRAFTING, item.getXp()); p.getPackets().sendMessage(s + "."); p.setLastAnimation(new Animation(animation)); } } item.decreaseAmount(); if (item.getAmount() >= 1) { Event craftMoreClayEvent = new Event(1500); craftMoreClayEvent.setAction(() => { craftClay(p, -1, -1, -1, false); craftMoreClayEvent.stop(); }); Server.registerEvent(craftMoreClayEvent); } }
public static void completePotion(Player p, int amount, bool newMix) { if (newMix && p.getTemporaryAttribute("completePotion") == null) { return; } if (!newMix && p.getTemporaryAttribute("herbloreItem") == null) { return; } if (newMix) { if (p.getTemporaryAttribute("completePotion") == null) { return; } int index = (int) p.getTemporaryAttribute("completePotion"); p.setTemporaryAttribute("herbloreItem", new Potion(END_POTION[index], UNFINISHED[index], SECONDARY[index], POTION_LEVEL[index], POTION_XP[index], amount)); } Potion item = (Potion) p.getTemporaryAttribute("herbloreItem"); if (item == null || p == null || item.getAmount() <= 0) { resetAllHerbloreVariables(p); return; } if (!p.getInventory().hasItem(item.getSecondary()) || !p.getInventory().hasItem(item.getUnfinished())) { resetAllHerbloreVariables(p); return; } if (p.getSkills().getGreaterLevel(Skills.SKILL.HERBLORE) < item.getLevel()) { p.getPackets().sendMessage("You need a Herblore level of " + item.getLevel() + " to make that potion."); resetAllHerbloreVariables(p); return; } string s = ItemData.forId(item.getFinished()).getName().Replace("(3)", ""); if (p.getInventory().deleteItem(item.getUnfinished()) && p.getInventory().deleteItem(item.getSecondary())) { if (p.getInventory().addItem(item.getFinished())) { item.decreaseAmount(); p.setLastAnimation(new Animation(MIX_ANIMATION)); p.getSkills().addXp(Skills.SKILL.HERBLORE, item.getXp()); p.getPackets().sendMessage("You add the ingredient into the murky vial, you have completed the potion."); p.getPackets().closeInterfaces(); } } if (item.getAmount() >= 1) { Event completeMorePotionsEvent = new Event(750); completeMorePotionsEvent.setAction(() => { completePotion(p, item.getAmount(), false); completeMorePotionsEvent.stop(); }); Server.registerEvent(completeMorePotionsEvent); } }
public static void cutGem(Player p, int index, int amount, bool newCut) { index -= 50; if (newCut) { p.setTemporaryAttribute("craftItem", new CraftItem(5, index, amount, (double) GEMS[index][3], (int) GEMS[index][1], (string) GEMS[index][4], (int) GEMS[index][2])); } CraftItem item = (CraftItem) p.getTemporaryAttribute("craftItem"); if (item == null || p == null || item.getAmount() <= 0 || item.getCraftType() != 5) { Crafting.resetCrafting(p); return; } p.getPackets().closeInterfaces(); if (!p.getInventory().hasItem(CHISEL)) { p.getPackets().sendMessage("You cannot cut gems without a chisel."); Crafting.resetCrafting(p); return; } if (!p.getInventory().hasItem((int)GEMS[item.getCraftItem()][0])) { if (newCut) { p.getPackets().sendMessage("You have no " + item.getMessage() + " to cut."); } else { p.getPackets().sendMessage("You have no more " + item.getMessage() + "'s to cut."); } Crafting.resetCrafting(p); return; } if (p.getSkills().getGreaterLevel(Skills.SKILL.CRAFTING) < item.getLevel()) { p.getPackets().sendMessage("You need a Crafting level of " + item.getLevel() + " to cut that gem."); Crafting.resetCrafting(p); return; } if (p.getInventory().deleteItem((int)GEMS[item.getCraftItem()][0])) { p.getInventory().addItem(item.getFinishedItem()); p.getSkills().addXp(Skills.SKILL.CRAFTING, item.getXp()); p.setLastAnimation(new Animation((int) GEMS[item.getCraftItem()][5])); p.getPackets().sendMessage("You cut the " + item.getMessage() + "."); } item.decreaseAmount(); if (item.getAmount() >= 1) { Event cutMoreGemEvent = new Event(1500); cutMoreGemEvent.setAction(() => { cutGem(p, -1, -1, false); cutMoreGemEvent.stop(); }); Server.registerEvent(cutMoreGemEvent); } }
public static void cutLog(Player p, int amount, int logType, int itemType, bool isStringing, bool newFletch) { Bow item = null; if (newFletch) { item = getBow(itemType, logType, amount, isStringing); Fletching.setFletchItem(p, item); } item = (Bow) Fletching.getFletchItem(p); if (item == null || p == null) { return; } bool stringing = item.isStringing(); if (!canFletch(p, item, stringing)) { p.getPackets().closeInterfaces(); return; } int animation = getAnimation(item); if (!stringing) { int amt = item.getItemType() == 2 ? ARROW_AMOUNT : 1; if (p.getInventory().deleteItem(LOGS[item.getLogType()])) { p.getInventory().addItem(item.getFinishedItem(), amt); p.getSkills().addXp(Skills.SKILL.FLETCHING, item.getXp()); item.decreaseAmount(); p.getPackets().sendMessage("You carefully cut the wood into " + MESSAGE[item.getItemType()] + "."); p.setLastAnimation(new Animation(animation)); } } else { int[] bows = item.getItemType() == 0 ? UNSTRUNG_SHORTBOW : UNSTRUNG_LONGBOW; if (p.getInventory().deleteItem(BOWSTRING) && p.getInventory().deleteItem(bows[item.getLogType()])) { p.getInventory().addItem(item.getFinishedItem()); p.getSkills().addXp(Skills.SKILL.FLETCHING, item.getXp()); item.decreaseAmount(); p.getPackets().sendMessage("You add a string to the bow."); p.setLastAnimation(new Animation(animation)); } } p.getPackets().closeInterfaces(); if (item.getAmount() >= 1) { Event cutMoreLogsEvent = new Event(1500); cutMoreLogsEvent.setAction(() => { cutLog(p, -1, -1, -1, false, false); cutMoreLogsEvent.stop(); }); Server.registerEvent(cutMoreLogsEvent); } }
public static void newSilverItem(Player p, int amount, int index, bool newCraft) { index -= 120; if (newCraft) { p.setTemporaryAttribute("craftItem", new CraftItem(3, index, amount, (double) SILVER_ITEMS[index][3], (int) SILVER_ITEMS[index][0], (string) SILVER_ITEMS[index][4], (int) SILVER_ITEMS[index][2])); } CraftItem item = (CraftItem) p.getTemporaryAttribute("craftItem"); if (item == null || p == null || item.getAmount() <= 0 || item.getCraftType() != 3) { Crafting.resetCrafting(p); return; } p.getPackets().closeInterfaces(); string s = item.getCraftItem() == 0 ? "an" : "a"; if (!p.getInventory().hasItem((int)SILVER_ITEMS[item.getCraftItem()][1])) { p.getPackets().sendMessage("You need " + s + " " + item.getMessage() + " mould to make that."); Crafting.resetCrafting(p); return; } if (!p.getInventory().hasItem(SILVER_BAR)) { p.getPackets().sendMessage("You don't have a Silver bar."); Crafting.resetCrafting(p); return; } if (p.getSkills().getGreaterLevel(Skills.SKILL.CRAFTING) < item.getLevel()) { p.getPackets().sendMessage("You need a Crafting level of " + item.getLevel() + " to smelt that."); Crafting.resetCrafting(p); return; } if (p.getInventory().deleteItem(SILVER_BAR)) { p.getInventory().addItem(item.getFinishedItem()); p.getSkills().addXp(Skills.SKILL.CRAFTING, item.getXp()); p.setLastAnimation(new Animation(3243)); p.getPackets().sendMessage("You smelt the Silver bar in to " + s + " " + item.getMessage() + "."); } item.decreaseAmount(); if (item.getAmount() >= 1) { Event makeMoreSilverItemEvent = new Event(1500); makeMoreSilverItemEvent.setAction(() => { newSilverItem(p, -1, -1, false); makeMoreSilverItemEvent.stop(); }); Server.registerEvent(makeMoreSilverItemEvent); } }
private void startGame() { Event startFightCaveGameEvent = new Event(3000); startFightCaveGameEvent.setAction(() => { if (completed) { startFightCaveGameEvent.stop(); return; } if (mobAmount > 0 || currentWave > 63) { return; } if (gamePaused && currentWave != 63) { startFightCaveGameEvent.stop(); p.getPackets().forceLogout(); return; } if (currentWave == 62) { startFightCaveGameEvent.setTick(8000); currentWave++; showJadMessage(); return; } else if (currentWave < 62){ currentWave++; } int[] mobs = decryptWave(currentWave); int amount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < mobs.Length; i++) { if (mobs[i] > 0) { Npc npc = new Npc(mobs[i]); Location minCoords = new Location(((20000 + 2363) + (200 * p.getIndex())), 25051, 0); Location maxCoords = new Location(((20000 + 2430) + (200 * p.getIndex())), 25123, 0); npc.setMinimumCoords(minCoords); npc.setMaximumCoords(maxCoords); npc.setLocation(new Location((20000 + 2387) + (200 * p.getIndex()) + misc.random(22), 20000 + 5069 + misc.random(33), 0)); npc.setEntityFocus(p.getClientIndex()); npc.setOwner(p); npc.setTarget(p); npc.getFollow().setFollowing(p); Server.getNpcList().Add(npc); amount++; } } mobAmount = (byte)amount; }); Server.registerEvent(startFightCaveGameEvent); }
public static void craftGlass(Player p, int amount, int index, bool newCraft) { if (newCraft) { p.setTemporaryAttribute("craftItem", new CraftItem(3, index, amount, (double) GLASS_ITEMS[index][2], (int) GLASS_ITEMS[index][0], (string) GLASS_ITEMS[index][3], (int) GLASS_ITEMS[index][1])); } CraftItem item = (CraftItem) p.getTemporaryAttribute("craftItem"); if (item == null || p == null || item.getAmount() <= 0 || item.getCraftType() != 3) { Crafting.resetCrafting(p); return; } p.getPackets().closeInterfaces(); if (!p.getInventory().hasItem(MOLTEN_GLASS)) { p.getPackets().sendMessage("You have no molten glass."); Crafting.resetCrafting(p); return; } if (!p.getInventory().hasItem(GLASSBLOWING_PIPE)) { p.getPackets().sendMessage("You need a glassblowing pipe if you wish to make a glass item."); Crafting.resetCrafting(p); return; } if (p.getSkills().getGreaterLevel(Skills.SKILL.CRAFTING) < item.getLevel()) { p.getPackets().sendMessage("You need a Crafting level of " + item.getLevel() + " to craft that item."); Crafting.resetCrafting(p); return; } if (p.getInventory().deleteItem(MOLTEN_GLASS)) { p.getInventory().addItem(item.getFinishedItem()); p.getSkills().addXp(Skills.SKILL.CRAFTING, item.getXp()); p.setLastAnimation(new Animation(884)); p.getPackets().sendMessage("You blow through the pipe, shaping the molten glass into a " + item.getMessage() + "."); } item.decreaseAmount(); if (item.getAmount() >= 1) { Event craftMoreGlassEvent = new Event(1500); craftMoreGlassEvent.setAction(() => { craftGlass(p, -1, -1, false); craftMoreGlassEvent.stop(); }); Server.registerEvent(craftMoreGlassEvent); } }
// TODO make this use an AreaEvent so itll work from a distance. /** * Will fill vials in a continuous motion from a water source. */ public static bool fillingVial(Player p, Location loc) { if (!p.getInventory().hasItem(VIAL) || !p.getLocation().withinDistance(loc, 2)) { return true; } if (p.getTemporaryAttribute("fillVialTimer") != null) { long lastFillTime = (int) p.getTemporaryAttribute("fillVialTimer"); if (Environment.TickCount - lastFillTime < 600) { return true; } } p.setTemporaryAttribute("fillingVials", true); p.setFaceLocation(loc); Event fillVialEvent = new Event(500); fillVialEvent.setAction(() => { int amountFilled = 0; string s = amountFilled == 1 ? "vial" : "vials"; if (p.getTemporaryAttribute("fillingVials") == null || !p.getLocation().withinDistance(loc, 2) || !p.getInventory().hasItem(229)) { p.setLastAnimation(new Animation(65535)); if (amountFilled > 0) { p.getPackets().sendMessage("You fill up the " + s + " with water."); } fillVialEvent.stop(); return; } if (p.getInventory().replaceSingleItem(VIAL, VIAL_OF_WATER)) { p.setLastAnimation(new Animation(832)); amountFilled++; p.setTemporaryAttribute("fillVialTimer", Environment.TickCount); } else { if (amountFilled > 0) { p.setLastAnimation(new Animation(65535)); p.getPackets().sendMessage("You fill up the " + s + " with water."); } fillVialEvent.stop(); } }); Server.registerEvent(fillVialEvent); return true; }
private void startWaitingEvent() { Event gameWaitingEvent = new Event(10000); gameWaitingEvent.setAction(() => { if (!gameInProgress) { if (playersWaiting.Count() >= 2 || (playersWaiting.Count() >= 1 && playersPlaying.Count() == 1)) { startGame(); gameWaitingEvent.setTick(1000); } } else { if (playersPlaying.Count() <= 1) { gameInProgress = false; gameWaitingEvent.setTick(40000); setWinner(); } else { if (Environment.TickCount - gameStartedTime >= (MAX_GAME_LENGTH * 60000)) { spawnMonsters(); } } } }); Server.registerEvent(gameWaitingEvent); }
public static void craftSpinning(Player p, int amount, int index, bool newCraft) { if (newCraft) { p.setTemporaryAttribute("craftItem", new CraftItem(6, index, amount, (double) SPINNING_ITEMS[index][3], (int) SPINNING_ITEMS[index][0], (string) SPINNING_ITEMS[index][4], (int) SPINNING_ITEMS[index][2])); } CraftItem item = (CraftItem) p.getTemporaryAttribute("craftItem"); if (item == null || p == null || item.getAmount() <= 0 || item.getCraftType() != 6) { Crafting.resetCrafting(p); return; } p.getPackets().closeInterfaces(); int i = item.getCraftItem(); if (!p.getInventory().hasItem((int) SPINNING_ITEMS[i][1])) { p.getPackets().sendMessage("You have no " + item.getMessage() + "."); Crafting.resetCrafting(p); return; } if (p.getSkills().getGreaterLevel(Skills.SKILL.CRAFTING) < item.getLevel()) { p.getPackets().sendMessage("You need a Crafting level of " + item.getLevel() + " to spin that."); Crafting.resetCrafting(p); return; } if (p.getInventory().deleteItem((int) SPINNING_ITEMS[i][1])) { p.getInventory().addItem(item.getFinishedItem()); p.getSkills().addXp(Skills.SKILL.CRAFTING, item.getXp()); p.setLastAnimation(new Animation(894)); p.getPackets().sendMessage("You spin the " + item.getMessage() + " into a " + SPIN_FINISH[i] + "."); } item.decreaseAmount(); if (item.getAmount() >= 1) { Event craftMoreSpinningEvent = new Event(750); craftMoreSpinningEvent.setAction(() => { craftSpinning(p, -1, -1, false); craftMoreSpinningEvent.stop(); }); Server.registerEvent(craftMoreSpinningEvent); } }
public static void burnBoil(Player p, int x, int y) { AreaEvent burnBoilAreaEvent = new AreaEvent(p, x-1, y-1, x +3, y+2); burnBoilAreaEvent.setAction(() => { if (!p.getInventory().hasItem(590)) { p.getPackets().sendMessage("You need a tinderbox to get past this obstacle."); return; } p.setFaceLocation(new Location(x + 1, y, 0)); p.setLastAnimation(new Animation(733)); p.setTemporaryAttribute("unmovable", true); Event burnBoilEvent = new Event(1900); burnBoilEvent.setAction(() => { int status = 0; int[] BOIL = {7165, 7166, 7167}; if (status < 3) { p.getPackets().createObject(BOIL[status], new Location(x, y, 0), x == 3060 ? 3 : 1, 10); } status++; if (status == 1) { burnBoilEvent.setTick(1300); } if (status == 3) { p.setLastAnimation(new Animation(65535)); burnBoilEvent.setTick(1000); } if (status == 4) { burnBoilEvent.stop(); teleportPastObstacle(p); p.removeTemporaryAttribute("unmovable"); } }); Server.registerEvent(burnBoilEvent); return; }); Server.registerCoordinateEvent(burnBoilAreaEvent); }
public static void createXbow(Player p, int amount, int xbowType, bool isStringing, bool newFletch) { SkillItem item = null; if (newFletch || Fletching.getFletchItem(p) == null) { item = getXbow(xbowType, isStringing, amount); Fletching.setFletchItem(p, item); } item = (SkillItem) Fletching.getFletchItem(p); if (item == null || p == null) { return; } bool stringing = item.getItemTwo() == XBOW_STRING ? true : false; if (!canFletch(p, item)) { p.getPackets().closeInterfaces(); return; } if (p.getInventory().deleteItem(item.getItemOne()) && p.getInventory().deleteItem(item.getItemTwo())) { p.getInventory().addItem(item.getFinishedItem()); p.getSkills().addXp(Skills.SKILL.FLETCHING, item.getXp()); item.decreaseAmount(); p.getPackets().closeInterfaces(); if (!stringing) { p.getPackets().sendMessage("You attach some limbs to the Crossbow."); } else { p.setLastAnimation(new Animation(6677)); p.getPackets().sendMessage("You add a Crossbow String to the Crossbow, you have completed the " + ItemData.forId(item.getFinishedItem()).getName() + "."); } } if (item.getAmount() >= 1) { Event createMoreXBowEvent = new Event(1500); createMoreXBowEvent.setAction(() => { createXbow(p, -1, -1, false, false); createMoreXBowEvent.stop(); }); Server.registerEvent(createMoreXBowEvent); } }
public static void enterCave(Player p) { AreaEvent enterCaveAreaEvent = new AreaEvent(p, 2438, 5168, 2439, 5168); enterCaveAreaEvent.setAction(() => { /* * Fight cave is 20k squares from the original place, then another (200 * playerIndex) squares west. */ Location instanceLocation = new Location((20000 + 2413) + (200 * p.getIndex()), 20000 + 5116, 0); p.teleport(instanceLocation); p.setFightCave(new FightCaveSession(p)); Event caveNpcEvent = new Event(600); caveNpcEvent.setAction(() => { caveNpcEvent.stop(); p.getPackets().sendNPCHead(2617, 242, 1); p.getPackets().modifyText("TzHaar-Mej-Jal", 242, 3); p.getPackets().modifyText("You're on your own now, JalYt.", 242, 4); p.getPackets().modifyText("Pepare to fight for your life!", 242, 5); p.getPackets().animateInterface(9827, 242, 1); p.getPackets().sendChatboxInterface2(242); }); Server.registerEvent(caveNpcEvent); }); Server.registerCoordinateEvent(enterCaveAreaEvent); }
private void changeObject(WorldObject worldObject) { if (worldObject != null) { worldObject.setSecondForm(true); foreach(Player p in Server.getPlayerList()) { if (p != null) { if (p.getLocation().withinDistance(worldObject.getLocation(), 60)) { if (!worldObject.isFire()) { p.getPackets().removeObject(worldObject.getLocation(), worldObject.getFace(), worldObject.getType()); p.getPackets().createObject(worldObject.getSecondaryId(), worldObject.getLocation(), worldObject.getFace(), worldObject.getType()); } else { p.getPackets().createObject(worldObject.getOriginalId(), worldObject.getLocation(), worldObject.getFace(), worldObject.getType()); } } } } int delay = worldObject.isFire() ? (60000 + misc.random(90000)) : worldObject.getRestoreDelay(); Event restoreObjectEvent = new Event(delay); restoreObjectEvent.setAction(() => { restoreObject(worldObject); restoreObjectEvent.stop(); }); Server.registerEvent(restoreObjectEvent); } }
public void teleFromCave(bool quit) { p.teleport(new Location(2439, 5169, 0)); Server.removeAllPlayersNPCs(p); Event teleFromCaveEvent = new Event(600); teleFromCaveEvent.setAction(() => { teleFromCaveEvent.stop(); string s = "You have defeated TzTok-Jad, I am most impressed!"; string s1 = "Please accept this gift as a reward."; if (quit) { if (currentWave > 1) { s = "Well done in the cave, here, take TokKul as a reward."; s1 = null; p.getInventory().addItemOrGround(6529, getTokkulReward()); } else { s = "Well I suppose you tried... better luck next time."; s1 = null; } } else { p.getInventory().addItemOrGround(6570); p.getInventory().addItemOrGround(6529, 16064); } if (s1 != null) { p.getPackets().sendNPCHead(2617, 242, 1); p.getPackets().modifyText("TzHaar-Mej-Jal", 242, 3); p.getPackets().modifyText(s, 242, 4); p.getPackets().modifyText(s1, 242, 5); p.getPackets().animateInterface(9827, 242, 1); p.getPackets().sendChatboxInterface2(242); } else { p.getPackets().sendNPCHead(2617, 241, 1); p.getPackets().modifyText("TzHaar-Mej-Jal", 241, 3); p.getPackets().modifyText(s, 241, 4); p.getPackets().animateInterface(9827, 241, 1); p.getPackets().sendChatboxInterface2(241); } p.clearKillersHits(); p.setLastAttackType(1); p.setLastAttack(0); p.setTarget(null); p.setAttacker(null); p.getSkills().setCurLevel(Skills.SKILL.HITPOINTS, p.getSkills().getMaxLevel(Skills.SKILL.HITPOINTS)); p.getPackets().sendSkillLevel(Skills.SKILL.HITPOINTS); p.setSkullCycles(0); p.setEntityFocus(65535); p.getSpecialAttack().resetSpecial(); p.getEquipment().setWeapon(); p.setLastkiller(null); Combat.resetCombat(p, 1); p.setDead(false); p.setLastVengeanceTime(0); p.setVengeance(false); p.removeTemporaryAttribute("willDie"); p.setFrozen(false); p.removeTemporaryAttribute("unmovable"); p.setAntifireCycles(0); p.setSuperAntipoisonCycles(0); Prayer.deactivateAllPrayers(p); p.setTeleblockTime(0); p.removeTemporaryAttribute("teleblocked"); p.removeTemporaryAttribute("autoCastSpell"); foreach (Skills.SKILL skill in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Skills.SKILL))) p.getSkills().setCurLevel(skill, p.getSkills().getMaxLevel(skill)); p.getPackets().sendSkillLevels(); p.setFightCave(null); }); Server.registerEvent(teleFromCaveEvent); }
public static void leverTeleport(Player p, int option) { p.getPackets().closeInterfaces(); Location teleLocation = new Location(LEVER_COORDINATES[option][0], LEVER_COORDINATES[option][1], LEVER_COORDINATES[option][2]); Event leverTeleportEvent = new Event(200); leverTeleportEvent.setAction(() => { leverTeleportEvent.stop(); if (p.getTemporaryAttribute("teleblocked") != null) { p.getPackets().sendMessage("A magical force prevents you from teleporting!"); return; } else if ((p.getTemporaryAttribute("teleporting") != null )) { return; } p.setLastAnimation(new Animation(2140)); p.getPackets().closeInterfaces(); p.setTemporaryAttribute("teleporting", true); p.getWalkingQueue().resetWalkingQueue(); p.getPackets().clearMapFlag(); SkillHandler.resetAllSkills(p); Event levelTeleportStartEvent = new Event(700); levelTeleportStartEvent.setAction(() => { levelTeleportStartEvent.stop(); p.setLastAnimation(new Animation(8939, 0)); p.setLastGraphics(new Graphics(1576, 0)); Event levelTeleportFinishEvent = new Event(1800); levelTeleportFinishEvent.setAction(() => { levelTeleportFinishEvent.stop(); p.teleport(teleLocation); p.setLastAnimation(new Animation(8941, 0)); p.setLastGraphics(new Graphics(1577, 0)); Teleport.resetTeleport(p); }); Server.registerEvent(levelTeleportFinishEvent); }); Server.registerEvent(levelTeleportStartEvent); }); Server.registerEvent(leverTeleportEvent); }
public void fireCannon() { if (firing) { loadCannon(); return; } firing = true; int cannonTurnAnimation = 515; Event attemptFireCannonEvent = new Event(1000); attemptFireCannonEvent.setAction(() => { if (!firing) { attemptFireCannonEvent.stop(); return; } p.getPackets().newObjectAnimation(cannonLocation, cannonTurnAnimation); Event fireCannonEvent = new Event(600); fireCannonEvent.setAction(() => { if (!firing) { fireCannonEvent.stop(); return; } if (stopCannon && cannonTurnAnimation == 514) { cannonTurnAnimation = 514; fireCannonEvent.stop(); firing = false; return; } if (!stopCannon) { if (checkHitTarget()) checkCannonballs(); } if (direction++ == 7) direction = 0; if (++cannonTurnAnimation > 521) cannonTurnAnimation = 514; fireCannonEvent.stop(); }); Server.registerEvent(fireCannonEvent); }); Server.registerEvent(attemptFireCannonEvent); }
protected bool checkHitTarget() { int cannonX = fakeCannonLocation.getX(); int cannonY = fakeCannonLocation.getY(); Npc[] npcsToAttack = new Npc[npcsInArea.Count]; bool hit = false; foreach(Npc n in Server.getNpcList()) { hit = false; Location l = n.getLocation(); if (n == null || !n.isVisible() || n.isDead() || !n.getLocation().withinDistance(fakeCannonLocation, 8)) { continue; } switch(direction) { case 0: // North hit = l.inArea(cannonX-1, cannonY, cannonX+1, cannonY+8); break; case 1: // North east break; case 2: // East: hit = l.inArea(cannonX, cannonY-1, cannonX+8, cannonY+1); break; case 3: // South east break; case 4: // South hit = l.inArea(cannonX-1, cannonY-8, cannonX+1, cannonY); break; case 5: // South west break; case 6: // West hit = l.inArea(cannonX-8, cannonY-1, cannonX, cannonY+1); break; case 7: // North west break; } if (hit) { Npc npc = n; p.getPackets().sendProjectile(fakeCannonLocation, n.getLocation(), 30, 53, 50, 38, 38, 40, n); Event doCannonHitEvent = new Event(1000); doCannonHitEvent.setAction(() => { doCannonHitEvent.stop(); double damage = misc.randomDouble(30); p.getSkills().addXp(Skills.SKILL.RANGE, damage * 2); npc.hit(damage); npc.setLastAnimation(new Animation(npc.getDefenceAnimation())); }); Server.registerEvent(doCannonHitEvent); return true; } } return false; }
public void newCannon() { setupTime = Environment.TickCount; Event setupNewCannonEvent = new Event(1000); setupNewCannonEvent.setAction(() => { string prefixMsg = (constructionStage == 0) ? "You place the " : "You add the "; string suffixMsg = (constructionStage == 0) ? " on the ground." : "."; if (p.getInventory().deleteItem(CANNON_PIECES[constructionStage])) { p.getPackets().createObject(CANNON_OBJECTS[constructionStage], cannonLocation, 0, 10); p.getPackets().sendMessage(prefixMsg + CONSTRUCTION_MESSAGE[constructionStage] + suffixMsg); if (++constructionStage >= 4) { constructionStage--; setupNewCannonEvent.stop(); return; } p.setLastAnimation(new Animation(827)); } else { setupNewCannonEvent.stop(); } }); Server.registerEvent(setupNewCannonEvent); }
public static void slashWeb(Player p, ushort webId, Location webLocation) { AreaEvent slashWebAreaEvent = new AreaEvent(p, webLocation.getX() - 1, webLocation.getY() - 1, webLocation.getX() + 1, webLocation.getY() + 1); slashWebAreaEvent.setAction(() => { long lastSlash = 0; p.setFaceLocation(webLocation); if (p.getTemporaryAttribute("lastWebSlash") != null) { lastSlash = (int)p.getTemporaryAttribute("lastWebSlash"); } if (Environment.TickCount - lastSlash <= 800) { return; } if (Server.getGlobalObjects().originalObjectExists(webId, webLocation)) { p.setLastAnimation(new Animation(p.getAttackAnimation())); p.setTemporaryAttribute("lastWebSlash", Environment.TickCount); Event attemptCutWebEvent = new Event(500); attemptCutWebEvent.setAction(() => { attemptCutWebEvent.stop(); bool webExists = Server.getGlobalObjects().originalObjectExists(webId, webLocation); Server.getGlobalObjects().lowerHealth(webId, webLocation); if (Server.getGlobalObjects().originalObjectExists(webId, webLocation)) { p.getPackets().sendMessage("You fail to cut through the web."); } else { if (webExists) { // This means we slashed it, if !webExists, someone else slashed it in the last 500ms p.getPackets().sendMessage("You slash through the web!"); } } }); Server.registerEvent(attemptCutWebEvent); } }); Server.registerCoordinateEvent(slashWebAreaEvent); }