public async Task <bool> InstallAspNetAppIfNeededAsync() { try { if (File.Exists(Options.AspNetRuntime)) { var appRuntimePath = $"{Options.DotnetRoot}/shared/Microsoft.AspNetCore.App/{Options.RuntimeVersion}"; Console.WriteLine($"Creating directory: {appRuntimePath}"); Directory.CreateDirectory(appRuntimePath); Console.WriteLine($"Set ASPNET_RUNTIME_PATH: {appRuntimePath}"); EnvironmentVariables.Add("ASPNET_RUNTIME_PATH", appRuntimePath); Console.WriteLine($"Found AspNetRuntime: {Options.AspNetRuntime}, extracting *.txt,json,dll to {appRuntimePath}"); using (var archive = ZipFile.OpenRead(Options.AspNetRuntime)) { foreach (var entry in archive.Entries) { // These are the only extensions that end up in the shared fx directory if (entry.Name.EndsWith(".txt", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || entry.Name.EndsWith(".json", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || entry.Name.EndsWith(".dll", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { entry.ExtractToFile(Path.Combine(appRuntimePath, entry.Name), overwrite: true); } } } DisplayContents(appRuntimePath); Console.WriteLine($"Adding current directory to nuget sources: {Options.HELIX_WORKITEM_ROOT}"); await ProcessUtil.RunAsync($"{Options.DotnetRoot}/dotnet", $"nuget add source {Options.HELIX_WORKITEM_ROOT} --configfile NuGet.config", environmentVariables : EnvironmentVariables, outputDataReceived : Console.WriteLine, errorDataReceived : Console.Error.WriteLine); await ProcessUtil.RunAsync($"{Options.DotnetRoot}/dotnet", "nuget add source --configfile NuGet.config", environmentVariables : EnvironmentVariables, outputDataReceived : Console.WriteLine, errorDataReceived : Console.Error.WriteLine); // Write nuget sources to console, useful for debugging purposes await ProcessUtil.RunAsync($"{Options.DotnetRoot}/dotnet", "nuget list source", environmentVariables : EnvironmentVariables, outputDataReceived : Console.WriteLine, errorDataReceived : Console.Error.WriteLine); await ProcessUtil.RunAsync($"{Options.DotnetRoot}/dotnet", $"tool install dotnet-ef --global --version {Options.EfVersion}", environmentVariables : EnvironmentVariables, outputDataReceived : Console.WriteLine, errorDataReceived : Console.Error.WriteLine, throwOnError : false); // EF tool is sometimes already installed so we can ignore this failure // ';' is the path separator on Windows, and ':' on Unix Options.Path += RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows) ? ";" : ":"; Options.Path += $"{Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("DOTNET_CLI_HOME")}/.dotnet/tools"; EnvironmentVariables["PATH"] = Options.Path; } else { Console.WriteLine($"No AspNetRuntime found: {Options.AspNetRuntime}, skipping..."); } return(true); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"Exception in InstallAspNetAppIfNeeded: {e.ToString()}"); return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// Invoked when a timeout occurs and we need to dump all of the test processes and shut down /// the runnner. /// </summary> private static async Task HandleTimeout(Options options, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { async Task DumpProcess(Process targetProcess, string procDumpExeFilePath, string dumpFilePath) { var name = targetProcess.ProcessName; // Our space for saving dump files is limited. Skip dumping for processes that won't contribute // to bug investigations. if (name == "procdump" || name == "conhost") { return; } ConsoleUtil.Write($"Dumping {name} {targetProcess.Id} to {dumpFilePath} ... "); try { var args = $"-accepteula -ma {targetProcess.Id} {dumpFilePath}"; var processInfo = ProcessRunner.CreateProcess(procDumpExeFilePath, args, cancellationToken: cancellationToken); var processOutput = await processInfo.Result; // The exit code for procdump doesn't obey standard windows rules. It will return non-zero // for successful cases (possibly returning the count of dumps that were written). Best // backup is to test for the dump file being present. if (File.Exists(dumpFilePath)) { ConsoleUtil.WriteLine($"succeeded ({new FileInfo(dumpFilePath).Length} bytes)"); } else { ConsoleUtil.WriteLine($"FAILED with {processOutput.ExitCode}"); ConsoleUtil.WriteLine($"{procDumpExeFilePath} {args}"); ConsoleUtil.WriteLine(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, processOutput.OutputLines)); } } catch (Exception ex) when(!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { ConsoleUtil.WriteLine("FAILED"); ConsoleUtil.WriteLine(ex.Message); Logger.Log("Failed to dump process", ex); } } ConsoleUtil.WriteLine("Roslyn Error: test timeout exceeded, dumping remaining processes"); var procDumpInfo = GetProcDumpInfo(options); if (procDumpInfo != null) { var counter = 0; foreach (var proc in ProcessUtil.GetProcessTree(Process.GetCurrentProcess()).OrderBy(x => x.ProcessName)) { var dumpDir = PrimaryProcessNames.Contains(proc.ProcessName) ? procDumpInfo.Value.DumpDirectory : procDumpInfo.Value.SecondaryDumpDirectory; var dumpFilePath = Path.Combine(dumpDir, $"{proc.ProcessName}-{counter}.dmp"); await DumpProcess(proc, procDumpInfo.Value.ProcDumpFilePath, dumpFilePath); counter++; } } else { ConsoleUtil.WriteLine("Could not locate procdump"); } WriteLogFile(options); }
static async Task Main(string[] args) { var command = new RootCommand() { new Option( aliases: new string[] { "--target", "-t" }, description: "The test dll to run") { Argument = new Argument <string>(), Required = true }, new Option( aliases: new string[] { "--sdk" }, description: "The version of the sdk being used") { Argument = new Argument <string>(), Required = true }, new Option( aliases: new string[] { "--runtime" }, description: "The version of the runtime being used") { Argument = new Argument <string>(), Required = true }, new Option( aliases: new string[] { "--queue" }, description: "The name of the Helix queue being run on") { Argument = new Argument <string>(), Required = true }, new Option( aliases: new string[] { "--arch" }, description: "The architecture being run on") { Argument = new Argument <string>(), Required = true }, new Option( aliases: new string[] { "--quarantined" }, description: "Whether quarantined tests should run or not") { Argument = new Argument <bool>(), Required = true }, new Option( aliases: new string[] { "--ef" }, description: "The version of the EF tool to use") { Argument = new Argument <string>(), Required = true }, }; var parseResult = command.Parse(args); var target = parseResult.ValueForOption <string>("--target"); var sdkVersion = parseResult.ValueForOption <string>("--sdk"); var runtimeVersion = parseResult.ValueForOption <string>("--runtime"); var helixQueue = parseResult.ValueForOption <string>("--queue"); var architecture = parseResult.ValueForOption <string>("--arch"); var quarantined = parseResult.ValueForOption <bool>("--quarantined"); var efVersion = parseResult.ValueForOption <string>("--ef"); var HELIX_WORKITEM_ROOT = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HELIX_WORKITEM_ROOT"); var path = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH"); var dotnetRoot = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("DOTNET_ROOT"); // Rename default.NuGet.config to NuGet.config if there is not a custom one from the project // We use a local NuGet.config file to avoid polluting global machine state and avoid relying on global machine state if (!File.Exists("NuGet.config")) { File.Copy("default.NuGet.config", "NuGet.config"); } var environmentVariables = new Dictionary <string, string>(); environmentVariables.Add("PATH", path); environmentVariables.Add("DOTNET_ROOT", dotnetRoot); environmentVariables.Add("helix", helixQueue); Console.WriteLine($"Current Directory: {HELIX_WORKITEM_ROOT}"); var helixDir = HELIX_WORKITEM_ROOT; Console.WriteLine($"Setting HELIX_DIR: {helixDir}"); environmentVariables.Add("HELIX_DIR", helixDir); environmentVariables.Add("NUGET_FALLBACK_PACKAGES", helixDir); var nugetRestore = Path.Combine(helixDir, "nugetRestore"); Console.WriteLine($"Creating nuget restore directory: {nugetRestore}"); environmentVariables.Add("NUGET_RESTORE", nugetRestore); var dotnetEFFullPath = Path.Combine(nugetRestore, $"dotnet-ef/{efVersion}/tools/netcoreapp3.1/any/dotnet-ef.exe"); Console.WriteLine($"Set DotNetEfFullPath: {dotnetEFFullPath}"); environmentVariables.Add("DotNetEfFullPath", dotnetEFFullPath); Console.WriteLine("Checking for Microsoft.AspNetCore.App/"); if (Directory.Exists("Microsoft.AspNetCore.App")) { Console.WriteLine($"Found Microsoft.AspNetCore.App/, copying to {dotnetRoot}/shared/Microsoft.AspNetCore.App/{runtimeVersion}"); foreach (var file in Directory.EnumerateFiles("Microsoft.AspNetCore.App", "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { File.Copy(file, $"{dotnetRoot}/shared/Microsoft.AspNetCore.App/{runtimeVersion}", overwrite: true); } Console.WriteLine($"Adding current directory to nuget sources: {HELIX_WORKITEM_ROOT}"); await ProcessUtil.RunAsync($"{dotnetRoot}/dotnet", $"nuget add source {HELIX_WORKITEM_ROOT} --configfile NuGet.config", environmentVariables : environmentVariables); await ProcessUtil.RunAsync($"{dotnetRoot}/dotnet", "nuget add source --configfile NuGet.config", environmentVariables : environmentVariables); // Write nuget sources to console, useful for debugging purposes await ProcessUtil.RunAsync($"{dotnetRoot}/dotnet", "nuget list source", environmentVariables : environmentVariables, outputDataReceived : Console.WriteLine, errorDataReceived : Console.WriteLine); await ProcessUtil.RunAsync($"{dotnetRoot}/dotnet", $"tool install dotnet-ef --global --version {efVersion}", environmentVariables : environmentVariables); // ';' is the path separator on Windows, and ':' on Unix path += RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows) ? ";" : ":"; path += $"{Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("DOTNET_CLI_HOME")}/.dotnet/tools"; environmentVariables["PATH"] = path; } Directory.CreateDirectory(nugetRestore); // Rename default.runner.json to xunit.runner.json if there is not a custom one from the project if (!File.Exists("xunit.runner.json")) { File.Copy("default.runner.json", "xunit.runner.json"); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Displaying directory contents:"); foreach (var file in Directory.EnumerateFiles("./")) { Console.WriteLine(Path.GetFileName(file)); } foreach (var file in Directory.EnumerateDirectories("./")) { Console.WriteLine(Path.GetFileName(file)); } Console.WriteLine(); // Run test discovery so we know if there are tests to run var discoveryResult = await ProcessUtil.RunAsync($"{dotnetRoot}/dotnet", $"vstest {target} -lt", environmentVariables : environmentVariables); if (discoveryResult.StandardOutput.Contains("Exception thrown")) { Console.WriteLine("Exception thrown during test discovery."); Console.WriteLine(discoveryResult.StandardOutput); Environment.Exit(1); return; } var exitCode = 0; var commonTestArgs = $"vstest {target} --logger:xunit --logger:\"console;verbosity=normal\" --blame"; if (quarantined) { Console.WriteLine("Running quarantined tests."); // Filter syntax: var result = await ProcessUtil.RunAsync($"{dotnetRoot}/dotnet", commonTestArgs + " --TestCaseFilter:\"Quarantined=true\"", environmentVariables : environmentVariables, outputDataReceived : Console.WriteLine, errorDataReceived : Console.WriteLine, throwOnError : false); if (result.ExitCode != 0) { Console.WriteLine($"Failure in quarantined tests. Exit code: {result.ExitCode}."); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Running non-quarantined tests."); // Filter syntax: var result = await ProcessUtil.RunAsync($"{dotnetRoot}/dotnet", commonTestArgs + " --TestCaseFilter:\"Quarantined!=true\"", environmentVariables : environmentVariables, outputDataReceived : Console.WriteLine, errorDataReceived : Console.Error.WriteLine, throwOnError : false); if (result.ExitCode != 0) { Console.WriteLine($"Failure in non-quarantined tests. Exit code: {result.ExitCode}."); exitCode = result.ExitCode; } } // 'testResults.xml' is the file Helix looks for when processing test results Console.WriteLine(); if (File.Exists("TestResults/TestResults.xml")) { Console.WriteLine("Copying TestResults/TestResults.xml to ./testResults.xml"); File.Copy("TestResults/TestResults.xml", "testResults.xml"); } else { Console.WriteLine("No test results found."); } var HELIX_WORKITEM_UPLOAD_ROOT = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HELIX_WORKITEM_UPLOAD_ROOT"); Console.WriteLine($"Copying artifacts/log/ to {HELIX_WORKITEM_UPLOAD_ROOT}/"); if (Directory.Exists("artifacts/log")) { foreach (var file in Directory.EnumerateFiles("artifacts/log", "*.log", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { // Combine the directory name + log name for the copied log file name to avoid overwriting duplicate test names in different test projects var logName = $"{Path.GetFileName(Path.GetDirectoryName(file))}_{Path.GetFileName(file)}"; Console.WriteLine($"Copying: {file} to {Path.Combine(HELIX_WORKITEM_UPLOAD_ROOT, logName)}"); // Need to copy to HELIX_WORKITEM_UPLOAD_ROOT and HELIX_WORKITEM_UPLOAD_ROOT/../ in order for Azure Devops attachments to link properly and for Helix to store the logs File.Copy(file, Path.Combine(HELIX_WORKITEM_UPLOAD_ROOT, logName)); File.Copy(file, Path.Combine(HELIX_WORKITEM_UPLOAD_ROOT, "..", logName)); } } else { Console.WriteLine("No logs found in artifacts/log"); } Console.WriteLine("Completed Helix job."); Environment.Exit(exitCode); }