예제 #1
        public static void RegisterClass <T> (RubyState state)
            Type type = typeof(T);

            IntPtr @class = UserDataUtility.DefineCSharpClass(state, type);

            mrb_data_type dataType    = RubyState.ObjectDataType;
            IntPtr        dataTypePtr = RubyState.ObjectDataTypePtr;

            // state.AffirmDataTypeStruct< T >( out dataType, out dataTypePtr );
            state.AddRegistedTypeInfo <T>(@class, dataType, dataTypePtr);
            RegistedTypeInfo registedTypeInfo = state.GetRegistedTypeInfo(type);
            Dictionary <string, RubyDLL.RubyCSFunction> instanceFunction = new Dictionary <string, RubyDLL.RubyCSFunction> ();
            Dictionary <string, RubyDLL.RubyCSFunction> classFunction    = new Dictionary <string, RubyDLL.RubyCSFunction> ();

            // Reg Ctor
            if (!type.IsAbstract || !type.IsSealed)
                ConstructorInfo publicCtor = type.GetConstructors(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance).OrderBy(c => c.GetParameters().Length).FirstOrDefault();
                if (publicCtor != null)
                    // CallbackFunction function = CallbackFunction.FromMethodInfo ( publicCtor );

                    RubyDLL.RubyCSFunction rubyFunction = (mrb, self) => {
                        // T obj = RubyDLL.ValueToDataObject< T > ( mrb, function.Invoke ( state, self ), RubyState.DATA_TYPE_PTR );
                        // RubyDLL.mrb_data_init ( self, RubyDLL.ObjectToInPtr ( obj ), RubyState.DATA_TYPE_PTR );

                        object obj = Activator.CreateInstance(type, RubyState.RubyFunctionParamsToObjects(mrb, dataTypePtr));
                        RubyDLL.mrb_data_init(self, state.PushRegistedCSharpObject(obj), dataTypePtr);

                        // 添加实例映射
                        state.AddCRInstanceMap(obj, self);


                    RubyDLL.r_define_method(state, @class, "initialize", rubyFunction, rb_args.REQ((uint)publicCtor.GetParameters().Length));
                    registedTypeInfo.ctorFunction = rubyFunction;

            // Reg Public Field Get Set
            IList <FieldInfo> publicFields = type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);

            foreach (var field in publicFields)
                // skip Obsolete
                if (field.IsDefined(typeof(System.ObsoleteAttribute), false))

                if (!TestTypeSupport(field.FieldType))

                CallbackFunction getFunc = CallbackFunction.FromFieldInfo_Get(field, dataTypePtr);
                CallbackFunction setFunc = CallbackFunction.FromFieldInfo_Set(field, dataTypePtr);

                RubyDLL.RubyCSFunction getFunction = (mrb, self) => {
                    // T obj = RubyDLL.ValueToDataObject< T > ( mrb, self, dataTypePtr );
                    object obj = RubyState.ValueToRefObject(state, self, dataTypePtr);
                    return(getFunc.SetCallbackTarget(obj).Invoke(state, self));

                RubyDLL.r_define_method(state, @class, field.Name, getFunction, rb_args.NONE());
                instanceFunction.Add(field.Name, getFunction);

                if (setFunc != null)
                    RubyDLL.RubyCSFunction setFunction = (mrb, self) => {
                        // T obj = RubyDLL.ValueToDataObject< T > ( mrb, self, dataTypePtr );
                        object obj = RubyState.ValueToRefObject(state, self, dataTypePtr);
                        return(setFunc.SetCallbackTarget(obj).Invoke(state, self));

                    RubyDLL.r_define_method(state, @class, $"{field.Name}=", setFunction, rb_args.REQ(1));
                    instanceFunction.Add($"{field.Name}=", setFunction);

            // Reg Public Field Get Set
            IList <PropertyInfo> publicPropertys = type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);

            foreach (var property in publicPropertys)
                // skip Obsolete
                if (property.IsDefined(typeof(System.ObsoleteAttribute), false))

                if (!TestTypeSupport(property.PropertyType))

                CallbackFunction getFunc = CallbackFunction.FromPropertyInfo_Get(property, dataTypePtr);
                CallbackFunction setFunc = CallbackFunction.FromPropertyInfo_Set(property, dataTypePtr);

                if (getFunc != null)
                    RubyDLL.RubyCSFunction getFunction = (mrb, self) => {
                        // T obj = RubyDLL.ValueToDataObject< T > ( mrb, self, dataTypePtr );
                        object obj = RubyState.ValueToRefObject(state, self, dataTypePtr);
                        return(getFunc.SetCallbackTarget(obj).Invoke(state, self));

                    RubyDLL.r_define_method(state, @class, property.Name, getFunction, rb_args.NONE());
                    instanceFunction.Add(property.Name, getFunction);

                if (setFunc != null)
                    RubyDLL.RubyCSFunction setFunction = (mrb, self) => {
                        // T obj = RubyDLL.ValueToDataObject< T > ( mrb, self, dataTypePtr );
                        object obj = RubyState.ValueToRefObject(state, self, dataTypePtr);
                        return(setFunc.SetCallbackTarget(obj).Invoke(state, self));

                    RubyDLL.r_define_method(state, @class, $"{property.Name}=", setFunction, rb_args.REQ(1));
                    instanceFunction.Add($"{property.Name}=", setFunction);

            // Gen Wrap Function
            IList <MethodInfo> publicMethods = type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly)
                                               .Where(m => !m.IsSpecialName).ToArray();

            foreach (var method in publicMethods)
                if (!TestFunctionSupport(method))
                    Console.WriteLine($"{type.Name}.{method.Name} not support.");

                // TODO: 支持方法重载??
                // if ( generatedMethods.ContainsKey ( method.Name ) ) {
                //  continue;
                // }

                if (instanceFunction.ContainsKey(method.Name))

                CallbackFunction function = CallbackFunction.FromMethodInfo(method, dataTypePtr);

                RubyDLL.RubyCSFunction rubyFunction = (mrb, self) => {
                    // T obj = RubyDLL.ValueToDataObject< T > ( mrb, self, dataTypePtr );
                    object obj = RubyState.ValueToRefObject(state, self, dataTypePtr);
                    return(function.SetCallbackTarget(obj).Invoke(state, self));

                RubyDLL.r_define_method(state, @class, method.Name, rubyFunction, rb_args.ANY());
                instanceFunction.Add(method.Name, rubyFunction);

            IList <MethodInfo> publicStaticMethods = type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static)
                                                     .Where(m => !m.IsSpecialName).ToArray();

            foreach (var method in publicStaticMethods)
                if (!TestFunctionSupport(method))
                    Console.WriteLine($"{type.Name}.{method.Name} not support.");

                // TODO: 支持方法重载??
                // if ( generatedMethods.ContainsKey ( method.Name ) ) {
                //  continue;
                // }

                if (classFunction.ContainsKey(method.Name))

                CallbackFunction function = CallbackFunction.FromMethodInfo(method, dataTypePtr);

                RubyDLL.RubyCSFunction rubyFunction = (mrb, self) => {
                    return(function.Invoke(state, self));

                RubyDLL.r_define_class_method(state, @class, method.Name, rubyFunction, rb_args.ANY());
                classFunction.Add(method.Name, rubyFunction);

            // Reg Operator Function Static ??
            // 当前可以注册为ruby类方法问题,运算符在ruby中是实例方法,在C#中是静态方法
            foreach (var kv in operator_methods)
                var methodInfo = type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static)
                                 .Where(m => {
                    if (!m.Name.Equals(kv.Key))
                    var parameters = m.GetParameters();
                    if (parameters.Length != 2)
                    if (parameters[0].ParameterType != type)

                if (methodInfo == null)

                if (!TestTypeSupport(methodInfo.GetParameters()[1].ParameterType))

                CallbackFunction function = CallbackFunction.FromMethodInfo(methodInfo, dataTypePtr);

                RubyDLL.RubyCSFunction rubyFunction = (mrb, self) => {
                    return(function.Invoke(state, self));

                RubyDLL.r_define_class_method(state, @class, kv.Value, rubyFunction, rb_args.REQ(1));
                classFunction.Add(kv.Value, rubyFunction);

            registedTypeInfo.instanceFunction = instanceFunction;
            registedTypeInfo.classFunction    = classFunction;
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the argument list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="state">The ruby state.</param>
        /// <param name="obj">The object.</param>
        /// <param name="args">The arguments.</param>
        /// <param name="outParams">Output: A list containing the indices of all "out" parameters, or null if no out parameters are specified.</param>
        /// <returns>The arguments, appropriately converted.</returns>
        protected virtual object[] BuildArgumentList(RubyState state, object obj, CallbackArguments args, out List <int> outParams)
            ParameterDescriptor[] parameters = Parameters;

            object[] pars = new object[parameters.Length];

            int j = args.IsMethodCall ? 1 : 0;

            outParams = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < pars.Length; i++)
                // keep track of out and ref params
                if (parameters[i].Type.IsByRef)
                    if (outParams == null)
                        outParams = new List <int> ();

                // if an ext method, we have an obj -> fill the first param
                if (ExtensionMethodType != null && obj != null && i == 0)
                    pars[i] = obj;
                else if (parameters[i].Type == typeof(CallbackArguments))
                    pars[i] = args.SkipMethodCall();
                // else, ignore out params
                else if (parameters[i].IsOut)
                    pars[i] = null;
                else if (i == parameters.Length - 1 && VarArgsArrayType != null)
                    List <R_VAL> extraArgs = new List <R_VAL> ();

                    while (true)
                        var arg = args.RawGet(j, false);
                        j += 1;
                        if (!R_VAL.IsNil(arg))

                    // here we have to worry we already have an array.. damn. We only support this for userdata.
                    // remains to be analyzed what's the correct behavior here. For example, let's take a params object[]..
                    // given a single table parameter, should it use it as an array or as an object itself ?
                    if (extraArgs.Count == 1)
                        R_VAL arg = extraArgs[0];

                        if (R_VAL.IsData(arg))
                            // if ( Framework.Do.IsAssignableFrom ( VarArgsArrayType, arg.UserData.Object.GetType () ) ) {
                            // pars[ i ] = RubyDLL.ValueToDataObject< object > ( state, arg, RubyState.DATA_TYPE_PTR );
                            pars[i] = RubyState.ValueToRefObject(state, arg, DataTypePtr);
                            // }

                    // ok let's create an array, and loop
                    Array vararg = Array.CreateInstance(VarArgsElementType, extraArgs.Count);

                    for (int ii = 0; ii < extraArgs.Count; ii++)
                        vararg.SetValue(RubyState.ValueToObjectOfType(state, extraArgs[ii], DataTypePtr,
                                                                      null, false), ii);

                    pars[i] = vararg;
                // else, convert it
                    var arg = args.RawGet(j, false);
                    pars[i] = RubyState.ValueToObjectOfType(state, arg, DataTypePtr, parameters[i].Type,
                                                            parameters[i].DefaultValue, parameters[i].HasDefaultValue);
                    j += 1;
