private void load(Default317Buffer buffer) { do { int opcode = buffer.getUnsignedByte(); if (opcode == 0) { return; } if (opcode == 1) { buffer.getUnsignedByte(); } else if (opcode == 2) { buffer.getUnsignedByte(); } else if (opcode == 3) { } // dummy else if (opcode == 4) { } // dummy else if (opcode == 5) { type = buffer.getUnsignedLEShort(); } else if (opcode == 6) { } // dummy else if (opcode == 7) { buffer.getInt(); } else if (opcode == 8) { } // dummy else if (opcode == 10) { buffer.getString(); } else if (opcode == 11) { } // dummy else if (opcode == 12) { buffer.getInt(); } else if (opcode == 13) { } // dummy else { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Error unrecognized config code: {opcode}"); } } while(true); }
private void load(Default317Buffer buffer) { do { int opcode = buffer.getUnsignedByte(); if (opcode == 0) { return; } if (opcode == 1) { configId = buffer.getUnsignedLEShort(); leastSignificantBit = buffer.getUnsignedByte(); mostSignificantBit = buffer.getUnsignedByte(); } else if (opcode == 10) { buffer.getString(); } else if (opcode == 2) { } // dummy else if (opcode == 3) { buffer.getInt(); } else if (opcode == 4) { buffer.getInt(); } else { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Error unrecognised config code: {opcode}"); } } while(true); }
public void start(Archive streamLoader, IBaseClient client1) { String[] strings = { "model_version", "anim_version", "midi_version", "map_version" }; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { byte[] abyte0 = streamLoader.decompressFile(strings[i]); int j = abyte0.Length / 2; Default317Buffer stream = new Default317Buffer(abyte0); versions[i] = new int[j]; filePriorities[i] = new byte[j]; for (int l = 0; l < j; l++) { versions[i][l] = stream.getUnsignedLEShort(); } } String[] strings2 = { "model_crc", "anim_crc", "midi_crc", "map_crc" }; for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) { byte[] abyte1 = streamLoader.decompressFile(strings2[k]); int i1 = abyte1.Length / 4; Default317Buffer stream_1 = new Default317Buffer(abyte1); crcs[k] = new int[i1]; for (int l1 = 0; l1 < i1; l1++) { crcs[k][l1] = stream_1.getInt(); } } byte[] abyte2 = streamLoader.decompressFile("model_index"); int j1 = versions[0].Length; modelIndices = new byte[j1]; for (int k1 = 0; k1 < j1; k1++) { if (k1 < abyte2.Length) { modelIndices[k1] = abyte2[k1]; } else { modelIndices[k1] = 0; } } abyte2 = streamLoader.decompressFile("map_index"); Default317Buffer stream2 = new Default317Buffer(abyte2); j1 = abyte2.Length / 7; mapIndices1 = new int[j1]; mapIndices2 = new int[j1]; mapIndices3 = new int[j1]; mapIndices4 = new int[j1]; for (int i2 = 0; i2 < j1; i2++) { mapIndices1[i2] = stream2.getUnsignedLEShort(); mapIndices2[i2] = stream2.getUnsignedLEShort(); mapIndices3[i2] = stream2.getUnsignedLEShort(); mapIndices4[i2] = stream2.getUnsignedByte(); } abyte2 = streamLoader.decompressFile("anim_index"); stream2 = new Default317Buffer(abyte2); j1 = abyte2.Length / 2; frames = new int[j1]; for (int j2 = 0; j2 < j1; j2++) { frames[j2] = stream2.getUnsignedLEShort(); } abyte2 = streamLoader.decompressFile("midi_index"); stream2 = new Default317Buffer(abyte2); j1 = abyte2.Length; musicPriorities = new int[j1]; for (int k2 = 0; k2 < j1; k2++) { musicPriorities[k2] = stream2.getUnsignedByte(); } clientInstance = client1; running = true; clientInstance.startRunnable(this, 2); }
private void readValues(Default317Buffer stream) { do { int opcode = stream.getUnsignedByte(); if (opcode == 0) { break; } if (opcode == 1) { frameCount = stream.getUnsignedByte(); primaryFrames = new int[frameCount]; secondaryFrames = new int[frameCount]; frameLengths = new int[frameCount]; for (int frame = 0; frame < frameCount; frame++) { primaryFrames[frame] = stream.getUnsignedLEShort(); secondaryFrames[frame] = stream.getUnsignedLEShort(); if (secondaryFrames[frame] == 65535) { secondaryFrames[frame] = -1; } frameLengths[frame] = stream.getUnsignedLEShort(); } } else if (opcode == 2) { frameStep = stream.getUnsignedLEShort(); } else if (opcode == 3) { int flowCount = stream.getUnsignedByte(); flowControl = new int[flowCount + 1]; for (int flow = 0; flow < flowCount; flow++) { flowControl[flow] = stream.getUnsignedByte(); } flowControl[flowCount] = 0x98967f; } else if (opcode == 4) { dynamic = true; } else if (opcode == 5) { priority = stream.getUnsignedByte(); } else if (opcode == 6) { playerReplacementShield = stream.getUnsignedLEShort(); } else if (opcode == 7) { playerReplacementWeapon = stream.getUnsignedLEShort(); } else if (opcode == 8) { maximumLoops = stream.getUnsignedByte(); } else if (opcode == 9) { /* * when animating, 0 -> block walking, 1 -> yield to walking, 2 -> interleave * with walking */ precedenceAnimating = stream.getUnsignedByte(); } else if (opcode == 10) { /* * when walking, 0 -> block walking, 1 -> yield to walking, 2 -> never used... * interleave with walking? */ precedenceWalking = stream.getUnsignedByte(); } else if (opcode == 11) { replayMode = stream.getUnsignedByte(); } else if (opcode == 12) { stream.getInt(); } else { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Error unrecognized seq config code: {opcode}"); } } while(true); if (frameCount == 0) { frameCount = 1; primaryFrames = new int[1]; primaryFrames[0] = -1; secondaryFrames = new int[1]; secondaryFrames[0] = -1; frameLengths = new int[1]; frameLengths[0] = -1; } if (precedenceAnimating == -1) { if (flowControl != null) { precedenceAnimating = 2; } else { precedenceAnimating = 0; } } if (precedenceWalking == -1) { if (flowControl != null) { precedenceWalking = 2; return; } precedenceWalking = 0; } }
private void readValues(Default317Buffer stream) { do { int opcode = stream.getUnsignedByte(); if (opcode == 0) { return; } if (opcode == 1) { modelId = stream.getUnsignedLEShort(); } else if (opcode == 2) { name = stream.getString(); } else if (opcode == 3) { description = stream.readBytes(); } else if (opcode == 4) { modelZoom = stream.getUnsignedLEShort(); } else if (opcode == 5) { modelRotationX = stream.getUnsignedLEShort(); } else if (opcode == 6) { modelRotationY = stream.getUnsignedLEShort(); } else if (opcode == 7) { modelOffset1 = stream.getUnsignedLEShort(); if (modelOffset1 > 32767) { modelOffset1 -= 0x10000; } } else if (opcode == 8) { modelOffset2 = stream.getUnsignedLEShort(); if (modelOffset2 > 32767) { modelOffset2 -= 0x10000; } } else if (opcode == 10) { stream.getUnsignedLEShort(); } else if (opcode == 11) { stackable = true; } else if (opcode == 12) { value = stream.getInt(); } else if (opcode == 16) { membersObject = true; } else if (opcode == 23) { maleEquipModelIdPrimary = stream.getUnsignedLEShort(); equipModelTranslationMale = stream.get(); } else if (opcode == 24) { maleEquipModelIdSecondary = stream.getUnsignedLEShort(); } else if (opcode == 25) { femaleEquipModelIdPrimary = stream.getUnsignedLEShort(); equipModelTranslationFemale = stream.get(); } else if (opcode == 26) { femaleEquipModelIdSecondary = stream.getUnsignedLEShort(); } else if (opcode >= 30 && opcode < 35) { if (groundActions == null) { groundActions = new String[5]; } groundActions[opcode - 30] = stream.getString(); if (groundActions[opcode - 30].Equals("hidden", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { groundActions[opcode - 30] = null; } } else if (opcode >= 35 && opcode < 40) { if (actions == null) { actions = new String[5]; } actions[opcode - 35] = stream.getString(); } else if (opcode == 40) { int colourCount = stream.getUnsignedByte(); modifiedModelColors = new int[colourCount]; originalModelColors = new int[colourCount]; for (int c = 0; c < colourCount; c++) { modifiedModelColors[c] = stream.getUnsignedLEShort(); originalModelColors[c] = stream.getUnsignedLEShort(); } } else if (opcode == 78) { maleEquipModelIdEmblem = stream.getUnsignedLEShort(); } else if (opcode == 79) { femaleEquipModelIdEmblem = stream.getUnsignedLEShort(); } else if (opcode == 90) { maleDialogueModelId = stream.getUnsignedLEShort(); } else if (opcode == 91) { femaleDialogueModelId = stream.getUnsignedLEShort(); } else if (opcode == 92) { maleDialogueHatModelId = stream.getUnsignedLEShort(); } else if (opcode == 93) { femaleDialogueHatModelId = stream.getUnsignedLEShort(); } else if (opcode == 95) { modelRotationZ = stream.getUnsignedLEShort(); } else if (opcode == 97) { noteId = stream.getUnsignedLEShort(); } else if (opcode == 98) { noteTemplateId = stream.getUnsignedLEShort(); } else if (opcode >= 100 && opcode < 110) { if (stackableIds == null) { stackableIds = new int[10]; stackableAmounts = new int[10]; } stackableIds[opcode - 100] = stream.getUnsignedLEShort(); stackableAmounts[opcode - 100] = stream.getUnsignedLEShort(); } else if (opcode == 110) { modelScaleX = stream.getUnsignedLEShort(); } else if (opcode == 111) { modelScaleY = stream.getUnsignedLEShort(); } else if (opcode == 112) { modelScaleZ = stream.getUnsignedLEShort(); } else if (opcode == 113) { lightModifier = stream.get(); } else if (opcode == 114) { shadowModifier = stream.get() * 5; } else if (opcode == 115) { teamId = stream.getUnsignedByte(); } } while(true); }
public static void unpack(Archive streamLoader, GameFont[] fonts, Archive mediaArchive) { spriteCache = new Cache(50000); Default317Buffer stream = new Default317Buffer(streamLoader.decompressFile("data")); int parentId = -1; int interfaceCount = stream.getUnsignedLEShort(); cache = new RSInterface[interfaceCount]; while (stream.position < stream.buffer.Length) { int id = stream.getUnsignedLEShort(); if (id == 65535) { parentId = stream.getUnsignedLEShort(); id = stream.getUnsignedLEShort(); } RSInterface rsInterface = cache[id] = new RSInterface(); = id; rsInterface.parentID = parentId; rsInterface.type = stream.getUnsignedByte(); rsInterface.actionType = stream.getUnsignedByte(); rsInterface.contentType = stream.getUnsignedLEShort(); rsInterface.width = stream.getUnsignedLEShort(); rsInterface.height = stream.getUnsignedLEShort(); rsInterface.alpha = (byte)stream.getUnsignedByte(); rsInterface.hoveredPopup = stream.getUnsignedByte(); if (rsInterface.hoveredPopup != 0) { rsInterface.hoveredPopup = (rsInterface.hoveredPopup - 1 << 8) + stream.getUnsignedByte(); } else { rsInterface.hoveredPopup = -1; } int conditionCount = stream.getUnsignedByte(); if (conditionCount > 0) { rsInterface.conditionType = new int[conditionCount]; rsInterface.conditionValue = new int[conditionCount]; for (int c = 0; c < conditionCount; c++) { rsInterface.conditionType[c] = stream.getUnsignedByte(); rsInterface.conditionValue[c] = stream.getUnsignedLEShort(); } } int opcodeCount = stream.getUnsignedByte(); if (opcodeCount > 0) { rsInterface.opcodes = new int[opcodeCount][]; for (int c = 0; c < opcodeCount; c++) { int subOpcodeCount = stream.getUnsignedLEShort(); rsInterface.opcodes[c] = new int[subOpcodeCount]; for (int s = 0; s < subOpcodeCount; s++) { rsInterface.opcodes[c][s] = stream.getUnsignedLEShort(); } } } if (rsInterface.type == 0) { rsInterface.scrollMax = stream.getUnsignedLEShort(); rsInterface.hoverOnly = stream.getUnsignedByte() == 1; int childCount = stream.getUnsignedLEShort(); rsInterface.children = new int[childCount]; rsInterface.childX = new int[childCount]; rsInterface.childY = new int[childCount]; for (int child = 0; child < childCount; child++) { rsInterface.children[child] = stream.getUnsignedLEShort(); rsInterface.childX[child] = stream.getShort(); rsInterface.childY[child] = stream.getShort(); } } if (rsInterface.type == 1) { stream.getUnsignedLEShort(); stream.getUnsignedByte(); } if (rsInterface.type == 2) { rsInterface.inventoryItemId = new int[rsInterface.width * rsInterface.height]; rsInterface.inventoryStackSize = new int[rsInterface.width * rsInterface.height]; rsInterface.itemSwappable = stream.getUnsignedByte() == 1; rsInterface.inventory = stream.getUnsignedByte() == 1; rsInterface.usableItemInterface = stream.getUnsignedByte() == 1; rsInterface.itemDeletesDragged = stream.getUnsignedByte() == 1; rsInterface.inventorySpritePaddingColumn = stream.getUnsignedByte(); rsInterface.inventorySpritePaddingRow = stream.getUnsignedByte(); rsInterface.spritesX = new int[20]; rsInterface.spritesY = new int[20]; rsInterface.sprites = new Sprite[20]; for (int sprite = 0; sprite < 20; sprite++) { int spriteExists = stream.getUnsignedByte(); if (spriteExists == 1) { rsInterface.spritesX[sprite] = stream.getShort(); rsInterface.spritesY[sprite] = stream.getShort(); String name = stream.getString(); if (mediaArchive != null && name.Length > 0) { int spriteId = name.LastIndexOf(','); rsInterface.sprites[sprite] = getImage(int.Parse(name.Substring(spriteId + 1)), mediaArchive, name.Substring(0, spriteId)); } } } rsInterface.actions = new String[5]; for (int action = 0; action < 5; action++) { rsInterface.actions[action] = stream.getString(); if (rsInterface.actions[action].Length == 0) { rsInterface.actions[action] = null; } } } if (rsInterface.type == 3) { rsInterface.filled = stream.getUnsignedByte() == 1; } if (rsInterface.type == 4 || rsInterface.type == 1) { rsInterface.textCentred = stream.getUnsignedByte() == 1; int font = stream.getUnsignedByte(); if (fonts != null) { rsInterface.textDrawingAreas = fonts[font]; } rsInterface.textShadowed = stream.getUnsignedByte() == 1; } if (rsInterface.type == 4) { rsInterface.textDefault = stream.getString(); rsInterface.textActive = stream.getString(); } if (rsInterface.type == 1 || rsInterface.type == 3 || rsInterface.type == 4) { rsInterface.colourDefault = stream.getInt(); } if (rsInterface.type == 3 || rsInterface.type == 4) { rsInterface.colourActive = stream.getInt(); rsInterface.colourDefaultHover = stream.getInt(); rsInterface.colourActiveHover = stream.getInt(); } if (rsInterface.type == 5) { String spriteName = stream.getString(); if (mediaArchive != null && spriteName.Length > 0) { int spriteId = spriteName.LastIndexOf(","); rsInterface.spriteDefault = getImage(int.Parse(spriteName.Substring(spriteId + 1)), mediaArchive, spriteName.Substring(0, spriteId)); } spriteName = stream.getString(); if (mediaArchive != null && spriteName.Length > 0) { int spriteId = spriteName.LastIndexOf(","); rsInterface.spriteActive = getImage(int.Parse(spriteName.Substring(spriteId + 1)), mediaArchive, spriteName.Substring(0, spriteId)); } } if (rsInterface.type == 6) { int interfaceId = stream.getUnsignedByte(); if (interfaceId != 0) { rsInterface.modelTypeDefault = 1; rsInterface.modelIdDefault = (interfaceId - 1 << 8) + stream.getUnsignedByte(); } interfaceId = stream.getUnsignedByte(); if (interfaceId != 0) { rsInterface.modelTypeActive = 1; rsInterface.modelIdActive = (interfaceId - 1 << 8) + stream.getUnsignedByte(); } interfaceId = stream.getUnsignedByte(); if (interfaceId != 0) { rsInterface.animationIdDefault = (interfaceId - 1 << 8) + stream.getUnsignedByte(); } else { rsInterface.animationIdDefault = -1; } interfaceId = stream.getUnsignedByte(); if (interfaceId != 0) { rsInterface.animationIdActive = (interfaceId - 1 << 8) + stream.getUnsignedByte(); } else { rsInterface.animationIdActive = -1; } rsInterface.modelZoom = stream.getUnsignedLEShort(); rsInterface.modelRotationX = stream.getUnsignedLEShort(); rsInterface.modelRotationY = stream.getUnsignedLEShort(); } if (rsInterface.type == 7) { rsInterface.inventoryItemId = new int[rsInterface.width * rsInterface.height]; rsInterface.inventoryStackSize = new int[rsInterface.width * rsInterface.height]; rsInterface.textCentred = stream.getUnsignedByte() == 1; int font = stream.getUnsignedByte(); if (fonts != null) { rsInterface.textDrawingAreas = fonts[font]; } rsInterface.textShadowed = stream.getUnsignedByte() == 1; rsInterface.colourDefault = stream.getInt(); rsInterface.inventorySpritePaddingColumn = stream.getShort(); rsInterface.inventorySpritePaddingRow = stream.getShort(); rsInterface.inventory = stream.getUnsignedByte() == 1; rsInterface.actions = new String[5]; for (int active = 0; active < 5; active++) { rsInterface.actions[active] = stream.getString(); if (rsInterface.actions[active].Length == 0) { rsInterface.actions[active] = null; } } } if (rsInterface.actionType == 2 || rsInterface.type == 2) { rsInterface.selectedActionName = stream.getString(); rsInterface.spellName = stream.getString(); rsInterface.spellUsableOn = stream.getUnsignedLEShort(); } if (rsInterface.type == 8) { rsInterface.textDefault = stream.getString(); } if (rsInterface.actionType == 1 || rsInterface.actionType == 4 || rsInterface.actionType == 5 || rsInterface.actionType == 6) { rsInterface.tooltip = stream.getString(); if (rsInterface.tooltip.Length == 0) { if (rsInterface.actionType == 1) { rsInterface.tooltip = "Ok"; } if (rsInterface.actionType == 4) { rsInterface.tooltip = "Select"; } if (rsInterface.actionType == 5) { rsInterface.tooltip = "Select"; } if (rsInterface.actionType == 6) { rsInterface.tooltip = "Continue"; } } } } spriteCache = null; }