private void RemovePlaceableFromList(ThinkingPlaceable p) { allThinkingPlaceables.Remove(p); if (p.faction == Placeable.Faction.Player) { allPlayers.Remove(p); if (p.pType == Placeable.PlaceableType.Unit) { playerUnits.Remove(p); } else { playerBuildings.Remove(p); } } else if (p.faction == Placeable.Faction.Opponent) { allOpponents.Remove(p); if (p.pType == Placeable.PlaceableType.Unit) { opponentUnits.Remove(p); } else { opponentBuildings.Remove(p); } } else { Debug.LogError("Error in removing a Placeable from one of the player/opponent lists"); } }
private void AddPlaceableToList(ThinkingPlaceable p) { allThinkingPlaceables.Add(p); if (p.faction == Placeable.Faction.Player) { allPlayers.Add(p); if (p.pType == Placeable.PlaceableType.Unit) { playerUnits.Add(p); } else { playerBuildings.Add(p); } } else if (p.faction == Placeable.Faction.Opponent) { allOpponents.Add(p); if (p.pType == Placeable.PlaceableType.Unit) { opponentUnits.Add(p); } else { opponentBuildings.Add(p); } } else { Debug.LogError("Error in adding a Placeable in one of the player/opponent lists"); } }
private void OnPlaceableDealtDamage(ThinkingPlaceable p) { if ( != ThinkingPlaceable.States.Dead) { float newHealth =;; } }
public void AddHealthUI(ThinkingPlaceable p) { GameObject newUIObject = Instantiate(healthBarPrefab,, Quaternion.identity, healthBarContainer); p.healthBar = newUIObject.GetComponent <HealthBar>(); p.healthBar.Initialize(p); p.healthBar.Move(mainCamera); healthBars.Add(p.healthBar); }
private void OnProjectileFired(ThinkingPlaceable p) { Vector3 adjTargetPos =; adjTargetPos.y = 1.5f; Quaternion rot = Quaternion.LookRotation(adjTargetPos - p.projectileSpawnPoint.position); Projectile proj = GameObject .Instantiate <GameObject>(p.projectilePrefab, p.projectileSpawnPoint.position, rot) .GetComponent <Projectile>(); =; proj.damage = p.damage; allProjectiles.Add(proj); }
public void Initialize(ThinkingPlaceable p) { originHP = currentHP = p.hitPoints; transformToFollow = p.transform; bar.GetComponent <Image>().color = (p.faction == Placeable.Faction.Player) ? red : blue; wholeWidget.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0f, (p.pType == Placeable.PlaceableType.Unit) ? 3f : 6f, (p.pType == Placeable.PlaceableType.Unit) ? 0f : -2f); wholeWidget.SetActive(false); }
private bool FindClosesInList(Vector3 p, List <ThinkingPlaceable> list, out ThinkingPlaceable t) { t = null; bool targetFound = false; float closestDistanceSqr = Mathf.Infinity; for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { float sqrDistance = (p - list[i].transform.position).sqrMagnitude; if (sqrDistance < closestDistanceSqr) { t = list[i]; closestDistanceSqr = sqrDistance; targetFound = true; } } return(targetFound); }
private IEnumerator Dispose(ThinkingPlaceable p) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(3f)); Destroy(p.gameObject); }
public virtual void SetTarget(ThinkingPlaceable t) { target = t; t.OnDie += TargetIsDead; }
public void RemoveHealthUI(ThinkingPlaceable p) { healthBars.Remove(p.healthBar); Destroy(p.healthBar.gameObject); }