public void TestCannotParseInvalidPlatueInput() { string platueInput = "0 R R"; IInputParser inputParser = new InputParser(); bool actual = inputParser.ParsePlatueInput(platueInput); bool expected = false; Assert.IsTrue(actual==expected, "Invalid platue size input is parsed"); }
public void TestCannotParseEmptyPlatueSize() { string platueSize = String.Empty; IInputParser inputParser = new InputParser(); bool actual = inputParser.ParsePlatueInput(platueSize); bool expected = false; Assert.IsTrue(expected == actual, "Empty platue size string is parsed"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Please enter Platue size input:"); // Prompt string platueSize = Console.ReadLine(); IInputParser inputParser=new InputParser(); bool successful = inputParser.ParsePlatueInput(platueSize); while ( !successful) { Console.WriteLine("The platue size is invalid. Please enter Platue size input:"); // Prompt platueSize = Console.ReadLine(); successful = inputParser.ParsePlatueInput(platueSize); } while (true) { Console.WriteLine("Enter Position of Rover input:"); // Prompt string positionOfRover = Console.ReadLine(); successful = inputParser.ParseInputRoverPosition(positionOfRover); while (!successful) { Console.WriteLine("The position of rover is invalid. Please enter again:"); // Prompt positionOfRover = Console.ReadLine(); successful = inputParser.ParseInputRoverPosition(positionOfRover); } Console.WriteLine("Enter movement instructions for the rover:"); // Prompt string roverMovementInstructions = Console.ReadLine(); successful = inputParser.ParseMovementInstructions(roverMovementInstructions); while (!successful) { Console.WriteLine("Enter movement instructions for the rover:"); // Prompt roverMovementInstructions = Console.ReadLine(); successful = inputParser.ParseMovementInstructions(roverMovementInstructions); } IRoverBusinessLogic myRoverBusinessLogic = new RoverBusinessLogic(inputParser); string roversNewPosition = myRoverBusinessLogic.ProcessRoverMovementInstructions(); Console.WriteLine("The new position of the rover is "+roversNewPosition); } }
public void TestParsedPlatueSizeIsValid() { string platueSize = "5 5"; IInputParser inputParser = new InputParser(); inputParser.ParsePlatueInput(platueSize); Platue actualPlatue = inputParser.Platue; Point expectedPoint= new Point(5,5); Platue expectedPlatue = new Platue(expectedPoint); Assert.IsTrue(expectedPlatue.CoordPoints.x == actualPlatue.CoordPoints.x && expectedPlatue.CoordPoints.y == actualPlatue.CoordPoints.y, "Valid Platue size cannot be parsed"); }
public void TestCannotParseWhiteSpacePlatueSize() { string platueSize =" "; IInputParser inputParser = new InputParser(); bool actual = inputParser.ParsePlatueInput(platueSize); bool expected = false; Assert.IsTrue(expected == actual, "WhiteSpace platue size string is parsed"); }