public Rover(Plateau p, string start, bool v)
            //store a record of the plateau this rover exists on
            plateau = p;

            //split currPosition into current/start x and y and the orientation
            string[] currPositions = start.Split((string[])null, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            startX           = currX = Int32.Parse(currPositions[0]);
            startY           = currY = Int32.Parse(currPositions[1]);
            startOrientation = currOrientation = currPositions[2];

            verbose = v;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int  line_count  = 1;
            int  rover_count = 1;
            bool verbose;

            //make sure that an input file was passed in
            if (args.Length == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Usage: RoverSimulation.exe c:\\path\\to\\input_file.txt");
            if (!File.Exists(@args[0]))
                Console.WriteLine("The specified input ( " + @args[0] + " ) file can not be read.");
            //read the input file into an array
            string[] inputFile = File.ReadAllLines(@args[0], Encoding.UTF8);

            //if -v was added to the end, turn on verbose mode
            if (args.Length == 2 && @args[1].Equals("-v"))
                verbose = true;
                verbose = false;

            //don't do anything if there's no data
            if (inputFile.Length == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("The input file has no valid data.");

            //Create the plateau dimension
            string  topRightIndices = inputFile[0];
            Plateau plateau         = new Plateau(topRightIndices);

            while (line_count < inputFile.Length)
                Console.WriteLine("\nMoving Rover " + rover_count + ":" +
                                  "\nStarting Coordinates: " + inputFile[line_count]);

                //create a new rover, passing the top right indices of the plateau and the starting position of the rover
                Rover rover = new Rover(plateau, inputFile[line_count], verbose);
                //command the rover to move based on the instructions read in
                    rover.commandRover(inputFile[line_count + 1]);
                catch (ArgumentException e)
                    Console.WriteLine("ArgumentException: {0}", e.Message);

                line_count += 2;

            Console.WriteLine("All rovers have been moved!");