public AddressBookContact AddAddressBookContact()
            // Create the manager with the api key
              Route4MeManager route4Me = new Route4MeManager(c_ApiKey);

              AddressBookContact contact = new AddressBookContact()
            FirstName = "Test FirstName " + (new Random()).Next().ToString(),
            Address1 = "Test Address1 " + (new Random()).Next().ToString(),
            CachedLat = 38.024654,
            CachedLng = -77.338814

              // Run the query
              string errorString;
              AddressBookContact resultContact = route4Me.AddAddressBookContact(contact, out errorString);


              if (resultContact != null)
            Console.WriteLine("AddAddressBookContact executed successfully");

            Console.WriteLine("AddressId: {0}", resultContact.AddressId);

            return resultContact;
            Console.WriteLine("AddAddressBookContact error: {0}", errorString);

            return null;
        public void UpdateAddressBookContact(AddressBookContact contact)
            // Create the manager with the api key
              Route4MeManager route4Me = new Route4MeManager(c_ApiKey);

              // Run the query
              string errorString;
              AddressBookContact updatedContact = route4Me.UpdateAddressBookContact(contact, out errorString);


              if (updatedContact != null)
            Console.WriteLine("UpdateAddressBookContact executed successfully");
            Console.WriteLine("UpdateAddressBookContact error: {0}", errorString);