public void CorrectAnimationGetsAddedToStore()
            var animationStore = default(IAnimationStore);
            var eventHandler = default(BlocksFoundEventHandler);
            var fakeGameManager = default(IGameManager);
            var blocks = default(IEnumerable<Block>);

            "Given I have an empty animation store and a blocks found event handler".Context(() =>
                    animationStore = new SingleAnimationStore();

                    fakeGameManager = A.Fake<IGameManager>();
                    eventHandler = new BlocksFoundEventHandler(animationStore, A.Fake<IBoard>(), fakeGameManager);

                    blocks = new[]{ new Block(new BoardCoordinate[]{}), };

            "When I handle the blocks found event"
                .Do(() => eventHandler.Handle(new BlocksFoundEvent(blocks)));

            "Then 1 item should be in the animation store".Observation(
                () => animationStore.GetCurrentAnimations().Count().ShouldEqual(1));

            "Then the item in the animation store should be a blocks found animation"
                .Observation(() => animationStore.GetCurrentAnimations().First().ShouldBeOfType<BlocksFoundAnimation>());

            "Then the blocks found method should be called on the game manager"
                .Observation(() => A.CallTo(() => fakeGameManager.BlockFound(A<IEnumerable<Block>>.Ignored)).MustHaveHappened());
예제 #2
        public void CanRemoveAnAnimationToTheAnimationStore()
            var animationStore = default(SingleAnimationStore);
            var result = default(IEnumerable<IAnimation>);

            "Given I have added an animation and then removed an animation to the animation store".Context(() =>
                animationStore = new SingleAnimationStore();
                IAnimation animation = A.Fake<IAnimation>();

            "When I remove the animation".Do(() => result = animationStore.GetCurrentAnimations());

            "Then 0 animations should be returned".Observation(() => result.Count().ShouldEqual(0));
예제 #3
        public void CanAddAnAnimationToTheAnimationStore()
            var animationStore = default(SingleAnimationStore);
            var result = default (IEnumerable<IAnimation>);
            var animation = default(IAnimation);

            "Given I have added an animation to the animation store".Context(() =>
                    animationStore = new SingleAnimationStore();
                    animation = A.Fake<IAnimation>();

            "When I get the current animation items".Do(() => result = animationStore.GetCurrentAnimations());

            "Then 1 animation should be returned".Observation(() => result.Count().ShouldEqual(1));

            "Then the instance returned should be the same".Observation(
                () => result.First().ShouldBeTheSameAs(animation));
        public void CorrectAnimationGetsAddedToStore()
            var animationStore = default(IAnimationStore);
            var eventHandler = default(RotatedRightEventHandler);
            var fakeGameManager = default(IGameManager);

            "Given I have an empty animation store and a rotated right event handler".Context(() =>
                    fakeGameManager = A.Fake<IGameManager>();
                    animationStore = new SingleAnimationStore();
                    eventHandler = new RotatedRightEventHandler(animationStore, A.Fake<IBoard>(), fakeGameManager);

            "When I handle the rotated right event".Do(() => eventHandler.Handle(new RotatedRightEvent{BoardCoordinates = new BoardCoordinate[]{}}));

            "Then 1 item should be in the animation store".Observation(
                () => animationStore.GetCurrentAnimations().Count().ShouldEqual(1));

            "Then the item in the animation store should be a rotate right animation".Observation(
                () => animationStore.GetCurrentAnimations().First().ShouldBeOfType<RotateRightAnimation>());

            "Then the rotation made method on the game manager should be called"
                .Observation(() => A.CallTo(() => fakeGameManager.RotationMade()).MustHaveHappened());