public static SceneInfo RootCollectionToRSMLScene(RootCollection collection)
            SceneInfo scene = new SceneInfo()
                Plants = new List <PlantInfo>()

            foreach (RootBase rootBase in collection.RootTree)
                // Each rootbase tree represents a plant in this image.
                if (rootBase is RootGroup)
                    PlantInfo plant = new PlantInfo()
                        Roots = new List <RootInfo>(), RelativeID = rootBase.RelativeID
                    if (rootBase.Label != "")
                        plant.Label = rootBase.Label;

                    RootGroup group = rootBase as RootGroup;

                    // For each primary root
                    foreach (PrimaryRoot primary in group.Children)
                        RootInfo primaryRootInfo = new RootInfo()
                            Children   = new List <RootInfo>(),
                            RelativeID = primary.RelativeID,
                            RsmlID     = primary.RelativeID,
                            Polyline   = null,
                            Spline     = primary.Spline

                        if (primary.Label != "")
                            primaryRootInfo.Label = primary.Label;

                        foreach (LateralRoot lateral in primary.Children)
                            RootInfo lateralRootInfo = new RootInfo()
                                Children   = new List <RootInfo>(),
                                RelativeID = lateral.RelativeID,
                                RsmlID     = lateral.RelativeID,
                                Polyline   = null,
                                Spline     = lateral.Spline

                            if (lateral.Label != "")
                                lateralRootInfo.Label = lateral.Label;




        public static RootCollection CreateRootSystem(LiveWirePathCollection pathCollection, RootTerminalCollection terminals, List <Color> colors, int splineResolution, double unitConversion)
            Dictionary <int, Tuple <RootBase, int, int> > indexedRoots = new Dictionary <int, Tuple <RootBase, int, int> >();
            double        tension       = 0.5;
            HashSet <int> sourceIndexes = new HashSet <int>();

            for (int index = 0; index < pathCollection.Count; index++)
                LiveWirePath currentPath = pathCollection[index];

                if (currentPath is LiveWirePrimaryPath)
                    LiveWirePrimaryPath primaryLiveWire = currentPath as LiveWirePrimaryPath;

                    RootBase primary = new PrimaryRoot()
                        UnitConversionFactor = unitConversion
                    primary.RootIndex = index;

                    primary.Spline = new SampledSpline()
                        ControlPointSeparation = splineResolution, Tension = tension

                    primary.Color = colors[index];

                    indexedRoots.Add(index, new Tuple <RootBase, int, int> (primary, primaryLiveWire.SourceIndex, -1));

                else if (currentPath is LiveWireLateralPath)
                    LiveWireLateralPath lateralLiveWire = currentPath as LiveWireLateralPath;

                    RootBase lateral = new LateralRoot()
                        UnitConversionFactor = unitConversion
                    lateral.RootIndex = index;
                    List <Point> path = lateralLiveWire.Path.ToList();
                    lateral.Spline = new SampledSpline()
                        ControlPointSeparation = splineResolution, Tension = tension

                    lateral.Color = colors[lateralLiveWire.TargetPoint.ParentIndex];

                    indexedRoots.Add(index, new Tuple <RootBase, int, int> (lateral, -1, lateralLiveWire.TargetPoint.ParentIndex));

            Dictionary <int, RootBase> plants = new Dictionary <int, RootBase>();

            foreach (int i in sourceIndexes)
                RootBase plant = new RootGroup()
                    UnitConversionFactor = unitConversion
                plants.Add(i, plant);

            // Create tree structure based on references
            List <RootBase> primaryRoots = new List <RootBase>();

            foreach (var pair in indexedRoots)
                RootBase r = pair.Value.Item1;
                int      plantSourceIndex = pair.Value.Item2;
                int      parentIndex      = pair.Value.Item3;

                if (parentIndex == -1)
                    // Add primary root to main list
                    // Add lateral to parent's children
                    r.Parent = indexedRoots[parentIndex].Item1;

            List <RootBase> plantList = plants.Values.ToList();

            int plantIndex = 1;

            foreach (RootBase plant in plantList)
                plant.ID = plantIndex++;

                // Lateral angles can now be calculated

                // Calculate IDs

                // Mark primary parents
                MarkPrimaryParents(plant, plant.Children);

                // Mark convex hulls

                // Plant settings
                plant.Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 200, 200, 200);

                // Plant hull

            // Create plant systems
            return(new RootCollection {
                RootTree = plantList