/// <summary>
        /// Return polygon loops representing the size
        /// and location of given sheet and all the
        /// viewports it contains, regardless of type.
        /// </summary>
        static JtLoops GetSheetViewportLoops(
            SheetModelCollections modelCollections,
            ViewSheet sheet)
            Document doc = sheet.Document;

            List <Viewport> viewports = sheet
                                        .Select <ElementId, Viewport>(
                id => doc.GetElement(id) as Viewport)
                                        .ToList <Viewport>();

            int n = viewports.Count;

                = new List <ViewData>(n);

            JtLoops sheetViewportLoops = new JtLoops(n + 1);

            // sheet.get_BoundingBox( null ) returns (-100,-100),(100,100)

            BoundingBoxUV bb = sheet.Outline;                  // model coordinates (0,0), (2.76,1.95)

            JtBoundingBox2dInt ibb = new JtBoundingBox2dInt(); // millimeters (0,0),(840,...)

            ibb.ExpandToContain(new Point2dInt(bb.Min));
            ibb.ExpandToContain(new Point2dInt(bb.Max));

            JtLoop loop = new JtLoop(ibb.Corners);


            foreach (Viewport vp in viewports)
                XYZ center = vp.GetBoxCenter(); // not used

                Outline outline = vp.GetBoxOutline();


                    new Point2dInt(outline.MinimumPoint));

                    new Point2dInt(outline.MaximumPoint));

                loop = new JtLoop(ibb.Corners);


                ViewData d = new ViewData();
                d.Id = vp.ViewId;
                d.ViewportBoundingBox = loop.BoundingBox;

예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve the room plan view boundary
        /// polygon loops and convert to 2D integer-based.
        /// For optimisation and consistency reasons,
        /// convert all coordinates to integer values in
        /// millimetres. Revit precision is limited to
        /// 1/16 of an inch, which is abaut 1.2 mm, anyway.
        /// </summary>
        static JtLoops GetRoomLoops(Room room)
            SpatialElementBoundaryOptions opt
                = new SpatialElementBoundaryOptions();

            opt.SpatialElementBoundaryLocation =
                SpatialElementBoundaryLocation.Center; // loops closed
            //SpatialElementBoundaryLocation.Finish; // loops not closed

            IList <IList <BoundarySegment> > loops = room.

            int nLoops = loops.Count;

            JtLoops jtloops = new JtLoops(nLoops);

            foreach (IList <BoundarySegment> loop in loops)
                int nSegments = loop.Count;

                JtLoop jtloop = new JtLoop(nSegments);

                XYZ p0 = null; // loop start point
                XYZ p;         // segment start point
                XYZ q = null;  // segment end point

                foreach (BoundarySegment seg in loop)
                    // Todo: handle non-linear curve.
                    // Especially: if two long lines have a
                    // short arc in between them, skip the arc
                    // and extend both lines.

                    p = seg.Curve.GetEndPoint(0);

                    jtloop.Add(new Point2dInt(p));

                    Debug.Assert(null == q || q.IsAlmostEqualTo(p),
                                 "expected last endpoint to equal current start point");

                    q = seg.Curve.GetEndPoint(1);

                    if (_debug_output)
                        Debug.Print("{0} --> {1}",
                    if (null == p0)
                        p0 = p; // save loop start point
                             "expected last endpoint to equal loop start point");

        /// <summary>
        /// Add all plan view boundary loops from
        /// given solid to the list of loops.
        /// The creation application argument is used to
        /// reverse the extrusion analyser output curves
        /// in case they are badly oriented.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Number of loops added</returns>
        static int AddLoops(
            Autodesk.Revit.Creation.Application creapp,
            JtLoops loops,
            GeometryObject obj,
            ref int nExtrusionAnalysisFailures)
            int nAdded = 0;

            Solid solid = obj as Solid;

            if (null != solid &&
                0 < solid.Faces.Size)
                //Plane plane = new Plane(XYZ.BasisX,
                //  XYZ.BasisY, XYZ.Zero); // 2016

                Plane plane = Plane.CreateByOriginAndBasis(
                    XYZ.Zero, XYZ.BasisX, XYZ.BasisY); // 2017

                ExtrusionAnalyzer extrusionAnalyzer = null;

                    extrusionAnalyzer = ExtrusionAnalyzer.Create(
                        solid, plane, XYZ.BasisZ);
                catch (Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions

                Face face = extrusionAnalyzer

                loops.Add(GetLoop(creapp, face));

예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve all plan view boundary loops from
        /// all solids of given element united together.
        /// If the element is a family instance, transform
        /// its loops from the instance placement
        /// coordinate system back to the symbol
        /// definition one.
        /// If no geometry can be determined, use the
        /// bounding box instead.
        /// </summary>
        static JtLoops GetPlanViewBoundaryLoops(
            Element e,
            ref int nFailures)
            Autodesk.Revit.Creation.Application creapp
                = e.Document.Application.Create;

            JtLoops loops = null;

            Options opt = new Options();

            GeometryElement geo = e.get_Geometry(opt);

            if (null != geo)
                Document doc = e.Document;

                if (e is FamilyInstance)
                    // Retrieve family instance geometry
                    // transformed back to symbol definition
                    // coordinate space by inverting the
                    // family instance placement transformation

                    LocationPoint lp = e.Location
                                       as LocationPoint;

                    Transform t = Transform.CreateTranslation(

                    Transform r = Transform.CreateRotationAtPoint(
                        XYZ.BasisZ, -lp.Rotation, lp.Point);

                    geo = geo.GetTransformed(t * r);

                loops = GetPlanViewBoundaryLoopsGeo(
                    creapp, geo, ref nFailures);
            if (null == loops || 0 == loops.Count)
                    "Unable to determine geometry for "
                    + Util.ElementDescription(e)
                    + "; using bounding box instead.");

                BoundingBoxXYZ bb;

                if (e is FamilyInstance)
                    bb = (e as FamilyInstance).Symbol
                    bb = e.get_BoundingBox(null);
                JtLoop loop = new JtLoop(4);
                loop.Add(new Point2dInt(bb.Min));
                loop.Add(new Point2dInt(bb.Max.X, bb.Min.Y));
                loop.Add(new Point2dInt(bb.Max));
                loop.Add(new Point2dInt(bb.Min.X, bb.Max.Y));