예제 #1
        public bool Act(Monster monster, CommandSystem commandSystem, Game game)
            DungeonMap  dungeonMap = game.World;
            Player      player     = game.Player;
            FieldOfView monsterFov = new FieldOfView(dungeonMap);

            // If the monster has not been alerted, compute a field-of-view
            // Use the monster's Awareness value for the distance in the FoV check
            // If the player is in the monster's FoV then alert it
            // Add a message to the MessageLog regarding this alerted status
            if (!monster.TurnsAlerted.HasValue)
                monsterFov.ComputeFov(monster.X, monster.Y, monster.Awareness, true);
                if (monsterFov.IsInFov(player.X, player.Y))
                    game.MessageLog.Add(monster.Name + " is eager to fight " + player.Name + ".");
                    monster.TurnsAlerted = 1;

            if (monster.TurnsAlerted.HasValue)
                // Before we find a path, make sure to make the monster and player Cells walkable
                dungeonMap.SetIsWalkable(monster.X, monster.Y, true);
                dungeonMap.SetIsWalkable(player.X, player.Y, true);

                PathFinder pathFinder = new PathFinder(dungeonMap, 1d);
                Path       path       = null;

                    path = pathFinder.ShortestPath(
                        dungeonMap.GetCell(monster.X, monster.Y),
                        dungeonMap.GetCell(player.X, player.Y));
                catch (PathNotFoundException)
                    // The monster can see the player, but cannot find a path to him
                    // This could be due to other monsters blocking the way
                    // Add a message to the message log that the monster is waiting
                    game.MessageLog.Add(monster.Name + " waits for a turn.");

                // Don't forget to set the walkable status back to false
                dungeonMap.SetIsWalkable(monster.X, monster.Y, false);
                dungeonMap.SetIsWalkable(player.X, player.Y, false);

                // In the case that there was a path, tell the CommandSystem to move the monster
                if (path != null)
                        // TODO: This should be path.StepForward() but there is a bug in RogueSharp V3
                        // The bug is that a Path returned from a PathFinder does not include the source Cell
                        commandSystem.MoveMonster(monster, path.StepForward() as Cell);
                    catch (NoMoreStepsException)
                        game.MessageLog.Add(monster.Name + " growls in frustration.");


                // Lose alerted status every 15 turns.
                // As long as the player is still in FoV the monster will stay alert
                // Otherwise the monster will quit chasing the player.
                if (monster.TurnsAlerted > 15)
                    monster.TurnsAlerted = null;