예제 #1
        public int CompareTo(object obj)
            InventoryListing otherListing = obj as InventoryListing;

            if (otherListing != null && itemIndex.Count > 0 && otherListing.itemIndex.Count > 0)
                //Find name of this type of object
                string name = inventory.Items[itemIndex[0]].SingleItemDescription;
                //And for the other group
                string otherName = inventory.Items[otherListing.itemIndex[0]].SingleItemDescription;

                if (otherName == null)
                if (name == null)

                throw new ArgumentException("Object is not an InventoryListing");
예제 #2
파일: Player.cs 프로젝트: vrum/roguelike
        /// <summary>
        /// Use the item group. Function is responsible for deleting the item if used up etc. Return true if item was used successfully and time should be advanced.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="selectedGroup"></param>
        internal bool UseItem(InventoryListing selectedGroup)
            //For now, we use the first item in any stack only
            int  itemIndex = selectedGroup.ItemIndex[0];
            Item itemToUse = Inventory.Items[itemIndex];

            //Check if this is a useable item
            IUseableItem useableItem = itemToUse as IUseableItem;

            if (useableItem == null)
                Game.MessageQueue.AddMessage("Cannot use this type of item!");
                LogFile.Log.LogEntry("Tried to use non-useable item: " + itemToUse.SingleItemDescription);

            bool usedSuccessfully = useableItem.Use(this);

            if (useableItem.UsedUp)
                //Remove item from inventory and don't drop on floor

예제 #3
파일: RogueBase.cs 프로젝트: vrum/roguelike
        /// <summary>
        /// Player equips item. Returns true if item was equipped and time should advance
        /// </summary>
        private bool EquipItem()
            //User selects which item to use
            int chosenIndex = PlayerChooseFromInventory();

            //Player exited
            if (chosenIndex == -1)

            Inventory playerInventory = Game.Dungeon.Player.Inventory;

            InventoryListing selectedGroup    = playerInventory.InventoryListing[chosenIndex];
            bool             usedSuccessfully = Game.Dungeon.Player.EquipItem(selectedGroup);

예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the listing groups
        /// </summary>
        public void RefreshInventoryListing()
            //List of groups of similar items

            //Group similar items (based on type) into categories (InventoryListing)
            for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++)
                Item item = items[i];

                //Check if we have a similar item group already. If so, add the index of this item to that group
                //Equipped items are not stacked

                bool foundGroup = false;

                if (!item.IsEquipped)
                    foreach (InventoryListing group in inventoryListing)
                        //Check that we are the same type (and therefore sort of item)
                        Type itemType = item.GetType();

                        //Look only at the first item in the group (stored by index). All the items in this group must have the same type
                        if (items[group.ItemIndex[0]].GetType() == item.GetType() && !items[group.ItemIndex[0]].IsEquipped)
                            foundGroup = true;

                //If there is no group, create a new one
                if (!foundGroup)
                    InventoryListing newGroup = new InventoryListing(this);
예제 #5
파일: RogueBase.cs 프로젝트: vrum/roguelike
        /// <summary>
        /// Drop an item from inventory
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool DropItem()
            //User selects which item to use
            int chosenIndex = PlayerChooseFromInventory();

            //Player exited
            if (chosenIndex == -1)

            Dungeon dungeon = Game.Dungeon;
            Player  player  = dungeon.Player;

            Inventory playerInventory = player.Inventory;

            InventoryListing selectedGroup = playerInventory.InventoryListing[chosenIndex];
            Item             selectedItem  = playerInventory.Items[selectedGroup.ItemIndex[0]];

            //Check there is no item here already
            if (dungeon.ItemAtSpace(player.LocationLevel, player.LocationMap) != null)
                Game.MessageQueue.AddMessage("Can't drop - already an item here!");

            //Remove from player inventory

            //Drop the item here
            selectedItem.InInventory   = false;
            selectedItem.LocationLevel = player.LocationLevel;
            selectedItem.LocationMap   = player.LocationMap;

            Game.MessageQueue.AddMessage(selectedItem.SingleItemDescription + " dropped.");

예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Use the item group. Function is responsible for deleting the item if used up etc. Return true if item was used successfully and time should be advanced.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="selectedGroup"></param>
        internal bool UseItem(InventoryListing selectedGroup)
            //For now, we use the first item in any stack only
            int itemIndex = selectedGroup.ItemIndex[0];
            Item itemToUse = Inventory.Items[itemIndex];

            //Check if this is a useable item
            IUseableItem useableItem = itemToUse as IUseableItem;

            if (useableItem == null)
                Game.MessageQueue.AddMessage("Cannot use this type of item!");
                LogFile.Log.LogEntry("Tried to use non-useable item: " + itemToUse.SingleItemDescription);
                return false;

            bool usedSuccessfully = useableItem.Use(this);

            if (useableItem.UsedUp)
                //Remove item from inventory and don't drop on floor

            return usedSuccessfully;
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Equip an item. Item is removed from the main inventory.
        /// Returns true if item was used successfully.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="selectedGroup"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool EquipItem(InventoryListing selectedGroup)
            //Select the first item in the stack
            int itemIndex = selectedGroup.ItemIndex[0];
            Item itemToUse = Inventory.Items[itemIndex];

            //Check if this item is equippable
            IEquippableItem equippableItem = itemToUse as IEquippableItem;

            if (equippableItem == null)
                LogFile.Log.LogEntryDebug("Can't equip item, not equippable: " + itemToUse.SingleItemDescription, LogDebugLevel.Medium);
                Game.MessageQueue.AddMessage("Can't equip " + itemToUse.SingleItemDescription);
                return false;

            //Find all matching slots available on the player

            List<EquipmentSlot> itemPossibleSlots = equippableItem.EquipmentSlots;
            List<EquipmentSlotInfo> matchingEquipSlots = new List<EquipmentSlotInfo>();

            foreach (EquipmentSlot slotType in itemPossibleSlots)
                matchingEquipSlots.AddRange(this.EquipmentSlots.FindAll(x => x.slotType == slotType));

            //No suitable slots
            if (matchingEquipSlots.Count == 0)
                LogFile.Log.LogEntryDebug("Can't equip item, no valid slots: " + itemToUse.SingleItemDescription, LogDebugLevel.Medium);
                Game.MessageQueue.AddMessage("Can't equip " + itemToUse.SingleItemDescription);

                return false;

            //Look for first empty slot

            EquipmentSlotInfo freeSlot = matchingEquipSlots.Find(x => x.equippedItem == null);

            if (freeSlot == null)
                //Not slots free, unequip first slot
                Item oldItem = matchingEquipSlots[0].equippedItem;
                IEquippableItem oldItemEquippable = oldItem as IEquippableItem;

                //Sanity check
                if (oldItemEquippable == null)
                    LogFile.Log.LogEntry("Currently equipped item is not equippable!: " + oldItem.SingleItemDescription);
                    return false;

                //Run unequip routine
                oldItem.IsEquipped = false;

                //Can't do this right now, since not in inventory items appear on the floor

                //This slot is now free
                freeSlot = matchingEquipSlots[0];

            //We now have a free slot to equip in

            //Put new item in first relevant slot and run equipping routine
            matchingEquipSlots[0].equippedItem = itemToUse;
            itemToUse.IsEquipped = true;

            //Update the inventory listing since equipping an item changes its stackability

            //Message the user
            LogFile.Log.LogEntryDebug("Item equipped: " + itemToUse.SingleItemDescription, LogDebugLevel.Low);
            Game.MessageQueue.AddMessage(itemToUse.SingleItemDescription + " equipped in " + StringEquivalent.EquipmentSlots[matchingEquipSlots[0].slotType]);

            return true;
예제 #8
파일: Inventory.cs 프로젝트: vrum/roguelike
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the listing groups
        /// </summary>
        public void RefreshInventoryListing()
            //INVENTORY (non-equippable)

            //List of groups of similar items

            //Group similar items (based on type) into categories (InventoryListing)
            for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++)
                Item item = items[i];

                //Equipped items are not displayed
                if (item.IsEquipped)

                //Check if we have a similar item group already. If so, add the index of this item to that group
                bool foundGroup = false;

                foreach (InventoryListing group in inventoryListing)
                    //Check that we are the same type (and therefore sort of item)
                    Type itemType = item.GetType();

                    //Look only at the first item in the group (stored by index). All the items in this group must have the same type
                    if (items[group.ItemIndex[0]].GetType() == item.GetType() && !items[group.ItemIndex[0]].IsEquipped)
                        foundGroup = true;

                //If there is no group, create a new one
                if (!foundGroup)
                    InventoryListing newGroup = new InventoryListing(this);

            //Sort the inventory listing alphabetically. This keeps the list roughly in the same order for the player


            //EQUIPPABLE (non-removable)


            for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++)
                Item item = items[i];

                //Non-equipped items are not displayed
                if (!item.IsEquipped)

                //No stacking for equipment

                InventoryListing newGroup = new InventoryListing(this);
예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Use the item group. Function is responsible for deleting the item if used up etc. Return true if item was used successfully and time should be advanced.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="selectedGroup"></param>
        internal bool UseItem(InventoryListing selectedGroup)
            //For now, we use the first item in any stack only
            int itemIndex = selectedGroup.ItemIndex[0];
            Item itemToUse = Inventory.Items[itemIndex];

            //Check if this is a useable item
            IUseableItem useableItem = itemToUse as IUseableItem;

            if (useableItem == null)
                Game.MessageQueue.AddMessage("Cannot use this type of item!");
                LogFile.Log.LogEntry("Tried to use non-useable item: " + itemToUse.SingleItemDescription);
                return false;

            bool usedSuccessfully = useableItem.Use(this);

            if (useableItem.UsedUp)
                //Remove item from inventory and don't drop on floor
                //Goes back into the global list and will be respawned at town

                //This permanently deletes it from the game

                //If the line above is commented, the item will be returned to town. Will want to un-use it in this case

                //Only ditch the non-equippable items
                IEquippableItem equipItem = useableItem as IEquippableItem;
                if (equipItem == null)

                //useableItem.UsedUp = false;


            return usedSuccessfully;
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the listing groups
        /// </summary>
        public void RefreshInventoryListing()
            //List of groups of similar items

            //Group similar items (based on type) into categories (InventoryListing)
            for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++)
                Item item = items[i];

                //Check if we have a similar item group already. If so, add the index of this item to that group
                //Equipped items are not stacked

                bool foundGroup = false;

                if (!item.IsEquipped)
                    foreach (InventoryListing group in inventoryListing)
                        //Check that we are the same type (and therefore sort of item)
                        Type itemType = item.GetType();

                        //Look only at the first item in the group (stored by index). All the items in this group must have the same type
                        if (items[group.ItemIndex[0]].GetType() == item.GetType() && !items[group.ItemIndex[0]].IsEquipped)
                            foundGroup = true;

                //If there is no group, create a new one
                if (!foundGroup)
                    InventoryListing newGroup = new InventoryListing(this);
예제 #11
파일: Player.cs 프로젝트: vrum/roguelike
        /// <summary>
        /// Equip an item. Item is removed from the main inventory.
        /// Returns true if item was used successfully.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="selectedGroup"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool EquipItem(InventoryListing selectedGroup)
            //Select the first item in the stack
            int  itemIndex = selectedGroup.ItemIndex[0];
            Item itemToUse = Inventory.Items[itemIndex];

            //Check if this item is equippable
            IEquippableItem equippableItem = itemToUse as IEquippableItem;

            if (equippableItem == null)
                LogFile.Log.LogEntryDebug("Can't equip item, not equippable: " + itemToUse.SingleItemDescription, LogDebugLevel.Medium);
                Game.MessageQueue.AddMessage("Can't equip " + itemToUse.SingleItemDescription);

            //Find all matching slots available on the player

            List <EquipmentSlot>     itemPossibleSlots  = equippableItem.EquipmentSlots;
            List <EquipmentSlotInfo> matchingEquipSlots = new List <EquipmentSlotInfo>();

            foreach (EquipmentSlot slotType in itemPossibleSlots)
                matchingEquipSlots.AddRange(this.EquipmentSlots.FindAll(x => x.slotType == slotType));

            //No suitable slots
            if (matchingEquipSlots.Count == 0)
                LogFile.Log.LogEntryDebug("Can't equip item, no valid slots: " + itemToUse.SingleItemDescription, LogDebugLevel.Medium);
                Game.MessageQueue.AddMessage("Can't equip " + itemToUse.SingleItemDescription);


            //Look for first empty slot

            EquipmentSlotInfo freeSlot = matchingEquipSlots.Find(x => x.equippedItem == null);

            if (freeSlot == null)
                //Not slots free, unequip first slot
                Item            oldItem           = matchingEquipSlots[0].equippedItem;
                IEquippableItem oldItemEquippable = oldItem as IEquippableItem;

                //Sanity check
                if (oldItemEquippable == null)
                    LogFile.Log.LogEntry("Currently equipped item is not equippable!: " + oldItem.SingleItemDescription);

                //Run unequip routine
                oldItem.IsEquipped = false;

                //Can't do this right now, since not in inventory items appear on the floor

                //This slot is now free
                freeSlot = matchingEquipSlots[0];

            //We now have a free slot to equip in

            //Put new item in first relevant slot and run equipping routine
            matchingEquipSlots[0].equippedItem = itemToUse;
            itemToUse.IsEquipped = true;

            //Update the inventory listing since equipping an item changes its stackability

            //Message the user
            LogFile.Log.LogEntryDebug("Item equipped: " + itemToUse.SingleItemDescription, LogDebugLevel.Low);
            Game.MessageQueue.AddMessage(itemToUse.SingleItemDescription + " equipped in " + StringEquivalent.EquipmentSlots[matchingEquipSlots[0].slotType]);
