상속: System.Web.UI.WebControls.PlaceHolder
예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Called by the ASP.NET page framework to notify server controls that use composition-based implementation to create any child controls they contain in preparation for posting back or rendering.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void CreateChildControls()

            _hfExpanded = new HiddenFieldWithClass();
            _hfExpanded.ID       = this.ID + "_hfExpanded";
            _hfExpanded.CssClass = "filter-expanded";
            _hfExpanded.Value    = "False";

            _hfActivityTypeGuid = new HiddenField();
            _hfActivityTypeGuid.ID = this.ID + "_hfActivityTypeGuid";

            _lblActivityTypeName = new Label();
            _lblActivityTypeName.ClientIDMode = ClientIDMode.Static;
            _lblActivityTypeName.ID           = this.ID + "_lblActivityTypeName";

            _lblActivityTypeDescription = new Label();
            _lblActivityTypeDescription.ClientIDMode = ClientIDMode.Static;
            _lblActivityTypeDescription.ID           = this.ID + "_lblActivityTypeDescription";

            _lblInactive = new Label();
            _lblInactive.ClientIDMode = ClientIDMode.Static;
            _lblInactive.ID           = this.ID + "_lblInactive";
            _lblInactive.CssClass     = "pull-right";
            _lblInactive.Text         = "<span class='label label-danger'>Inactive</span>";

            _lbDeleteActivityType = new LinkButton();
            _lbDeleteActivityType.CausesValidation = false;
            _lbDeleteActivityType.ID       = this.ID + "_lbDeleteActivityType";
            _lbDeleteActivityType.CssClass = "btn btn-xs btn-square btn-danger js-activity-delete";
            _lbDeleteActivityType.Click   += lbDeleteActivityType_Click;
            _lbDeleteActivityType.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl {
                Text = "<i class='fa fa-times'></i>"

            _sbSecurity = new SecurityButton();
            _sbSecurity.ID = this.ID + "_sbSecurity";
            _sbSecurity.Attributes["class"] = "btn btn-security btn-xs security pull-right";
            _sbSecurity.EntityTypeId        = EntityTypeCache.Get(typeof(Rock.Model.WorkflowActivityType)).Id;

            _cbActivityTypeIsActive = new RockCheckBox {
                Text = "Active"
            _cbActivityTypeIsActive.ID = this.ID + "_cbActivityTypeIsActive";
            string checkboxScriptFormat = @"
    if ($(this).is(':checked')) {{ 
    else {{ 

            _cbActivityTypeIsActive.InputAttributes.Add("onclick", string.Format(checkboxScriptFormat, _lblInactive.ID, this.ID + "_section"));

            _tbActivityTypeName = new RockTextBox();
            _tbActivityTypeName.ID                   = this.ID + "_tbActivityTypeName";
            _tbActivityTypeName.Label                = "Name";
            _tbActivityTypeName.Required             = true;
            _tbActivityTypeName.Attributes["onblur"] = string.Format("javascript: $('#{0}').text($(this).val());", _lblActivityTypeName.ID);

            _tbActivityTypeDescription = new RockTextBox();
            _tbActivityTypeDescription.ID                   = this.ID + "_tbActivityTypeDescription";
            _tbActivityTypeDescription.Label                = "Description";
            _tbActivityTypeDescription.TextMode             = TextBoxMode.MultiLine;
            _tbActivityTypeDescription.Rows                 = 2;
            _tbActivityTypeDescription.Attributes["onblur"] = string.Format("javascript: $('#{0}').text($(this).val());", _lblActivityTypeDescription.ID);

            _cbActivityTypeIsActivatedWithWorkflow = new RockCheckBox {
                Text = "Activated with Workflow"
            _cbActivityTypeIsActivatedWithWorkflow.ID = this.ID + "_cbActivityTypeIsActivatedWithWorkflow";
            checkboxScriptFormat = @"
    if ($(this).is(':checked')) {{ 
    else {{ 
            _cbActivityTypeIsActivatedWithWorkflow.InputAttributes.Add("onclick", string.Format(checkboxScriptFormat, this.ID + "_section"));

            _lbAddActionType = new LinkButton();
            _lbAddActionType.ID               = this.ID + "_lbAddAction";
            _lbAddActionType.CssClass         = "btn btn-xs btn-action add-action";
            _lbAddActionType.Click           += lbAddActionType_Click;
            _lbAddActionType.CausesValidation = false;
            _lbAddActionType.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl {
                Text = "<i class='fa fa-plus'></i> Add Action"

            _pwAttributes = new PanelWidget();
            _pwAttributes.ID       = this.ID + "_pwAttributes";
            _pwAttributes.Title    = "Activity Attributes";
            _pwAttributes.CssClass = "attribute-panel";

            _gAttributes = new Grid();
            _gAttributes.ID          = this.ID + "_gAttributes";
            _gAttributes.AllowPaging = false;
            _gAttributes.DisplayType = GridDisplayType.Light;
            _gAttributes.RowItemText = "Activity Attribute";
            _gAttributes.DataKeyNames        = new string[] { "Guid" };
            _gAttributes.Actions.ShowAdd     = true;
            _gAttributes.Actions.AddClick   += gAttributes_Add;
            _gAttributes.GridRebind         += gAttributes_Rebind;
            _gAttributes.GridReorder        += gAttributes_Reorder;
            _gAttributes.ShowActionsInHeader = false;

            var reorderField = new ReorderField();


            var nameField = new BoundField();

            nameField.DataField  = "Name";
            nameField.HeaderText = "Attribute";

            var descField = new BoundField();

            descField.DataField  = "Description";
            descField.HeaderText = "Description";

            var fieldTypeField = new BoundField();

            fieldTypeField.DataField  = "FieldType";
            fieldTypeField.HeaderText = "Field Type";

            var reqField = new BoolField();

            reqField.DataField  = "IsRequired";
            reqField.HeaderText = "Required";

            var editField = new EditField();

            editField.Click += gAttributes_Edit;

            var delField = new DeleteField();

            delField.Click += gAttributes_Delete;
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the field panel widget.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reportFieldGuid">The report field unique identifier.</param>
        /// <param name="reportFieldType">Type of the report field.</param>
        /// <param name="fieldSelection">The field selection.</param>
        /// <param name="showExpanded">if set to <c>true</c> [show expanded].</param>
        /// <param name="setReportFieldValues">if set to <c>true</c> [set report field values].</param>
        /// <param name="reportField">The report field.</param>
        private void AddFieldPanelWidget( Guid reportFieldGuid, ReportFieldType reportFieldType, string fieldSelection, bool showExpanded, bool setReportFieldValues = false, ReportField reportField = null )
            PanelWidget panelWidget = new PanelWidget();
            panelWidget.ID = string.Format( "reportFieldWidget_{0}", reportFieldGuid.ToString( "N" ) );

            panelWidget.ShowDeleteButton = true;
            panelWidget.DeleteClick += FieldsPanelWidget_DeleteClick;
            panelWidget.ShowReorderIcon = true;
            panelWidget.Expanded = showExpanded;

            Label lbFields = new Label();
            lbFields.Text = "Field Type";

            RockDropDownList ddlFields = new RockDropDownList();
            panelWidget.Controls.Add( ddlFields );
            ddlFields.ID = panelWidget.ID + "_ddlFields";
            ddlFields.AutoPostBack = true;
            ddlFields.SelectedIndexChanged += ddlFields_SelectedIndexChanged;

            panelWidget.HeaderControls = new Control[2] { lbFields, ddlFields };
            this.LoadFieldsDropDown( ddlFields );

            RockCheckBox showInGridCheckBox = new RockCheckBox();
            showInGridCheckBox.ID = panelWidget.ID + "_showInGridCheckBox";
            showInGridCheckBox.Text = "Show in Grid";

            panelWidget.Controls.Add( showInGridCheckBox );

            RockTextBox columnHeaderTextTextBox = new RockTextBox();
            columnHeaderTextTextBox.ID = panelWidget.ID + "_columnHeaderTextTextBox";
            columnHeaderTextTextBox.Label = "Column Label";
            columnHeaderTextTextBox.CssClass = "js-column-header-textbox";
            panelWidget.Controls.Add( columnHeaderTextTextBox );

            phReportFields.Controls.Add( panelWidget );

            CreateFieldTypeSpecificControls( reportFieldType, fieldSelection, panelWidget );

            if ( setReportFieldValues )
                PopulateFieldPanelWidget( panelWidget, reportField, reportFieldType, fieldSelection );
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the data select controls.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reportFieldType">Type of the report field.</param>
        /// <param name="fieldSelection">The field selection.</param>
        /// <param name="panelWidget">The panel widget.</param>
        private void CreateFieldTypeSpecificControls( ReportFieldType reportFieldType, string fieldSelection, PanelWidget panelWidget )
            PlaceHolder phDataSelectControls = panelWidget.ControlsOfTypeRecursive<PlaceHolder>().FirstOrDefault( a => a.ID == panelWidget.ID + "_phDataSelectControls" );
            if ( phDataSelectControls == null )
                phDataSelectControls = new PlaceHolder();
                phDataSelectControls.ID = panelWidget.ID + "_phDataSelectControls";
                panelWidget.Controls.Add( phDataSelectControls );


            if ( reportFieldType == ReportFieldType.DataSelectComponent )
                string dataSelectComponentTypeName = EntityTypeCache.Read( fieldSelection.AsInteger() ).GetEntityType().FullName;
                DataSelectComponent dataSelectComponent = Rock.Reporting.DataSelectContainer.GetComponent( dataSelectComponentTypeName );

                if ( dataSelectComponent != null )
                    var dataSelectControls = dataSelectComponent.CreateChildControls( phDataSelectControls );
        private void BuildAttributes( RockContext rockContext, bool setValues = false )
            var selectedCategories = new List<CategoryCache>();
            foreach ( string categoryGuid in GetAttributeValue( "AttributeCategories" ).SplitDelimitedValues() )
                var category = CategoryCache.Read( categoryGuid.AsGuid(), rockContext );
                if ( category != null )
                    selectedCategories.Add( category );

            int categoryIndex = 0;
            foreach( var category in selectedCategories.OrderBy( c => c.Name ) )
                var pw = new PanelWidget();
                if ( categoryIndex % 2 == 0)
                    phAttributesCol1.Controls.Add( pw );
                    phAttributesCol2.Controls.Add( pw );
                pw.ID = "pwAttributes_" + category.Id.ToString();

                if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( category.IconCssClass ) )
                    pw.TitleIconCssClass = category.IconCssClass;
                pw.Title = category.Name;

                var orderedAttributeList = new AttributeService( rockContext ).GetByCategoryId( category.Id )
                    .OrderBy( a => a.Order ).ThenBy( a => a.Name );
                foreach ( var attribute in orderedAttributeList )
                    if ( attribute.IsAuthorized( Authorization.EDIT, CurrentPerson ) )
                        var attributeCache = AttributeCache.Read( attribute.Id );

                        string clientId = string.Format( "{0}_attribute_field_{1}", pw.ClientID, attribute.Id );
                        bool controlEnabled = SelectedFields.Contains( clientId, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase );
                        string iconCss = controlEnabled ? "fa-check-circle-o" : "fa-circle-o";

                        string labelText = string.Format( "<span class='js-select-item'><i class='fa {0}'></i></span> {1}", iconCss, attributeCache.Name );
                        Control control = attributeCache.AddControl( pw.Controls, string.Empty, string.Empty, setValues, true, false, labelText );

                        if ( !( control is RockCheckBox ) )
                            var webControl = control as WebControl;
                            if ( webControl != null )
                                webControl.Enabled = controlEnabled;
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Populates the field panel widget.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="panelWidget">The panel widget.</param>
        /// <param name="reportField">The report field.</param>
        /// <param name="reportFieldType">Type of the report field.</param>
        /// <param name="fieldSelection">The field selection.</param>
        private void PopulateFieldPanelWidget( PanelWidget panelWidget, ReportField reportField, ReportFieldType reportFieldType, string fieldSelection )
            int entityTypeId = etpEntityType.SelectedEntityTypeId ?? 0;
            if ( entityTypeId == 0 )

            string defaultColumnHeaderText = null;
            DataSelectComponent dataSelectComponent = null;
            bool fieldDefined = false;
            switch ( reportFieldType )
                case ReportFieldType.Property:
                    var entityType = EntityTypeCache.Read( entityTypeId ).GetEntityType();
                    var entityField = EntityHelper.GetEntityFields( entityType ).FirstOrDefault( a => a.Name == fieldSelection );
                    if ( entityField != null )
                        defaultColumnHeaderText = entityField.Title;
                        fieldDefined = true;


                case ReportFieldType.Attribute:
                    var attribute = AttributeCache.Read( fieldSelection.AsGuid() );
                    if ( attribute != null )
                        defaultColumnHeaderText = attribute.Name;
                        fieldDefined = true;


                case ReportFieldType.DataSelectComponent:
                    string dataSelectComponentTypeName = EntityTypeCache.Read( fieldSelection.AsInteger() ).GetEntityType().FullName;
                    dataSelectComponent = Rock.Reporting.DataSelectContainer.GetComponent( dataSelectComponentTypeName );
                    if ( dataSelectComponent != null )
                        defaultColumnHeaderText = dataSelectComponent.ColumnHeaderText;
                        fieldDefined = true;


            if ( !fieldDefined )
                // return if we can't determine field

            RockDropDownList ddlFields = panelWidget.ControlsOfTypeRecursive<RockDropDownList>().FirstOrDefault( a => a.ID == panelWidget.ID + "_ddlFields" );
            if ( reportField.ReportFieldType == ReportFieldType.Attribute )
                ddlFields.SelectedValue = string.Format( "{0}|{1}", reportField.ReportFieldType, reportField.Selection );
            else if ( reportField.ReportFieldType == ReportFieldType.Property )
                ddlFields.SelectedValue = string.Format( "{0}|{1}", reportField.ReportFieldType, reportField.Selection );
            else if ( reportField.ReportFieldType == ReportFieldType.DataSelectComponent )
                ddlFields.SelectedValue = string.Format( "{0}|{1}", reportField.ReportFieldType, dataSelectComponent.TypeId );

            string fieldTitle = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( reportField.ColumnHeaderText ) ? defaultColumnHeaderText : reportField.ColumnHeaderText;
            panelWidget.Title = fieldTitle;

            RockCheckBox showInGridCheckBox = panelWidget.ControlsOfTypeRecursive<RockCheckBox>().FirstOrDefault( a => a.ID == panelWidget.ID + "_showInGridCheckBox" );
            showInGridCheckBox.Checked = reportField.ShowInGrid;

            RockTextBox columnHeaderTextTextBox = panelWidget.ControlsOfTypeRecursive<RockTextBox>().FirstOrDefault( a => a.ID == panelWidget.ID + "_columnHeaderTextTextBox" );
            columnHeaderTextTextBox.Text = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( reportField.ColumnHeaderText ) ? defaultColumnHeaderText : reportField.ColumnHeaderText;

            if ( dataSelectComponent != null )
                PlaceHolder phDataSelectControls = panelWidget.ControlsOfTypeRecursive<PlaceHolder>().FirstOrDefault( a => a.ID == panelWidget.ID + "_phDataSelectControls" );
                if ( phDataSelectControls != null )
                    var dataSelectControls = phDataSelectControls.Controls.OfType<Control>().ToArray();
                    dataSelectComponent.SetSelection( dataSelectControls, reportField.Selection ?? string.Empty );
예제 #6
        private void CreateGrids( RockContext rockContext )
            if ( ContentChannels.Any() )
                this.Visible = true;

                // TODO: security
                bool canEdit = true;


                foreach ( var contentChannel in ContentChannels )
                    var pwItems = new PanelWidget();
                    phContentChannelGrids.Controls.Add( pwItems );
                    pwItems.ID = string.Format( "pwItems_{0}", contentChannel.Id );
                    pwItems.Title = contentChannel.Name;
                    pwItems.Expanded = ExpandedPanels.Contains( contentChannel.Id );

                    var divItems = new HtmlGenericControl( "div" );
                    pwItems.Controls.Add( divItems );
                    divItems.ID = string.Format( "divItems_{0}", contentChannel.Id );
                    divItems.AddCssClass( "grid" );
                    divItems.AddCssClass( "grid-panel" );

                    Grid gItems = new Grid();
                    divItems.Controls.Add( gItems );
                    gItems.ID = string.Format( "gItems_{0}", contentChannel.Id );
                    gItems.DataKeyNames = new string[] { "Id" };
                    gItems.EmptyDataText = "No Items Found";
                    gItems.RowItemText = "Item";
                    gItems.AllowSorting = true;
                    gItems.Actions.ShowAdd = canEdit;
                    gItems.IsDeleteEnabled = canEdit;
                    gItems.Actions.AddClick += gItems_Add;
                    gItems.RowSelected += gItems_Edit;
                    gItems.GridRebind += gItems_GridRebind;

                    gItems.Columns.Add( new RockBoundField
                        DataField = "Title",
                        HeaderText = "Title",
                        SortExpression = "Title"
                    } );

                    gItems.Columns.Add( new DateTimeField
                        DataField = "StartDateTime",
                        HeaderText = contentChannel.ContentChannelType.DateRangeType == ContentChannelDateType.DateRange ? "Start" : "Active",
                        SortExpression = "StartDateTime"
                    } );

                    if ( contentChannel.ContentChannelType.DateRangeType == ContentChannelDateType.DateRange )
                        gItems.Columns.Add( new DateTimeField
                            DataField = "ExpireDateTime",
                            HeaderText = "Expire",
                            SortExpression = "ExpireDateTime"
                        } );

                    if ( !contentChannel.ContentChannelType.DisablePriority )
                        var priorityField = new RockBoundField
                            DataField = "Priority",
                            HeaderText = "Priority",
                            SortExpression = "Priority",
                            DataFormatString = "{0:N0}",
                        priorityField.ItemStyle.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right;
                        gItems.Columns.Add( priorityField );

                    // Add attribute columns
                    int entityTypeId = EntityTypeCache.Read( typeof( Rock.Model.ContentChannelItem ) ).Id;
                    string qualifier = contentChannel.ContentChannelTypeId.ToString();
                    foreach ( var attribute in new AttributeService( rockContext ).Queryable()
                        .Where( a =>
                            a.EntityTypeId == entityTypeId &&
                            a.IsGridColumn &&
                            a.EntityTypeQualifierColumn.Equals( "ContentChannelTypeId", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) &&
                            a.EntityTypeQualifierValue.Equals( qualifier ) )
                        .OrderBy( a => a.Order )
                        .ThenBy( a => a.Name ) )
                        string dataFieldExpression = attribute.Key;
                        bool columnExists = gItems.Columns.OfType<AttributeField>().FirstOrDefault( a => a.DataField.Equals( dataFieldExpression ) ) != null;
                        if ( !columnExists )
                            AttributeField boundField = new AttributeField();
                            boundField.DataField = dataFieldExpression;
                            boundField.HeaderText = attribute.Name;
                            boundField.SortExpression = string.Empty;

                            var attributeCache = Rock.Web.Cache.AttributeCache.Read( attribute.Id );
                            if ( attributeCache != null )
                                boundField.ItemStyle.HorizontalAlign = attributeCache.FieldType.Field.AlignValue;

                            gItems.Columns.Add( boundField );

                    if ( contentChannel.RequiresApproval )
                        var statusField = new BoundField();
                        gItems.Columns.Add( statusField );
                        statusField.DataField = "Status";
                        statusField.HeaderText = "Status";
                        statusField.SortExpression = "Status";
                        statusField.HtmlEncode = false;

                    var deleteField = new DeleteField();
                    gItems.Columns.Add( deleteField );
                    deleteField.Click += gItems_Delete;

                this.Visible = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Called by the ASP.NET page framework to notify server controls that use composition-based implementation to create any child controls they contain in preparation for posting back or rendering.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void CreateChildControls()

            _hfExpanded = new HiddenFieldWithClass();
            Controls.Add( _hfExpanded );
            _hfExpanded.ID = this.ID + "_hfExpanded";
            _hfExpanded.CssClass = "filter-expanded";
            _hfExpanded.Value = "False";

            _hfActivityTypeGuid = new HiddenField();
            Controls.Add( _hfActivityTypeGuid );
            _hfActivityTypeGuid.ID = this.ID + "_hfActivityTypeGuid";

            _lblActivityTypeName = new Label();
            Controls.Add( _lblActivityTypeName );
            _lblActivityTypeName.ClientIDMode = ClientIDMode.Static;
            _lblActivityTypeName.ID = this.ID + "_lblActivityTypeName";

            _lblActivityTypeDescription = new Label();
            Controls.Add( _lblActivityTypeDescription );
            _lblActivityTypeDescription.ClientIDMode = ClientIDMode.Static;
            _lblActivityTypeDescription.ID = this.ID + "_lblActivityTypeDescription";

            _lblInactive = new Label();
            Controls.Add( _lblInactive );
            _lblInactive.ClientIDMode = ClientIDMode.Static;
            _lblInactive.ID = this.ID + "_lblInactive";
            _lblInactive.CssClass = "pull-right";
            _lblInactive.Text = "<span class='label label-danger'>Inactive</span>";

            _lbDeleteActivityType = new LinkButton();
            Controls.Add( _lbDeleteActivityType );
            _lbDeleteActivityType.CausesValidation = false;
            _lbDeleteActivityType.ID = this.ID + "_lbDeleteActivityType";
            _lbDeleteActivityType.CssClass = "btn btn-xs btn-danger js-activity-delete";
            _lbDeleteActivityType.Click += lbDeleteActivityType_Click;
            _lbDeleteActivityType.Controls.Add( new LiteralControl { Text = "<i class='fa fa-times'></i>" } );

            _sbSecurity = new SecurityButton();
            Controls.Add( _sbSecurity );
            _sbSecurity.ID = this.ID + "_sbSecurity";
            _sbSecurity.Attributes["class"] = "btn btn-security btn-xs security pull-right";
            _sbSecurity.EntityTypeId = EntityTypeCache.Read( typeof( Rock.Model.WorkflowActivityType ) ).Id;

            _cbActivityTypeIsActive = new RockCheckBox { Text = "Active" };
            Controls.Add( _cbActivityTypeIsActive );
            _cbActivityTypeIsActive.ID = this.ID + "_cbActivityTypeIsActive";
            string checkboxScriptFormat = @"
            if ($(this).is(':checked')) {{
            else {{

            _cbActivityTypeIsActive.InputAttributes.Add( "onclick", string.Format( checkboxScriptFormat, _lblInactive.ID, this.ID + "_section" ) );

            _tbActivityTypeName = new RockTextBox();
            Controls.Add( _tbActivityTypeName );
            _tbActivityTypeName.ID = this.ID + "_tbActivityTypeName";
            _tbActivityTypeName.Label = "Name";
            _tbActivityTypeName.Required = true;
            _tbActivityTypeName.Attributes["onblur"] = string.Format( "javascript: $('#{0}').text($(this).val());", _lblActivityTypeName.ID );

            _tbActivityTypeDescription = new RockTextBox();
            Controls.Add( _tbActivityTypeDescription );
            _tbActivityTypeDescription.ID = this.ID + "_tbActivityTypeDescription";
            _tbActivityTypeDescription.Label = "Description";
            _tbActivityTypeDescription.TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine;
            _tbActivityTypeDescription.Rows = 2;
            _tbActivityTypeDescription.Attributes["onblur"] = string.Format( "javascript: $('#{0}').text($(this).val());", _lblActivityTypeDescription.ID );

            _cbActivityTypeIsActivatedWithWorkflow = new RockCheckBox { Text = "Activated with Workflow" };
            Controls.Add( _cbActivityTypeIsActivatedWithWorkflow );
            _cbActivityTypeIsActivatedWithWorkflow.ID = this.ID + "_cbActivityTypeIsActivatedWithWorkflow";
            checkboxScriptFormat = @"
            if ($(this).is(':checked')) {{
            else {{
            _cbActivityTypeIsActivatedWithWorkflow.InputAttributes.Add( "onclick", string.Format( checkboxScriptFormat, this.ID + "_section" ) );

            _lbAddActionType = new LinkButton();
            Controls.Add( _lbAddActionType );
            _lbAddActionType.ID = this.ID + "_lbAddAction";
            _lbAddActionType.CssClass = "btn btn-xs btn-action";
            _lbAddActionType.Click += lbAddActionType_Click;
            _lbAddActionType.CausesValidation = false;
            _lbAddActionType.Controls.Add( new LiteralControl { Text = "<i class='fa fa-plus'></i> Add Action" } );

            _pwAttributes = new PanelWidget();
            Controls.Add( _pwAttributes );
            _pwAttributes.ID = this.ID + "_pwAttributes";
            _pwAttributes.Title = "Activity Attributes";
            _pwAttributes.CssClass = "attribute-panel";

            _gAttributes = new Grid();
            _pwAttributes.Controls.Add( _gAttributes );
            _gAttributes.ID = this.ID + "_gAttributes";
            _gAttributes.AllowPaging = false;
            _gAttributes.DisplayType = GridDisplayType.Light;
            _gAttributes.RowItemText = "Activity Attribute";
            _gAttributes.AddCssClass( "attribute-grid" );
            _gAttributes.DataKeyNames = new string[] { "Guid" };
            _gAttributes.Actions.ShowAdd = true;
            _gAttributes.Actions.AddClick += gAttributes_Add;
            _gAttributes.GridRebind += gAttributes_Rebind;
            _gAttributes.GridReorder += gAttributes_Reorder;

            var reorderField = new ReorderField();
            _gAttributes.Columns.Add( reorderField );

            var nameField = new BoundField();
            nameField.DataField = "Name";
            nameField.HeaderText = "Attribute";
            _gAttributes.Columns.Add( nameField );

            var descField = new BoundField();
            descField.DataField = "Description";
            descField.HeaderText = "Description";
            _gAttributes.Columns.Add( descField );

            var fieldTypeField = new BoundField();
            fieldTypeField.DataField = "FieldType";
            fieldTypeField.HeaderText = "Field Type";
            _gAttributes.Columns.Add( fieldTypeField );

            var reqField = new BoolField();
            reqField.DataField = "IsRequired";
            reqField.HeaderText = "Required";
            _gAttributes.Columns.Add( reqField );

            var editField = new EditField();
            editField.Click += gAttributes_Edit;
            _gAttributes.Columns.Add( editField );

            var delField = new DeleteField();
            delField.Click += gAttributes_Delete;
            _gAttributes.Columns.Add( delField );
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the child controls.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override Control[] CreateChildControls( Type entityType, FilterField filterControl )
            rp = new RegistrationTemplatePicker();
            rp.ID = filterControl.ID + "_rp";
            rp.Label = "RegistrationTemplate(s)";
            rp.CssClass = "js-group-picker";
            rp.AllowMultiSelect = true;
            rp.Help = "Select the registration templates that you want the registrants for. Leaving this blank will not restrict results to a registration template.";
            filterControl.Controls.Add( rp );

            cbIncludeInactiveRegistrationInstances = new RockCheckBox();
            cbIncludeInactiveRegistrationInstances.ID = filterControl.ID + "_cbIncludeInactiveRegistrationInstances";
            cbIncludeInactiveRegistrationInstances.Text = "Include Inactive Registration Instances";
            cbIncludeInactiveRegistrationInstances.CssClass = "js-include-inactive-groups";
            cbIncludeInactiveRegistrationInstances.AutoPostBack = true;
            filterControl.Controls.Add( cbIncludeInactiveRegistrationInstances );

            PanelWidget pwAdvanced = new PanelWidget();
            filterControl.Controls.Add( pwAdvanced );
            pwAdvanced.ID = filterControl.ID + "_pwAttributes";
            pwAdvanced.Title = "Advanced Filters";
            pwAdvanced.CssClass = "advanced-panel";

            SlidingDateRangePicker registeredOnDateRangePicker = new SlidingDateRangePicker();
            registeredOnDateRangePicker.ID = pwAdvanced.ID + "_addedOnDateRangePicker";
            registeredOnDateRangePicker.AddCssClass( "js-sliding-date-range" );
            registeredOnDateRangePicker.Label = "Date Registered:";
            registeredOnDateRangePicker.Help = "Select the date range that the person was registered. Leaving this blank will not restrict results to a date range.";
            pwAdvanced.Controls.Add( registeredOnDateRangePicker );

            return new Control[4] { rp, cbIncludeInactiveRegistrationInstances, registeredOnDateRangePicker, pwAdvanced };
예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the field panel widget.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reportFieldGuid">The report field unique identifier.</param>
        /// <param name="reportFieldType">Type of the report field.</param>
        /// <param name="fieldSelection">The field selection.</param>
        /// <param name="showExpanded">if set to <c>true</c> [show expanded].</param>
        /// <param name="setReportFieldValues">if set to <c>true</c> [set report field values].</param>
        /// <param name="reportField">The report field.</param>
        private void AddFieldPanelWidget( Guid reportFieldGuid, ReportFieldType reportFieldType, string fieldSelection, bool showExpanded, bool setReportFieldValues = false, ReportField reportField = null )
            int entityTypeId = ddlEntityType.SelectedValueAsInt() ?? 0;
            if (entityTypeId == 0)
            PanelWidget panelWidget = new PanelWidget();
            panelWidget.ID = string.Format( "reportFieldWidget_{0}", reportFieldGuid.ToString( "N" ) );

            string fieldTitle = null;
            DataSelectComponent dataSelectComponent = null;
            switch ( reportFieldType )
                case ReportFieldType.Property:
                    var entityType = EntityTypeCache.Read( entityTypeId ).GetEntityType();
                    var entityField = EntityHelper.GetEntityFields( entityType ).FirstOrDefault( a => a.Name == fieldSelection );
                    if ( entityField != null )
                        fieldTitle = entityField.Title;


                case ReportFieldType.Attribute:
                    var attribute = AttributeCache.Read( fieldSelection.AsInteger() ?? 0 );
                    if ( attribute != null )
                        fieldTitle = attribute.Name;


                case ReportFieldType.DataSelectComponent:
                    string dataSelectComponentTypeName = EntityTypeCache.Read( fieldSelection.AsInteger() ?? 0 ).GetEntityType().FullName;
                    dataSelectComponent = Rock.Reporting.DataSelectContainer.GetComponent( dataSelectComponentTypeName );
                    if ( dataSelectComponent != null )
                        fieldTitle = dataSelectComponent.GetTitle( null );


            if ( fieldTitle == null )
                // return if we can't determine field

            panelWidget.Title = fieldTitle;
            panelWidget.ShowDeleteButton = true;
            panelWidget.DeleteClick += FieldsPanelWidget_DeleteClick;
            panelWidget.ShowReorderIcon = true;
            panelWidget.Expanded = showExpanded;

            HiddenField hfReportFieldType = new HiddenField();
            hfReportFieldType.ID = panelWidget.ID + "_hfReportFieldType";
            hfReportFieldType.Value = reportFieldType.ConvertToString();
            panelWidget.Controls.Add( hfReportFieldType );

            HiddenField hfFieldSelection = new HiddenField();
            hfFieldSelection.ID = panelWidget.ID + "_hfFieldSelection";
            hfFieldSelection.Value = fieldSelection;
            panelWidget.Controls.Add( hfFieldSelection );

            RockCheckBox showInGridCheckBox = new RockCheckBox();
            showInGridCheckBox.ID = panelWidget.ID + "_showInGridCheckBox";
            showInGridCheckBox.Text = "Show in Grid";

            if ( setReportFieldValues )
                showInGridCheckBox.Checked = reportField.ShowInGrid;

            panelWidget.Controls.Add( showInGridCheckBox );

            RockTextBox columnHeaderTextTextBox = new RockTextBox();
            columnHeaderTextTextBox.ID = panelWidget.ID + "_columnHeaderTextTextBox";
            columnHeaderTextTextBox.Label = "Column Label";
            if ( setReportFieldValues )
                columnHeaderTextTextBox.Text = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( reportField.ColumnHeaderText ) ? fieldTitle : reportField.ColumnHeaderText;

            panelWidget.Controls.Add( columnHeaderTextTextBox );

            if ( dataSelectComponent != null )
                PlaceHolder phDataSelectControls = new PlaceHolder();
                phDataSelectControls.ID = panelWidget.ID + "_phDataSelectControls";
                panelWidget.Controls.Add( phDataSelectControls );
                var dataSelectControls = dataSelectComponent.CreateChildControls( phDataSelectControls );

                if ( setReportFieldValues )
                    dataSelectComponent.SetSelection( dataSelectControls, reportField.Selection );

            phReportFields.Controls.Add( panelWidget );
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the child controls.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override Control[] CreateChildControls( Type entityType, FilterField filterControl )
            gp = new GroupPicker();
            gp.ID = filterControl.ID + "_gp";
            gp.Label = "Group(s)";
            gp.SelectItem += gp_SelectItem;
            gp.CssClass = "js-group-picker";
            gp.AllowMultiSelect = true;
            filterControl.Controls.Add( gp );

            cbChildGroups = new RockCheckBox();
            cbChildGroups.ID = filterControl.ID + "_cbChildsGroups";
            cbChildGroups.Text = "Include Child Group(s)";
            cbChildGroups.CssClass = "js-include-child-groups";
            cbChildGroups.AutoPostBack = true;
            cbChildGroups.CheckedChanged += gp_SelectItem;
            filterControl.Controls.Add( cbChildGroups );

            cbIncludeSelectedGroup = new RockCheckBox();
            cbIncludeSelectedGroup.ID = filterControl.ID + "_cbIncludeSelectedGroup";
            cbIncludeSelectedGroup.Text = "Include Selected Group(s)";
            cbIncludeSelectedGroup.CssClass = "js-include-selected-groups";
            cbIncludeSelectedGroup.AutoPostBack = true;
            cbIncludeSelectedGroup.CheckedChanged += gp_SelectItem;
            filterControl.Controls.Add( cbIncludeSelectedGroup );

            cbChildGroupsPlusDescendants = new RockCheckBox();
            cbChildGroupsPlusDescendants.ID = filterControl.ID + "_cbChildGroupsPlusDescendants";
            cbChildGroupsPlusDescendants.Text = "Include All Descendants(s)";
            cbChildGroupsPlusDescendants.CssClass = "js-include-child-groups-descendants";
            cbChildGroupsPlusDescendants.AutoPostBack = true;
            cbChildGroupsPlusDescendants.CheckedChanged += gp_SelectItem;
            filterControl.Controls.Add( cbChildGroupsPlusDescendants );

            cbIncludeInactiveGroups = new RockCheckBox();
            cbIncludeInactiveGroups.ID = filterControl.ID + "_cbIncludeInactiveGroups";
            cbIncludeInactiveGroups.Text = "Include Inactive Groups";
            cbIncludeInactiveGroups.CssClass = "js-include-inactive-groups";
            cbIncludeInactiveGroups.AutoPostBack = true;
            cbIncludeInactiveGroups.CheckedChanged += gp_SelectItem;
            filterControl.Controls.Add( cbIncludeInactiveGroups );

            cblRole = new RockCheckBoxList();
            cblRole.Label = "with Group Member Role(s) (optional)";
            cblRole.ID = filterControl.ID + "_cblRole";
            cblRole.CssClass = "js-roles";
            cblRole.Visible = false;
            filterControl.Controls.Add( cblRole );

            RockDropDownList ddlGroupMemberStatus = new RockDropDownList();
            ddlGroupMemberStatus.CssClass = "js-group-member-status";
            ddlGroupMemberStatus.ID = filterControl.ID + "_ddlGroupMemberStatus";
            ddlGroupMemberStatus.Label = "with Group Member Status";
            ddlGroupMemberStatus.Help = "Select a specific group member status to only include group members with that status. Leaving this blank will return all members.";
            ddlGroupMemberStatus.BindToEnum<GroupMemberStatus>( true );
            ddlGroupMemberStatus.SetValue( GroupMemberStatus.Active.ConvertToInt() );
            filterControl.Controls.Add( ddlGroupMemberStatus );

            PanelWidget pwAdvanced = new PanelWidget();
            filterControl.Controls.Add( pwAdvanced );
            pwAdvanced.ID = filterControl.ID + "_pwAttributes";
            pwAdvanced.Title = "Advanced Filters";
            pwAdvanced.CssClass = "advanced-panel";

            SlidingDateRangePicker addedOnDateRangePicker = new SlidingDateRangePicker();
            addedOnDateRangePicker.ID = pwAdvanced.ID + "_addedOnDateRangePicker";
            addedOnDateRangePicker.AddCssClass( "js-sliding-date-range" );
            addedOnDateRangePicker.Label = "Date Added:";
            addedOnDateRangePicker.Help = "Select the date range that the person was added to the group. Leaving this blank will not restrict results to a date range.";
            pwAdvanced.Controls.Add( addedOnDateRangePicker );

            return new Control[9] { gp, cbChildGroups, cbIncludeSelectedGroup, cbChildGroupsPlusDescendants, cblRole, ddlGroupMemberStatus, cbIncludeInactiveGroups, addedOnDateRangePicker, pwAdvanced };
예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the data select controls.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reportFieldType">Type of the report field.</param>
        /// <param name="fieldSelection">The field selection.</param>
        /// <param name="panelWidget">The panel widget.</param>
        /// <param name="rockContext">The rock context.</param>
        private void CreateFieldTypeSpecificControls( ReportFieldType reportFieldType, string fieldSelection, PanelWidget panelWidget, RockContext rockContext )
            PlaceHolder phDataSelectControls = panelWidget.ControlsOfTypeRecursive<PlaceHolder>().FirstOrDefault( a => a.ID == panelWidget.ID + "_phDataSelectControls" );
            if ( phDataSelectControls == null )
                phDataSelectControls = new PlaceHolder();
                phDataSelectControls.ID = panelWidget.ID + "_phDataSelectControls";
                panelWidget.Controls.Add( phDataSelectControls );


            if ( reportFieldType == ReportFieldType.DataSelectComponent )
                var dataSelectComponent = GetDataSelectComponent( rockContext, fieldSelection.AsInteger() );
                if ( dataSelectComponent != null )
                    dataSelectComponent.CreateChildControls( phDataSelectControls );
예제 #12
        private void BuildAttributes( bool setValues )
            var rockContext = new RockContext();
            var selectedCategories = new List<CategoryCache>();
            foreach ( string categoryGuid in GetAttributeValue( "AttributeCategories" ).SplitDelimitedValues() )
                var category = CategoryCache.Read( categoryGuid.AsGuid(), rockContext );
                if ( category != null )
                    selectedCategories.Add( category );

            int categoryIndex = 0;
            foreach( var category in selectedCategories.OrderBy( c => c.Name ) )
                var pw = new PanelWidget();
                pw.ID = "pwAttributes_" + category.Id.ToString();
                if ( categoryIndex % 2 == 0)
                    phAttributesCol1.Controls.Add( pw );
                    phAttributesCol2.Controls.Add( pw );

                if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( category.IconCssClass ) )
                    pw.TitleIconCssClass = category.IconCssClass;
                pw.Title = category.Name;

                var orderedAttributeList = new AttributeService( rockContext ).GetByCategoryId( category.Id )
                    .OrderBy( a => a.Order ).ThenBy( a => a.Name );
                foreach ( var attribute in orderedAttributeList )
                    if ( attribute.IsAuthorized( Authorization.EDIT, CurrentPerson ) )
                        var attributeCache = AttributeCache.Read( attribute.Id );
                        attributeCache.AddControl( pw.Controls, string.Empty, string.Empty, setValues, true, false );
예제 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Selecteds the field type supports sorting.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="panelWidget">The panel widget.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool SelectedFieldTypeSupportsSorting( PanelWidget panelWidget )
                string ddlFieldsId = panelWidget.ID + "_ddlFields";
                RockDropDownList ddlFields = phReportFields.ControlsOfTypeRecursive<RockDropDownList>().First( a => a.ID == ddlFieldsId );
                bool fieldSupportsSorting = true;
                var fieldTypeSelection = GetSelectedFieldTypeSelection( ddlFields );
                if ( fieldTypeSelection != null )
                    if ( fieldTypeSelection.ReportFieldType == ReportFieldType.DataSelectComponent )
                        var entityTypeId = fieldTypeSelection.FieldSelection.AsIntegerOrNull();
                        if ( entityTypeId.HasValue )
                            var dataSelectComponent = this.GetDataSelectComponent( new RockContext(), entityTypeId.Value );
                            if ( dataSelectComponent != null )
                                if ( dataSelectComponent.SortProperties( string.Empty ) == string.Empty )
                                    fieldSupportsSorting = false;

                return fieldSupportsSorting;
                // if an exception occurred, ignore and assume it supports sorting
                return true;
예제 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Populates the field panel widget.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="panelWidget">The panel widget.</param>
        /// <param name="reportField">The report field.</param>
        /// <param name="reportFieldType">Type of the report field.</param>
        /// <param name="fieldSelection">The field selection.</param>
        /// <param name="rockContext">The rock context.</param>
        private void PopulateFieldPanelWidget( PanelWidget panelWidget, ReportField reportField, ReportFieldType reportFieldType, string fieldSelection, RockContext rockContext )
            int entityTypeId = etpEntityType.SelectedEntityTypeId ?? 0;
            if ( entityTypeId == 0 )

            string defaultColumnHeaderText = null;
            DataSelectComponent dataSelectComponent = null;
            bool fieldDefined = false;
            switch ( reportFieldType )
                case ReportFieldType.Property:
                    var entityType = EntityTypeCache.Read( entityTypeId, rockContext ).GetEntityType();
                    var entityField = EntityHelper.GetEntityFields( entityType ).FirstOrDefault( a => a.Name == fieldSelection );
                    if ( entityField != null )
                        defaultColumnHeaderText = entityField.Title;
                        fieldDefined = true;


                case ReportFieldType.Attribute:
                    var attribute = AttributeCache.Read( fieldSelection.AsGuid(), rockContext );
                    if ( attribute != null )
                        defaultColumnHeaderText = attribute.Name;
                        fieldDefined = true;


                case ReportFieldType.DataSelectComponent:
                    dataSelectComponent = this.GetDataSelectComponent( rockContext, fieldSelection.AsInteger() );

                    if ( dataSelectComponent != null )
                        defaultColumnHeaderText = dataSelectComponent.ColumnHeaderText;
                        fieldDefined = true;


            // Show the common field properties.
            string fieldTitle = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( reportField.ColumnHeaderText ) ? defaultColumnHeaderText : reportField.ColumnHeaderText;
            panelWidget.Title = fieldTitle;

            RockCheckBox showInGridCheckBox = panelWidget.ControlsOfTypeRecursive<RockCheckBox>().FirstOrDefault( a => a.ID == panelWidget.ID + "_showInGridCheckBox" );
            showInGridCheckBox.Checked = reportField.ShowInGrid;

            RockTextBox columnHeaderTextTextBox = panelWidget.ControlsOfTypeRecursive<RockTextBox>().FirstOrDefault( a => a.ID == panelWidget.ID + "_columnHeaderTextTextBox" );
            columnHeaderTextTextBox.Text = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( reportField.ColumnHeaderText ) ? defaultColumnHeaderText : reportField.ColumnHeaderText;

            // Show settings that are specific to the field type.
            if ( !fieldDefined )
                // return if we can't determine field

            RockDropDownList ddlFields = panelWidget.ControlsOfTypeRecursive<RockDropDownList>().FirstOrDefault( a => a.ID == panelWidget.ID + "_ddlFields" );
            if ( reportField.ReportFieldType == ReportFieldType.Attribute )
                var selectedValue = string.Format( "{0}|{1}", reportField.ReportFieldType, reportField.Selection );
                if ( ddlFields.Items.OfType<ListItem>().Any( a => a.Value == selectedValue ) )
                    ddlFields.SelectedValue = selectedValue;
                    // if this EntityField is not available for the current person, but this reportField already has it configured, let them keep it
                    var attribute = AttributeCache.Read( fieldSelection.AsGuid(), rockContext );
                    ddlFields.Items.Add( new ListItem( attribute.Name, selectedValue ) );
                    ddlFields.SelectedValue = selectedValue;
            else if ( reportField.ReportFieldType == ReportFieldType.Property )
                ddlFields.SelectedValue = string.Format( "{0}|{1}", reportField.ReportFieldType, reportField.Selection );
            else if ( reportField.ReportFieldType == ReportFieldType.DataSelectComponent )
                ddlFields.SelectedValue = string.Format( "{0}|{1}", reportField.ReportFieldType, dataSelectComponent.TypeId );

            if ( dataSelectComponent != null )
                PlaceHolder phDataSelectControls = panelWidget.ControlsOfTypeRecursive<PlaceHolder>().FirstOrDefault( a => a.ID == panelWidget.ID + "_phDataSelectControls" );
                if ( phDataSelectControls != null )
                    var dataSelectControls = phDataSelectControls.Controls.OfType<Control>().ToArray();
                    dataSelectComponent.SetSelection( dataSelectControls, reportField.Selection ?? string.Empty );