예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the specified workflow.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rockContext">The rock context.</param>
        /// <param name="action">The action.</param>
        /// <param name="entity">The entity.</param>
        /// <param name="errorMessages">The error messages.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override bool Execute( RockContext rockContext, WorkflowAction action, Object entity, out List<string> errorMessages )
            errorMessages = new List<string>();

            Guid? workflowGuid = GetAttributeValue( action, "Workflow", true ).AsGuidOrNull();
            if ( workflowGuid.HasValue )
                using ( var newRockContext = new RockContext() )
                    var workflowService = new WorkflowService( newRockContext );
                    var workflow = workflowService.Get( workflowGuid.Value );
                    if ( workflow != null )
                        string status = GetAttributeValue( action, "Status" ).ResolveMergeFields( GetMergeFields( action ) );
                        workflow.Status = status;
                        workflow.AddLogEntry( string.Format( "Status set to '{0}' by another workflow: {1}", status, action.Activity.Workflow ) );

                        action.AddLogEntry( string.Format( "Set Status to '{0}' on another workflow: {1}", status, workflow ) );

                        bool processNow = GetAttributeValue( action, "ProcessNow" ).AsBoolean();
                        if ( processNow )
                            var processErrors = new List<string>();
                            if ( !workflowService.Process( workflow, out processErrors ) )
                                action.AddLogEntry( "Error(s) occurred processing target workflow: " + processErrors.AsDelimited( ", " ) );

                        return true;

                action.AddLogEntry( "Could not find selected workflow." );
                action.AddLogEntry( "Workflow attribute was not set." );
                return true;    // Continue processing in this case

            return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Delete event of the gWorkflows control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="RowEventArgs" /> instance containing the event data.</param>
        protected void gWorkflows_Delete( object sender, RowEventArgs e )
            var rockContext = new RockContext();
            WorkflowService workflowService = new WorkflowService( rockContext );
            Workflow workflow = workflowService.Get( (int)e.RowKeyValue );
            if ( workflow != null )
                string errorMessage;
                if ( !workflowService.CanDelete( workflow, out errorMessage ) )
                    mdGridWarning.Show( errorMessage, ModalAlertType.Information );

                workflowService.Delete( workflow );

예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the specified workflow.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rockContext">The rock context.</param>
        /// <param name="action">The action.</param>
        /// <param name="entity">The entity.</param>
        /// <param name="errorMessages">The error messages.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override bool Execute( RockContext rockContext, WorkflowAction action, Object entity, out List<string> errorMessages )
            errorMessages = new List<string>();

            var workflow = action.Activity.Workflow;
            if ( workflow.Id >= 0 )
                // Create a new RockContext so that any previous updates are ignored and
                // workflow can be sucessfully deleted
                var newRockContext = new RockContext();
                var workflowService = new WorkflowService( newRockContext );
                var workflowToDelete = workflowService.Get( workflow.Id );
                if ( workflowToDelete != null )
                    workflowService.Delete( workflowToDelete );

            workflow.Id = 0;
            workflow.IsPersisted = false;

            return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Click event of the btnSave control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs" /> instance containing the event data.</param>
        protected void btnSave_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )
            var rockContext = new RockContext();
            var service = new WorkflowService( rockContext );

            ParseControls( rockContext, true );

            Workflow dbWorkflow = null;

            if ( Workflow != null )
                dbWorkflow = service.Get( Workflow.Id );

                if ( dbWorkflow != null )
                    if ( !dbWorkflow.CompletedDateTime.HasValue && Workflow.CompletedDateTime.HasValue )
                        dbWorkflow.AddLogEntry( "Workflow Manually Completed." );
                        dbWorkflow.CompletedDateTime = Workflow.CompletedDateTime;
                    else if ( dbWorkflow.CompletedDateTime.HasValue && !Workflow.CompletedDateTime.HasValue )
                        dbWorkflow.AddLogEntry( "Workflow Manually Re-Activated." );
                        dbWorkflow.CompletedDateTime = null;

                    if ( dbWorkflow.Name.Trim() != Workflow.Name.Trim() )
                        dbWorkflow.AddLogEntry( string.Format( "Workflow name manually changed from '{0}' to '{0}'.", dbWorkflow.Name, tbName.Text ) );
                        dbWorkflow.Name = Workflow.Name;

                    if ( dbWorkflow.Status.Trim() != Workflow.Status.Trim() )
                        dbWorkflow.AddLogEntry( string.Format( "Workflow status manually changed from '{0}' to '{0}'.", dbWorkflow.Status, tbStatus.Text ) );
                        dbWorkflow.Status = Workflow.Status;

                    if ( !dbWorkflow.InitiatorPersonAliasId.Equals(Workflow.InitiatorPersonAliasId))
                        dbWorkflow.AddLogEntry( string.Format( "Workflow status manually changed from '{0}' to '{0}'.",
                            dbWorkflow.InitiatorPersonAlias != null ? dbWorkflow.InitiatorPersonAlias.Person.FullName : "",
                            Workflow.InitiatorPersonAlias != null ? Workflow.InitiatorPersonAlias.Person.FullName : "" ) );
                        dbWorkflow.InitiatorPersonAlias = Workflow.InitiatorPersonAlias;
                        dbWorkflow.InitiatorPersonAliasId = Workflow.InitiatorPersonAliasId;

                    if ( !Page.IsValid || !dbWorkflow.IsValid )

                    foreach ( var activity in Workflow.Activities )
                        if ( !activity.IsValid )
                        foreach ( var action in activity.Actions )
                            if ( !action.IsValid )

                    rockContext.WrapTransaction( () =>

                        dbWorkflow.LoadAttributes( rockContext );
                        foreach ( var attributeValue in Workflow.AttributeValues )
                            dbWorkflow.SetAttributeValue( attributeValue.Key, Workflow.GetAttributeValue( attributeValue.Key ) );
                        dbWorkflow.SaveAttributeValues( rockContext );

                        WorkflowActivityService workflowActivityService = new WorkflowActivityService( rockContext );
                        WorkflowActionService workflowActionService = new WorkflowActionService( rockContext );

                        var activitiesInUi = new List<Guid>();
                        var actionsInUI = new List<Guid>();
                        foreach ( var activity in Workflow.Activities )
                            activitiesInUi.Add( activity.Guid );
                            foreach ( var action in activity.Actions )
                                actionsInUI.Add( action.Guid );

                        // delete WorkflowActions that were removed in the UI
                        foreach ( var action in workflowActionService.Queryable()
                            .Where( a =>
                                a.Activity.WorkflowId.Equals( dbWorkflow.Id ) &&
                                !actionsInUI.Contains( a.Guid ) ) )
                            workflowActionService.Delete( action );

                        // delete WorkflowActivities that aren't assigned in the UI anymore
                        foreach ( var activity in workflowActivityService.Queryable()
                            .Where( a =>
                                a.WorkflowId.Equals( dbWorkflow.Id ) &&
                                !activitiesInUi.Contains( a.Guid ) ) )
                            workflowActivityService.Delete( activity );


                        // add or update WorkflowActivities(and Actions) that are assigned in the UI
                        foreach ( var editorWorkflowActivity in Workflow.Activities )
                            // Add or Update the activity type
                            WorkflowActivity workflowActivity = dbWorkflow.Activities.FirstOrDefault( a => a.Guid.Equals( editorWorkflowActivity.Guid ) );
                            if ( workflowActivity == null )
                                workflowActivity = new WorkflowActivity();
                                workflowActivity.ActivityTypeId = editorWorkflowActivity.ActivityTypeId;
                                dbWorkflow.Activities.Add( workflowActivity );

                            workflowActivity.AssignedPersonAliasId = editorWorkflowActivity.AssignedPersonAliasId;
                            workflowActivity.AssignedGroupId = editorWorkflowActivity.AssignedGroupId;
                            workflowActivity.ActivatedDateTime = editorWorkflowActivity.ActivatedDateTime;
                            workflowActivity.LastProcessedDateTime = editorWorkflowActivity.LastProcessedDateTime;

                            if ( !workflowActivity.CompletedDateTime.HasValue && editorWorkflowActivity.CompletedDateTime.HasValue )
                                workflowActivity.AddLogEntry( "Activity Manually Completed." );
                                workflowActivity.CompletedDateTime = RockDateTime.Now;
                            if ( workflowActivity.CompletedDateTime.HasValue && !editorWorkflowActivity.CompletedDateTime.HasValue )
                                workflowActivity.AddLogEntry( "Activity Manually Re-Activated." );
                                workflowActivity.CompletedDateTime = null;

                            // Save Activity Type

                            // Save ActivityType Attributes
                            workflowActivity.LoadAttributes( rockContext );
                            foreach ( var attributeValue in editorWorkflowActivity.AttributeValues )
                                workflowActivity.SetAttributeValue( attributeValue.Key, editorWorkflowActivity.GetAttributeValue( attributeValue.Key ) );
                            workflowActivity.SaveAttributeValues( rockContext );

                            foreach ( var editorWorkflowAction in editorWorkflowActivity.Actions )
                                WorkflowAction workflowAction = workflowActivity.Actions.FirstOrDefault( a => a.Guid.Equals( editorWorkflowAction.Guid ) );
                                if ( workflowAction == null )
                                    // New action
                                    workflowAction = new WorkflowAction();
                                    workflowAction.ActionTypeId = editorWorkflowAction.ActionTypeId;
                                    workflowActivity.Actions.Add( workflowAction );

                                workflowAction.LastProcessedDateTime = editorWorkflowAction.LastProcessedDateTime;
                                workflowAction.FormAction = editorWorkflowAction.FormAction;

                                if ( !workflowAction.CompletedDateTime.HasValue && editorWorkflowAction.CompletedDateTime.HasValue )
                                    workflowAction.AddLogEntry( "Action Manually Completed." );
                                    workflowAction.CompletedDateTime = RockDateTime.Now;
                                if ( workflowAction.CompletedDateTime.HasValue && !editorWorkflowAction.CompletedDateTime.HasValue )
                                    workflowAction.AddLogEntry( "Action Manually Re-Activated." );
                                    workflowAction.CompletedDateTime = null;

                            // Save action updates


                    } );


                Workflow = service
                    .FirstOrDefault( w => w.Id == Workflow.Id );

                var errorMessages = new List<string>();
                service.Process( Workflow, out errorMessages );


예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Delete event of the gWorkflows control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="RowEventArgs" /> instance containing the event data.</param>
        protected void gWorkflows_Delete( object sender, RowEventArgs e )
            RockTransactionScope.WrapTransaction( () =>
                WorkflowService workflowService = new WorkflowService();
                Workflow workflow = workflowService.Get( (int)e.RowKeyValue );
                if ( workflow != null )
                    string errorMessage;
                    if ( !workflowService.CanDelete( workflow, out errorMessage ) )
                        mdGridWarning.Show( errorMessage, ModalAlertType.Information );

                    workflowService.Delete( workflow, CurrentPersonId );
                    workflowService.Save( workflow, CurrentPersonId );
            } );
