/// <summary>
        /// Shows the active users.
        /// </summary>
        private void ShowActiveUsers()
            int? siteId = GetAttributeValue( "Site" ).AsIntegerOrNull();
            if (!siteId.HasValue)
                lMessages.Text = "<div class='alert alert-warning'>No site is currently configured.</div>";
                int? pageViewCount = GetAttributeValue( "PageViewCount" ).AsIntegerOrNull();
                if ( !pageViewCount.HasValue || pageViewCount.Value == 0 )
                    pageViewCount = 1;

                StringBuilder sbUsers = new StringBuilder();

                var site = SiteCache.Read( siteId.Value );
                lSiteName.Text = "<h4>" + site.Name + "</h4>";
                lSiteName.Visible = GetAttributeValue( "ShowSiteNameAsTitle" ).AsBoolean();

                lMessages.Text = string.Empty;

                using ( var rockContext = new RockContext() )
                    IQueryable<PageView> pageViewQry = new PageViewService( rockContext ).Queryable( "Page" );

                    // Query to get who is logged in and last visit was to selected site
                    var activeLogins = new UserLoginService( rockContext ).Queryable( "Person" )
                        .Where( l =>
                            l.PersonId.HasValue &&
                            l.IsOnLine == true )
                        .OrderByDescending( l => l.LastActivityDateTime )
                        .Select( l => new
                            login = l,
                            pageViews = pageViewQry
                                .Where( v => v.PersonAlias.PersonId == l.PersonId )
                                .OrderByDescending( v => v.DateTimeViewed )
                                .Take( pageViewCount.Value )
                        } )
                        .Where( a =>
                            a.pageViews.Any() &&
                            a.pageViews.FirstOrDefault().SiteId == site.Id );

                    if ( CurrentUser != null )
                        activeLogins = activeLogins.Where( m => m.login.UserName != CurrentUser.UserName );

                    foreach ( var activeLogin in activeLogins )
                        var login = activeLogin.login;
                        var pageViews = activeLogin.pageViews.ToList();
                        Guid? latestSession = pageViews.FirstOrDefault().SessionId;

                        string pageViewsHtml = activeLogin.pageViews.ToList()
                                                .Where( v => v.SessionId == latestSession )
                                                .Select( v => HttpUtility.HtmlEncode( v.Page.PageTitle ) ).ToList().AsDelimited( "<br> " );

                        TimeSpan tsLastActivity = login.LastActivityDateTime.HasValue ? RockDateTime.Now.Subtract( login.LastActivityDateTime.Value ) : TimeSpan.MaxValue;
                        string className = tsLastActivity.Minutes <= 5 ? "recent" : "not-recent";

                        // create link to the person
                        string personLink = login.Person.FullName;

                        if ( GetAttributeValue( "PersonProfilePage" ) != null )
                            string personProfilePage = GetAttributeValue( "PersonProfilePage" );
                            var pageParams = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                            pageParams.Add( "PersonId", login.Person.Id.ToString() );
                            var pageReference = new Rock.Web.PageReference( personProfilePage, pageParams );
                            personLink = string.Format( @"<a href='{0}'>{1}</a>", pageReference.BuildUrl(), login.Person.FullName );

                        // determine whether to show last page views
                        if ( GetAttributeValue( "PageViewCount" ).AsInteger() > 0 )
                            string format = @"
            <li class='active-user {0}' data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' title='{2}'>
            <i class='fa-li fa fa-circle'></i> {1}

                            sbUsers.Append( string.Format( format, className, personLink, pageViewsHtml ) );
                            string format = @"
            <li class='active-user {0}'>
            <i class='fa-li fa fa-circle'></i> {1}
                            sbUsers.Append( string.Format( format, className, personLink ) );

                if ( sbUsers.Length > 0 )
                    lUsers.Text = string.Format( @"<ul class='activeusers fa-ul'>{0}</ul>", sbUsers.ToString() );
                    lMessages.Text = string.Format( "There are no logged in users on the {0} site.", site.Name );
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows the active users.
        /// </summary>
        private void ShowActiveUsers()
            int? siteId = GetAttributeValue( "Site" ).AsIntegerOrNull();
            if ( !siteId.HasValue || SiteCache.Read(siteId.Value) == null )
                lMessages.Text = "<div class='alert alert-warning'>No site is currently configured.</div>";
                int pageViewCount = GetAttributeValue( "PageViewCount" ).AsIntegerOrNull() ?? 0;

                StringBuilder sbUsers = new StringBuilder();

                var site = SiteCache.Read( siteId.Value );
                lSiteName.Text = "<h4>" + site.Name + "</h4>";
                lSiteName.Visible = GetAttributeValue( "ShowSiteNameAsTitle" ).AsBoolean();

                if ( !site.EnablePageViews )
                    lMessages.Text = "<div class='alert alert-warning'>Active " + site.Name + " users not available because page views are not enabled for site.</div>";

                lMessages.Text = string.Empty;
                string guestVisitorsStr = string.Empty;

                using ( var rockContext = new RockContext() )
                    var qryPageViews = new PageViewService( rockContext ).Queryable();
                    var qryPersonAlias = new PersonAliasService( rockContext ).Queryable();
                    var pageViewQry = qryPageViews.Join(
                        pv => pv.PersonAliasId,
                        pa => pa.Id,
                        ( pv, pa ) =>
                            PersonAliasPersonId = pa.PersonId,
                            PagePageTitle = pv.PageTitle
                        } );

                    var last24Hours = RockDateTime.Now.AddDays( -1 );

                    int pageViewTakeCount = pageViewCount;
                    if ( pageViewTakeCount == 0 )
                        pageViewTakeCount = 1;

                    // Query to get who is logged in and last visit was to selected site
                    var activeLogins = new UserLoginService( rockContext ).Queryable()
                        .Where( l =>
                            l.PersonId.HasValue &&
                            l.IsOnLine == true )
                        .OrderByDescending( l => l.LastActivityDateTime )
                        .Select( l => new
                            login = new
                                Person = new
                            pageViews = pageViewQry
                                .Where( v => v.PersonAliasPersonId == l.PersonId )
                                .Where( v => v.DateTimeViewed > last24Hours )
                                .OrderByDescending( v => v.DateTimeViewed )
                                .Take( pageViewTakeCount )
                        } )
                        .Select( a => new
                            pageViews = a.pageViews.ToList()
                        } );

                    if ( CurrentUser != null )
                        activeLogins = activeLogins.Where( m => m.login.UserName != CurrentUser.UserName );

                    foreach ( var activeLogin in activeLogins )
                        var login = activeLogin.login;

                        if ( !activeLogin.pageViews.Any() || activeLogin.pageViews.FirstOrDefault().SiteId != site.Id )
                            // only show active logins with PageViews and the most recent pageview is for the specified site

                        var latestPageViewSessionId = activeLogin.pageViews.FirstOrDefault().PageViewSessionId;

                        TimeSpan tsLastActivity = login.LastActivityDateTime.HasValue ? RockDateTime.Now.Subtract( login.LastActivityDateTime.Value ) : TimeSpan.MaxValue;
                        string className = tsLastActivity.Minutes <= 5 ? "recent" : "not-recent";

                        // create link to the person
                        string personFullName = Person.FormatFullName( login.Person.NickName, login.Person.LastName, login.Person.SuffixValueId );
                        string personLink = personFullName;

                        if ( GetAttributeValue( "PersonProfilePage" ) != null )
                            string personProfilePage = GetAttributeValue( "PersonProfilePage" );
                            var pageParams = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                            pageParams.Add( "PersonId", login.PersonId.ToString() );
                            var pageReference = new Rock.Web.PageReference( personProfilePage, pageParams );
                            personLink = string.Format( @"<a href='{0}'>{1}</a>", pageReference.BuildUrl(), personFullName );

                        // determine whether to show last page views
                        if ( GetAttributeValue( "PageViewCount" ).AsInteger() > 0 )
                            string activeLoginFormat = @"
            <li class='active-user {0}' data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' title='{2}'>
            <i class='fa-li fa fa-circle'></i> {1}
                            // define the formatting for each user entry
                            if ( activeLogin.pageViews != null )
                                string pageViewsHtml = activeLogin.pageViews
                                                    .Where( v => v.PageViewSessionId == latestPageViewSessionId )
                                                    .Select( v => HttpUtility.HtmlEncode( v.PagePageTitle ) ).ToList().AsDelimited( "<br> " );

                                sbUsers.Append( string.Format( activeLoginFormat, className, personLink, pageViewsHtml ) );
                            string inactiveLoginFormat = @"
            <li class='active-user {0}'>
            <i class='fa-li fa fa-circle'></i> {1}
                            sbUsers.Append( string.Format( inactiveLoginFormat, className, personLink ) );

                    // get the 'show guests' attribute and if it's true, determine how many guests there are.
                    bool showGuestVisitors = GetAttributeValue( "ShowGuestVisitors" ).AsBoolean();
                    if ( showGuestVisitors )
                        // build a list of unique sessions views in the past 15 minutes.
                        // We'll only take entries with a null personAliasID, which means they're not logged in,
                        // and thus ARE guests.
                        var last5Minutes = RockDateTime.Now.AddMinutes( -5 );
                        var last15Minutes = RockDateTime.Now.AddMinutes( -15 );

                        var qryGuests = new PageViewService( rockContext ).Queryable().AsNoTracking()
                                                p => p.SiteId == site.Id
                                                && p.DateTimeViewed > last15Minutes
                                                && p.PersonAliasId == null
                                                && p.PageViewSession.PageViewUserAgent.Browser != "Other"
                                                && p.PageViewSession.PageViewUserAgent.ClientType != "Crawler" )
                                          .GroupBy( p => p.PageViewSessionId )
                                          .Select( g => new
                                              SessionId = g.Key,
                                              LastVisit = g.Max( p => p.DateTimeViewed )
                                          } )

                        var numRecentGuests = qryGuests.Where( g => g.LastVisit >= last5Minutes ).Count();
                        var numInactiveGuests = qryGuests.Where( g => g.LastVisit < last5Minutes ).Count();

                        // now build the formatted entry, which is "Current Guests (0) (1)" where the first is a green badge, and the second yellow.
                        if ( numRecentGuests > 0 || numInactiveGuests > 0 )
                            guestVisitorsStr = "Current Guests:";
                            if ( numRecentGuests > 0 )
                                guestVisitorsStr += string.Format( " <span class=\"badge badge-success\">{0}</span>", numRecentGuests );

                            if ( numInactiveGuests > 0 )
                                guestVisitorsStr += string.Format( " <span class=\"badge badge-warning\">{0}</span>", numInactiveGuests );

                if ( sbUsers.Length > 0 )
                    lUsers.Text = string.Format( @"<ul class='activeusers fa-ul'>{0}</ul>", sbUsers.ToString() );
                    lUsers.Text += string.Format( @"<p class='margin-l-sm'>{0}</p>", guestVisitorsStr );
                    lMessages.Text = string.Format( "There are no logged in users on the {0} site.", site.Name );
                    lMessages.Text += "<br /><br />" + guestVisitorsStr;