예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the entity fields.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entityType">Type of the entity.</param>
        /// <param name="includeOnlyReportingFields">if set to <c>true</c> [include only reporting fields].</param>
        /// <param name="limitToFilterableFields">if set to <c>true</c> [limit to filterable fields].</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List<EntityField> GetEntityFields( Type entityType, bool includeOnlyReportingFields = true, bool limitToFilterableFields = true )
            List<EntityField> entityFields = null;
            _workflowTypeNameLookup = null;

            if ( HttpContext.Current != null )
                entityFields = HttpContext.Current.Items[EntityHelper.GetCacheKey(entityType, includeOnlyReportingFields, limitToFilterableFields)] as List<EntityField>;
                if ( entityFields != null )
                    return entityFields;

            if ( entityFields == null )
                entityFields = new List<EntityField>();

            // Find all non-virtual properties or properties that have the [IncludeForReporting] attribute
            var entityProperties = entityType.GetProperties().ToList();
            var filteredEntityProperties = entityProperties
                .Where( p =>
                    !p.GetGetMethod().IsVirtual ||
                    p.GetCustomAttributes( typeof( IncludeForReportingAttribute ), true ).Any() ||
                    p.Name == "Order" )

            // Get Properties
            foreach ( var property in filteredEntityProperties )
                bool isReportable = !property.GetCustomAttributes( typeof( HideFromReportingAttribute ), true ).Any();
                if ( !includeOnlyReportingFields || isReportable )

                    EntityField entityField = new EntityField( property.Name, FieldKind.Property, property );
                    entityField.IsPreviewable = property.GetCustomAttributes( typeof( PreviewableAttribute ), true ).Any();
                    var fieldTypeAttribute = property.GetCustomAttribute<Rock.Data.FieldTypeAttribute>();

                    // check if we can set it from the fieldTypeAttribute
                    if ( ( fieldTypeAttribute != null ) && SetEntityFieldFromFieldTypeAttribute( entityField, fieldTypeAttribute ) )
                        // intentially blank, entity field is already setup

                    // Enum Properties
                    else if ( property.PropertyType.IsEnum )
                        entityField.FieldType = FieldTypeCache.Read( SystemGuid.FieldType.SINGLE_SELECT.AsGuid() );

                        var list = new List<string>();
                        foreach ( var value in Enum.GetValues( property.PropertyType ) )
                            list.Add( string.Format( "{0}^{1}", value, value.ToString().SplitCase() ) );

                        var listSource = string.Join( ",", list );
                        entityField.FieldConfig.Add( "values", new Field.ConfigurationValue( listSource ) );
                        entityField.FieldConfig.Add( "fieldtype", new Field.ConfigurationValue( "rb" ) );

                    // Boolean properties
                    else if ( property.PropertyType == typeof( bool ) || property.PropertyType == typeof( bool? ) )
                        entityField.FieldType = FieldTypeCache.Read( SystemGuid.FieldType.BOOLEAN.AsGuid() );

                    // Datetime properties
                    else if ( property.PropertyType == typeof( DateTime ) || property.PropertyType == typeof( DateTime? ) )
                        var colAttr = property.GetCustomAttributes( typeof( ColumnAttribute ), true ).FirstOrDefault();
                        if ( colAttr != null && ( (ColumnAttribute)colAttr ).TypeName == "Date" )
                            entityField.FieldType = FieldTypeCache.Read( SystemGuid.FieldType.DATE.AsGuid() );
                            entityField.FieldType = FieldTypeCache.Read( SystemGuid.FieldType.DATE_TIME.AsGuid() );

                    // Decimal properties
                    else if ( property.PropertyType == typeof( decimal ) || property.PropertyType == typeof( decimal? ) )
                        entityField.FieldType = FieldTypeCache.Read( SystemGuid.FieldType.DECIMAL.AsGuid() );

                    // Text Properties
                    else if ( property.PropertyType == typeof( string ) )
                        entityField.FieldType = FieldTypeCache.Read( SystemGuid.FieldType.TEXT.AsGuid() );

                    // Integer Properties (which may be a DefinedValue)
                    else if ( property.PropertyType == typeof( int ) || property.PropertyType == typeof( int? ) )
                        entityField.FieldType = FieldTypeCache.Read( SystemGuid.FieldType.INTEGER.AsGuid() );

                        var definedValueAttribute = property.GetCustomAttribute<Rock.Data.DefinedValueAttribute>();
                        if ( definedValueAttribute != null )
                            // Defined Value Properties
                            Guid? definedTypeGuid = ( (Rock.Data.DefinedValueAttribute)definedValueAttribute ).DefinedTypeGuid;
                            if ( definedTypeGuid.HasValue )
                                var definedType = DefinedTypeCache.Read( definedTypeGuid.Value );
                                entityField.Title = definedType != null ? definedType.Name : property.Name.Replace( "ValueId", string.Empty ).SplitCase();
                                if ( definedType != null )
                                    entityField.FieldType = FieldTypeCache.Read( SystemGuid.FieldType.DEFINED_VALUE.AsGuid() );
                                    entityField.FieldConfig.Add( "definedtype", new Field.ConfigurationValue( definedType.Id.ToString() ) );

                    if ( entityField != null && entityField.FieldType != null )
                        entityFields.Add( entityField );

            // Get Attributes
            var entityTypeCache = EntityTypeCache.Read( entityType, true );
            if ( entityTypeCache != null )
                int entityTypeId = entityTypeCache.Id;
                using ( var rockContext = new RockContext() )
                    var qryAttributes = new AttributeService( rockContext ).Queryable().Where( a => a.EntityTypeId == entityTypeId );
                    if ( entityType == typeof( Group ) )
                        // in the case of Group, show attributes that are entity global, but also ones that are qualified by GroupTypeId
                        qryAttributes = qryAttributes
                            .Where( a =>
                                a.EntityTypeQualifierColumn == null ||
                                a.EntityTypeQualifierColumn == string.Empty ||
                                a.EntityTypeQualifierColumn == "GroupTypeId" );
                    else if ( entityType == typeof( ContentChannelItem ) )
                        // in the case of ContentChannelItem, show attributes that are entity global, but also ones that are qualified by ContentChannelTypeId
                        qryAttributes = qryAttributes
                            .Where( a =>
                                a.EntityTypeQualifierColumn == null ||
                                a.EntityTypeQualifierColumn == string.Empty ||
                                a.EntityTypeQualifierColumn == "ContentChannelTypeId" );
                    else if ( entityType == typeof( Rock.Model.Workflow ) )
                        // in the case of Workflow, show attributes that are entity global, but also ones that are qualified by WorkflowTypeId (and have a valid WorkflowTypeId)
                        var validWorkflowTypeIds = new WorkflowTypeService(rockContext).Queryable().Select(a=> a.Id).ToList().Select(a => a.ToString()).ToList();
                        qryAttributes = qryAttributes
                            .Where( a =>
                                a.EntityTypeQualifierColumn == null ||
                                a.EntityTypeQualifierColumn == string.Empty ||
                                (a.EntityTypeQualifierColumn == "WorkflowTypeId" && validWorkflowTypeIds.Contains(a.EntityTypeQualifierValue) ));
                        qryAttributes = qryAttributes.Where( a => a.EntityTypeQualifierColumn == string.Empty && a.EntityTypeQualifierValue == string.Empty );

                    var attributeIdList = qryAttributes.Select( a => a.Id ).ToList();

                    foreach ( var attributeId in attributeIdList )
                        AddEntityFieldForAttribute( entityFields, AttributeCache.Read( attributeId ), limitToFilterableFields );

            // Order the fields by title, name
            int index = 0;
            var sortedFields = new List<EntityField>();
            foreach ( var entityField in entityFields.OrderBy( p => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.AttributeEntityTypeQualifierName)).ThenBy( p => p.Title ).ThenBy( p => p.Name ) )
                entityField.Index = index;
                sortedFields.Add( entityField );

            if ( HttpContext.Current != null )
                HttpContext.Current.Items[EntityHelper.GetCacheKey( entityType, includeOnlyReportingFields, limitToFilterableFields )] = sortedFields;

            return sortedFields;