Client model for GroupLocation that includes all the fields that are available for GETs. Use this for GETs (use GroupLocationEntity for POST/PUTs)
상속: GroupLocationEntity
예제 #1
                /// <summary>
                /// Resets all the values related to the Person, but won't reset things like
                /// IsFirstRun
                /// </summary>
                void SetDefaultPersonValues( )
                    Person = new Person();

                    PrimaryFamily = new Group();

                    PrimaryAddress = new GroupLocation();
                    PrimaryAddress.GroupLocationTypeValueId = PrivateGeneralConfig.GroupLocationTypeHomeValueId;
                    PrimaryAddress.IsMappedLocation         = true;

                    // for the address location, default the country to the built in country code.
                    PrimaryAddress.Location         = new Rock.Client.Location();
                    PrimaryAddress.Location.Country = MobileApp.Shared.Config.GeneralConfig.CountryCode;

                    _CellPhoneNumber = new PhoneNumber( );

                    IsBaptised         = false;
                    IsERA              = false;
                    IsGiving           = false;
                    TakenStartingPoint = false;
                    IsMember           = false;
                    IsServing          = false;
                    IsPeerLearning     = false;
                    IsMentored         = false;
                    IsTeaching         = false;

                    // Don't reset the viewing campus, because we force them to pick one at
                    // first run, and don't want to lose their choice.
                    //ViewingCampus = 0;
예제 #2
                public void GetPersonData(HttpRequest.RequestResult onResult)
                                               delegate(MobileAppApi.PersonData personData, HttpStatusCode statusCode)
                        if (personData != null)
                            // take the person (clear out the cell numbers since we manage those seperately)
                            Person = personData.Person;
                            Person.PhoneNumbers = null;

                            // search for a phone number (which should match whatever we already have, unless this is a new login)
                            if (personData.CellPhoneNumber != null)
                                _CellPhoneNumber = personData.CellPhoneNumber;

                                HasCellNumber = true;
                                // no longer has a phone number, so clear it
                                _CellPhoneNumber = new PhoneNumber( );


                                HasCellNumber = false;

                            // we're always safe to take family--it cannot be null
                            PrimaryFamily = personData.Family;

                            // only take the address if it's valid. otherwise, we want
                            // to use the default, empty one.
                            if (personData.FamilyAddress != null)
                                PrimaryAddress = personData.FamilyAddress;

                            // set the person's current actions
                            IsBaptised         = personData.IsBaptised;
                            IsERA              = personData.IsERA;
                            IsGiving           = personData.IsGiving;
                            TakenStartingPoint = personData.TakenStartingPoint;
                            IsMember           = personData.IsMember;
                            IsServing          = personData.IsServing;
                            IsPeerLearning     = personData.IsPeerLearning;
                            IsMentored         = personData.IsMentored;
                            IsTeaching         = personData.IsTeaching;

                            // save!
                            SaveToDevice( );

                        if (onResult != null)
                            onResult(statusCode, "");
예제 #3
 public static bool IsFullAddress(Rock.Client.GroupLocation address)
     // by full address, we mean street, city, state, zip
     if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(address.Location.Street1) == false &&
         string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(address.Location.City) == false &&
         string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(address.Location.State) == false &&
         string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(address.Location.PostalCode) == false)
예제 #4
        public static Rock.Client.GroupLocation CreateHomeAddress( string street, string city, string state, string zip )
            // try to find the group, and if it doesn't exist, make it
            Rock.Client.GroupLocation homeLocation = new Rock.Client.GroupLocation();
            homeLocation.GroupLocationTypeValueId = GroupLocationTypeHomeValueId;

            // for the address location, default the country to the built in country code.
            homeLocation.Location = new Rock.Client.Location();
            homeLocation.Location.Country = CountryCode;

            // populate it
            homeLocation.Location.Street1 = street;
            homeLocation.Location.City = city;
            homeLocation.Location.State = state;
            homeLocation.Location.PostalCode = zip;

            // return it.
            return homeLocation;
예제 #5
        public static Rock.Client.GroupLocation CreateHomeAddress(string street, string city, string state, string zip)
            // try to find the group, and if it doesn't exist, make it
            Rock.Client.GroupLocation homeLocation = new Rock.Client.GroupLocation();
            homeLocation.GroupLocationTypeValueId = GroupLocationTypeHomeValueId;

            // for the address location, default the country to the built in country code.
            homeLocation.Location         = new Rock.Client.Location();
            homeLocation.Location.Country = CountryCode;

            // populate it
            homeLocation.Location.Street1    = street;
            homeLocation.Location.City       = city;
            homeLocation.Location.State      = state;
            homeLocation.Location.PostalCode = zip;

            // return it.
예제 #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Copies the base properties from a source GroupLocation object
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="source">The source.</param>
 public void CopyPropertiesFrom(GroupLocation source)
     this.Id          = source.Id;
     this.ForeignGuid = source.ForeignGuid;
     this.ForeignKey  = source.ForeignKey;
     this.GroupId     = source.GroupId;
     this.GroupLocationTypeValueId = source.GroupLocationTypeValueId;
     this.GroupMemberPersonAliasId = source.GroupMemberPersonAliasId;
     this.IsMailingLocation        = source.IsMailingLocation;
     this.IsMappedLocation         = source.IsMappedLocation;
     this.LocationId = source.LocationId;
     this.ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated = source.ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated;
     this.CreatedDateTime         = source.CreatedDateTime;
     this.ModifiedDateTime        = source.ModifiedDateTime;
     this.CreatedByPersonAliasId  = source.CreatedByPersonAliasId;
     this.ModifiedByPersonAliasId = source.ModifiedByPersonAliasId;
     this.Guid      = source.Guid;
     this.ForeignId = source.ForeignId;
예제 #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Copies the base properties from a source GroupLocation object
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="source">The source.</param>
 public void CopyPropertiesFrom( GroupLocation source )
     this.Id = source.Id;
     this.ForeignGuid = source.ForeignGuid;
     this.ForeignKey = source.ForeignKey;
     this.GroupId = source.GroupId;
     this.GroupLocationTypeValueId = source.GroupLocationTypeValueId;
     this.GroupMemberPersonAliasId = source.GroupMemberPersonAliasId;
     this.IsMailingLocation = source.IsMailingLocation;
     this.IsMappedLocation = source.IsMappedLocation;
     this.LocationId = source.LocationId;
     this.ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated = source.ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated;
     this.Order = source.Order;
     this.CreatedDateTime = source.CreatedDateTime;
     this.ModifiedDateTime = source.ModifiedDateTime;
     this.CreatedByPersonAliasId = source.CreatedByPersonAliasId;
     this.ModifiedByPersonAliasId = source.ModifiedByPersonAliasId;
     this.Guid = source.Guid;
     this.ForeignId = source.ForeignId;
예제 #8
                public void GetFamilyAndAddress( HttpRequest.RequestResult addressResult )
                    MobileAppApi.GetFamilyAndAddress( Person, 
                        delegate(System.Net.HttpStatusCode statusCode, string statusDescription, Group family, GroupLocation familyAddress )
                            if( Rock.Mobile.Network.Util.StatusInSuccessRange( statusCode ) == true )
                                // only take valid values
                                if( family != null )
                                    PrimaryFamily = family;

                                if( familyAddress != null )
                                    PrimaryAddress = familyAddress;

                                LastSyncdAddressJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject( PrimaryAddress );
                                LastSyncdFamilyJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject( PrimaryFamily );

                                // save!
                                SaveToDevice( );

                            if( addressResult != null )
                                addressResult( statusCode, statusDescription );
                        } );
예제 #9
                /// <summary>
                /// Resets all the values related to the Person, but won't reset things like
                /// IsFirstRun
                /// </summary>
                void SetDefaultPersonValues( )
                    Person = new Person();

                    PrimaryFamily = new Group();

                    PrimaryAddress = new GroupLocation();
                    PrimaryAddress.GroupLocationTypeValueId = PrivateGeneralConfig.GroupLocationTypeHomeValueId;

                    //_CellPhoneNumber = null;
                    _CellPhoneNumber = new PhoneNumber( );
                    SetPhoneNumberDigits( "" );

                    ViewingCampus = RockGeneralData.Instance.Data.Campuses[ 0 ].Id;

                    // for the address location, default the country to the built in country code.
                    PrimaryAddress.Location = new Location();
                    PrimaryAddress.Location.Country = App.Shared.Config.GeneralConfig.CountryCode;

                    LastSyncdPersonJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject( Person );
                    LastSyncdFamilyJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject( PrimaryFamily );
                    LastSyncdAddressJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject( PrimaryAddress );
                    LastSyncdCellPhoneNumberJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject( _CellPhoneNumber );