예제 #1
 private void replaceCardReferences(mod_xyzzy_card old, mod_xyzzy_card newcard, string cardType)
     foreach (chat c in Roboto.Settings.chatData)
         mod_xyzzy_chatdata chatdata = (mod_xyzzy_chatdata)c.getPluginData(typeof(mod_xyzzy_chatdata));
         if (chatdata != null)
             chatdata.replaceCard(old, newcard, cardType);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Import a cardcast pack into the xyzzy localdata
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="packFilter"></param>
        /// <returns>String containing details of the pack and cards added. String will be empty if import failed.</returns>
        public bool importCardCastPack(string packCode, out Helpers.cardcast_pack pack, out string response)
            response = "";
            pack = new Helpers.cardcast_pack();
            bool success = false;
            int nr_qs = 0;
            int nr_as = 0;
            int nr_rep = 0;
            List<Helpers.cardcast_question_card> import_questions = new List<Helpers.cardcast_question_card>();
            List<Helpers.cardcast_answer_card> import_answers = new List<Helpers.cardcast_answer_card>();
            List<mod_xyzzy_chatdata> brokenChats = new List<mod_xyzzy_chatdata>();

            //don't sync again within x days. Add a random duration.
            //This line does nothing, as we overwrite the pack.
            //pack.nextSync = DateTime.Now.Add(new TimeSpan(5, settings.getRandom(23), 0, 0));

                log("Attempting to sync/import " + packCode);
                //Call the cardcast API. We should get an array of cards back (but in the wrong format)
                success = Helpers.cardCast.getPackCards(ref packCode, out pack, ref import_questions, ref import_answers);

                if (!success)
                    response = "Failed to import pack from cardcast. Check that the code is valid";
                    //lets just check if the pack already exists?
                    log("Retrieved " + import_questions.Count() + " questions and " + import_answers.Count() + " answers from Cardcast");
                    string l_packname = pack.name;
                    List<cardcast_pack> matchingPacks = getPackFilterList().Where(x => x.name == l_packname).ToList();

                    if (matchingPacks.Count > 1)  // .Contains(pack.name))
                        log("Multiple packs found for " + l_packname + " - aborting!", logging.loglevel.critical);
                        response += "/n/r" + "Aborting sync!";

                    else if (matchingPacks.Count == 1)
                        cardcast_pack updatePack = matchingPacks[0];

                        //sync the pack.
                        response = "Pack " + pack.name + " (" + packCode + ") exists, syncing cards";
                        log("Pack " + pack.name + "(" + packCode + ") exists, syncing cards", logging.loglevel.normal);

                        //remove any cached questions that no longer exist. Add them to a list first to allow us to loop;
                        List<mod_xyzzy_card> remove_cards = new List<mod_xyzzy_card>();
                        //ignore any cards that already exist in the cache. Adde them to a list first to allow us to loop;
                        List<mod_xyzzy_card> exist_cards = new List<mod_xyzzy_card>();
                        foreach (mod_xyzzy_card q in questions.Where(x => x.category == l_packname))
                            //find existing cards which don't exist in our import pack
                            if ((import_questions.Where(y => Helpers.common.cleanseText(y.question) == Helpers.common.cleanseText(q.text))).Count() == 0)
                            //if they do already exist, remove them from the import list (because they exist!)
                        //now remove them from the localdata
                        foreach (mod_xyzzy_card q in remove_cards)
                            //remove any cached questions
                            foreach(chat c in Roboto.Settings.chatData)

                                mod_xyzzy_chatdata chatData = (mod_xyzzy_chatdata) c.getPluginData(typeof(mod_xyzzy_chatdata));
                                if (chatData != null)
                                    chatData.remainingQuestions.RemoveAll(x => x == q.uniqueID);
                                    //if we remove the current question, invalidate the chat. Will reask a question once the rest of the import is done.
                                    if (chatData.currentQuestion == q.uniqueID)
                                        log("The current question " + chatData.currentQuestion + " for chat " + c.chatID + " has been removed!");
                                        if (!brokenChats.Contains(chatData)) { brokenChats.Add(chatData); }
                        //or from the import list
                        foreach (mod_xyzzy_card q in exist_cards)
                            //update the local text if it was a match-
                            cardcast_question_card match = null;
                                List< cardcast_question_card> matchedCards = import_questions.Where(y => Helpers.common.cleanseText(y.question) == Helpers.common.cleanseText(q.text)).ToList();
                                if (matchedCards.Count > 0) { match = matchedCards[0]; }
                                    log("Local card couldnt be found. Tried to match " + q.text , logging.loglevel.normal);
                            catch (Exception e)
                                log("Error finding cleansed version of q card - " + e.Message, logging.loglevel.critical);

                            if (match != null && q.text != match.question)
                                    log("Question text updated from " + q.text + " to " + match.question);
                                    q.text = match.question;
                                    q.nrAnswers = match.nrAnswers;
                                catch (Exception e)
                                    log("Error updating question text on qcard - " + e.Message, logging.loglevel.critical);
                                int removed = import_questions.RemoveAll(x => x.question == q.text); //swallow this.
                            catch (Exception e)
                                log("Error removing qcard from importlist - " + e.Message, logging.loglevel.critical);
                        //add the rest to the localData
                        foreach (Helpers.cardcast_question_card q in import_questions)
                            mod_xyzzy_card x_question = new mod_xyzzy_card(q.question, pack.name, q.nrAnswers);
                        response += "\n\r" + "Qs: Removed " + remove_cards.Count() + " from local. Skipped " + exist_cards.Count() + " as already exist. Updated " + nr_rep + ". Added " + import_questions.Count() + " new / replacement cards";

                        //do the same for the answer cards
                        nr_rep = 0;
                        foreach (mod_xyzzy_card a in answers.Where(x => x.category == l_packname))
                            //find existing cards which don't exist in our import pack
                            if ((import_answers.Where(y => Helpers.common.cleanseText(y.answer) == Helpers.common.cleanseText(a.text))).Count() == 0)
                            //if they do already exist, remove them from the import list (because they exist!)
                        //now remove them from the localdata
                        foreach (mod_xyzzy_card a in remove_cards) { answers.Remove(a); }
                        //or from the import list
                        foreach (mod_xyzzy_card a in exist_cards)
                            //update the local text if it was a match-ish
                            List<cardcast_answer_card> amatches = import_answers.Where(y => Helpers.common.cleanseText(y.answer) == Helpers.common.cleanseText(a.text)).ToList();
                            if (amatches.Count > 0)
                                cardcast_answer_card matcha = amatches[0];
                                if (a.text != matcha.answer)
                                    log("Answer text updated from " + a.text + " to " + matcha.answer);
                                    a.text = matcha.answer;
                                log("Couldnt find card to update! " + a.text, logging.loglevel.high);

                            int removed = import_answers.RemoveAll(x => x.answer == a.text);
                        //add the rest to the localData
                        foreach (Helpers.cardcast_answer_card a in import_answers)
                            mod_xyzzy_card x_answer = new mod_xyzzy_card(a.answer, pack.name);

                        response += "\n\r" + "As: Removed " + remove_cards.Count() + " from local. Skipped " + exist_cards.Count() + " as already exist. Updated " + nr_rep + ". Added " + import_answers.Count() + " new / replacement cards";

                        updatePack.description = pack.description;
                        //don't sync again within x days. Add a random duration.
                        updatePack.nextSync = DateTime.Now.Add(new TimeSpan(5, settings.getRandom(23), 0, 0));
                        response += "\n\r" + "Next sync " + updatePack.nextSync.ToString("f") + ".";
                        //pack.description = outpack.description;

                        Roboto.Settings.stats.logStat(new statItem("Packs Synced", typeof(mod_xyzzy)));

                        success = true;
                        response += "Importing fresh pack " + pack.packCode + " - " + pack.name + " - " + pack.description;
                        foreach (Helpers.cardcast_question_card q in import_questions)
                            mod_xyzzy_card x_question = new mod_xyzzy_card(q.question, pack.name, q.nrAnswers);
                        foreach (Helpers.cardcast_answer_card a in import_answers)
                            mod_xyzzy_card x_answer = new mod_xyzzy_card(a.answer, pack.name);

                        response += "\n\r" + "Next sync " + pack.nextSync.ToString("f") + ".";

                        response += "\n\r" + "Added " + nr_qs.ToString() + " questions and " + nr_as.ToString() + " answers.";
                        response += "\n\r" + "Added " + pack.name + " to filter list.";

            catch (Exception e)
                log("Failed to import pack " + e.ToString(), logging.loglevel.critical);
                success = false;

            foreach (mod_xyzzy_chatdata c in brokenChats)

            log(response, logging.loglevel.normal);

            return success;
예제 #3
        public void replaceCard(mod_xyzzy_card old, mod_xyzzy_card newcard, string cardType)
            String text = "Replacing " + cardType + "card " + old.text + " with " + newcard.text + " in " + getChat().chatID + "." ;
            string actions = "";
            if (cardType == "Q")

                bool removed = remainingQuestions.Remove(old.uniqueID);
                if (removed)
                    actions += " Replaced in remainingQs list.";

                if (currentQuestion == old.uniqueID)
                    currentQuestion = newcard.uniqueID;
                    actions += " Replaced current Question.";

                bool removed = remainingAnswers.Remove(old.uniqueID);
                if (removed)
                    actions += " Replaced card in remainingAnswers.";

                foreach (mod_xyzzy_player p in players)
                    removed = p.cardsInHand.Remove(old.uniqueID);
                    if (removed)
                        actions += " Replaced card in " + p.name + "'s hand";

                    removed = p.selectedCards.Remove(old.uniqueID);
                    if (removed)
                        actions += " Replaced selectedcard by " + p.name;

            if (actions != "")
                log(text + actions, logging.loglevel.normal);