public void trainingStep(int ability, ref int pass)
            // 1. initiating ability
            state = stAbilityExecuting;

            // storing chosen ability
            LastUsedAbility = ability;
            // storing current input vectors
            LastInputVecs = Cart.makeInputVector();

            // finding the input vector for the top node
            TopNodeInput = new double[Cart.CogTop.InputNum];
            int i;

            for (i = 0; i < Cart.CogTop.InputNum; i++)
                TopNodeInput[i] = MetaNode.getOutput(Cart.CogTop.Children[i], LastInputVecs, pass);
            // now training
            double[] DesiredOutputVec = STANN.mapInt2VectorDouble(ability, 2, Cart.CogTop.stann.OutputNum);

            // training 6 times
            for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                Cart.CogTop.stann.backPropagate(TopNodeInput, DesiredOutputVec);

            // executing ability now..
예제 #2
        // return the output of a MetaNode branch given the input vector to the leaves

         * public static double getOutput(MetaNode mnet, double[][] inputvec, int pass)
         * {
         *  int i;
         *  double[] sigmoids;
         *  double theoutput;
         *  if (mnet.ChildrenNum == 0)
         *  {
         *      if (mnet.OutputPass != pass)
         *      {
         *          mnet.OutputPass = pass;
         *          // self training if the node has its ForceSelfTrain attribute set to true
         *          if (mnet.ForcedSelfTrain)
         *              // self training
         *              mnet.stann.selfTrain(inputvec[mnet.LeafIndex]);
         *          // retrieving the sigmoids of the node
         *          sigmoids = mnet.stann.sigmoidLayerOutputs(inputvec[mnet.LeafIndex], mnet.stann.LayerNum - 1);
         *          // calculating the decimal equivalent to the ordered thresholded sigmoid outputs
         *          theoutput = STANN.mapVector2Int(sigmoids, 2, mnet.stann.OutputNum);
         *          mnet.PreviousOutput = mnet.CurrentOutput;
         *          mnet.CurrentOutput = theoutput;
         *      }
         *      else
         *          theoutput = mnet.CurrentOutput;
         *  }
         *  else
         *  {
         *      if (mnet.OutputPass != pass)
         *      {
         *          mnet.OutputPass = pass;
         *          double[] levelinput = new double[mnet.InputNum];
         *          for (i = 0; i < mnet.InputNum; i++)
         *              if (mnet.Children[i].NodeLevel >= mnet.NodeLevel) // requesting output from a higher (or equal ) level node
         *                  levelinput[i] = mnet.Children[i].PreviousOutput; // avoiding circular reference in recursion
         *              else
         *                  levelinput[i] = getOutput(mnet.Children[i], inputvec, pass);
         *          // self training if the aselfrain attribute is on
         *          if (mnet.ForcedSelfTrain) mnet.stann.selfTrain(levelinput);
         *          // retrieving sigmoids
         *          sigmoids = mnet.stann.sigmoidLayerOutputs(levelinput, mnet.stann.LayerNum - 1);
         *          // calculating the decimal equivalent to the thresholded outputs
         *          theoutput = 0;
         *          for (i = 0; i < mnet.stann.OutputNum; i++)
         *          {
         *              int bit = (sigmoids[i] < 0.5) ? 0 : 1;
         *              theoutput += (int)Math.Pow(2, i) * bit;
         *          }
         *          // updating previous Input Vector and Previous Output properties of the metanode
         *          int t;
         *          mnet.PreviousInputVec = new double[mnet.InputNum];
         *          for (t = 0; t < mnet.InputNum; t++)
         *              mnet.PreviousInputVec[t] = levelinput[t];
         *          mnet.PreviousOutput = mnet.CurrentOutput;
         *          mnet.CurrentOutput = theoutput;
         *          // previous input vector and output updated with the new values
         *          // Must now train the network!!!! (in case the qlearning property is on)
         *          if (mnet.ForcedQLearning)
         *          {
         *              // mapping the input to the proper index in the reward table
         *              int inputindex = 0;
         *              for (t = 0; t < mnet.InputNum; t++)
         *                  inputindex += (int)(Math.Pow(mnet.InputRange, t) * levelinput[t]);
         *              // finding the output that corresponds to the maximum Qvaluefor the given input
         *              double maxQvalue = mnet.getMaximumQValue(inputindex);
         *              int maxQvalueOutputindex = 0;
         *              while (mnet.QTable[inputindex][maxQvalueOutputindex] != maxQvalue)
         *                  maxQvalueOutputindex++;
         *              // converting the maximum Q value output to a vector of binary digits
         *              double[] desiredOutput = mnet.stann.int2BinaryVector(maxQvalueOutputindex);
         *              // now training...
         *              mnet.stann.backPropagate(levelinput, desiredOutput);
         *              // updating the IO log
         *              if (mnet.IOLogLength == MAX_IO_LOG_LENGTH)
         *              { // IO Log is full
         *                  // clearing the log and starting all over again
         *                  mnet.IOLogLength = 1;
         *              }
         *              else
         *                  mnet.IOLogLength++;
         *              // updating the IO log entries
         *              mnet.IOLog[mnet.IOLogLength - 1].input = inputindex;
         *              mnet.IOLog[mnet.IOLogLength - 1].output = (int)theoutput;
         *          }
         *      }
         *      else
         *          theoutput = mnet.CurrentOutput;
         *  }
         *  return theoutput;
         * }

        public static double getOutput(MetaNode mnet, double[][] inputvec, int pass)
            int i;

            double[] sigmoids;
            double   theoutput;

            if (mnet.ChildrenNum == 0)
                if (mnet.OutputPass != pass)
                    mnet.OutputPass = pass;
                    // self training if the node has its ForceSelfTrain attribute set to true
                    if (mnet.ForcedSelfTrain)
                        // self training

                    // retrieving the sigmoids of the node
                    sigmoids = mnet.stann.sigmoidLayerOutputs(inputvec[mnet.LeafIndex], mnet.stann.LayerNum - 1);
                    // calculating the decimal equivalent to the ordered thresholded sigmoid outputs
                    theoutput = STANN.sigmoids2Int(sigmoids, mnet.stann.OutputNum);

                    mnet.PreviousOutput = mnet.CurrentOutput;
                    mnet.CurrentOutput  = theoutput;
                    theoutput = mnet.CurrentOutput;
                if (mnet.OutputPass != pass)
                    mnet.OutputPass = pass;
                    double[] levelinput = new double[mnet.InputNum];

                    for (i = 0; i < mnet.InputNum; i++)
                        if (mnet.Children[i].NodeLevel >= mnet.NodeLevel)    // requesting output from a higher (or equal ) level node
                            levelinput[i] = mnet.Children[i].PreviousOutput; // avoiding circular reference in recursion
                            levelinput[i] = getOutput(mnet.Children[i], inputvec, pass);

                    // self training if the aselfrain attribute is on
                    if (mnet.ForcedSelfTrain)
                    // retrieving sigmoids
                    sigmoids = mnet.stann.sigmoidLayerOutputs(levelinput, mnet.stann.LayerNum - 1);

                    // calculating the decimal equivalent to the thresholded outputs

                    theoutput = STANN.mapVector2Int(sigmoids, 2, mnet.stann.OutputNum);
                    // updating previous Input Vector and Previous Output properties of the metanode
                    int t;
                    mnet.PreviousInputVec = new double[mnet.InputNum];
                    for (t = 0; t < mnet.InputNum; t++)
                        mnet.PreviousInputVec[t] = levelinput[t];

                    mnet.PreviousOutput = mnet.CurrentOutput;
                    mnet.CurrentOutput  = theoutput;
                    // previous input vector and output updated with the new values

                    // Must now train the network!!!! (in case the qlearning property is on)
                    if (mnet.ForcedQLearning)
                        // mapping the input to the proper index in the reward table
                        int inputindex = STANN.mapVector2Int(levelinput, mnet.InputRange, mnet.InputNum);

                        // finding the output that corresponds to the maximum Qvaluefor the given input

                        QTableEntry maxQvalueEntry = QTableEntry.getMaxQValue(mnet.QTable, inputindex);

                        if (maxQvalueEntry != null)
                            // converting the maximum Q value output to a vector of binary digits
                            double[] desiredOutput = STANN.mapInt2VectorDouble(maxQvalueEntry.Output, 2, mnet.stann.OutputNum);
                            // now training...
                            mnet.stann.backPropagate(levelinput, desiredOutput);
                        // updating the IO log
                        if (mnet.IOLogLength == MAX_IO_LOG_LENGTH)
                        { // IO Log is full
                            // clearing the log and starting all over again
                            mnet.IOLogLength = 1;

                        // updating the IO log entries
                        mnet.IOLog[mnet.IOLogLength - 1].input  = inputindex;
                        mnet.IOLog[mnet.IOLogLength - 1].output = (int)theoutput;
                    theoutput = mnet.CurrentOutput;
