예제 #1
        internal void NewHorizontalGroup(TabGroupLeaf sourceLeaf, bool before)
            TabGroupSequence tgs = this.Parent as TabGroupSequence;

            // We must have a parent sequence!
            if (tgs != null)
                tgs.Direction = Common.Direction.Horizontal;
                AddGroupToSequence(tgs, sourceLeaf, before);
예제 #2
        protected void AddGroupToSequence(TabGroupSequence tgs, TabGroupLeaf sourceLeaf, bool before)
            // Remember original auto compact mode
            bool autoCompact = _tabbedGroups.AutoCompact;

            // Turn mode off as it interferes with reorganisation
            _tabbedGroups.AutoCompact = false;

            // Find our index into parent collection
            int pos = tgs.IndexOf(this);

            TabGroupLeaf newGroup = null;

            // New group inserted before existing one?
            if (before)
                newGroup = tgs.InsertNewLeaf(pos);
                // No, are we at the end of the collection?
                if (pos == (tgs.Count - 1))
                    newGroup = tgs.AddNewLeaf();
                    newGroup = tgs.InsertNewLeaf(pos + 1);

            // Get tab control for source leaf
            Controls.TabControl tc = sourceLeaf.GroupControl as Controls.TabControl;

            River.Orqa.Controls.Controls.TabPage tp = tc.SelectedTab;

            // Remove page from ourself

            // Add into the new leaf

            // Reset compacting mode as we have updated the structure
            _tabbedGroups.AutoCompact = autoCompact;

            // Do we need to compact?
            if (_tabbedGroups.AutoCompact)
예제 #3
        protected void CompactRemoveEmptyTabSequences(TabbedGroups.CompactFlags flags)
            // Should we check for empty sequence nodes?
            if ((flags & TabbedGroups.CompactFlags.RemoveEmptyTabSequence) != 0)
                int count = _children.Count;

                for (int index = 0; index < count; index++)
                    // Only interested in sequence entries
                    if (_children[index].IsSequence)
                        TabGroupSequence tgs = (TabGroupSequence)_children[index];

                        // Is this an empty sequence node?
                        if (tgs.Count == 0)
                            // Need to remove the redundant entry

                            // Reduce number of entries left to check

                            // Move backwards so the next increment stays on same index

                            // Mark layout as dirty
                            if (_tabbedGroups.AutoCalculateDirty)
                                _tabbedGroups.Dirty = true;
예제 #4
        protected void CompactReduceSameDirection(TabbedGroups.CompactFlags flags)
            bool changed = false;

            // Should we check for same direction sub-sequences?
            if ((flags & TabbedGroups.CompactFlags.ReduceSameDirection) != 0)
                int count = _children.Count;

                for (int index = 0; index < count; index++)
                    // Only interested in sequence entries
                    if (_children[index].IsSequence)
                        TabGroupSequence tgs = (TabGroupSequence)_children[index];

                        // Does it run in same direction as ourself?
                        if (_direction == tgs.Direction)
                            // Remember how much space the base entry occupies
                            Decimal temp = tgs.RealSpace;

                            // Find the child control to be replaced
                            int childPos = _control.Controls.IndexOf(tgs.GroupControl);

                            // Need to remove a resize bar before the control?
                            if (childPos > 0)
                                ControlHelper.RemoveAt(_control.Controls, childPos);

                            // Remove the actual control
                            ControlHelper.RemoveAt(_control.Controls, childPos);

                            // Remove the intermediate group

                            // Reflect change in size

                            Decimal totalAllocated = 0m;

                            // Add in each sub group in turn
                            int subCount = tgs.Count;

                            bool firstInsert = true;

                            for (int subIndex = 0; subIndex < subCount; subIndex++)
                                TabGroupBase tgb = tgs[subIndex];

                                // What percentage of original space did it have?
                                Decimal orig = tgb.RealSpace;

                                // Give it the same proportion of new space
                                Decimal update = Decimal.Round(temp / 100 * orig, SPACE_PRECISION);

                                // Keep total actually allocated
                                totalAllocated += update;

                                // Use new proportion
                                tgb.RealSpace = update;

                                // Update parentage

                                // Does new child control need a resizing bar?
                                if ((childPos > 0) && !firstInsert)
                                    // Create a resizing bar
                                    ResizeBar bar = new ResizeBar(_direction, this);

                                    _control.Controls.SetChildIndex(bar, childPos++);

                                // Add new child control in its place
                                _control.Controls.SetChildIndex(tgb.GroupControl, childPos++);

                                // Insert at current position
                                _children.Insert(index, tgb);

                                // Adjust variables to reflect increased size
                                firstInsert = false;

                            // Assign any remainder to last group
                            _children[index - 1].RealSpace += temp - totalAllocated;

                            // Need controls repositioned
                            changed = true;

                            // Mark layout as dirty
                            if (_tabbedGroups.AutoCalculateDirty)
                                _tabbedGroups.Dirty = true;

            // Change in contents requires entries to be repositioned
            if (changed)
예제 #5
        protected void CompactReduceSingleEntries(TabbedGroups.CompactFlags flags)
            bool changed = false;

            // Should we check for single instance nodes?
            if ((flags & TabbedGroups.CompactFlags.ReduceSingleEntries) != 0)
                int count = _children.Count;

                for (int index = 0; index < count; index++)
                    // Only interested in sequence entries
                    if (_children[index].IsSequence)
                        TabGroupSequence tgs = (TabGroupSequence)_children[index];

                        // Does this entry only have a single child
                        if (tgs.Count == 1)
                            // Remember how much space the base entry occupies
                            Decimal temp = tgs.RealSpace;

                            // Get reference to only child
                            TabGroupBase child = tgs[0];

                            // Update parentage

                            // Find the child control to be replaced
                            int childPos = _control.Controls.IndexOf(tgs.GroupControl);

                            // Remove it
                            ControlHelper.RemoveAt(_control.Controls, childPos);

                            // Add new child control in its place
                            _control.Controls.SetChildIndex(child.GroupControl, childPos);

                            // Replace the middle object with the child
                            _children.Insert(index, child);

                            // Restore its correct spacing
                            child.RealSpace = temp;

                            // Need controls repositioned
                            changed = true;

                            // Mark layout as dirty
                            if (_tabbedGroups.AutoCalculateDirty)
                                _tabbedGroups.Dirty = true;

            // Change in contents requires entries to be repositioned
            if (changed)
예제 #6
        public override void LoadFromXml(XmlTextReader xmlIn)
            // Grab the expected attributes
            string rawCount     = xmlIn.GetAttribute(0);
            string rawUnique    = xmlIn.GetAttribute(1);
            string rawSpace     = xmlIn.GetAttribute(2);
            string rawDirection = xmlIn.GetAttribute(3);

            // Convert to correct types
            int     count  = Convert.ToInt32(rawCount);
            int     unique = Convert.ToInt32(rawUnique);
            Decimal space  = Convert.ToDecimal(rawSpace);

            Common.Direction direction = (rawDirection == "Horizontal" ? Common.Direction.Horizontal :

            // Update myself with new values
            _unique    = unique;
            _space     = space;
            _direction = direction;

            // Load each of the children
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                // Read the next Element
                if (!xmlIn.Read())
                    throw new ArgumentException("An element was expected but could not be read in");

                TabGroupBase newElement = null;

                // Is it another sequence?
                if (xmlIn.Name == "Sequence")
                    newElement = new TabGroupSequence(_tabbedGroups, this);
                else if (xmlIn.Name == "Leaf")
                    newElement = new TabGroupLeaf(_tabbedGroups, this);
                    throw new ArgumentException("Unknown element was encountered");

                bool expectEndElement = !xmlIn.IsEmptyElement;

                // Load its config

                // Add new element to the collection

                // Do we expect and end element to occur?
                if (expectEndElement)
                    // Move past the end element
                    if (!xmlIn.Read())
                        throw new ArgumentException("Could not read in next expected node");

                    // Check it has the expected name
                    if (xmlIn.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement)
                        throw new ArgumentException("EndElement expected but not found");
예제 #7
        protected void OnPopupMenuDisplay(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
            // Remove all existing menu items

            // Add our standard set of menus
            _tabControl.ContextPopupMenu.MenuCommands.AddRange(new MenuCommand[] { _mcClose, _mcSep1,
                                                                                   _mcProm, _mcReba,
                                                                                   _mcSep2, _mcHorz,
                                                                                   _mcVert, _mcNext,
                                                                                   _mcPrev });

            // Are any pages selected
            bool valid = (_tabControl.SelectedIndex != -1);

            // Define the latest text string
            _mcClose.Text = _tabbedGroups.CloseMenuText;
            _mcProm.Text  = _tabbedGroups.ProminentMenuText;
            _mcReba.Text  = _tabbedGroups.RebalanceMenuText;
            _mcPrev.Text  = _tabbedGroups.MovePreviousMenuText;
            _mcNext.Text  = _tabbedGroups.MoveNextMenuText;
            _mcVert.Text  = _tabbedGroups.NewVerticalMenuText;
            _mcHorz.Text  = _tabbedGroups.NewHorizontalMenuText;

            // Only need to close option if the tab has close defined
            _mcClose.Visible = _tabControl.ShowClose && valid;
            _mcSep1.Visible  = _tabControl.ShowClose && valid;

            // Update the radio button for prominent
            _mcProm.Checked = (_tabbedGroups.ProminentLeaf == this);

            // Can only create new group if at least two pages exist
            bool split = valid && (_tabControl.TabPages.Count > 1);

            bool vertSplit = split;
            bool horzSplit = split;

            TabGroupSequence tgs = _parent as TabGroupSequence;

            // If we are not the only leaf, then can only split in
            // the same direction as the group we are in
            if (tgs.Count > 1)
                if (tgs.Direction == Common.Direction.Vertical)
                    vertSplit = false;
                    horzSplit = false;

            _mcVert.Visible = vertSplit;
            _mcHorz.Visible = horzSplit;

            // Can only how movement if group exists in that direction
            _mcNext.Visible = valid && (_tabbedGroups.NextLeaf(this) != null);
            _mcPrev.Visible = valid && (_tabbedGroups.PreviousLeaf(this) != null);

            TGContextMenuEventArgs tge = new TGContextMenuEventArgs(this,

            // Generate event so handlers can add/remove/cancel menu

            // Pass back cancel value
            e.Cancel = tge.Cancel;
예제 #8
        protected void CreateTargets(TabGroupLeaf leaf)
            // Grab the underlying tab control
            Controls.TabControl tc = leaf.GroupControl as Controls.TabControl;

            // Get the total size of the tab control itself in screen coordinates
            Rectangle totalSize = tc.RectangleToScreen(tc.ClientRectangle);

            // We do not allow a page to be transfered to its own leaf!
            if (leaf != _leaf)
                Rectangle tabsSize = tc.RectangleToScreen(tc.TabsAreaRect);

                // Give priority to the tabs area being used to transfer page
                _targets.Add(new Target(tabsSize, totalSize, leaf, Target.TargetActions.Transfer));

            // Can only create new groups if moving relative to a new group
            // or we have more than one page in the originating group
            if ((leaf != _leaf) || ((leaf == _leaf) && _leaf.TabPages.Count > 1))
                int horzThird = totalSize.Width / 3;
                int vertThird = totalSize.Height / 3;

                // Create the four spacing rectangle
                Rectangle leftRect   = new Rectangle(totalSize.X, totalSize.Y, horzThird, totalSize.Height);
                Rectangle rightRect  = new Rectangle(totalSize.Right - horzThird, totalSize.Y, horzThird, totalSize.Height);
                Rectangle topRect    = new Rectangle(totalSize.X, totalSize.Y, totalSize.Width, vertThird);
                Rectangle bottomRect = new Rectangle(totalSize.X, totalSize.Bottom - vertThird, totalSize.Width, vertThird);

                TabGroupSequence tgs = _leaf.Parent as TabGroupSequence;

                // Can only create new groups in same direction, unless this is the only leaf
                if (tgs.Count <= 1)
                    // Add each new target
                    _targets.Add(new Target(leftRect, leftRect, leaf, Target.TargetActions.GroupLeft));
                    _targets.Add(new Target(rightRect, rightRect, leaf, Target.TargetActions.GroupRight));
                    _targets.Add(new Target(topRect, topRect, leaf, Target.TargetActions.GroupTop));
                    _targets.Add(new Target(bottomRect, bottomRect, leaf, Target.TargetActions.GroupBottom));
                    if (tgs.Direction == Common.Direction.Vertical)
                        _targets.Add(new Target(topRect, topRect, leaf, Target.TargetActions.GroupTop));
                        _targets.Add(new Target(bottomRect, bottomRect, leaf, Target.TargetActions.GroupBottom));
                        _targets.Add(new Target(leftRect, leftRect, leaf, Target.TargetActions.GroupLeft));
                        _targets.Add(new Target(rightRect, rightRect, leaf, Target.TargetActions.GroupRight));

            // We do not allow a page to be transfered to its own leaf!
            if (leaf != _leaf)
                // Any remaining space is used to
                _targets.Add(new Target(totalSize, totalSize, leaf, Target.TargetActions.Transfer));