public void start(Board board, Agent agent, Territory start, Territory finish) { // must create a path from start territory to finish territory TerritoryList territories = board.Territories; OpenSet.Add(new StarTile(start.Name, start)); Dictionary<string, int> sldMap = CalculateSLD(finish.Name); // loop through A* steps until goal is reached while (!IsGoalFound) { StarTile current = GetMinFValue(); // there are no more members of the OpenSet to examine if(current == null) { break; } // current territory is finish territory if(current.Id == finish.Name) { // do something? } List<StarTile> frontier = GetFrontier(current); // loop through frontier and calculate heuristic for current territory foreach(StarTile t in frontier) { // associate frontier territory to parent tile t.Parent = current; // is this really necessary since we do it below? // enemy territories are considered empty tiles, available to be conquered if(t.Territory.Owner != current.Territory.Owner) { CalculateHeuristic(t, start, finish); t.Parent = current; } // goal territory is reached else if(t.Territory.Name == finish.Name) { t.Parent = current; IsGoalFound = true; Path = ConstructPath(t); } // self owned territory, seen as obstacle because it is already else if(t.Territory.Owner == current.Territory.Owner) { // do not need to calculate anything, just skip } } } }
public static void ApplyCardBonus(Agent agent, Board board) { if(agent.CanCashIn()) { agent.ApplyCardBonus(board); } }
public AStar(Board board) { OpenSet = new List<StarTile>(); CloseSet = new List<StarTile>(); IsGoalFound = false; Path = new List<string>(); bfs = new BreadthFirstSearch(board); }
public void ApplyCardBonus(Board board) { List<string> cards = CardsToCashIn(); foreach (string card in cards) {; } board.UpdateCardBonus(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { finished = false; Agents = InitializeAgents(NUM_AGENTS, NUM_START_TROOPS); Board = InitializeBoard(TERRITORY_FILE_PATH, CONTINENT_FILE_PATH); DistributeTerritoriesToAgents(Agents, (Board)Board.Clone()); UpdateBoard(Agents, Board); EquallyDistributeTroops(Agents); UpdateBoard(Agents, Board); BreadthFirstSearch bfs = new BreadthFirstSearch((Board)Board.Clone()); bfs.Start("alaska"); List<BfsTile> tiles = bfs.Tiles; foreach (BfsTile t in tiles) { Console.WriteLine(t.Id + " : " + t.Distance); } do { foreach (Agent a in Agents) { // continent bonus Mechanics.ApplyContinentBonus(a, (Board)Board.Clone()); // cash in cards, if possible Mechanics.ApplyCardBonus(a, Board); // not fully tested // collect territory reinforcements Mechanics.GetReinforcements(a); // place reinforcements (no intelligent mechanism for now) Mechanics.PlaceReinforcements(a); // update territories on board Mechanics.UpdateBoard(Agents, Board); // perform attacking // tactical move // end turn } } while (!finished); }
private int CalculateContinentBonus(Board board) { int bonus = 0; foreach (Continent c in board.Continents) { // get all territories of a given continent var result = from Territory t in board.Territories where t.Continent == c.Name select board.Territories[t.Name]; // get all controlled territories of the continent var cTerritories = from Territory t in board.Territories where (t.Continent == c.Name) && (t.Owner == Name) select board.Territories[t.Name]; if (result.Count<Territory>() > 0 && cTerritories.Count<Territory>() > 0 && result.Count<Territory>() == cTerritories.Count<Territory>()) { bonus += c.Bonus; } } return bonus; }
public void ApplyContinentBonus(Board board) { AvailableTroops += CalculateContinentBonus(board); }
public static void ApplyContinentBonus(Agent agent, Board board) { agent.ApplyContinentBonus(board); }
public static Board InitializeBoard(string territoryFilePath, string continentFilePath) { // instantiate board graph Board board = new Board(); // read json data from file, create a territory, continent object for each member of json collection List<Territory> territories = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Territory>>(File.ReadAllText(territoryFilePath)); List<Continent> continents = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Continent>>(File.ReadAllText(continentFilePath)); // add territory object to board graph foreach (Territory t in territories) { board.AddNode(t); } foreach (Continent c in continents) { board.AddNode(c); } return board; }
public static void UpdateBoard(List<Agent> agents, Board board) { foreach (Agent a in agents) { foreach (KeyValuePair<string, int> kvp in a.ControlledTerritories) { board.Territories[kvp.Key].UpdateOwner(a.Name, kvp.Value); } } }
private static void DistributeTerritoriesToAgents(List<Agent> agents, Board board) { Mechanics.DistributeTerritories(agents, board.Territories, MAX_NUM_TERRITORIES); }
private static void UpdateBoard(List<Agent> agents, Board board) { Mechanics.UpdateBoard(agents, board); }
public BreadthFirstSearch(Board board) { Tiles = InitializeTiles(board.Territories); Queue = new Queue<BfsTile>(); }