List <AggregatedChampionStatistics> LoadAggregatedChampionStatisticsWithCTE(Summoner summoner, MapType map, GameModeType gameMode, DbConnection connection) { const string query = "with source as " + "(select, game.game_mode, game.blue_team_id, game.purple_team_id, game.blue_team_won, player.team_id, player.summoner_id, player.champion_id, player.kills, player.deaths, player.assists,, player.minion_kills from game, player where player.summoner_id = :summoner_id and = :map and game.game_mode = :game_mode and (game.blue_team_id = player.team_id or game.purple_team_id = player.team_id)) " + "select statistics.champion_id, coalesce(champion_wins.wins, 0) as wins, coalesce(champion_losses.losses, 0) as losses, statistics.kills, statistics.deaths, statistics.assists,, statistics.minion_kills from " + "(select source.champion_id, sum(source.kills) as kills, sum(source.deaths) as deaths, sum(source.assists) as assists, sum( as gold, sum(source.minion_kills) as minion_kills from source group by source.champion_id) " + "as statistics " + "left outer join " + "(select champion_id, count(*) as wins from source where (blue_team_won = 1 and blue_team_id = team_id) or (blue_team_won = 0 and purple_team_id = team_id) group by champion_id) " + "as champion_wins " + "on statistics.champion_id = champion_wins.champion_id " + "left outer join " + "(select champion_id, count(*) as losses from source where (blue_team_won = 0 and blue_team_id = team_id) or (blue_team_won = 1 and purple_team_id = team_id) group by champion_id) " + "as champion_losses " + "on statistics.champion_id = champion_losses.champion_id"; using (var select = Command(query, connection)) { select.Set("map", map); select.Set("game_mode", gameMode); select.Set("summoner_id", summoner.Id); using (var reader = select.ExecuteReader()) { List <AggregatedChampionStatistics> output = new List <AggregatedChampionStatistics>(); while (reader.Read()) { AggregatedChampionStatistics statistics = new AggregatedChampionStatistics(reader); output.Add(statistics); } return(output); } } }
List <AggregatedChampionStatistics> LoadAggregatedChampionStatisticsWithTemporaryView(Summoner summoner, MapType map, GameModeType gameMode, DbConnection connection) { Profiler profiler = new Profiler(false, "LoadAggregatedChampionStatisticsWithTemporaryView", GlobalHandler); string viewName = GetViewName(); try { //Create a temporary view with a dynamically generated name to emulate the former CTE string temporaryString = connection.IsMySQL() ? "" : "temporary "; string createViewQuery = "create " + temporaryString + "view {0} as select, game.game_mode, game.blue_team_id, game.purple_team_id, game.blue_team_won, player.team_id, player.summoner_id, player.champion_id, player.kills, player.deaths, player.assists,, player.minion_kills from game, player where game.blue_team_id = player.team_id or game.purple_team_id = player.team_id"; using (var createView = Command(createViewQuery, connection, viewName)) { createView.Execute(); string commonWhereClause = string.Format("{0}.summoner_id = :summoner_id and {0}.map = :map and {0}.game_mode = :game_mode", viewName); string selectQuery = "select statistics.champion_id, coalesce(champion_wins.wins, 0) as wins, coalesce(champion_losses.losses, 0) as losses, statistics.kills, statistics.deaths, statistics.assists,, statistics.minion_kills from " + "(select {0}.champion_id, sum({0}.kills) as kills, sum({0}.deaths) as deaths, sum({0}.assists) as assists, sum({0}.gold) as gold, sum({0}.minion_kills) as minion_kills from {0} where {1} group by {0}.champion_id) " + "as statistics " + "left outer join " + "(select champion_id, count(*) as wins from {0} where {1} and ((blue_team_won = 1 and blue_team_id = team_id) or (blue_team_won = 0 and purple_team_id = team_id)) group by champion_id) " + "as champion_wins " + "on statistics.champion_id = champion_wins.champion_id " + "left outer join " + "(select champion_id, count(*) as losses from {0} where {1} and ((blue_team_won = 0 and blue_team_id = team_id) or (blue_team_won = 1 and purple_team_id = team_id)) group by champion_id) " + "as champion_losses " + "on statistics.champion_id = champion_losses.champion_id"; using (var select = Command(selectQuery, connection, viewName, commonWhereClause)) { select.Set("map", map); select.Set("game_mode", gameMode); select.Set("summoner_id", summoner.Id); profiler.Start("ExecuteReader"); using (var reader = select.ExecuteReader()) { profiler.Stop(); profiler.Start("AggregatedChampionStatistics/drop"); List <AggregatedChampionStatistics> output = new List <AggregatedChampionStatistics>(); while (reader.Read()) { AggregatedChampionStatistics statistics = new AggregatedChampionStatistics(reader); output.Add(statistics); } reader.Close(); using (var dropView = Command("drop view {0}", connection, viewName)) dropView.Execute(); profiler.Stop(); return(output); } } } } finally { ReleaseViewName(viewName); } }