public static void Notify_ThingChanged(Thing thing) { if (debugDrawLord == null) { return; } CheckInitDebugDrawGrid(); if (thing.def.category != ThingCategory.Building && thing.def.category != ThingCategory.Item && thing.def.passability != Traversability.Impassable) { return; } if (thing.def.passability == Traversability.Impassable) { debugDrawLord = null; return; } int num = GenRadial.NumCellsInRadius(8f); float num2 = StealAIUtility.StartStealingMarketValueThreshold(debugDrawLord); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { IntVec3 intVec = thing.Position + GenRadial.RadialPattern[i]; if (intVec.InBounds(thing.Map)) { debugDrawGrid[intVec] = TotalMarketValueAround(intVec, Find.CurrentMap, debugDrawLord.ownedPawns.Count) > num2; } } }
protected override Job TryGiveJob(Pawn pawn) { IntVec3 c; Job result; Thing thing; if (!RCellFinder.TryFindBestExitSpot(pawn, out c, TraverseMode.ByPawn)) { result = null; } else if (StealAIUtility.TryFindBestItemToSteal(pawn.Position, pawn.Map, 12f, out thing, pawn, null) && !GenAI.InDangerousCombat(pawn)) { result = new Job(JobDefOf.Steal) { targetA = thing, targetB = c, count = Mathf.Min(thing.stackCount, (int)(pawn.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.CarryingCapacity, true) / thing.def.VolumePerUnit)) }; } else { result = null; } return(result); }
public static bool TryFindBestItemToSteal(IntVec3 root, Map map, float maxDist, out Thing item, Pawn thief, List <Thing> disallowed = null) { if (thief != null && ! { item = null; return(false); } if ((thief != null && !map.reachability.CanReachMapEdge(thief.Position, TraverseParms.For(thief, Danger.Some, TraverseMode.ByPawn, false))) || (thief == null && !map.reachability.CanReachMapEdge(root, TraverseParms.For(TraverseMode.PassDoors, Danger.Some, false)))) { item = null; return(false); } Predicate <Thing> predicate = (Thing t) => (thief == null || thief.CanReserve(t, 1, -1, null, false)) && (disallowed == null || !disallowed.Contains(t)) && t.def.stealable && !t.IsBurning(); ThingRequest thingReq = ThingRequest.ForGroup(ThingRequestGroup.HaulableEverOrMinifiable); PathEndMode peMode = PathEndMode.ClosestTouch; TraverseParms traverseParams = TraverseParms.For(TraverseMode.NoPassClosedDoors, Danger.Some, false); Predicate <Thing> validator = predicate; if (StealAIUtility.< > f__mg$cache0 == null) { StealAIUtility.< > f__mg$cache0 = new Func <Thing, float>(StealAIUtility.GetValue); } item = GenClosest.ClosestThing_Regionwise_ReachablePrioritized(root, map, thingReq, peMode, traverseParams, maxDist, validator, StealAIUtility.< > f__mg$cache0, 15, 15); if (item != null && StealAIUtility.GetValue(item) < 320f) { item = null; } return(item != null); }
public static bool TryFindBestItemToSteal(IntVec3 root, Map map, float maxDist, out Thing item, Pawn thief, List <Thing> disallowed = null) { bool result; if (thief != null && ! { item = null; result = false; } else if ((thief != null && !map.reachability.CanReachMapEdge(thief.Position, TraverseParms.For(thief, Danger.Some, TraverseMode.ByPawn, false))) || (thief == null && !map.reachability.CanReachMapEdge(root, TraverseParms.For(TraverseMode.PassDoors, Danger.Some, false)))) { item = null; result = false; } else { Predicate <Thing> validator = (Thing t) => (thief == null || thief.CanReserve(t, 1, -1, null, false)) && (disallowed == null || !disallowed.Contains(t)) && t.def.stealable && !t.IsBurning(); item = GenClosest.ClosestThing_Regionwise_ReachablePrioritized(root, map, ThingRequest.ForGroup(ThingRequestGroup.HaulableEverOrMinifiable), PathEndMode.ClosestTouch, TraverseParms.For(TraverseMode.NoPassClosedDoors, Danger.Some, false), maxDist, validator, (Thing x) => StealAIUtility.GetValue(x), 15, 15); if (item != null && StealAIUtility.GetValue(item) < 320f) { item = null; } result = (item != null); } return(result); }
public virtual void MakeLords(IncidentParms parms, List <Pawn> pawns) { Map map = (Map); List <List <Pawn> > list = IncidentParmsUtility.SplitIntoGroups(pawns, parms.pawnGroups); int @int = Rand.Int; for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { List <Pawn> list2 = list[i]; Lord lord = LordMaker.MakeNewLord(parms.faction, this.MakeLordJob(parms, map, list2, @int), map, list2); if (DebugViewSettings.drawStealDebug && parms.faction.HostileTo(Faction.OfPlayer)) { Log.Message(string.Concat(new object[] { "Market value threshold to start stealing (raiders=", lord.ownedPawns.Count, "): ", StealAIUtility.StartStealingMarketValueThreshold(lord), " (colony wealth=", map.wealthWatcher.WealthTotal, ")" }), false); } } }
private static float TotalMarketValueAround(IntVec3 center, Map map, int pawnsCount) { if (center.Impassable(map)) { return(0f); } float num = 0f; tmpToSteal.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < pawnsCount; i++) { IntVec3 intVec = center + GenRadial.RadialPattern[i]; if (!intVec.InBounds(map) || intVec.Impassable(map) || !GenSight.LineOfSight(center, intVec, map)) { intVec = center; } if (StealAIUtility.TryFindBestItemToSteal(intVec, map, 7f, out var item, null, tmpToSteal)) { num += StealAIUtility.GetValue(item); tmpToSteal.Add(item); } } tmpToSteal.Clear(); return(num); }
private static float TotalMarketValueAround(IntVec3 center, Map map, int pawnsCount) { if (center.Impassable(map)) { return(0f); } float num = 0f; StealAIDebugDrawer.tmpToSteal.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < pawnsCount; i++) { IntVec3 intVec = center + GenRadial.RadialPattern[i]; if (!intVec.InBounds(map) || intVec.Impassable(map) || !GenSight.LineOfSight(center, intVec, map, false, null, 0, 0)) { intVec = center; } Thing thing = default(Thing); if (StealAIUtility.TryFindBestItemToSteal(intVec, map, 7f, out thing, (Pawn)null, StealAIDebugDrawer.tmpToSteal)) { num += StealAIUtility.GetValue(thing); StealAIDebugDrawer.tmpToSteal.Add(thing); } } StealAIDebugDrawer.tmpToSteal.Clear(); return(num); }
protected override bool TryFindGoodOpportunisticTaskTarget(Pawn pawn, out Thing target, List <Thing> alreadyTakenTargets) { if (pawn.mindState.duty != null && pawn.mindState.duty.def == this.DutyDef && pawn.carryTracker.CarriedThing != null) { target = pawn.carryTracker.CarriedThing; return(true); } return(StealAIUtility.TryFindBestItemToSteal(pawn.Position, pawn.Map, 7f, out target, pawn, alreadyTakenTargets)); }
protected override Job TryGiveJob(Pawn pawn) { if (!RCellFinder.TryFindBestExitSpot(pawn, out IntVec3 spot)) { return(null); } if (StealAIUtility.TryFindBestItemToSteal(pawn.Position, pawn.Map, 12f, out Thing item, pawn) && !GenAI.InDangerousCombat(pawn)) { Job job = new Job(JobDefOf.Steal); job.targetA = item; job.targetB = spot; job.count = Mathf.Min(item.stackCount, (int)(pawn.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.CarryingCapacity) / item.def.VolumePerUnit)); return(job); } return(null); }
public static bool TryFindBestItemToSteal(IntVec3 root, Map map, float maxDist, out Thing item, Pawn thief, List <Thing> disallowed = null) { if (thief != null && ! { item = null; return(false); } if (thief != null && !map.reachability.CanReachMapEdge(thief.Position, TraverseParms.For(thief, Danger.Some, TraverseMode.ByPawn, false))) { goto IL_009d; } if (thief == null && !map.reachability.CanReachMapEdge(root, TraverseParms.For(TraverseMode.PassDoors, Danger.Some, false))) { goto IL_009d; } Predicate <Thing> validator = delegate(Thing t) { if (thief != null && !thief.CanReserve(t, 1, -1, null, false)) { return(false); } if (disallowed != null && disallowed.Contains(t)) { return(false); } if (!t.def.stealable) { return(false); } if (t.IsBurning()) { return(false); } return(true); }; item = GenClosest.ClosestThing_Regionwise_ReachablePrioritized(root, map, ThingRequest.ForGroup(ThingRequestGroup.HaulableEverOrMinifiable), PathEndMode.ClosestTouch, TraverseParms.For(TraverseMode.NoPassClosedDoors, Danger.Some, false), maxDist, validator, StealAIUtility.GetValue, 15, 15); if (item != null && StealAIUtility.GetValue(item) < 320.0) { item = null; } return(item != null); IL_009d: item = null; return(false); }
public static float TotalMarketValueAround(List <Pawn> pawns) { float num = 0f; StealAIUtility.tmpToSteal.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < pawns.Count; i++) { Thing thing = default(Thing); if (pawns[i].Spawned && StealAIUtility.TryFindBestItemToSteal(pawns[i].Position, pawns[i].Map, 7f, out thing, pawns[i], StealAIUtility.tmpToSteal)) { num += StealAIUtility.GetValue(thing); StealAIUtility.tmpToSteal.Add(thing); } } StealAIUtility.tmpToSteal.Clear(); return(num); }
public override bool ActivateOn(Lord lord, TriggerSignal signal) { if (signal.type == TriggerSignalType.Tick && Find.TickManager.TicksGame % 120 == 0) { if (TutorSystem.TutorialMode) { return(false); } if (Find.TickManager.TicksGame - lord.lastPawnHarmTick > 300) { float num = StealAIUtility.TotalMarketValueAround(lord.ownedPawns); float num2 = StealAIUtility.StartStealingMarketValueThreshold(lord); return(num > num2); } } return(false); }
public static void DebugDraw() { if (!DebugViewSettings.drawStealDebug) { StealAIDebugDrawer.debugDrawLord = null; return; } Lord lord = StealAIDebugDrawer.debugDrawLord; StealAIDebugDrawer.debugDrawLord = StealAIDebugDrawer.FindHostileLord(); if (StealAIDebugDrawer.debugDrawLord == null) { return; } StealAIDebugDrawer.CheckInitDebugDrawGrid(); float num = StealAIUtility.StartStealingMarketValueThreshold(StealAIDebugDrawer.debugDrawLord); if (lord != StealAIDebugDrawer.debugDrawLord) { foreach (IntVec3 intVec in Find.CurrentMap.AllCells) { StealAIDebugDrawer.debugDrawGrid[intVec] = (StealAIDebugDrawer.TotalMarketValueAround(intVec, Find.CurrentMap, StealAIDebugDrawer.debugDrawLord.ownedPawns.Count) > num); } } foreach (IntVec3 c in Find.CurrentMap.AllCells) { if (StealAIDebugDrawer.debugDrawGrid[c]) { CellRenderer.RenderCell(c, 0.5f); } } StealAIDebugDrawer.tmpToSteal.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < StealAIDebugDrawer.debugDrawLord.ownedPawns.Count; i++) { Pawn pawn = StealAIDebugDrawer.debugDrawLord.ownedPawns[i]; Thing thing; if (StealAIUtility.TryFindBestItemToSteal(pawn.Position, pawn.Map, 7f, out thing, pawn, StealAIDebugDrawer.tmpToSteal)) { GenDraw.DrawLineBetween(pawn.TrueCenter(), thing.TrueCenter()); StealAIDebugDrawer.tmpToSteal.Add(thing); } } StealAIDebugDrawer.tmpToSteal.Clear(); }
public static void DebugDraw() { if (!DebugViewSettings.drawStealDebug) { debugDrawLord = null; return; } Lord lord = debugDrawLord; debugDrawLord = FindHostileLord(); if (debugDrawLord == null) { return; } CheckInitDebugDrawGrid(); float num = StealAIUtility.StartStealingMarketValueThreshold(debugDrawLord); if (lord != debugDrawLord) { foreach (IntVec3 allCell in Find.CurrentMap.AllCells) { debugDrawGrid[allCell] = TotalMarketValueAround(allCell, Find.CurrentMap, debugDrawLord.ownedPawns.Count) > num; } } foreach (IntVec3 allCell2 in Find.CurrentMap.AllCells) { if (debugDrawGrid[allCell2]) { CellRenderer.RenderCell(allCell2); } } tmpToSteal.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < debugDrawLord.ownedPawns.Count; i++) { Pawn pawn = debugDrawLord.ownedPawns[i]; if (StealAIUtility.TryFindBestItemToSteal(pawn.Position, pawn.Map, 7f, out var item, pawn, tmpToSteal)) { GenDraw.DrawLineBetween(pawn.TrueCenter(), item.TrueCenter()); tmpToSteal.Add(item); } } tmpToSteal.Clear(); }
protected override Job TryGiveJob(Pawn pawn) { IntVec3 c = default(IntVec3); if (!RCellFinder.TryFindBestExitSpot(pawn, out c, TraverseMode.ByPawn)) { return(null); } Thing thing = default(Thing); if (StealAIUtility.TryFindBestItemToSteal(pawn.Position, pawn.Map, 12f, out thing, pawn, (List <Thing>)null) && !GenAI.InDangerousCombat(pawn)) { Job job = new Job(JobDefOf.Steal); job.targetA = thing; job.targetB = c; job.count = Mathf.Min(thing.stackCount, (int)(pawn.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.CarryingCapacity, true) / thing.def.VolumePerUnit)); return(job); } return(null); }
private static float <TryFindBestItemToSteal> m__0(Thing x) { return(StealAIUtility.GetValue(x)); }
protected override bool TryExecuteWorker(IncidentParms parms) { Map map = (Map); this.ResolveRaidPoints(parms); if (!this.TryResolveRaidFaction(parms)) { return(false); } this.ResolveRaidStrategy(parms); this.ResolveRaidArriveMode(parms); if (!this.ResolveRaidSpawnCenter(parms)) { return(false); } IncidentParmsUtility.AdjustPointsForGroupArrivalParams(parms); PawnGroupMakerParms defaultPawnGroupMakerParms = IncidentParmsUtility.GetDefaultPawnGroupMakerParms(parms, false); List <Pawn> list = PawnGroupMakerUtility.GeneratePawns(PawnGroupKindDefOf.Normal, defaultPawnGroupMakerParms, true).ToList(); if (list.Count == 0) { Log.Error("Got no pawns spawning raid from parms " + parms); return(false); } TargetInfo target = TargetInfo.Invalid; if (parms.raidArrivalMode == PawnsArriveMode.CenterDrop || parms.raidArrivalMode == PawnsArriveMode.EdgeDrop) { DropPodUtility.DropThingsNear(parms.spawnCenter, map, list.Cast <Thing>(), parms.raidPodOpenDelay, false, true, true, false); target = new TargetInfo(parms.spawnCenter, map, false); } else { foreach (Pawn item in list) { IntVec3 loc = CellFinder.RandomClosewalkCellNear(parms.spawnCenter, map, 8, null); GenSpawn.Spawn(item, loc, map, parms.spawnRotation, false); target = item; } } StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder.AppendLine("Points = " + parms.points.ToString("F0")); foreach (Pawn item2 in list) { string str = ( == null || == null) ? "unarmed" :; stringBuilder.AppendLine(item2.KindLabel + " - " + str); } string letterLabel = this.GetLetterLabel(parms); string letterText = this.GetLetterText(parms, list); PawnRelationUtility.Notify_PawnsSeenByPlayer_Letter(list, ref letterLabel, ref letterText, this.GetRelatedPawnsInfoLetterText(parms), true, true); Find.LetterStack.ReceiveLetter(letterLabel, letterText, this.GetLetterDef(), target, stringBuilder.ToString()); if (this.GetLetterDef() == LetterDefOf.ThreatBig) { TaleRecorder.RecordTale(TaleDefOf.RaidArrived); } Lord lord = LordMaker.MakeNewLord(parms.faction, parms.raidStrategy.Worker.MakeLordJob(parms, map), map, list); AvoidGridMaker.RegenerateAvoidGridsFor(parms.faction, map); LessonAutoActivator.TeachOpportunity(ConceptDefOf.EquippingWeapons, OpportunityType.Critical); if (!PlayerKnowledgeDatabase.IsComplete(ConceptDefOf.ShieldBelts)) { for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { Pawn pawn = list[i]; if (pawn.apparel.WornApparel.Any((Apparel ap) => ap is ShieldBelt)) { LessonAutoActivator.TeachOpportunity(ConceptDefOf.ShieldBelts, OpportunityType.Critical); break; } } } if (DebugViewSettings.drawStealDebug && parms.faction.HostileTo(Faction.OfPlayer)) { Log.Message("Market value threshold to start stealing: " + StealAIUtility.StartStealingMarketValueThreshold(lord) + " (colony wealth = " + map.wealthWatcher.WealthTotal + ")"); } return(true); }
public virtual void MakeLords(IncidentParms parms, List <Pawn> pawns) { Map map = (Map); List <List <Pawn> > list = IncidentParmsUtility.SplitIntoGroups(pawns, parms.pawnGroups); int @int = Rand.Int; for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { List <Pawn> list2 = list[i]; Lord lord = LordMaker.MakeNewLord(parms.faction, MakeLordJob(parms, map, list2, @int), map, list2); lord.inSignalLeave = parms.inSignalEnd; QuestUtility.AddQuestTag(lord, parms.questTag); if (DebugViewSettings.drawStealDebug && parms.faction.HostileTo(Faction.OfPlayer)) { Log.Message("Market value threshold to start stealing (raiders=" + lord.ownedPawns.Count + "): " + StealAIUtility.StartStealingMarketValueThreshold(lord) + " (colony wealth=" + map.wealthWatcher.WealthTotal + ")"); } } }