protected override bool TryExecuteWorker(IncidentParms parms) { Map map = (Map); IntVec3 root = default(IntVec3); if (!this.TryFindRootCell(map, out root)) { return(false); } Thing thing = null; int randomInRange = IncidentWorker_AmbrosiaSprout.CountRange.RandomInRange; int num = 0; IntVec3 intVec = default(IntVec3); while (num < randomInRange && CellFinder.TryRandomClosewalkCellNear(root, map, 6, out intVec, (Predicate <IntVec3>)((IntVec3 x) => this.CanSpawnAt(x, map)))) { Plant plant = intVec.GetPlant(map); if (plant != null) { plant.Destroy(DestroyMode.Vanish); } Thing thing2 = GenSpawn.Spawn(ThingDefOf.PlantAmbrosia, intVec, map); if (thing == null) { thing = thing2; } num++; } if (thing == null) { return(false); } base.SendStandardLetter(thing); return(true); }
public override void Tick() { base.Tick(); spawnticks--; if (spawnticks == 0) { foreach (IntVec3 current in GenAdj.AdjacentSquaresCardinal(this)) { if (current.GetPlant() == null) { //not a plant, spawn ivy Plant newivy = (Plant)ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDef.Named("PurpleIvy")); GenSpawn.Spawn(newivy, current); } else { Plant plant = current.GetPlant(); if (plant.def.defName != "PurpleIvy") { plant.Destroy(); Plant newivy = (Plant)ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDef.Named("PurpleIvy")); GenSpawn.Spawn(newivy, current); } else { //dont destroy other ivy } } } spawnticks = 1200; } }
protected override bool TryExecuteWorker(IncidentParms parms) { Map map = (Map); IntVec3 root; bool result; if (!this.TryFindRootCell(map, out root)) { result = false; } else { Thing thing = null; int randomInRange = IncidentWorker_AmbrosiaSprout.CountRange.RandomInRange; for (int i = 0; i < randomInRange; i++) { IntVec3 intVec; if (!CellFinder.TryRandomClosewalkCellNear(root, map, 6, out intVec, (IntVec3 x) => this.CanSpawnAt(x, map))) { break; } Plant plant = intVec.GetPlant(map); if (plant != null) { plant.Destroy(DestroyMode.Vanish); } Thing thing2 = GenSpawn.Spawn(ThingDefOf.Plant_Ambrosia, intVec, map, WipeMode.Vanish); if (thing == null) { thing = thing2; } } if (thing == null) { result = false; } else { base.SendStandardLetter(thing, null, new string[0]); result = true; } } return(result); }
// Token: 0x0600295A RID: 10586 RVA: 0x00139AB0 File Offset: 0x00137EB0 private void HarmRandomPlantInRadius(float radius) { IntVec3 c = this.parent.Position + (Rand.InsideUnitCircleVec3 * radius).ToIntVec3(); if (!c.InBounds(this.parent.Map)) { return; } Plant plant = c.GetPlant(this.parent.Map); bool flag = c.GetThingList(this.parent.Map).Any(x => x.def.defName.Contains("RRY_Plant_Neomorph_Fungus")); if (plant != null && !flag) { if (Rand.Value < this.LeaflessPlantKillChance && this.parent.Map.GooGrid().GetDepth(c) >= 1f) { if (RRYautja.settings.SettingsHelper.latest.AllowNeomorphs) { Thing thing2; if (!PlayerKnowledgeDatabase.IsComplete(XenomorphConceptDefOf.RRY_Concept_Fungus)) { thing2 = ThingMaker.MakeThing(XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Plant_Neomorph_Fungus_Hidden); } else { thing2 = ThingMaker.MakeThing(XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Plant_Neomorph_Fungus); } IntVec3 vec3 = plant.Position; GenSpawn.Spawn(thing2, vec3, plant.Map, WipeMode.Vanish); } else { plant.Destroy(); } // GenSpawn.Spawn(ThingMaker.MakeThing(this.def), vec3, this.Map); } } }
public override void TickRare() { base.TickRare(); this.SpreadTick--; if (this.growthPercent >= 1) { //check things in cell and react CheckThings(Position); } if (this.SpreadTick == 0) { //Pick a random direction cell IntVec3 dir = new IntVec3(); dir = GenAdj.RandomAdjSquareCardinal(Position); //If in bounds if (dir.InBounds()) { //If we find a tasty floor lets eat it nomnomnom TerrainDef terrain = dir.GetTerrain(); if (terrain != null) { //Only eat floor if not natural if (terrain.defName != "Sand" && terrain.defName != "Soil" && terrain.defName != "MarshyTerrain" && terrain.defName != "SoilRich" && terrain.defName != "Mud" && terrain.defName != "Marsh" && terrain.defName != "Gravel" && terrain.defName != "RoughStone" && terrain.defName != "WaterDeep" && terrain.defName != "WaterShallow" && terrain.defName != "RoughHewnRock") { //And by eat i mean replace - TODO can you damage floors over time? //Replace with soil - TODO for now, maybe change to regen tile later if possible Find.TerrainGrid.SetTerrain(dir, TerrainDef.Named("Soil")); //if theres no ivy here if (!IvyInCell(dir)) { if (dir.GetPlant() == null) { //no plant, move on } else { //Found plant, Kill it Plant plant = dir.GetPlant(); plant.Destroy(); } //Spawn more Ivy SpawnIvy(dir); } } //Its natural floor else if (terrain.defName != "WaterDeep" && terrain.defName != "WaterShallow" && terrain.defName != "MarshyTerrain") { //if theres no ivy here if (!IvyInCell(dir)) { if (dir.GetPlant() == null) { //no plant, move on } else { //Found plant, Kill it Plant plant = dir.GetPlant(); plant.Destroy(); } //Spawn more Ivy SpawnIvy(dir); } } //its water or something I dont know of else { } } } SpreadTick = OrigSpreadTick; } if (this.MutateTry == true) { Random random = new Random(); int MutateRate = random.Next(1, 200); if (MutateRate == 3 || MutateRate == 23) { Building_GasPump GasPump = (Building_GasPump)ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDef.Named("GasPump")); GasPump.SetFactionDirect(factionDirect); if (hasNoBuildings(Position)) { GenSpawn.Spawn(GasPump, Position); } this.MutateTry = false; //Find.History.AddGameEvent("Gas here", GameEventType.BadNonUrgent, true, Position, string.Empty); } else if (MutateRate == 4 || MutateRate == 24) { Building_EggSac EggSac = (Building_EggSac)ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDef.Named("EggSac")); EggSac.SetFactionDirect(factionDirect); if (hasNoBuildings(Position)) { GenSpawn.Spawn(EggSac, Position); } this.MutateTry = false; //Find.History.AddGameEvent("Egg here", GameEventType.BadNonUrgent, true, Position, string.Empty); } else if (MutateRate == 5) { Building_Turret GenMortar = (Building_Turret)ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDef.Named("Turret_GenMortarSeed")); GenMortar.SetFactionDirect(factionDirect); if (hasNoBuildings(Position)) { GenSpawn.Spawn(GenMortar, Position); } this.MutateTry = false; //Find.History.AddGameEvent("Mortar here", GameEventType.BadNonUrgent, true, Position, string.Empty); } else if (MutateRate == 6) { Building_Turret GenTurret = (Building_Turret)ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDef.Named("GenTurretBase")); GenTurret.SetFactionDirect(factionDirect); if (hasNoBuildings(Position)) { GenSpawn.Spawn(GenTurret, Position); } this.MutateTry = false; //Find.History.AddGameEvent("Turret here", GameEventType.BadNonUrgent, true, Position, string.Empty); } else { this.MutateTry = false; } } if (stuckPawn != null) { int damageAmountBase = 1; DamageInfo damageInfo = new DamageInfo(this.dmgdef, damageAmountBase, this, null, null); stuckPawn.TakeDamage(damageInfo); stuckPawn = null; } if (stuckCorpse != null) { stuckCorpse.Destroy(); stuckCorpse = null; } }