public void ExposeData() { string text = (this.childhood == null) ? null : this.childhood.identifier; Scribe_Values.Look(ref text, "childhood", null, false); if (Scribe.mode == LoadSaveMode.LoadingVars && !text.NullOrEmpty() && !BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier(text, out this.childhood)) { Log.Error("Couldn't load child backstory with identifier " + text + ". Giving random."); this.childhood = BackstoryDatabase.RandomBackstory(BackstorySlot.Childhood); } string text2 = (this.adulthood == null) ? null : this.adulthood.identifier; Scribe_Values.Look(ref text2, "adulthood", null, false); if (Scribe.mode == LoadSaveMode.LoadingVars && !text2.NullOrEmpty() && !BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier(text2, out this.adulthood)) { Log.Error("Couldn't load adult backstory with identifier " + text2 + ". Giving random."); this.adulthood = BackstoryDatabase.RandomBackstory(BackstorySlot.Adulthood); } Scribe_Values.Look <BodyType>(ref this.bodyType, "bodyType", BodyType.Undefined, false); Scribe_Values.Look <CrownType>(ref this.crownType, "crownType", CrownType.Undefined, false); Scribe_Values.Look <string>(ref this.headGraphicPath, "headGraphicPath", (string)null, false); Scribe_Defs.Look <HairDef>(ref this.hairDef, "hairDef"); Scribe_Values.Look <Color>(ref this.hairColor, "hairColor", default(Color), false); Scribe_Values.Look <float>(ref this.melanin, "melanin", 0f, false); Scribe_Deep.Look <TraitSet>(ref this.traits, "traits", new object[1] { this.pawn }); if (Scribe.mode == LoadSaveMode.PostLoadInit && this.hairDef == null) { this.hairDef = DefDatabase <HairDef> .AllDefs.RandomElement(); } }
public void ExposeData() { string value = (childhood == null) ? null : childhood.identifier; Scribe_Values.Look(ref value, "childhood"); if (Scribe.mode == LoadSaveMode.LoadingVars && !value.NullOrEmpty() && !BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier(value, out childhood)) { Log.Error("Couldn't load child backstory with identifier " + value + ". Giving random."); childhood = BackstoryDatabase.RandomBackstory(BackstorySlot.Childhood); } string value2 = (adulthood == null) ? null : adulthood.identifier; Scribe_Values.Look(ref value2, "adulthood"); if (Scribe.mode == LoadSaveMode.LoadingVars && !value2.NullOrEmpty() && !BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier(value2, out adulthood)) { Log.Error("Couldn't load adult backstory with identifier " + value2 + ". Giving random."); adulthood = BackstoryDatabase.RandomBackstory(BackstorySlot.Adulthood); } Scribe_Defs.Look(ref bodyType, "bodyType"); Scribe_Values.Look(ref crownType, "crownType", CrownType.Undefined); Scribe_Values.Look(ref headGraphicPath, "headGraphicPath"); Scribe_Defs.Look(ref hairDef, "hairDef"); Scribe_Values.Look(ref hairColor, "hairColor"); Scribe_Values.Look(ref melanin, "melanin", 0f); Scribe_Deep.Look(ref traits, "traits", pawn); Scribe_Values.Look(ref title, "title"); if (Scribe.mode == LoadSaveMode.PostLoadInit && hairDef == null) { hairDef = DefDatabase <HairDef> .AllDefs.RandomElement(); } }