protected override void Initialize() { base.Initialize(); IsEikonExcelDisable = true; configObj = Config as HKSpeedGuideConfig; xmlObj = ConfigUtil.ReadConfig(XmlFilePath, typeof(HKSpeedGuideXML)) as HKSpeedGuideXML; }
private void GetDataFromFolderWarrent(Application xlApp, HKSpeedGuideXML xmlObj, Logger logger) { string folderPath = configObj.WarrantFolderPath; //@"D:\HKRicTemplate\Warrant"; List <string> fileNames = FileUtil.GetTodayFileNameFromFolder(folderPath); if (fileNames != null && fileNames.Count > 0) { foreach (Workbook wBook in fileNames.Select(fileName => ExcelOperation.OpenWorkBook(xlApp, folderPath, fileName))) { warrantDataItem.GetWarrantDataFromWorkBook(wBook, configObj, xmlObj, logger); //wBook.Close(Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value); } } }
public string GetOrgNameMappingResult(string source, HKSpeedGuideXML xmlObj, Logger logger) { string mappingResult = ""; foreach (NameMapping item in xmlObj.NameConfig.Where(item => item.OrganisationName.Equals(source))) { mappingResult = item.mappingName; } if (mappingResult.Equals(string.Empty)) { logger.Log(string.Format("Check the xml file, can't find the mapping name according to the source name {0}", source)); } return(mappingResult); }
private void GetWarrantData(_Worksheet wSheet, HKSpeedGuideXML xmlObj, Logger logger) { int rowIndex = 6; string cellValue = wSheet.Range[wSheet.Cells[rowIndex, 1], wSheet.Cells[rowIndex, 1]].Value2.ToString(); while (cellValue.Equals("+ADDITION+")) { rowIndex++; cellValue = wSheet.Range[wSheet.Cells[rowIndex, 1], wSheet.Cells[rowIndex, 1]].Value2.ToString(); while (!cellValue.Equals("+ADDITION+")) { if (cellValue == "" && wSheet.Range[wSheet.Cells[rowIndex + 1, 1], wSheet.Cells[rowIndex + 1, 1]].Value2 == null && wSheet.Range[wSheet.Cells[rowIndex + 2, 1], wSheet.Cells[rowIndex + 2, 1]].Value2 == null) { break; } string col2Value = ""; switch (cellValue) { case "Underlying RIC:": col2Value = wSheet.Range[wSheet.Cells[rowIndex, 2], wSheet.Cells[rowIndex, 2]].Value2 == null ? "" : wSheet.Range[wSheet.Cells[rowIndex, 2], wSheet.Cells[rowIndex, 2]].Value2.ToString(); warrantRic.Add(col2Value); break; case "Organisation Name (DIRNAME):": string formatValue = ""; if (wSheet.Range[wSheet.Cells[rowIndex, 2], wSheet.Cells[rowIndex, 2]].Value2 == null) { col2Value = ""; } else { col2Value = wSheet.Range[wSheet.Cells[rowIndex, 2], wSheet.Cells[rowIndex, 2]].Value2.ToString(); formatValue = GetOrgNameMappingResult(col2Value, xmlObj, logger); } if (!formatValue.Equals((""))) { issuer.Add(formatValue); } break; case "GN_TX20_6:": col2Value = wSheet.Range[wSheet.Cells[rowIndex, 2], wSheet.Cells[rowIndex, 2]].Value2 == null ? "" : wSheet.Range[wSheet.Cells[rowIndex, 2], wSheet.Cells[rowIndex, 2]].Value2.ToString(); underlyingRic.Add(col2Value); break; case "ISSUE PRICE:": col2Value = wSheet.Range[wSheet.Cells[rowIndex, 2], wSheet.Cells[rowIndex, 2]].Value2 == null ? "" : wSheet.Range[wSheet.Cells[rowIndex, 2], wSheet.Cells[rowIndex, 2]].Value2.ToString(); issuePrice.Add(col2Value); break; case "WNT_RATIO:": col2Value = wSheet.Range[wSheet.Cells[rowIndex, 2], wSheet.Cells[rowIndex, 2]].Value2 == null ? "" : wSheet.Range[wSheet.Cells[rowIndex, 2], wSheet.Cells[rowIndex, 2]].Value2.ToString(); convRatio.Add(col2Value); break; case "STRIKE_PRC:": col2Value = wSheet.Range[wSheet.Cells[rowIndex, 2], wSheet.Cells[rowIndex, 2]].Value2 == null ? "" : wSheet.Range[wSheet.Cells[rowIndex, 2], wSheet.Cells[rowIndex, 2]].Value2.ToString(); strike.Add(col2Value); break; case "GN_TX20_11:": if (wSheet.Range[wSheet.Cells[rowIndex, 2], wSheet.Cells[rowIndex, 2]].Value2 == null) { col2Value = ""; } else { col2Value = wSheet.Range[wSheet.Cells[rowIndex, 2], wSheet.Cells[rowIndex, 2]].Value2.ToString(); col2Value = col2Value.Replace("M", ""); } issueSize.Add(col2Value); break; } rowIndex++; cellValue = wSheet.Range[wSheet.Cells[rowIndex, 1], wSheet.Cells[rowIndex, 1]].Value2 == null ? "" : wSheet.Range[wSheet.Cells[rowIndex, 1], wSheet.Cells[rowIndex, 1]].Value2.ToString(); } int t = rowIndex; } }
public void GetWarrantDataFromWorkBook(Workbook wBook, HKSpeedGuideConfig configObj, HKSpeedGuideXML xmlObj, Logger logger) { if (wBook != null) { Worksheet wSheet = (Worksheet)wBook.Worksheets[1]; GetWarrantData(wSheet, xmlObj, logger); } }