예제 #1
        public DropdownGroupTest()
            : base(WindowType.Toplevel)
            AddEvents ((int)(Gdk.EventMask.ButtonPressMask | Gdk.EventMask.ButtonReleaseMask | Gdk.EventMask.PointerMotionMask));

            HBox master = new HBox ();
            master.AddEvents ((int)(Gdk.EventMask.ButtonPressMask | Gdk.EventMask.ButtonReleaseMask | Gdk.EventMask.PointerMotionMask));

            Title = "Ribbons Sample";
            AppPaintable = true;

            Ribbons.Button button0 = new Ribbons.Button ("Hello World");

            RibbonGroup group0 = new RibbonGroup ();
            group0.Label = "Summer of Code";
            group0.Child = button0;
            group0.Expand += onClick;

            DropdownRibbonGroup dropGroup0 = new DropdownRibbonGroup ();
            dropGroup0.Group = group0;
            dropGroup0.Label = "Drop 1";

            DropdownRibbonGroup dropGroup1 = new DropdownRibbonGroup ();
            dropGroup1.Group = group0;
            dropGroup1.Label = "Drop 2";

            master.PackStart (dropGroup0, false, false, 0);
            master.PackStart (dropGroup1, false, false, 0);

            Add (master);

            ScreenChanged += Window_OnScreenChanged;
            Window_OnScreenChanged (this, null);
            ExposeEvent += Window_OnExpose;
            DeleteEvent += Window_OnDelete;

            this.Resize (200, 200);
            this.ShowAll ();
예제 #2
        public MainWindow()
            : base(WindowType.Toplevel)
            AddEvents ((int)(Gdk.EventMask.ButtonPressMask | Gdk.EventMask.ButtonReleaseMask | Gdk.EventMask.PointerMotionMask));

            VBox master = new VBox ();
            master.AddEvents ((int)(Gdk.EventMask.ButtonPressMask | Gdk.EventMask.ButtonReleaseMask | Gdk.EventMask.PointerMotionMask));

            Title = "Ribbons Sample";
            AppPaintable = true;

            VariantsCombinaisonSwitcher page0 = new VariantsCombinaisonSwitcher ();

            RibbonGroup group0 = CreateGroup0 ();
            RibbonGroup group1 = CreateGroup1 ();
            RibbonGroup group2 = CreateGroup2 ();
            DropdownRibbonGroup dgroup0 = CreateDropdownGroup0 ();
            dgroup0.Group = group0;
            DropdownRibbonGroup dgroup1 = CreateDropdownGroup1 ();
            dgroup1.Group = group1;
            DropdownRibbonGroup dgroup2 = CreateDropdownGroup2 ();
            dgroup2.Group = group2;

            VariantsCombinaison combi0 = new VariantsCombinaison ();
            combi0.Append (group0);
            combi0.Append (group1);
            combi0.Append (group2);
            page0.AddCombinaison (combi0);

            VariantsCombinaison combi1 = new VariantsCombinaison ();
            combi1.Append (group0);
            combi1.Append (group1);
            combi1.Append (dgroup2);
            page0.AddCombinaison (combi1);

            VariantsCombinaison combi2 = new VariantsCombinaison ();
            combi2.Append (dgroup0);
            combi2.Append (dgroup1);
            combi2.Append (dgroup2);
            page0.AddCombinaison (combi2);

            HBox page1 = new HBox (false, 2);
            RibbonGroup group10 = new RibbonGroup ();
            group10.Label = "Welcome on the second page";
            page1.PackStart (group10, false, false, 0);

            HBox page2 = new HBox (false, 2);

            Label pageLabel0 = new Label ("Page 1");
            pageLabel1 = new Label ("Page 2");
            Label pageLabel2 = new Label ("Page 3");

            Ribbons.Button shortcuts = new Ribbons.Button ("Menu");
            shortcuts.Child.ModifyFg (Gtk.StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color(255, 255, 255));

            Menu mainMenu = new Menu ();
            MenuItem mainMenu_quit = new MenuItem ("Quit");
            mainMenu_quit.Activated += delegate (object Sender, EventArgs e)
                Application.Quit ();
            mainMenu.Append (mainMenu_quit);

            shortcuts.Clicked += delegate (object Sender, EventArgs e)
                mainMenu.Popup ();
                mainMenu.ShowAll ();

            QuickAccessToolbar qat = new QuickAccessToolbar ();
            Ribbons.Button qatNew, qatSave;
            qat.Append (qatNew = Ribbons.Button.FromStockIcon (Gtk.Stock.New, false));
            qat.Append (qatSave = Ribbons.Button.FromStockIcon (Gtk.Stock.Save, false));

            ribbon = new Ribbon ();
            ribbon.ApplicationButton = new ApplicationButton ();
            ribbon.QuickAccessToolbar = qat;
            //ribbon.Shortcuts = shortcuts;
            ribbon.AppendPage (page0, pageLabel0);
            ribbon.AppendPage (page1, pageLabel1);
            ribbon.AppendPage (page2, pageLabel2);
            pageLabel1.AddEvents ((int)(Gdk.EventMask.ButtonPressMask | Gdk.EventMask.ButtonReleaseMask | Gdk.EventMask.PointerMotionMask));
            pageLabel1.ButtonPressEvent += delegate (object sender, ButtonPressEventArgs e)
                Console.WriteLine("label1 press");
            pageLabel1.EnterNotifyEvent += delegate (object sender, EnterNotifyEventArgs e)
                Console.WriteLine("label1 enter");
            pageLabel1.LeaveNotifyEvent += delegate (object sender, LeaveNotifyEventArgs e)
                Console.WriteLine("label1 leave");

            ApplicationMenu appMenu = ribbon.ApplicationButton.Menu;
            TextView mnu = new TextView ();
            appMenu.DefaultMenu = mnu;
            mnu.Buffer.InsertAtCursor ("Default");
            ApplicationMenuItem mi = new ApplicationMenuItem ("Test 1");
            mnu = new TextView ();
            mi.Menu = mnu;
            mnu.Buffer.InsertAtCursor ("Test 1");
            appMenu.Append (mi);
            mi = new ApplicationMenuItem ("Test 2");
            appMenu.Append (mi);
            mi = new ApplicationMenuItem ("Test 3");
            appMenu.Append (mi);

            appMenu.OptionsButton = new Ribbons.Button ("Options");
            appMenu.ExitButton = new Ribbons.Button ("Exit");

            TextView txt = new TextView ();

            master.PackStart (ribbon, false, false, 0);
            master.PackStart (txt, true, true, 0);

            Add (master);

            ribbon.ApplicationButton.KeyTip = new KeyTip (appMenu, "A");
            qat.AddKeyTip (new KeyTip (qatNew, "B"));
            qat.AddKeyTip (new KeyTip (qatSave, "C"));
            ribbon.AddTabKeyTip (new KeyTip (pageLabel0, "D"));
            ribbon.AddTabKeyTip (new KeyTip (pageLabel1, "E"));
            ribbon.AddTabKeyTip (new KeyTip (pageLabel2, "F"));

            ScreenChanged += Window_OnScreenChanged;
            Window_OnScreenChanged (this, null);
            ExposeEvent += Window_OnExpose;
            DeleteEvent += Window_OnDelete;

            this.Resize (200, 200);
            this.ShowAll ();
예제 #3
        private RibbonGroup CreateGroup1()
            Ribbons.Button button1 = new Ribbons.Button ("Menu Test");
            button1.Clicked += onClick;
            Menu button1_menu = new Menu ();
            MenuItem option1 = new MenuItem ("Option 1");
            button1_menu.Append (option1);
            button1.DropDownMenu = button1_menu;

            Menu openMenu = new Menu ();
            MenuItem abc_txt = new MenuItem ("abc.txt");
            openMenu.Append (abc_txt);
            MenuItem foo_txt = new MenuItem ("foo.txt");
            openMenu.Append (foo_txt);

            Ribbons.Button open = Ribbons.Button.FromStockIcon (Gtk.Stock.Open, "Open", false);
            open.DropDownMenu = openMenu;
            open.Clicked += onClick;

            Ribbons.ToolPack fileToolPack = new Ribbons.ToolPack ();
            fileToolPack.AppendButton (Ribbons.Button.FromStockIcon (Gtk.Stock.New, "New", false));
            fileToolPack.AppendButton (open);
            fileToolPack.AppendButton (Ribbons.Button.FromStockIcon (Gtk.Stock.Save, "Save", false));

            Ribbons.ToolPack printerToolPack = new Ribbons.ToolPack ();
            printerToolPack.AppendButton (Ribbons.Button.FromStockIcon (Gtk.Stock.Print, "Print", false));

            Ribbons.ToolPack fontToolPack = new Ribbons.ToolPack ();
            fontToolPack.AppendButton (Ribbons.ToggleButton.FromStockIcon (Gtk.Stock.Bold, false));
            fontToolPack.AppendButton (Ribbons.ToggleButton.FromStockIcon (Gtk.Stock.Italic, false));
            fontToolPack.AppendButton (Ribbons.ToggleButton.FromStockIcon (Gtk.Stock.Underline, false));

            ComboBox font = new ComboBox (new string[] { "Arial", "Verdana" });
            font.Active = 0;

            Ribbons.ToolBox flow0 = new ToolBox ();
            flow0.Append (fileToolPack);
            flow0.Append (printerToolPack);
            flow0.Append (fontToolPack);
            flow0.Append (font);

            HBox btnFlowBox = new HBox (false, 2);
            btnFlowBox.Add (button1);
            btnFlowBox.Add (flow0);

            // Little hack because Gtk+ is not designed to support size negociations
            btnFlowBox.SizeAllocated += delegate(object Sender, SizeAllocatedArgs e)
                flow0.HeightRequest = e.Allocation.Height;

            RibbonGroup group1 = new RibbonGroup ();
            group1.Label = "I will be back";
            group1.Child = btnFlowBox;

            return group1;
예제 #4
        private RibbonGroup CreateGroup0()
            Ribbons.Button button0 = new Ribbons.Button ("Hello World");

            RibbonGroup group0 = new RibbonGroup ();
            group0.Label = "Summer of Code";
            group0.Child = button0;
            group0.Expand += onClick;

            return group0;
예제 #5
        public MainWindow() : base(WindowType.Toplevel)
            AddEvents((int)(Gdk.EventMask.ButtonPressMask | Gdk.EventMask.ButtonReleaseMask | Gdk.EventMask.PointerMotionMask));

            VBox master = new VBox();

            master.AddEvents((int)(Gdk.EventMask.ButtonPressMask | Gdk.EventMask.ButtonReleaseMask | Gdk.EventMask.PointerMotionMask));

            Title        = "Ribbons Sample";
            AppPaintable = true;

            Ribbons.Button button0 = new Ribbons.Button("Hello World");

            group0         = new RibbonGroup();
            group0.Label   = "Summer of Code";
            group0.Child   = button0;
            group0.Expand += onClick;

            Menu     openMenu = new Menu();
            MenuItem abc_txt  = new MenuItem("abc.txt");

            MenuItem foo_txt = new MenuItem("foo.txt");


            Ribbons.Button open = Ribbons.Button.FromStockIcon(Gtk.Stock.Open, "Open", false);
            open.DropDownMenu = openMenu;
            open.Clicked     += onClick;

            Ribbons.Button button1 = new Ribbons.Button("Menu Test");
            button1.Clicked += onClick;
            Menu     button1_menu = new Menu();
            MenuItem option1      = new MenuItem("Option 1");

            button1.DropDownMenu = button1_menu;

            Ribbons.ToolPack fileToolPack = new Ribbons.ToolPack();
            fileToolPack.AppendButton(Ribbons.Button.FromStockIcon(Gtk.Stock.New, "New", false));
            fileToolPack.AppendButton(Ribbons.Button.FromStockIcon(Gtk.Stock.Save, "Save", false));

            Ribbons.ToolPack printerToolPack = new Ribbons.ToolPack();
            printerToolPack.AppendButton(Ribbons.Button.FromStockIcon(Gtk.Stock.Print, "Print", false));

            Ribbons.ToolPack fontToolPack = new Ribbons.ToolPack();
            fontToolPack.AppendButton(Ribbons.ToggleButton.FromStockIcon(Gtk.Stock.Bold, false));
            fontToolPack.AppendButton(Ribbons.ToggleButton.FromStockIcon(Gtk.Stock.Italic, false));
            fontToolPack.AppendButton(Ribbons.ToggleButton.FromStockIcon(Gtk.Stock.Underline, false));

            ComboBox font = new ComboBox(new string[] { "Arial", "Verdana" });

            font.Active = 0;

            //Ribbons.FlowLayoutContainer flow0 = new FlowLayoutContainer ();
            Ribbons.ToolBox flow0 = new ToolBox();

            HBox btnFlowBox = new HBox(false, 2);


            // Little hack because Gtk+ is not designed to support size negociations
            btnFlowBox.SizeAllocated += delegate(object Sender, SizeAllocatedArgs e)
                flow0.HeightRequest = e.Allocation.Height;

            group1       = new RibbonGroup();
            group1.Label = "I will be back";
            group1.Child = btnFlowBox;

            Gallery gallery = new Gallery();

            gallery.AppendTile(new SampleTile("1"));
            gallery.AppendTile(new SampleTile("2"));
            gallery.AppendTile(new SampleTile("3"));
            gallery.AppendTile(new SampleTile("4"));
            gallery.AppendTile(new SampleTile("5"));

            group2       = new RibbonGroup();
            group2.Label = "Gallery";
            group2.Child = gallery;

            HBox page0 = new HBox(false, 2);

            page0.PackStart(group0, false, false, 0);
            page0.PackStart(group1, false, false, 0);
            page0.PackStart(group2, false, false, 0);

            HBox        page1   = new HBox(false, 2);
            RibbonGroup group10 = new RibbonGroup();

            group10.Label = "Welcome on the second page";
            page1.PackStart(group10, false, false, 0);

            HBox page2 = new HBox(false, 2);

            Label pageLabel0 = new Label("Page 1");

            pageLabel1 = new Label("Page 2");
            Label pageLabel2 = new Label("Page 3");

            Ribbons.Button shortcuts = new Ribbons.Button("Menu");
            shortcuts.Child.ModifyFg(Gtk.StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color(255, 255, 255));

            Menu     mainMenu      = new Menu();
            MenuItem mainMenu_quit = new MenuItem("Quit");

            mainMenu_quit.Activated += delegate(object Sender, EventArgs e)

            shortcuts.Clicked += delegate(object Sender, EventArgs e)

            ribbon           = new Ribbon();
            ribbon.Shortcuts = shortcuts;
            ribbon.AppendPage(page0, pageLabel0);
            ribbon.AppendPage(page1, pageLabel1);
            ribbon.AppendPage(page2, pageLabel2);
            pageLabel1.AddEvents((int)(Gdk.EventMask.ButtonPressMask | Gdk.EventMask.ButtonReleaseMask | Gdk.EventMask.PointerMotionMask));
            pageLabel1.ButtonPressEvent += delegate(object sender, ButtonPressEventArgs e)
                Console.WriteLine("label1 press");
            pageLabel1.EnterNotifyEvent += delegate(object sender, EnterNotifyEventArgs e)
                Console.WriteLine("label1 enter");
            pageLabel1.LeaveNotifyEvent += delegate(object sender, LeaveNotifyEventArgs e)
                Console.WriteLine("label1 leave");

            TextView txt = new TextView();

            master.PackStart(ribbon, false, false, 0);
            master.PackStart(txt, true, true, 0);


            ScreenChanged += Window_OnScreenChanged;
            Window_OnScreenChanged(this, null);
            ExposeEvent += Window_OnExpose;
            DeleteEvent += Window_OnDelete;

            this.Resize(200, 200);