GetWrapFactory() 공개 메소드

Return the current WrapFactory, or null if none is defined.
Return the current WrapFactory, or null if none is defined.
public GetWrapFactory ( ) : WrapFactory
리턴 WrapFactory
예제 #1
			public object Run(Context cx)
				NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("string[]", cx.EvaluateString(cx.InitStandardObjects(), "new org.mozilla.javascript.tests.Bug496585Test().method('one', 'two', 'three')", "<test>", 1, null));
				NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("string+function", cx.EvaluateString(cx.InitStandardObjects(), "new org.mozilla.javascript.tests.Bug496585Test().method('one', function() {})", "<test>", 1, null));
				return null;
예제 #2
		private static object JsConstructor(Context cx, Scriptable scope, Scriptable thisObj, object[] args)
			if (args.Length == 0 || args[0] == null || args[0] == Undefined.instance)
				object argument = args.Length == 0 ? Undefined.instance : args[0];
				throw ScriptRuntime.TypeError1("", ScriptRuntime.ToString(argument));
			Scriptable obj = ScriptRuntime.ToObject(scope, args[0]);
			bool keyOnly = args.Length > 1 && ScriptRuntime.ToBoolean(args[1]);
			if (thisObj != null)
				// Called as a function. Convert to iterator if possible.
				// For objects that implement java.lang.Iterable or
				// java.util.Iterator, have JavaScript Iterator call the underlying
				// iteration methods
				IEnumerator<object> iterator = VMBridge.instance.GetJavaIterator(cx, scope, obj);
				if (iterator != null)
					scope = ScriptableObject.GetTopLevelScope(scope);
					return cx.GetWrapFactory().Wrap(cx, scope, new NativeIterator.WrappedJavaIterator(iterator, scope), typeof(NativeIterator.WrappedJavaIterator));
				// Otherwise, just call the runtime routine
				Scriptable jsIterator = ScriptRuntime.ToIterator(cx, scope, obj, keyOnly);
				if (jsIterator != null)
					return jsIterator;
			// Otherwise, just set up to iterate over the properties of the object.
			// Do not call __iterator__ method.
			object objectIterator = ScriptRuntime.EnumInit(obj, cx, keyOnly ? ScriptRuntime.ENUMERATE_KEYS_NO_ITERATOR : ScriptRuntime.ENUMERATE_ARRAY_NO_ITERATOR);
			ScriptRuntime.SetEnumNumbers(objectIterator, true);
			NativeIterator result = new NativeIterator(objectIterator);
			result.SetPrototype(ScriptableObject.GetClassPrototype(scope, result.GetClassName()));
			return result;
예제 #3
		public static Scriptable WrapException(Exception t, Scriptable scope, Context cx)
			RhinoException re;
			string errorName;
			string errorMsg;
			Exception javaException = null;
			if (t is EcmaError)
				EcmaError ee = (EcmaError)t;
				re = ee;
				errorName = ee.GetName();
				errorMsg = ee.GetErrorMessage();
				if (t is WrappedException)
					WrappedException we = (WrappedException)t;
					re = we;
					javaException = we.GetWrappedException();
					errorName = "JavaException";
					errorMsg = javaException.GetType().FullName + ": " + javaException.Message;
					if (t is EvaluatorException)
						// Pure evaluator exception, nor WrappedException instance
						EvaluatorException ee = (EvaluatorException)t;
						re = ee;
						errorName = "InternalError";
						errorMsg = ee.Message;
						if (cx.HasFeature(Context.FEATURE_ENHANCED_JAVA_ACCESS))
							// With FEATURE_ENHANCED_JAVA_ACCESS, scripts can catch
							// all exception types
							re = new WrappedException(t);
							errorName = "JavaException";
							errorMsg = t.ToString();
							// Script can catch only instances of JavaScriptException,
							// EcmaError and EvaluatorException
							throw Kit.CodeBug();
			string sourceUri = re.SourceName();
			if (sourceUri == null)
				sourceUri = string.Empty;
			int line = re.LineNumber();
			object[] args;
			if (line > 0)
				args = new object[] { errorMsg, sourceUri, Sharpen.Extensions.ValueOf(line) };
				args = new object[] { errorMsg, sourceUri };
			Scriptable errorObject = cx.NewObject(scope, errorName, args);
			ScriptableObject.PutProperty(errorObject, "name", errorName);
			// set exception in Error objects to enable non-ECMA "stack" property
			if (errorObject is NativeError)
			if (javaException != null && IsVisible(cx, javaException))
				object wrap = cx.GetWrapFactory().Wrap(cx, scope, javaException, null);
				ScriptableObject.DefineProperty(errorObject, "javaException", wrap, ScriptableObject.PERMANENT | ScriptableObject.READONLY);
			if (IsVisible(cx, re))
				object wrap = cx.GetWrapFactory().Wrap(cx, scope, re, null);
				ScriptableObject.DefineProperty(errorObject, "rhinoException", wrap, ScriptableObject.PERMANENT | ScriptableObject.READONLY);
			return errorObject;
예제 #4
		/// <summary>Convert the value to an object.</summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// Convert the value to an object.
		/// See ECMA 9.9.
		/// </remarks>
		public static Scriptable ToObject(Context cx, Scriptable scope, object val)
			if (val is Scriptable)
				return (Scriptable)val;
			if (val is CharSequence)
				// FIXME we want to avoid toString() here, especially for concat()
				NativeString result = new NativeString((CharSequence)val);
				SetBuiltinProtoAndParent(result, scope, TopLevel.Builtins.String);
				return result;
			if (val is Number)
				NativeNumber result = new NativeNumber(System.Convert.ToDouble(((Number)val)));
				SetBuiltinProtoAndParent(result, scope, TopLevel.Builtins.Number);
				return result;
			if (val is bool)
				NativeBoolean result = new NativeBoolean(((bool)val));
				SetBuiltinProtoAndParent(result, scope, TopLevel.Builtins.Boolean);
				return result;
			if (val == null)
				throw TypeError0("");
			if (val == Undefined.instance)
				throw TypeError0("");
			// Extension: Wrap as a LiveConnect object.
			object wrapped = cx.GetWrapFactory().Wrap(cx, scope, val, null);
			if (wrapped is Scriptable)
				return (Scriptable)wrapped;
			throw ErrorWithClassName("msg.invalid.type", val);
예제 #5
		internal virtual object InvokeImpl(Context cx, object target, Scriptable topScope, object thisObject, MethodInfo method, object[] args)
			Callable function;
			if (target is Callable)
				function = (Callable)target;
				Scriptable s = (Scriptable)target;
				string methodName = method.Name;
				object value = ScriptableObject.GetProperty(s, methodName);
				if (value == ScriptableObject.NOT_FOUND)
					// We really should throw an error here, but for the sake of
					// compatibility with JavaAdapter we silently ignore undefined
					// methods.
					Context.ReportWarning(ScriptRuntime.GetMessage1("msg.undefined.function.interface", methodName));
					Type resultType = method.ReturnType;
					if (resultType == typeof(void))
						return null;
						return Context.JsToJava(null, resultType);
				if (!(value is Callable))
					throw Context.ReportRuntimeError1("msg.not.function.interface", methodName);
				function = (Callable)value;
			WrapFactory wf = cx.GetWrapFactory();
			if (args == null)
				args = ScriptRuntime.emptyArgs;
				for (int i = 0, N = args.Length; i != N; ++i)
					object arg = args[i];
					// neutralize wrap factory java primitive wrap feature
					if (!(arg is string || arg is Number || arg is bool))
						args[i] = wf.Wrap(cx, topScope, arg, null);
			Scriptable thisObj = wf.WrapAsJavaObject(cx, topScope, thisObject, null);
			object result = function.Call(cx, topScope, thisObj, args);
			Type javaResultType = method.ReturnType;
			if (javaResultType == typeof(void))
				result = null;
				result = Context.JsToJava(result, javaResultType);
			return result;
예제 #6
		public override object Call(Context cx, Scriptable scope, Scriptable thisObj, object[] args)
			// Find a method that matches the types given.
			if (methods.Length == 0)
				throw new Exception("No methods defined for call");
			int index = FindCachedFunction(cx, args);
			if (index < 0)
				Type c = methods[0].Method().DeclaringType;
				string sig = c.FullName + '.' + GetFunctionName() + '(' + ScriptSignature(args) + ')';
				throw Context.ReportRuntimeError1("", sig);
			MemberBox meth = methods[index];
			Type[] argTypes = meth.argTypes;
			if (meth.vararg)
				// marshall the explicit parameters
				object[] newArgs = new object[argTypes.Length];
				for (int i = 0; i < argTypes.Length - 1; i++)
					newArgs[i] = Context.JsToJava(args[i], argTypes[i]);
				object varArgs;
				// Handle special situation where a single variable parameter
				// is given and it is a Java or ECMA array or is null.
				if (args.Length == argTypes.Length && (args[args.Length - 1] == null || args[args.Length - 1] is NativeArray || args[args.Length - 1] is NativeJavaArray))
					// convert the ECMA array into a native array
					varArgs = Context.JsToJava(args[args.Length - 1], argTypes[argTypes.Length - 1]);
					// marshall the variable parameters
					Type componentType = argTypes[argTypes.Length - 1].GetElementType();
					varArgs = System.Array.CreateInstance(componentType, args.Length - argTypes.Length + 1);
					for (int i_1 = 0; i_1 < Sharpen.Runtime.GetArrayLength(varArgs); i_1++)
						object value = Context.JsToJava(args[argTypes.Length - 1 + i_1], componentType);
						Sharpen.Runtime.SetArrayValue(varArgs, i_1, value);
				// add varargs
				newArgs[argTypes.Length - 1] = varArgs;
				// replace the original args with the new one
				args = newArgs;
				// First, we marshall the args.
				object[] origArgs = args;
				for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
					object arg = args[i];
					object coerced = Context.JsToJava(arg, argTypes[i]);
					if (coerced != arg)
						if (origArgs == args)
							args = args.Clone();
						args[i] = coerced;
			object javaObject;
			if (meth.IsStatic())
				javaObject = null;
				// don't need an object
				Scriptable o = thisObj;
				Type c = meth.GetDeclaringClass();
				for (; ; )
					if (o == null)
						throw Context.ReportRuntimeError3("msg.nonjava.method", GetFunctionName(), ScriptRuntime.ToString(thisObj), c.FullName);
					if (o is Wrapper)
						javaObject = ((Wrapper)o).Unwrap();
						if (c.IsInstanceOfType(javaObject))
					o = o.GetPrototype();
			object retval = meth.Invoke(javaObject, args);
			Type staticType = meth.Method().ReturnType;
			object wrapped = cx.GetWrapFactory().Wrap(cx, scope, retval, staticType);
			if (wrapped == null && staticType == typeof(void))
				wrapped = Undefined.instance;
			return wrapped;
예제 #7
		internal static Scriptable ConstructSpecific(Context cx, Scriptable scope, object[] args, MemberBox ctor)
			object instance = ConstructInternal(args, ctor);
			// we need to force this to be wrapped, because construct _has_
			// to return a scriptable
			Scriptable topLevel = ScriptableObject.GetTopLevelScope(scope);
			return cx.GetWrapFactory().WrapNewObject(cx, topLevel, instance);
예제 #8
		public virtual Scriptable Construct(Context cx, Scriptable scope, object[] args)
			Type classObject = GetClassObject();
			int modifiers = classObject.Attributes;
			if (!(Modifier.IsInterface(modifiers) || Modifier.IsAbstract(modifiers)))
				NativeJavaMethod ctors = members.ctors;
				int index = ctors.FindCachedFunction(cx, args);
				if (index < 0)
					string sig = NativeJavaMethod.ScriptSignature(args);
					throw Context.ReportRuntimeError2("", classObject.FullName, sig);
				// Found the constructor, so try invoking it.
				return ConstructSpecific(cx, scope, args, ctors.methods[index]);
				if (args.Length == 0)
					throw Context.ReportRuntimeError0("");
				Scriptable topLevel = ScriptableObject.GetTopLevelScope(this);
				string msg = string.Empty;
					// When running on Android create an InterfaceAdapter since our
					// bytecode generation won't work on Dalvik VM.
					if ("Dalvik".Equals(Runtime.GetProperty("")) && classObject.IsInterface)
						object obj = CreateInterfaceAdapter(classObject, ScriptableObject.EnsureScriptableObject(args[0]));
						return cx.GetWrapFactory().WrapAsJavaObject(cx, scope, obj, null);
					// use JavaAdapter to construct a new class on the fly that
					// implements/extends this interface/abstract class.
					object v = topLevel.Get("JavaAdapter", topLevel);
					if (v != ScriptableConstants.NOT_FOUND)
						Function f = (Function)v;
						// Args are (interface, js object)
						object[] adapterArgs = new object[] { this, args[0] };
						return f.Construct(cx, topLevel, adapterArgs);
				catch (Exception ex)
					// fall through to error
					string m = ex.Message;
					if (m != null)
						msg = m;
				throw Context.ReportRuntimeError2("msg.cant.instantiate", msg, classObject.FullName);
예제 #9
		/// <summary>
		/// Performs conversions on argument types if needed and
		/// invokes the underlying Java method or constructor.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// Performs conversions on argument types if needed and
		/// invokes the underlying Java method or constructor.
		/// <p>
		/// Implements
		/// </remarks>
		/// <seealso cref="Function.Call(Context, Scriptable, Scriptable, object[])">Function.Call(Context, Scriptable, Scriptable, object[])</seealso>
		public override object Call(Context cx, Scriptable scope, Scriptable thisObj, object[] args)
			object result;
			bool checkMethodResult = false;
			int argsLength = args.Length;
			for (int i = 0; i < argsLength; i++)
				// flatten cons-strings before passing them as arguments
				if (args[i] is ConsString)
					args[i] = args[i].ToString();
			if (parmsLength < 0)
				if (parmsLength == VARARGS_METHOD)
					object[] invokeArgs = new object[] { cx, thisObj, args, this };
					result = member.Invoke(null, invokeArgs);
					checkMethodResult = true;
					bool inNewExpr = (thisObj == null);
					bool b = inNewExpr ? true : false;
					object[] invokeArgs = new object[] { cx, args, this, b };
					result = (member.IsCtor()) ? member.NewInstance(invokeArgs) : member.Invoke(null, invokeArgs);
				if (!isStatic)
					Type clazz = member.GetDeclaringClass();
					if (!clazz.IsInstanceOfType(thisObj))
						bool compatible = false;
						if (thisObj == scope)
							Scriptable parentScope = GetParentScope();
							if (scope != parentScope)
								// Call with dynamic scope for standalone function,
								// use parentScope as thisObj
								compatible = clazz.IsInstanceOfType(parentScope);
								if (compatible)
									thisObj = parentScope;
						if (!compatible)
							// Couldn't find an object to call this on.
							throw ScriptRuntime.TypeError1("", functionName);
				object[] invokeArgs;
				if (parmsLength == argsLength)
					// Do not allocate new argument array if java arguments are
					// the same as the original js ones.
					invokeArgs = args;
					for (int i_1 = 0; i_1 != parmsLength; ++i_1)
						object arg = args[i_1];
						object converted = ConvertArg(cx, scope, arg, typeTags[i_1]);
						if (arg != converted)
							if (invokeArgs == args)
								invokeArgs = args.Clone();
							invokeArgs[i_1] = converted;
					if (parmsLength == 0)
						invokeArgs = ScriptRuntime.emptyArgs;
						invokeArgs = new object[parmsLength];
						for (int i_1 = 0; i_1 != parmsLength; ++i_1)
							object arg = (i_1 < argsLength) ? args[i_1] : Undefined.instance;
							invokeArgs[i_1] = ConvertArg(cx, scope, arg, typeTags[i_1]);
				if (member.IsMethod())
					result = member.Invoke(thisObj, invokeArgs);
					checkMethodResult = true;
					result = member.NewInstance(invokeArgs);
			if (checkMethodResult)
				if (hasVoidReturn)
					result = Undefined.instance;
					if (returnTypeTag == JAVA_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE)
						result = cx.GetWrapFactory().Wrap(cx, scope, result, null);
			// XXX: the code assumes that if returnTypeTag == JAVA_OBJECT_TYPE
			// then the Java method did a proper job of converting the
			// result to JS primitive or Scriptable to avoid
			// potentially costly Context.javaToJS call.
			return result;