public void Run(ConstructorTargetTests host)
                host.Output.WriteLine("Running Upfront Binding Test \"{0}\"", Description ?? "Unknown binding test");

                //we check that each parameter is bound; and that the bindings are the same as the ones
                //we were given or added dynamically if not supplied
                var parameterBindings    = SuppliedBindingsFactory(Constructor) ?? new ParameterBinding[0];
                ConstructorTarget target = new ConstructorTarget(Constructor, parameterBindings: parameterBindings);
                var compileContext       = host.GetCompileContext(target);

                var binding = target.Bind(compileContext);

                ParameterBinding[] expectedBoundParameters = null;
                var allDefaultBoundParameters = Constructor.GetParameters()
                                                .Select(p => new ParameterBinding(p, new TestTarget(p.ParameterType, useFallBack: true))).ToArray();

                if (parameterBindings.Length != Constructor.GetParameters().Length)
                    //join those bindings which match; generate 'fake' ones for those which don't
                    expectedBoundParameters = allDefaultBoundParameters.Select(b => parameterBindings.SingleOrDefault(pb => pb.Parameter == b.Parameter) ?? b).ToArray();
                    expectedBoundParameters = allDefaultBoundParameters;


                Assert.Collection(binding.BoundArguments, expectedBoundParameters.Select(bb => new Action <ParameterBinding>(b => {
                    Assert.Same(bb.Parameter, b.Parameter);
                    //non fallback TestTarget means 'should be bound to this one'
                    //expected fallback TestTarget means 'must be non-null'
                    if (!(bb.Target is TestTarget) || !bb.Target.UseFallback)
                        Assert.Same(b.Target, bb.Target);
            public void RunBindingTest(ConstructorTargetTests host)
                host.Output.WriteLine("Running JIT Binding Test \"{0}\".", Description ?? "Unknown Bindings Test");
                var namedArgs      = NamedArgsFactory();
                var target         = new ConstructorTarget(Type, namedArgs: namedArgs);
                var compileContext = host.GetCompileContext(target, ContainerFactory());

                var binding = target.Bind(compileContext);

                Xunit.Assert.Same(ExpectedConstructor, binding.Constructor);

                if (namedArgs != null && namedArgs.Count != 0)
                    Assert.All(namedArgs, kvp => {
                        var boundArg = binding.BoundArguments.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Parameter.Name == kvp.Key);
                        Assert.Same(kvp.Value, boundArg.Target);
                host.Output.WriteLine("Test Complete");