예제 #1
        protected override void Process(IFCAnyHandle ifcMaterial)

            Name = IFCImportHandleUtil.GetRequiredStringAttribute(ifcMaterial, "Name", true);

            List <IFCAnyHandle> hasRepresentation = null;

            if (IFCImportFile.TheFile.SchemaVersion >= IFCSchemaVersion.IFC2x3)
                hasRepresentation = IFCAnyHandleUtil.GetAggregateInstanceAttribute <List <IFCAnyHandle> >(ifcMaterial, "HasRepresentation");

            if (hasRepresentation != null && hasRepresentation.Count == 1)
                if (!IFCAnyHandleUtil.IsSubTypeOf(hasRepresentation[0], IFCEntityType.IfcMaterialDefinitionRepresentation))
                    Importer.TheLog.LogUnexpectedTypeError(hasRepresentation[0], IFCEntityType.IfcMaterialDefinitionRepresentation, false);
                    MaterialDefinitionRepresentation = IFCProductRepresentation.ProcessIFCProductRepresentation(hasRepresentation[0]);

예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the curve from the Axis representation of the given IfcProduct, transformed to the current local coordinate system.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="creator">The IfcProduct that may or may not contain a valid axis curve.</param>
        /// <param name="lcs">The local coordinate system.</param>
        /// <returns>The axis curve, if found, and valid.</returns>
        /// <remarks>In this case, we only allow bounded curves to be valid axis curves.
        /// The Curve may be contained as either a single Curve in the IFCCurve representation item,
        /// or it could be an open CurveLoop that could be represented as a single curve.</remarks>
        private Curve GetAxisCurve(IFCProduct creator, Transform lcs)
            // We need an axis curve to clip the extrusion profiles; if we can't get one, fail
            IFCProductRepresentation productRepresentation = creator.ProductRepresentation;

            if (productRepresentation == null)

            IList <IFCRepresentation> representations = productRepresentation.Representations;

            if (representations == null)

            foreach (IFCRepresentation representation in representations)
                // Go through the list of representations for this product, to find the Axis representation.
                if (representation == null || representation.Identifier != IFCRepresentationIdentifier.Axis)

                IList <IFCRepresentationItem> items = representation.RepresentationItems;
                if (items == null)

                // Go through the list of representation items in the Axis representation, to look for the IfcCurve.
                foreach (IFCRepresentationItem item in items)
                    if (item is IFCCurve)
                        // We will accept a bounded curve, or an open CurveLoop that can be represented
                        // as one curve.
                        IFCCurve ifcCurve  = item as IFCCurve;
                        Curve    axisCurve = ifcCurve.Curve;
                        if (axisCurve == null)
                            axisCurve = ifcCurve.ConvertCurveLoopIntoSingleCurve();

                        if (axisCurve != null)

예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Cleans out the IFCEntity to save memory.
        /// </summary>
        public override void CleanEntity()

            ObjectLocation = null;

            m_ProductRepresentation = null;

            m_Solids = null;

            m_Voids = null;
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes IfcProduct attributes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ifcProduct">The IfcProduct handle.</param>
        protected override void Process(IFCAnyHandle ifcProduct)


            IFCAnyHandle ifcProductRepresentation = IFCImportHandleUtil.GetOptionalInstanceAttribute(ifcProduct, "Representation");

            if (!IFCAnyHandleUtil.IsNullOrHasNoValue(ifcProductRepresentation))
                ProductRepresentation = IFCProductRepresentation.ProcessIFCProductRepresentation(ifcProductRepresentation);
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes IfcProduct attributes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ifcProduct">The IfcProduct handle.</param>
        protected override void Process(IFCAnyHandle ifcProduct)
            // We are going to process the IfcObjectPlacement before we do the base Process call.  The reason for this is that we'd like to
            // process the IfcSite object placement before any of its children, so that the RelativeToSite can be properly set.
            // If this becomes an issue, we can instead move this to after the base.Process, and calculate RelativeToSite as a post-process step.


            IFCAnyHandle ifcProductRepresentation = IFCImportHandleUtil.GetOptionalInstanceAttribute(ifcProduct, "Representation");

            if (!IFCAnyHandleUtil.IsNullOrHasNoValue(ifcProductRepresentation))
                ProductRepresentation = IFCProductRepresentation.ProcessIFCProductRepresentation(ifcProductRepresentation);
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the curve from the Axis representation of the given IfcProduct, transformed to the current local coordinate system.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="creator">The IfcProduct that may or may not contain a valid axis curve.</param>
        /// <param name="lcs">The local coordinate system.</param>
        /// <returns>The axis curve, if found, and valid.</returns>
        /// <remarks>In this case, we only allow bounded lines and arcs to be valid axis curves, as per IFC2x3 convention.
        /// The Curve may be contained as either a single Curve in the IFCCurve representation item, or it could be an
        /// open CurveLoop with one item.</remarks>
        private Curve GetAxisCurve(IFCProduct creator, Transform lcs)
            // We need an axis curve to clip the extrusion profiles; if we can't get one, fail
            IFCProductRepresentation productRepresentation = creator.ProductRepresentation;

            if (productRepresentation == null)

            IList <IFCRepresentation> representations = productRepresentation.Representations;

            if (representations == null)

            foreach (IFCRepresentation representation in representations)
                // Go through the list of representations for this product, to find the Axis representation.
                if (representation == null || representation.Identifier != IFCRepresentationIdentifier.Axis)

                IList <IFCRepresentationItem> items = representation.RepresentationItems;
                if (items == null)

                // Go through the list of representation items in the Axis representation, to look for the IfcCurve.
                foreach (IFCRepresentationItem item in items)
                    if (item is IFCCurve)
                        // We will accept either a bounded Curve of type Line or Arc,
                        // or an open CurveLoop with one curve that satisfies the same condition.
                        IFCCurve ifcCurve  = item as IFCCurve;
                        Curve    axisCurve = ifcCurve.Curve;
                        if (axisCurve == null)
                            CurveLoop axisCurveLoop = ifcCurve.CurveLoop;
                            if (axisCurveLoop != null && axisCurveLoop.IsOpen() && axisCurveLoop.Count() == 1)
                                axisCurve = axisCurveLoop.First();
                                if (!(axisCurve is Line || axisCurve is Arc))
                                    axisCurve = null;

                        if (axisCurve != null)

예제 #7
        protected override void Process(IFCAnyHandle ifcMaterial)

            Name = IFCImportHandleUtil.GetRequiredStringAttribute(ifcMaterial, "Name", true);

            List<IFCAnyHandle> hasRepresentation = null;
            if (IFCImportFile.TheFile.SchemaVersion >= IFCSchemaVersion.IFC2x3)
                hasRepresentation = IFCAnyHandleUtil.GetAggregateInstanceAttribute<List<IFCAnyHandle>>(ifcMaterial, "HasRepresentation");

            if (hasRepresentation != null && hasRepresentation.Count == 1)
                if (!IFCAnyHandleUtil.IsSubTypeOf(hasRepresentation[0], IFCEntityType.IfcMaterialDefinitionRepresentation))
                    Importer.TheLog.LogUnexpectedTypeError(hasRepresentation[0], IFCEntityType.IfcMaterialDefinitionRepresentation, false);
                    MaterialDefinitionRepresentation = IFCProductRepresentation.ProcessIFCProductRepresentation(hasRepresentation[0]);

예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Cleans out the IFCEntity to save memory.
        /// </summary>
        public override void CleanEntity()

            ObjectLocation = null;

            m_ProductRepresentation = null;

            m_Solids = null;

            m_Voids = null;