static void Main(string[] args) { var rv = new RevanClock(); // Toggle comment to change the parser to one that recognizes C#'s DateTime Class // rv.Parser = new CSParser(); // Toggle comment to change the 5 hour/minute chunks to 12 hour/minute chunks // rv.Encoder = new StandardEncoder(12); // Bulb is used to change the character that represents a bulb. // rv.Bulb = new ROBulb(); // This is how we would change the color of the bulb located 3rd, 6th, 9th. // rv.Accent = new QuarterAccent(new YOBulb()); // Formatter is where we would be able to convert the string output to an html output // rv.Formatter [not implemented] Console.WriteLine("Please enter the time in a 24-hour format [hh:mm:ss]: "); string timeString = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(rv.parse(timeString)); Console.WriteLine("\n\nPress enter to quit."); Console.ReadLine(); }
public void TestSampleTime() { var expectedOutput = "Y RRRO ROOO YYRYYRYOOOO YYOO"; var input = "16:37:16"; // create a clock var revan = new Revan.RevanClock(); Assert.AreEqual(expectedOutput, revan.parse(input), "The time did not parse corectly"); }
public void TestBulbSwap() { var expectedOutput = "R YYYO YOOO RRYRRYROOOO RROO"; var input = "16:37:16"; // create a clock var revan = new Revan.RevanClock() { Bulb = new Revan.ROBulb(), Accent = new Revan.QuarterAccent(new Revan.YOBulb()) }; Assert.AreEqual(expectedOutput, revan.parse(input), "The time did not parse corectly"); }